Presents: 15 - 16 July 2021 Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport

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15 -16 July 2021

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport

Sharing strategies, regulatory
updates, innovation and technological
advancements for the nutraceuticals,
functional foods, dietary supplements
and health foods industry.


Dr. Bhavna Dr. Chetan Dr. P. Dr. Kriti Soni Dr. Nandan Dr. Neerja Dr. Sadanand Dr. Sanjay Dr. Sornaraja Dr. Vaibhav
Sharma Mehndiratta Krishnamoorthy Head, Joshi Hajela Kulkarni Gupta Thasma Kulkarni
Head – Head of Additional Formulation Head Medical Head - Head-Medical, Principal Director - Global Chair -
Nutrition Medical Director, Development, Affairs- Science and Regulatory, Investigator Business International
Science Affairs, National Dabur Nutrition, India Regulatory Vigilance, and Scientific & Quality Life Sciences
Division, Signutra Inc, Institute Research and Emerging Affairs, Quality, Officer ‘G’, Assurance, Institute Board
ITC Ltd. (USA) of Public Foundation Markets, Yakult Danone Fresenius Epigenetics ProRelix Assembly
Cooperation Dr. Reddy’s India Pvt. Ltd. Kabi India Pvt. and Chromatin Services LLP (ILSI),
and Child Laboratories Ltd. Biology Hon.
Development Ltd. Group, CRI- Secretary -
(NIPCCD) ACTREC, Tata Health Foods
Ministry of Memorial and Dietary
Women & Child Centre Supplements
Development Association

Dr. Vivek Harshpal Madhavi Manoj Singh Naaznin Pariksha Rao Purnima Thakur Ramit Gupta Sachin
Srivastav Singh Trivedi Parihar Husein Co-Founder and Faculty- Health CEO, Saxena
Vice Managing Senior Senior National Chief Nutrition & Nutrition, Ambe Head
President- Director, Associate General Executive Officer, National Phytoextracts Functional
R&D and Ambe Director– Manager Committee Lil’Goodness & Institute Pvt. Ltd. Food,
Operations, Phytoextracts Nutrition and Operations, Member, sCoolmeal of Public Marico Ltd.
Esperer Onco Pvt. Ltd. Scientific Govind Milk & Indian Cooperation
Nutrition Affairs, Milk Products Dietetic and Child
Kellogg AMEA Pvt. Ltd. Association Development
(Asia Pacific, (NIPCCD)
Middle East Ministry of
and Africa) Women & Child



your drug development arm



A study conducted jointly by Assocham and RNCOS reveals that the nutraceuticals market in India is poised to
grow to $8.5 billion by 2022 from $8.5 billion in 2015. The same study also states that India’s nutraceutical market,
which currently represents approximately two percent of the global market, is expected to account for about three
percent of the global market share by 2022.

Increasing health consciousness and improved incomes and standards of living has boosted the growth of the
nutraceuticals markets in Asia, making it one of the fastest growing segments. The Asia Pacific nutraceuticals
product market will have high growth rate based on the long histories of herbal medicine for treating disease and
maintaining health.

In its 6th year, the Nutrition Summit India is the biggest dedicated conference that provides a common platform for
the industry and other stakeholders to come together to discuss the key challenges, learn from the best practices
adopted across the continent with focus on compliance, regulatory guidelines and the latest innovations.


Label Maternal
Indian Nutritional Nutraceuticals Effects of
compliance nutrition,
nutraceuticals Therapy in in endocrine nutraceuticals
for prevention of
market outlook COVID-19 and metabolic on genetic
nutraceutical obesity and
2021 Management disorders expressions
products noncommunica-
ble diseases


Industries: Functions:

Herbal/Nutraceutical product manufacturers Research & Development

Food & Beverages Regulatory Affairs
Functional Food & Ingredient companies QA/QC
Pharmaceutical companies Strategy
Regulators Food Safety
Food processing industries Product Development
Accreditation/Certification/Inspection Bodies Technical & Analytics
Biotechnology companies, Naturopathy Centres Nano Materials & Application Technology
Raw materials & Technology providers Food Engineering
R & D institutions Nutrition and Public health professionals


Nandan Joshi, Shweta Khandelwal, Raghuram A. S. Pawan Kamra,

Head - Nutrition & Medical Affairs, Associate Professor, GM - R&D, MD,
Danone India Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) MTR Foods Nutraceutex

Wonderful conference! I heard new This summit gives an opportunity to access large body of Nice organisation Right platform for all
topics & new speakers. Good mix of evidence in form of short informative talks from experts. of summit with good kind of nutraceutical
academic & industry speakers Important to network with all kinds of valuable stakeholders speakers players

Suhas Wadwalkar, D. N. Bhise,

Jitender Chotani, Vishwajit Karandikar,
Director, Vice President,
General Manager, GM - Clinical Nutrition,
Ishaana Nutraceuticals Sayaji Ingritech
G.S.Pharmaceuticals Fresenius Kabi
An excellent platform to interact One of the best platform to
Very well covered list This is a conference dedicated to regulatory,
and learn from the experts & exchange knowledge & select
of topics & speakers manufacturers, marketers, developers etc
leaders in the industry friends accross the globe

Pramod Pillai, Meena Sharma,

Harish Kapoor,
Marketing Director, Head - Quality Assurance (Confectionery),
General Manager,
Signutra Inc. USA DS Group
Associated Capsules
I would not like to miss even one nutrition summit. Have been I was hesitant to spare 2 days for a summit considering it’s a
Excellent information
regular in all 4 summits conducted till date. Awesome agenda usual conference but I found it very informative as an industry
was covered
and content planned. Keep it up! professional

Sponsoring or exhibiting at 6th Annual Nutrition Summit India 2021 is an excellent way to promote your business
to a highly targeted group of key decision makers from nutraceuticals, functional foods, dietary supplements
and health foods industry.



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Only the most senior-level decision
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free, collaborative environment by establishes your company,in
showcasing your services either BROKERING NEW BUSINESS the eyes of your prospect or
by exhibiting or taking part in the PARTNERSHIPS: existing client.
Target your best prospects in a positive,
collaborative environment where they
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always looking for exciting new partnering
opportunities. Our conferences offer you an
ideal opportunity to make contact and future


As conference experts, we know how best to utilise events to promote, develop and generate business for our
clients. To find out more about how you can make the most of your participation at this event, Contact:
Karan Tandon, Senior Sales Director, Contact: +91 22 6608 9532, +91 97696 48855,
Email: [email protected]
Day 1 | 15th July 2021

08.30 Registration & Coffee r. Bhavna Sharma, Head – Nutrition Science Division,
ITC Ltd.
09.20 Welcome note by Inventicon Business Intelligence
13:00 Lunch Break
09.25 Opening remarks by Chairperson
14.00 Label compliance for nutraceutical products
09.30 ey note Session: Indian nutraceuticals market outlook
2021 •O bjective of labeling
•C ontents in a nutraceutical label
• Indian nutraceuticals market segmentation by dietary • L abelling with health claims
supplements, and functional foods & beverages and
distribution channels 14.30 How CROs are adapting and upgrading to different tools
•M ajor trends and developments for smooth clinical trials conduct?
•B roadly identify opportunities for growth across the
value chain Dr. Sornaraja Thasma, Director - Business & Quality
Assurance, ProRelix Services LLP
Session by Ambe Group
Panel Discussion: What are the key drivers of growth in
Harshpal Singh, Managing Director, India’s nutraceuticals industry?
Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. Ltd.
•R egulatory framework via cross-border collaboration
10.40 Networking coffee break •R ising patient awareness
• I ndian consumers’ increased inclination towards
11.10 anel Discussion : Nutritional Therapy in COVID-19
P health, nutrition, and wellness
Management •N eed for stringent execution of standardized rules and
•D ietary-related risk factors
• I nteractions between the immune system and Panelists
coronavirus Ramit Gupta, CEO,
• How nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. Ltd.
15.20 Networking coffee break
Dr. Sadanand Kulkarni, Head-Medical, Regulatory, 15.50 Enteral Nutrition in ICU
Vigilance, Quality, Fresenius Kabi India Pvt. Ltd.
•M etabolic derangement in ICU and need of artificial
Dr. P. Krishnamoorthy, Additional Director, nutrition support
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child • E N and PN
Development (NIPCCD), Ministry of Women & Child • I mportance of EN in ICU
Dr. Sadanand Kulkarni, Head-Medical, Regulatory,
Pariksha Rao, Co-Founder and Chief Nutrition Officer, Vigilance, Quality, Fresenius Kabi India Pvt. Ltd.
Lil’Goodness & sCoolmeal
16.20 Booming of immunity products due to the pandemic
Partner session: How new PLM technologies facilitate
speed to market and compliance • Covid fear fuels surge in demand for immunity boosters
• I mmunity boosting food products market
12.30 Tackling malnutrition in Asia characteristics and growth opportunities
• Drivers and restraints of the market
sia has the highest prevalence and greatest numbers
of children under 5 years of age who are stunted, Dr. Kriti Soni, Head, Formulation Development,
wasted, and underweight Dabur Research Foundation
nalysis of the key drivers of malnutrition
ecommendations for areas to invest in to improve 16.50 Group photograph and end of day one
Day 2 | 16th July 2021

08.30 Registration & Coffee 13:00 Lunch Break

09.25 Opening remarks by chairperson 14.00 Gestational diabetes mellitus; Diagnosis & management

09.30 ole of proteins in controlling obesity and improve

R •S
creening criteria
energy and performance •M
Sachin Saxena, Head Functional Food, •R
Marico Ltd.
Dr. Chetan Mehndiratta, Head of Medical Affairs,
Maternal nutrition, prevention of obesity and Signutra Inc
noncommunicable diseases
14.30 Nutrition interventions in aging and age-associated
• T he importance of maternal nutrition in the earliest disease
•M aternal nutritional status before and during •O lder adults with chronic illnesses are especially at
pregnancy risk for poor nutrition, which can happen because of
•O verweight, obesity and co-morbidities bad eating habits, loss of appetite, and decreased
•M aternal obesity combined with multiple micronutrient access to healthy foods because of limited mobility,
deficiency money, or time.
• Importance of good nutrition for older adults
Purnima Thakur, Faculty- Health & Nutrition, • Warning signs of malnutrition in older adults
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child
Development (NIPCCD) Ministry of Women & Child r. Neerja Hajela, Head - Science and Regulatory
Development Affairs, Yakult Danone India Pvt. Ltd.

10.50 Networking coffee break 15.00 Networking coffee break

Pediatric nutrition; Physiological requirements at the 15.30 Effects of nutraceuticals on genetic expressions
various stages of a child’s development
•R ecognizing the interaction of specific nutraceuticals,
llergy prevention through early nutrition with the genetic code possessed by all nucleated cells
reast milk vs formula feeding •N utrigenomics and its impact on lifestyle associated
anagement of child and adolescent obesity metabolic diseases
anaging micronutrient deficiencies in children •N utrient-gene interaction in life-style associate
r. Nandan Joshi, Head Medical Affairs - Nutrition, India
D • E thical and regulatory issues
and Emerging Markets, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd.
r. Sanjay Gupta, Principal Investigator and Scientific
12.00 anel Discussion: Nutraceuticals in endocrine and
P Officer ‘G’, Epigenetics and Chromatin Biology Group,
metabolic disorders CRI-ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre

se in type 2 diabetes mellitus, the metabolic 16.00
Appropriate areas of clinical application for
syndrome, obesity, dyslipidaemia and osteoporosis personalized nutrition strategies
ole of proteins in controlling obesity and improve
energy and performance •P otential of personalized nutrition to transform human
S is a complex web of metabolic factors that are health and the healthcare landscape
associated with a 2-fold risk of CVD and a 5-fold risk of • F uture innovations in personalized nutrition and health
diabetes •D igital health technologies as a catalyst for
personalized nutrition
Dr. Chetan Mehndiratta, Head of Medical Affairs, 16.30 Closing remarks & end of conference
Signutra Inc

Naaznin Husein, National Executive Committee Member,

Indian Dietetic Association

Dr. Bhavna Sharma, Head – Nutrition Science recognized by FSSAI as food safety supervisor and trainer for nutraceuticals.
Division, ITC Ltd. She is also the lead auditor for FSMS ISO 22000 and takes care of the food
safety requirements related to products being developed and manufactured.
Dr. Bhavna Sharma (PhD) is the India Head- Her work and exepertise has lead her to delivere lectures and talks at various
Nutrition Science Division, at ITC Limited. She national and international platforms. Apart from this, she has several national
is responsible for developing & implementing and international publications to her credit because of her research work in the
the scientific & nutritional strategy for the field of nanomedicine, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals and phytomedicine.
organisation. she is responsible for claim and product development along
with external scientific collaboration. Before this, she worked as Senior Dr. Nandan Joshi, Head Medical Affairs - Nutrition,
Scientist - Innovation, supporting the Family Nutrition portfolio at GSK. She India and Emerging Markets,
was responsible for researching on newer science avenues to support the Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd.
company’s vision on leading innovation through science in the areas of
Growth in children, bone health, Cognition and energy metabolism. Before Dr. Nandan Joshi has overall 15 years of
this role she was working as Applied Nutrition Specialist at Nestlé R&D Center, experience in FMCG, Nutrition & Nutraceutical
India, where she contributed in developing & generating knowledge in the industry. He is currently leading Medical Affairs
research areas of vitamin D (estimation in foods, supplementation trials etc.), for Nutrition & Nutraceutical business of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories. He is
dietary intake & food consumption behavior among Indians (with a focus working on developing strategic product portfolio for India & Emerging
on children below 12 and pregnant & lactating mothers) and developing markets, developing medico-marketing communication and claims, driving
micronutrient fortification initiatives for various age groups, where she was KOL engagement, and conducting real world evidence studies. Dr. Nandan
also awarded for ‘excellence in NHW leadership role’. Before Nestlé she has worked in United States and India in organizations like School of Medicine
has also worked with General Mills Pvt ltd, as a Health Scientist. She is a at University of Maryland, General Mills, Danone Nutricia etc. His expertise
PhD in Nutrition from the University of Delhi in collaboration with INMAS includes developing strategic medical affairs initiatives, conducting clinical
and has been working in the field of Nutrition and Public Health since the last research, KOL management, people & project leadership etc. He has worked
18 years in various roles. She has published many papers in peer-reviewed across multiple therapy areas ranging from infant nutrition, advanced medical
journals and presented work in many academic forums. nutrition, nutrition for healthy aging, and nutrition for hospitalized patients. He
has published several articles in international journals. He has received several
Dr. Chetan Mehndiratta, Head of Medical Affairs, awards in his career including the Best Team Award in 2013, Best Leadership
Signutra Inc Award in 2014, Best Product Launch award in 2019. He is a nutrition blogger
and has written several articles which are published in Times of India, Deccan
Dr. Chetan Mehndiratta is currently working with Chronicle, Deccan Herald, Hindustan Times etc. Dr. Nandan has completed his
Signutra as Head Medical Affairs, established MBBS from LT Medical College, Sion, Mumbai and Masters in Public Health
medical department of Signutra and previously from Washington DC and MBA from Institute of Technology & Management.
he has worked with Nestle & Ranbaxy. He has
developed a strong relationship with National & International scientific leaders Dr. Neerja Hajela, Head - Science and Regulatory
to drive scientific information through education & awareness in ethical Affairs, Yakult Danone India Private Ltd.
way. His extensive professional journey of 14 years covers several stellar
achievements in his field of specialty like collaboration with India’s biggest Dr. Neerja Hajela has done her Ph. D in
Tertiary care centre for Hospital Training Certification for “Improved Child Biotechnology and has a special interest in
Health” He has identified the knowledge-practice gap and has collaborated probiotics. She is currently the Head of Science
with scientific leaders at South Asia Region to develop 1st Recommendations and Regulatory Affairs at Yakult Danone India Pvt.
on “Nutrition in Pediatric Clinical Practice” which has been accepted for Ltd. She has over 16 years of experience and has worked in organizations
presentation and publication in International Congress. Having completed Post like Ranbaxy Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. and Biotech Consortium India Limited
Graduate Program in Clinical Nutrition from RCP, (UK), and Women’s Health (Department of Biotechnology). She is involved in the development, planning
from EBCOG (UK), has more than 20 publications in National & International and implementation of scientific programmes including clinical trials for the
journals which include 8 publications in Medical Nutrition Therapy. He was company. She handles all the regulatory issues and ensures compliances
selected to grade International abstracts for the ISPE Conference 2013 & 2015. related to the category and individual product. She works closely with health
His special interest includes Medical Nutrition Therapy in Diabetes, Obesity, care professionals and scientists to advance the science, promote evidence-
Critical care and Pediatric Nutrition. based clinical use, and improve consumer understanding of probiotics. She
is associated with the Asian Federation of Societies for Lactic Acid Bacteria
Dr. Kriti Soni, Head, Formulation Development, (AFSLAB). She is a member of the Gut Microbiota and Probiotic Science
Dabur Research Foundation Foundation (India) that aims to establish credibility for the science of intestinal
microbiota and probiotics in the country. She is a member of the scientific
Dr. Soni is Currently working as Head of committee of the Probiotic Association of India. She is also a member of the
Formulation Development, Dabur Research Governing Council for ILSI-India Knowledge Center for Functional Foods, Gut
Foundation, Sahibabad. She has a vast experience Health and Immunity (IKFHI). She has presented at International and National
in developing novel drug delivery systems conferences and has several publications in peer reviewed journals.
which can be used for topical or oral applications. Dr.Soni has developed
several patented technologies for enhancement of topical permeation and
enhancement of oral bioavailability of drugs, herbs and phytochemicals.
Spearheading the intellectual property filing for our clients which includes
national patent applications, PCT, trademarks well as product approvals
as per FSSAI, drug and cosmetic AYUSH etc are also her responsiblity. She is

Dr. P. Krishnamoorthy, Additional Director, Dr. Sornaraja Thasma, Director - Business &
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Quality Assurance, ProRelix Services LLP
Development (NIPCCD), Ministry of Women &
Child Development Dr. Sornaraja Thasma serves as Director of
Business and Quality Assurance, leading the
Dr P. Krishnamoorthy, as Additional Director of integrated teams within ProRelixResearch
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child committed to delivering exceptional clinical
Development (NIPCCD), under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, development services and flexible support to Pharmaceutical/Biotech and
Government of India is responsible for smooth functioning of tasks and for medical device clients. Dr. Thasma has over 2 decade of clinical research
improving the academic excellence of the Institute, which is a National- experience both within the pharmaceutical and CRO sectors. During this time
level Research & Training Institute. Dr. P. Krishnamoorthy has Post Doctorate he has worked at all levels and across operational and commercial functions
in Natural Food colours from National Science Council of Taiwan, Fu Jen within the industry. Dr. Thasma has held roles including Global Head of the
University, Taipei, Taiwan and has done his PhD in Food Science and Nutrition. Clinical Research Division at ProRelixResearch. Within each role he has
He has been a Research Fellow at CFTRI Mysore. He has research papers made significant contributions to the successful growth and development
published in national & international journals and several documents to his of the company through his strategic business plans. Prior to joining
credits. He is presently overseeing NIPCCD headquarters and five regional ProRelixResearch, He was heading the Business Development and Operation
centres. As Head of the Department of Mother and Child, Training, and in the UK based Preclinical CRO, during this time his focus changed from
Common Services of the Institute. He is involved in conceptualising policy, purely operational activities to include strategic and corporate development
programmes and training plans for National Level workshops, consultations, activities in preclinical invitro services for Oncology, Respiratory, Immunology
and implementation guidelines of various schemes from time to time. As Therapeutic Areas. Before this time Dr. Thasma worked in the Clinical
an academician he has contributed immensely in the nutrition and health Development, Project, Operations and Program management in the UK / EU
of mother and child programme for the Institute. He has augmented e- based Biotechs/ Pharma companies and Various NHS-UK hospitals. During
learning, e – archive, Nutrition Resource platform project, formulation and these position, he had worked in the discovery and development of novel
implementation of guidelines for ICDS & ICPS programmes. He has been drugs for CNS/Hearing Disorders/ Immuno-Modulator Therapy and various
a member of core team implementing Pradhan Mantri Matrutva Abhiyan Immunology and Respiratory conditions. He coordinated both clinical and
(PMMVY) all across India. He is also entrusted with the overall supervision of preclinical efforts in the areas of Oncology, Cognitive impairment and Auditory
the Child Care Centre which acts as a model Anganwadi centre for the ICDS Disorders, directed project teams responsible for early drug development
Training, Adolescent Child Guidance and Counselling Centre and the one year phase (Phase I) to the end of Phase III/IV. Dr. Thasma holds Masters in Clinical
Advanced Diploma Course on Child Guidance and Counselling. He is member Research from London City University, an MSc in Information Management
of various National and International Food scientist societies and has been from Alagappa University and a Bachelors in Bio-Medical Science from Dr.
awarded and honoured by National Scientific societies and News Agencies M.G.R University. He has authored numerous academic publications and
for his contribution in improving Nutrition and Health Education of women and written various articles on clinical research topics.
children of India.
Dr. Vaibhav Kulkarni, Global Chair - International
Dr. Sadanand Kulkarni , Head-Medical, Regulatory, Life Sciences Institute Board Assembly (ILSI),
Vigilance, Quality, Fresenius Kabi India Pvt. Ltd. Hon. Secretary - Health Foods and Dietary
Supplements Association (HADSA)
Dr. Sadanand Kulkarni is Head- Medical affairs,
Regulatory affairs, Vigilance and Quality- South Dr. Vaibhav Kulkarni is Director Regulatory Affairs,
Asia with Fresenius Kabi since January 2019. He Abbott Nutrition International and is also a Senior
is a part of leadership team for Fresenius Kabi in Leadership Team Member. He is a part of Abbott Regulatory Leadership Team
South Asia. Earlier he was Head- Medical affairs for Fresenius Kabi South Asia. for Pacific Asia. He was appointed to his current role in April 2009. Previously,
Before joining industry, he was in teaching profession for 5 years. He has got he served as Head – Regulatory and Innovation and was an Executive
wide and varied experience of 21 years in Clinical Research- Clinical Project Committee Member for Novartis OTC Division. Prior to joining Abbott, Dr.
Management, Medical Monitoring, Medical writing and Medical Affairs He is Kulkarni worked for various blue-chip organizations including Novartis,
recognised as a faculty in clinical nutrition and fluid management. Johnson and Johnson Medical, and Sanofi Aventis. He possesses a wide
range of robust experience of more than 22 years managing drug regulatory
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Principal Investigator and affairs, clinical research, innovation, drug safety and pharmacovigilance. As
Scientific Officer ‘G’, Epigenetics and Chromatin a steering committee member for the DCGI, he was instrumental in paving the
Biology Group, CRI-ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre medical device law in India. Presently, he is the Global Chair of the board of
ILSI Assembly he is an active member of various industry bodies like FICCI, CII,
Dr. Sanjay Gupta is the head of Epigenetic and HADSA and PFNDAI. He is also on the board of Consumer Complaint Council
Chromatin Biology Group at Tata Memorial at Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) and the Indian affiliate of the
Centre, Navi Mumbai. He obtained his Ph.D. International Life Science Institute (ILSI). Dr. Kulkarni serves as an industry
from the Banaras Hindu University in the area of aging, chromatin biology expert on specialized nutrition and played a major role in shaping the Infant
and gene regulation. Dr. Gupta, after his post-doctoral and DST- young Regulation, Nutraceutical Regulations and Food Categorization Regulation in
scientist fellowships, is deciphering ‘how epigenetic component, histones India. He has been named winner of the Abbott Global President Award on six
and histone modifying enzymes are involved in the pathogenesis of cancer, occasions and has received many other leadership awards through his career.
resistance mechanisms and DNA repair. Further, the group is understanding Dr. Kulkarni earned his master’s degree in clinical biochemistry and a Ph.D. in
the relationship of dietary factors, metabolism with epigenetic regulation. His medical biotechnology. He also completed professional management training
group is exploiting these epigenetic changes for biomarker development and at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois and has published extensively
epi-drugs for their therapeutic potential. Dr Sanjay is an active contributor to
global epigenetic science and innovation.

Dr. Vivek Srivastav, Vice President - R&D and East, North Africa and Turkey, China) and Korea. Her work profile includes
Operations, Esperer Onco Nutrition nutrition insight and communication, nutrition marketing, nutrition compliance,
scientific research initiatives and inputs into innovation projects. One of key
With around 14 years of experience in the initiatives under her governance has been the ‘India Breakfast Habits Study’ –
field of Alternative Medicine and Nutrition, Dr. a research around the Breakfast Habits of Indians, which has translated into
Srivastava worked as Director of Enteral Nutrition the ‘Power of Breakfast’ initiative to build awareness around the importance
Development Center (North East South East Asia) of breakfast amongst key stakeholders. As a part of Kellogg’s Nutrition, she
at Fresenius Kabi. Dr. Vivek pursued his Masters in Alternative Medicine is instrumental in sharing insights, news, tools and education resources with
with specialization in Herbals and Phytonutrients followed by Doctorate in key stakeholders. She also contributes to editorials in the health and wellness
Phytonutrients and Phyto -formulations. He has harboured a deep seated space and is a regular speaker at various scientific forums. Prior to joining the
passion for Innovative research, Product development and curating pragmatic company, she has been a Healthcare Communications Consultant with various
products based on scientifically backed claims in the niche of health and Food and Pharma companies. She has been a Lecturer in Foods, Nutrition and
wellness with the successful commercialization of more than 75 formulations. Dietetics at Department of Foods and Nutrition, Nirmala Niketan for over a
His expertise lies in the R&D branch in Herbals and Nutrition. He has formerly decade.
worked at various CXO level positions with different ventures in the domain of
Ayurveda and Nutrition. However with the rise of the Conscious consumer, a Manoj Singh Parihar, Senior General Manager
paradigmatic shift has been observed in the last decade or so. The scientific Operations, Govind Milk & Milk Products Private
research changed gears to holistic nutrition and Dr. Vivek joined the discourse Limited
since its advent. With 30+ articles published, Dr. Vivek has garnered strong
assets in terms of networks, talent pool and resources in the domain of Manoj is a Dairy Technology graduate having 22
Herbal therapy and Nutrition with his commendable contribution in Techno- yrs of Industrial experience. He has worked with
commercial sphere. As a steering member of MNI (Medical Nutrition Industry) Schriber Dynamix Dairies Ltd, Baramati from 1998
he is instrumental in representing the food industry to implement food - 2007 (9.6 yrs). Then worked with Hatsun Agro Products Pvt, Kancheepuram
regulation and its harmonization. & Salem from 2008 - 2013 (5 yrs) as AGM - Operations .Then came back to
Maharashtra and worked for Prabhat Dairy Limited, Navi Mumbai from 2013
Harshpal Singh, Managing Director, - 2018 (5.5 yrs) as GM – Operations. Later he got the opportunity to work
Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. Ltd. with Anik Milk And Milk Products Pvt Ltd, Indore as Industrial Director (A
subsidiary of Lactalis India Ltd) from 2018 - 2020 (1.5 yrs). Recently he returned
Mr. Singh is Post Graduate in Biological Science back to Maharashtra & working with Govind Milk And Milk Products Pvt Ltd,
from Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar. He Phaltan as Sr. G. M. - Operations since May 2020. Manoj had initiated milk
started his career with Nutraceutical sector which fortification at Prabhat Dairy at Navi Mumbai factory in 2014 with the support
was in its infancy way back in late 90s. However he of management and GAIN foundation. Also initiated at Anik Dairy Etah (UP)
was quick to sense the immense potential of the emerging segment and soon factory with the help of GAIN foundation and Hexagon Nutrition. Now started
established Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. Ltd. in 2007 which has now become work for Milk Fortification at Govind Milk And Milk Products Pvt Ltd, Phaltan
a leader in the field of Standardized Botanical Extracts, Nutraceuticals and for the benefit of their consumers at Pune & Mumbai region. Manoj strongly
Functional foods. He has over 25 years of experience in the field of Nutraceutical believes that micronutrients supplement through milk and milk products help
& Botanical Extracts & has developed various business vertical in due course people to develop their immunity, fight against disease and stay healthy rather
of time such as, Healthcare, Personal Care, Food, Health care, AYUSH than taking these supplements as medicine.
Formulations, Organic spices & cosmetics (COSMOS). Mr. Singh’s innovative
& hands on approach towards his work brought him accomplishments in his Pariksha Rao, Co-Founder and Chief Nutrition
field of interest. His proactive approach ensures that company is always ahead Officer, Lil’Goodness & sCoolmeal
of the curve be it Product development or Technological advancement. His
leadership abilities and Organizational culture developed over the years has Pariksha is an accomplished clinical nutritionist
made Ambe Group an Agile and Quality focussed company catering to food and expert in digital wellness and patient
and Nutritional sector Globally. His contribution towards the socio-economic engagement programs with 14+years of experience
development of the areas where company operates has been well recognized. spanning pharmaceuticals, medical, technology
and research sectors. She has designed standardized Training modules,
Madhavi Trivedi, Senior Associate Director – tools for Medical officers and front line health workers for 100 districts under
Nutrition and Scientific Affairs, Kellogg AMEA NPCDCS (National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes,
(Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa) cardiovascular disease and stroke) Guidelines. Preferred partner of various
Key Opinion leaders, Cardiologists, Diabetologists, Endocrinologists and
Madhavi Trivedi is a Senior Associate Director – general practitioners across the country. She has extensive experience
Nutrition and Scientific Affairs, Kellogg AMEA in prevention and lifestyle management of cardio-vascular disease and
(Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa). She holds a diabetes; and has been an active speaker at various industry and academic
Master’s Degree in Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics and has a rich experience conferences. She has worked with organisations like AIIMS, Indian council
of 34 years in the field of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics and 22 years of of Medical Research-New Delhi; Project HOPE and other hospitals like Sir
experience in Healthcare Communication. She is an elected member of the Ganga Ram Hospital, Max Super Specialty hospital, Manipal Hospital etc. She
Governing Board of PFNDAI, member of Indian Dietetic Association and is the founder of Indian Diabetes Educators group. Presently she is a member
Nutrition Society of India. She is active in many Food Industry initiatives, has of American Heart Association (AHA), American Diabetes Association (ADA),
led the development of Common Nutrition Criteria White Paper for Responsible Coeliac Society of India, Indian Dietetic Association and National Institute
Marketing to Children and Guided Daily Amount (GDA) document on Front-of- of Nutrition. She is co-founder and chief nutrition officer at Lilgoodness &
pack Labelling. In her present role, she leads all Nutrition initiatives for Kellogg sCoolMeal, supporting paediatric nutrition via delivering healthy nutritious
AMEA Emerging Markets (South East Asia, South Asia, South Africa, Middle meals straight to children’s classroom.

Naaznin Hussain, National Executive Committee and programmes for women and children of India. She is currently involved
Member, Indian Dietetic Association in research, monitoring, evaluation of umbrella ICDS at national level. She
has contributed in preparing and developing guidelines for nutrition and
Naaznin Husein Is the founder of Freedom child policy, training of trainers, syllabus and content writing for magazines,
Wellness Management. She is the immediate past scientific journals, facilitating counselling sessions on life skill education and
president, Indian Dietetic Association-Mumbai much more. She is presently incharge of e- learning projects propagated
Chapter and a National Executive member of the by MWCD under Digital India Programme. She has represented as expert
IDA Pan India. Naaznin believes and strongly practices holistic wellness and panellist in SBCC model for social change for developing WASH & Nutrition
is chief dietitian Yoga Institute-Santacruz. Naaznin persue’s her passion for of UNICEF, round table discussion on Hunger & Malnutrition by World Vision
sports and heads the INDIA RUSHSOCCER ACADEMY as a Nutritionist. She and in National Conference on “Strengthening Local Response Networks
is an Associate Professor at Mumbai University- Nirmala Niketan College CSR2 (Cross Sectoral Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction). She is member
teaching specialized dietetics to students pursuing their Masters in sports of Indian Public Health Association, Nutrition Society of India and academic
Nutrition. She is currently onboard Nutritionist and advisory board member of member in the Academic Committee of Advance Diploma in Child Guidance
corporates and with many Elite Schools of Mumbai, Nutritionist to may leading and Counselling under IP University. She is currently pursuing her PhD in
corporate houses for corporate wellness workshops. Naaznin’s current areas Public Health.
of Interest research in Lifestyle Managements. Naaznin is a proud to be the
1st Nutritionist to be on the advisory board of the Indian Navy and armed Ramit Gupta, CEO,
forces. Ms Naaznin Husein has been a nutritional counsellor for famous sports Ambe Phytoextracts Pvt. Ltd.
celebrities and bollywood actors and is regular columnist in newspapers, tv
shows and radio interviews. She is the trustee of the Equal Streets Movement Ramit Gupta is Engineer by training having Post
and Mumbai car free day promoting health, wellness, environment and open Graduate qualification in Management from IIT
spaces. Roorkee. Has worked in many diverse sectors .
He started his Career with Water treatment sector
Purnima Thakur, Faculty- Health & Nutrition, including wastewater treatment and Packaged Drinking water. Thereafter
National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child he moved in to Natural Healthcare Products and Agriculture side of this
Development (NIPCCD) Ministry of Women & sector including Cultivation and Aggregation during late 90s. Moved on to
Child Development sugar sector and was instrumental in setting up of Green field projects with
emphasis on Energy conservation and Water management. Later on moved
Purnima Thakur is currently working as research in to consulting services and assisted Industries in India and abroad on
and training faculty in National Institute of Public Optimisation of Production capacities, Energy Conservation and Product
Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), Delhi headquarters under the Quality Improvements for Sugar and Ethanol Sector. Presently working with
aegis of Ministry of Women and Child Development. She has over 10 years Ambe Phyto Extracts Private Limited.
of progressive work experience in public health and nutrition, monitoring &
evaluation of national and international programmes funded by Government
of India or UN Agencies. She is involved in developing projects, policies

Ambe Phytoextracts Private Limited, Manufacturer of Clinically Proven Branded Ingredients, Herbal
PLATINUM PARTNER Extracts, Nutraceuticals, Cosmeceuticals for Food, Pharma, Healthcare & Personal Care Sector. Our
State of the Art Manufacturing Facility spread over 2,50,000 Sq ft area is located in the pristine natural
environment in the Foothills of Himalayas.
Our manufacturing facility adhere to EHS Guidelines and complies with certifications like SEDEX, HALAL,
KOSHER, FSSAI, HACCP, ORGANIC, AYUSH, GMP and ISO 22000 to meet the Global Quality and productivity
Our DSIR Approved R&D and Quality Lab is manned by Qualified & Experienced professionals, ensuring
International Quality products which are exported globally. We are proudly associated with reputed
institutions like DRDO, IIT Roorkee, NIPER for Research & Development.
Our facility for Contract manufacturing and Private Label Business has carved out a niche for itself in
Healthcare, AYUSH & Personal Care segment and currently we are serving AMAZON for their domestic
& international brands. We are also associated with reputed brands like RAYMONDS, BIG BASKET,
GROFFERS, H&G and many more under private label.
People are an integral part of our Business and we strive to foster an open culture enabling employees to
discover their true potential and align with company’s long-term Goals of creating Happiness and wealth
for all the stakeholders.

ProRelix Research is the best clinical research organization (CRO) with global service capability supporting
SILVER PARTNER Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 clinical trials for Pharma, Biotech, Biopharma, Medical device, Nutraceutical and Herbal
companies. Our excellent team of researchers have been working on clinical development plans of our
clients with outstanding clinical research services in US, India, Australia and Europe.
We help in: Clinical Trial, Clinical Data Management, Medical Writing, Regulatory and Pharmacovigilance
The successful growth of our organization has been achieved mainly by putting high quality and client
your drug development arm focus at the heart of everything we do. To know more please visit

DSM is the leading supplier of vitamins, carotenoids, Omega-3 & 6 nutritional lipids, nutraceutical
EXHIBIT PARTNERS ingredients and nutritional premixes to the dietary supplement, food and pharmaceutical industries. We
provide customized support throughout the entire new product development process, utilizing our unique
breadth of expertise and capabilities: innovative delivery forms, scientific and technological expertise
around nutritional and functional ingredients, global presence of Marketing and Sales teams and their
supporting functions. DSM’s broad expertise and capabilities help our customers create brands and
products that are loved by their target consumers.

Jagdale Industries Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore is a prominent industrial house with well diversified interests engaged
in manufacture and market of Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals, Functional Foods, Health Supplements
including Agro and Horticulture products.
JIPL is the first pharmaceutical company to introduce Tetra Pak based health supplements in India.
Mulmina a path-breaking innovative product which contributes immensely for the good health of everyone.
Mulmina is backed by in-depth scientific and clinical studies which has authentically reinforced it as a
powerful Immune Booster, Antioxidant, and stress reliever.

Inventicon stands for Industries + Events + Ideas + Concepts. Inventicon Business Intelligence is the end
result of a decade long effort by the founders in the space of business information. We develop sector focused
informational conferences and training workshops. Our conferences revolve around current scenarios and
opportunities in the global market place and provide timely opportunities for solution providers to meet
their target market and for end users to take back key learning and experiences. Our events act as a point
of convergence for senior industry professionals who strive for innovation, strategy and commercial drive.
Delegates can expect to hear from industry’s best practitioners, get in direct contact with regulators and
stimulate high level discussions with peers. The training portfolio is dedicated to developing skill sets around
complex workplace and functional issues as they need constant honing. Our in-house training offerings are
particularly useful for companies who prefer a customized agenda.
The bespoke events portfolio aims at crisp round table discussions involving a targeted group of end users
in a multi-city format. In true sense, we aspire to disseminate critical business intelligence to the rapidly
growing corporate and institutional world in the country and not limited to a specific sector.


Inventicon Business Intelligence Pvt. Ltd.
Times Square, Unit 1, Level 2, B Wing, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059, Maharashtra – India.
Phone:+91 22 6608 9643


Inventicon Business Intelligence Pvt. Ltd.
8 floor, Platinum Towers, Off Bund Garden Road 1 Naylor Road, Next to Hotel Conrad, Pune – 411001, Maharashtra, India.

Phone: +91 20 4014 7575


Inventicon Pte. Ltd.
30 Cecil Street,19-06, Prudential Towers, Singapore-049712. Phone: +65 6589 8830

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