Cell Division Mitosis Meiosis PPT

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Introduction to Cell Division

Cell Division
• All cells come from other living cells.

• You (and other living things) grow because your

cells get bigger and your number of cells gets larger.
– A single cell divides into two cells.
– Two cells divide into four, etc.

• Cells must also divide because old cells die and

need new cells to replace them!
The Cell Cycle
• Cell cycle – regular sequence of growth and division that
eukaryotic cells undergo.
– Prokaryotic cells undergo binary fission

• Divided into three main stages:

– Interphase – cell grows into its mature size, makes a copy of its
DNA, and prepares for division.
– Mitosis – one copy of the DNA is distributed into each of its
daughter cells
– Cytokinesis – the cytoplasm divides and organelles are
distributed into the two new cells
• Interphase is made up of 3 separate parts.
– G1
– G2

• Interphase is the stage that the cell is in for

most of its life!
Sister Chromatids &
Human somatic cells (any cell other than a gamete) have 23 pairs
of chromosomes. – one from mom and one from dad. These are
called homologous chromosomes.

Copy of chromosome from mom

or dad

Chromosome made in S phase of

• The cell’s chromatin condenses into

• The chromosomes look like an “X”

– Each chromosome is made up of two identical
sister chromatids attached by a centromere
– This is “created” in S phase of interphase
Chromosome Structure
G1 – Growth Phase
• Cell doubles in size
• Cell produces all of the structures it needs to
carry out its functions

• Think of this phase as the cell just living its

normal life.
S – DNA Copying
• Cell makes a copy of its DNA (replication)
• This happens because the new cell needs all of
the directions for its function and survival.

• Think of this phase as placing the DNA on a

copy machine.
G2 – Preparation
• Cell prepares to divide
• Cell produces structures needed for cell

• Think of this phase as the cell double checking

everything it needs to divide.
Learning Checkpoint
1. T/F: Interphase is usually divided into 3 phases: G1, S, G2.

2. The ________ is the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo.

3. ________ is the stage of the cell cycle where the cell grows to its mature size,
copies it DNA, and prepare to divide.

4. DNA is replicated during:

A. interphase
B. prophase
C. metaphase
D. cytokinesis
Mitosis and Cytokinesis
• During mitosis, the cells’ copied genetic
material separates and the cell prepares to
split into two cells

• This allows the cell’s genetic material to pass

into the new cells
– The resulting daughter cells are genetically
Where Do I Find DNA?
• Chromosomes are in the
nucleus of every cell.

• Chromosomes are made

up of DNA.

• Genes are pieces of DNA

that contain the instructions
for building a protein.
The Four Stages of Mitosis

• Remember PMAT!

• Prophase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• Telophase
• Nucleus disappears
• Spindle fibers form in the cytoplasm
• Spindle fibers attach to sister chromatids
• The sister chromatids are pulled to the center
of the cell
• They line up in the middle of the cell
• Spindle fibers begin to shorten
• The sister chromatids are pulled to the
opposite ends of the cell
• The sister chromatids arrive at the opposite
poles of the cell and begin to unravel
• New nucleus begins to form
• Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm
• Results in two separate daughter cells with
identical nuclei
In animal cells, it is accomplished by using microfilaments to “pinch” the cytoplasm.

In plants, a cell plate forms between the two daughter nuclei.

Real-Life Cells Dividing!

Animated Mitosis
Mitosis Learning Checkpoint

1. Which phase do cells spend the most time?

2. What are the 3 stages of interphase?

3. What kinds of cells go through mitosis?

4. What are the 4 stages of mitosis?

5. What is the result of mitosis?

Meiosis - the process of cell division that produces haploid
gametes (half the number of chromosomes: humans: 23)
Discovery of Meiosis
• In 1882, British cytologist Pierre-Joseph
van Beneden found different numbers of
chromosomes in different cells

• Specifically, he observed that gametes (sperm

& egg) contain half the number of
chromosomes compared to somatic cells
(nonreproductive cells).
• Van Beneden then proposed that an egg and a
sperm fuse to produce a zygote .

• The zygote contains two copies of each

chromosome (one copy from the sperm and one
copy from the egg). These are called homologous

• Fertilization is the name for the fusion of gametes.

Reduction Division
• Since the sperm and the egg contain only half the
number of chromosomes, they cannot be formed from

• Meiosis - the process of cell division that produces

gametes with half the number of chromosomes as
somatic cells
– Cell undergoes 2 rounds of cell division:
• Meiosis 1
• Meiosis 2

• Humans have 46 chromosomes in their somatic cells.

The Sexual Life Cycle
Unique Features of Meiosis
Feature #1 – Synapsis

Following chromosome replication, the

homologous chromosomes pair all along their
length. This process is called synapsis.
Unique Features of Meiosis
Feature #2 – Crossing Over

While the homologous chromosomes are joined,

crossing over occurs. Crossing over is the
exchange of genetic material from
homologous chromosomes.

This causes genetic variations.

Synapsis and Crossing Over
Unique Features of Meiosis
Feature #3 – Reduction Division

The chromosomes are not copied in between

the two divisions. At the end of meiosis, each
cell contains one half the genetic material.
(haploid or “n”)
Reduction Division
Meiosis I
• Preceded by Interphase- chromosomes are
replicated to form sister chromatids
• Sister chromatids are genetically identical and
joined at centromere
• Single centrosome replicates, forming 2
Prophase I
• Individual chromosomes first become visible
– homologous chromosomes become closely associated in
– crossing over occurs
• Crossing over is a complex series of events in which DNA
segments are exchanged between nonsister or sister
Metaphase I
• The homologous chromosomes line up in the
center of the cell and are still held together
Anaphase I
• Spindle fibers shorten
• The homologous chromosomes are separated
(the sister chromatids are still paired)

• Independent assortment – random

chromosomes move to each pole; some may be
maternal and some may be paternal
Telophase I
• The nuclear membrane reforms around each
daughter nucleus
• Each new cell now contains two sister
chromatids that are NOT identical due to
crossing over
At the end of Meiosis I…
• You have made 2 cells

• Each cell contains a haploid number of chromosomes – 1 copy of

each chromosome
(for humans, each haploid cell has 23 chromosomes)

• No DNA replication occurs between Meiosis I and Meiosis I

• Meiosis II resembles normal, mitotic division

Prophase II
• Nuclear membrane breaks down again
Metaphase II
• The chromosomes line up in the middle of the
Anaphase II
• The spindle fibers shorten and the sister
chromatids move to opposite poles.
Telophase II
• Nuclear envelope re-forms around the four
sets of daughter chromosomes.
At the end of Meiosis II…
• At the end of Meiosis II, there are 4 haploid
cells. (only 1 copy of each chromosome)
– (for humans, each haploid cell has 23

• No two of these haploid cells are alike due to

crossing over.
– This is why you and your siblings are genetically
Meiosis Quick Check Questions:
1. What kinds of cells does mitosis produce?
2. How many chromosomes do human haploid cells
3. What kinds of cells does meiosis produce?
4. How many cells are produced when one cell goes
through meiosis?
5. How many times are chromosomes replicated
during meiosis?
6. How do cells in meiosis get to be different?
7. If an organism’s somatic cells have 36
chromosomes, how many chromosomes do their
gametes have?

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