Preliminaries: What Is Life?

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Chapter 1


\The spread, both in width and depth, of the mul-
tifarious branches of knowledge during the last hun-
dred odd years has confronted us with a queer dilemma.
We feel clearly that we are only now beginning to ac-
quire reliable material for welding together the sum
total of all that is known into a whole; but, on the
other hand, it has become next to impossible for a
single mind fully to command more than a small spe-
cialized portion of it.
\I can see no further escape from this dilemma (lest
our true aim be lost for ever) than that some of
us should venture to embark on a synthesis of facts
and theories, albeit with second-hand and incomplete
knowledge of some of them { and at the risk of mak-
ing fools of ourselves.
\So much for my apology. "

|Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life?

2 Introduction Chapter 1

1.1 Information
Bud Mishra
Room 801, Warren Weaver Hall
Courant Institute
Tel #: 212.998.3464
e-mail: [email protected]

1.2 Computational Biology X

The goal of the rst lecture was to design a syllabus for the course
in accordance with the interest and aptitude of the students of
the class. Since it was unclear what the composition of the
class would be, the syllabus that we will come up with remains
somewhat of a mystery. Only to the extent that I can in uence
this class in designing a meaningful syllabus, I oer a big picture
of the subject and a set of topics currently of active research.
Here are my choice of topics:
Human Genome Project: Read 3 billion base pairs in 46 hu-
man chromosomes.
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms: Catalog the single base
pair variations occurring about 1 in 800 base pairs of hu-
man genome over the entire population.
Gene Hunting: Identify all (about 100,000) the genes in hu-
man genome.
Particularly interesting are the ones involved in cancer|
about 100 oncogenes .
Linkage Analysis: Relate genes to phenotypes (externally ob-
servable traits) by analyzing genomes in a family or over
a population.
Functional Genomics: Understand how an interactive network
of genes aect a chain of metabolic pathways to ultimately
determine the phenotypes.

c Mishra, 1999
Section 1.2 Introduction 3

Cell Informatics: Interaction between proteins (membrane and

soluble ones) to determine the dynamics of a cell.
Interaction among a heterogenous population of cells.
Rational Drug Design: Design of drugs and delivery systems
to modify the dynamics of the cells.
Phylogenomics: Relates genes within and across species to
understand their evolutionary relationship.
DNA Computers: Build highly parallel computers using DNA
strands as data encoding elements.
DNA Nanorobots: Build highly parallel and cooperative nanorobots
with actuators and sensors (as well as distributed con-
trollers) all built out of DNA and amino acid sequences.

1.2.1 Biological Problems

Pairwise and Multiple Sequence Alignment:
(Dynamic programming, similarity matrices, competitive
Fragment and Map Assembly:
(Interval Tree and Other Graph Theoretic Approaches,
Bayesian Approaches)
Sequence Feature Extraction:
(Data Mining, Bioinformatics| Bayesian Inference, HMM
(Hidden Markov Models), Neural Networks, Genetic Algo-
(Phylogenetic Tree Construction)
RNA Secondary Structure Prediction:

c Mishra, 1999
4 Introduction Chapter 1

Protein Homology Modeling

Protein Threading
Protein Molecular Dynamics
Protein ab initio Structure Prediction

1.2.2 Computational Tools

Bayesian Statistics:
Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
Expectation Maximization (EM)
Monte Carlo Methods
Neural Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Bounded/Constrained Search
Simulated Annealing
Combinatorial Approaches:
Interval Graphs
Tree Algorithms
Dynamic Programming
Information Theoretic Approaches:
Entropy Maximization
Competitive Methods (Universal Schemes)
Stochastic Control

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Section 1.3 Introduction 5

1.2.3 Technology
In vivo methods
PCR (Polymeric Chain Reaction)
Multiple Complete Digestion
Optical Mapping
Radiation Hybridization
Sanger Sequencing
Sequencing by Hybridization
MALDI-TOF (Mass Spectrometry)
Other Single molecule methods
In situ Hybridization
Gene Chips
Southern Blotting

1.3 State-of-the-Arts
What can be accomplished in Genomics can be inferred by tak-
ing a closer look at various completed and ongoing genomic
projects. Many of the completed genomic projects deal with
microbes (2{3 Mb genome size).
These organisms had been selected for dierent reasons. Since
E. coli is one of the best characterized organism both genetically

c Mishra, 1999
6 Introduction Chapter 1

and biochemically, it was a natural choice. B. subtilis was cho-

sen because it is Gram positive, as opposed to E. coli , which
is Gram negative. Also, B. subtilis goes through dierentiation
during the sporulation process. S. cerevisae is eukaryotic, but
can be handled much the same way as any other microorganism.
Since, it has chromosomes in a nucleus and undergoes meiotic
and mitotic processes, its genome is likely to tell us a lot about
other eukaryotes. The nematode worm, C. elegans , is a simple
multicellular organism with about 2000 cells, and biologists have
already mapped the line of descent from zygote for each of these
cells. So the genome sequence of this organism is of considerable
interest to developmental biologists. It will then be possible to
see how and which genes are expressed and when and where the
dierent cell lineages branch o during the dierentiation.
1. Haemophilus in uenzae : First organism to have its genome
completely sequenced. (Fleischmann, TIGR, 1995). A
genome of 1.8Mb encoding 1743 genes.
2. Escherichia coli : A gram negative bacterium. K12 is
the common strain and not virulent. However, the strain
0157 has been implicated in serious virulent outbreaks.
(Blattner, Wisconsin). A genome of 4.6Mb encoding 4300
3. Bacillus subtilis : A gram positive bacterium. (Kunst, 46
laboratories involving 160 people). A genome of 4.2 Mb
encoding 4100 genes.
4. Synechocystis PCC6803 : A cyanobacterium. (Kaneko)
5. Mycobacterium tuberculosis : The causative agent of tuber-
6. Treponema pallidum : The spirocehete causing syphillis.
7. Borrelia burgodorferi : The spirocehete causing Lyme dis-

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Section 1.3 Introduction 7

8. Deinococcus radiodurans : An organism capable of with-

standing unusually high degree of UV radiation.
9. Aquifex aeolicus : A marine hypothermophile capable of
growth at 95 C. It represents the deepest lineage within
the bacterial domain and may hold clues to primitive proky-
rotic life-forms.
10. Caenorhabdeitis elegans : The nematode worm|rst ani-
mal genome to be completely sequenced.
11. Saccharomyces cervisiae : The brewer's yeast, an eukary-
ote. A genome of 12 Mb with 5900 genes. (96 labs with
640 people in 6 years).
12. Arabidopsis : A plant|ongoing.
13. Oryza sativa : Rice|ongoing.
14. Homo sapiens : About 3% completed.
The information gleaned from these genome projects have
already elucidated several biochemical processes of fundamental
importance in understanding life itself. Here are some examples:
1. The genome of D. radiodurans indicated that it is the rst
non-photosynthetic organism to possess the light-sensing
protein phytochrome, which regulates synthesis of pig-
ments against radiation. It also has a new type of RecA
protein that helps it in DNA-repair. The related metabolic
pathway repairs DNA breakages (more than 150 break-
ages at a time), caused by UV radiation. It was previ-
ously known that this octaploid organism has enough re-
dundancy to provide sucient information to assist the
2. Study of E. coli and B. Subtilis genomes shed more light
on bacterial DNA restriction-modication systems (enzyme
systems that protect bacteria from viral DNA by cutting
it up to small pieces while leaving its own DNA unharmed

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8 Bio... Chapter 1

by a methylation process). These bacteria seemed to have

3 to 4 such restriction-modication systems, while more
pathogenic variety seem to have even many more. (H. in-
uenza , 7, N. gonorrhoeae , 18, H. pylori , 23).
3. New metabolic pathway in E. coli for sugar acid idonate
was discovered.
4. Comparison of pathogenic E. coli (0157) strain with the
non-pathogenic strain (K12) showed that 0157 has a much
bigger genome (about 1.2 Mb more, representing a 20%
increase). In the extra genetic material the organism seem
to code for virulence factor-bearing prophage. Also, there
seem to be \pathogenicity island" in that region that allows
the bacteria to secrete toxic protein into the host cells.
More surprisingly, the extra DNA in 0157 (the pathogenic
strain) is shared by Y. pestis , the agent involved in plague !
5. Many bacteria were found to have metabolic pathways for
the inter-conversion of ve- and six-carbon sugars. Previ-
ously, it was thought that this was only possible in methanogenic
6. Many new protein paralogs of unknown function have been
7. One can now estimate metabolic capability of an organ-
ism easily. For instance, one can estimate the nutrients
that can be taken up by a cell. This knowledge is rather
important in choosing bacteria for bioremediation.
8. Comparative genomics allows the researchers to infer hori-
zontal gene-transfer between related gram-negative bacte-
9. It helps the biotechnologists to construct expression vec-
tors, gene knockouts, reporter-gene, etc.

c Mishra, 1999

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