Preliminaries: What Is Life?
Preliminaries: What Is Life?
Preliminaries: What Is Life?
\The spread, both in width and depth, of the mul-
tifarious branches of knowledge during the last hun-
dred odd years has confronted us with a queer dilemma.
We feel clearly that we are only now beginning to ac-
quire reliable material for welding together the sum
total of all that is known into a whole; but, on the
other hand, it has become next to impossible for a
single mind fully to command more than a small spe-
cialized portion of it.
\I can see no further escape from this dilemma (lest
our true aim be lost for ever) than that some of
us should venture to embark on a synthesis of facts
and theories, albeit with second-hand and incomplete
knowledge of some of them { and at the risk of mak-
ing fools of ourselves.
\So much for my apology. "
1.1 Information
Bud Mishra
Room 801, Warren Weaver Hall
Courant Institute
Tel #: 212.998.3464
e-mail: [email protected]
1.2.3 Technology
In vivo methods
PCR (Polymeric Chain Reaction)
Multiple Complete Digestion
Optical Mapping
Radiation Hybridization
Sanger Sequencing
Sequencing by Hybridization
MALDI-TOF (Mass Spectrometry)
Other Single molecule methods
In situ Hybridization
Gene Chips
Southern Blotting
1.3 State-of-the-Arts
What can be accomplished in Genomics can be inferred by tak-
ing a closer look at various completed and ongoing genomic
projects. Many of the completed genomic projects deal with
microbes (2{3 Mb genome size).
These organisms had been selected for dierent reasons. Since
E. coli is one of the best characterized organism both genetically
c Mishra, 1999
6 Introduction Chapter 1
c Mishra, 1999