Fundamentals of Cancer Metabolism
Fundamentals of Cancer Metabolism
Fundamentals of Cancer Metabolism
Tumors reprogram pathways of nutrient acquisition and metabolism to meet the bioenergetic, biosynthetic,
and redox demands of malignant cells. These reprogrammed activities are now recognized as hallmarks of
cancer, and recent work has uncovered remarkable flexibility in the specific pathways activated by tumor cells
to support these key functions. In this perspective, we provide a conceptual framework to understand how and
why metabolic reprogramming occurs in tumor cells, and the mechanisms linking altered metabolism to tumor-
igenesis and metastasis. Understanding these concepts will progressively support the development of new strat-
egies to treat human cancer.
intermediates to supply subsidiary pathways to fulfill the metabolic contain mutations that allow the PI3K-AKT-mTOR network to achieve
demands of proliferating cells (11). Like glycolytic intermediates, tri- high levels of signaling with minimal dependence on extrinsic stimula-
carboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates are also used as precursors tion by growth factors (17). Many of the best-characterized oncogenes
for macromolecule synthesis (13). Their utilization in biosynthetic and tumor suppressors reside in the PI3K-AKT-mTOR network, and
pathways requires that carbon be resupplied to the cycle so that inter- aberrant activation of this pathway is among the most frequent altera-
mediate pools are maintained; pathways that “refill” the cycle are termed tions seen in a diverse set of cancers.
anaplerotic pathways, and they generate TCA cycle intermediates that Another commonly deregulated pathway in cancer is gain of func-
can enter the cycle at sites other than acetyl-CoA (coenzyme A) (14). Two tion of MYC by chromosomal translocations, gene amplification, and
activities that provide anaplerotic fluxes in cancer cells are glutaminolysis, single-nucleotide polymorphisms. MYC increases the expression of
which produces a-ketoglutarate from glutamine, and pyruvate carboxyl- many genes that support anabolic growth, including transporters and
ation, which produces oxaloacetate from glucose/pyruvate. Oxidation of enzymes involved in glycolysis, fatty acid synthesis, glutaminolysis,
the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) isoleucine and valine also pro- serine metabolism, and mitochondrial metabolism (18). Oncogenes
vides an anaplerotic flux in some tissues. like Kras, which is frequently mutated in lung, colon, and pancreatic
Despite the incredible genetic and histological heterogeneity of tu- cancers, co-opt the physiological functions of PI3K and MYC pathways
mors, malignancy seems to involve the common induction of a finite to promote tumorigenicity. Aside from oncogenes, tumor suppressors
set of pathways to support core functions like anabolism, catabolism, such as the p53 transcription factor can also regulate metabolism (19).
and redox balance (15). The general induction of these pathways may The p53 protein–encoding gene TP53 (tumor protein p53) is mutated
reflect their regulation by signaling pathways that are commonly per- or deleted in 50% of all human cancers. The tumor-suppressive func-
turbed in cancer cells (Fig. 1). Normal cells, upon stimulation by tions of p53 have been ascribed to execution of DNA repair, cell cycle
growth factors, activate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and its arrest, senescence, and apoptosis. However, recent studies indicate that
downstream pathways AKT and mammalian target of rapamycin p53 tumor-suppressive actions might be independent of these canonical
(mTOR), thereby promoting a robust anabolic program involving p53 activities but rather dependent on the regulation of metabolism and
increased glycolytic flux and fatty acid synthesis through activation oxidative stress (20, 21). Loss of p53 increases glycolytic flux to pro-
of hypoxia-inducible factor–1 (HIF-1) and sterol regulatory element– mote anabolism and redox balance, two key processes that promote
binding protein (SREBP), respectively (16). Tumor cells very frequently tumorigenesis (19).
Fig. 1. Signaling pathways that regulate cancer metabolism. Tumor cells have aberrant activation of mTORC1 that induces an anabolic growth
program resulting in nucleotide, protein, and lipid synthesis. Loss of tumor suppressors like p53 or activation of oncogenes like MYC further promotes
anabolism through transcriptional regulation of metabolic genes. Metabolism controls signaling through regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS), acet-
ylation, and methylation. PPP, pentose phosphate pathway; G6P, glucose-6-phosphate; 3-PG, 3-phosphoglycerate; ATP, adenosine 5´-triphosphate;
mTORC1, mTOR complex 1; a-KG, a-ketoglutarate; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase.
A salient feature of many tumors is that they reside in a low-oxygen by the inheritance of biallelic mutations in the gene encoding L2HGDH
environment (hypoxia) ranging from 0 to 2% O2 because the tumor cell (45). Affected children have seizures, mental retardation, white matter
proliferation rate often exceeds the rate of new blood vessel formation abnormalities of the brain, and systemically elevated levels of L2HG.
(angiogenesis) (22). The metabolic adaptation to hypoxia is coordinated Remarkably, a number of these children have developed malignant
by HIF-1, which induces metabolic genes involved in increasing glyco- brain tumors (46), providing an early clue to the significance of D2HG
lytic flux (23). Some tumors display constitutive activation of HIF-1 un- in IDH1/IDH2-mutant gliomas and raising the question of whether
der normoxic conditions through a variety of mechanisms, including L2HG is also an oncometabolite. L2HG and D2HG exhibit different
(i) hyperactivation of mTORC1, (ii) loss of von Hippel–Lindau, (iii) effects on dioxygenase function (38), suggesting that the sensitivity of a
accumulation of ROS, and (iv) accumulation of the TCA cycle metabo- particular tissue to the presence of either metabolite may depend on
lites succinate or fumarate due to cancer-specific mutations in succinate which dioxygenases are expressed. Recent work has demonstrated mod-
dehydrogenase (SDH) or fumarate hydratase (FH), respectively (24). est accumulation of L2HG in cells experiencing hypoxia or electron
The robust coordinated induction of metabolic pathways that transport chain (ETC) dysfunction (42, 47) and in human renal cell
support tumorigenesis by combination of deregulation of PI3K-AKT- carcinomas, which frequently display epigenetic silencing of L2HGDH
mTOR signaling pathways, loss of tumor suppressors, and activation of (48). It is unknown whether reducing L2HG levels in these settings will
oncogenes alleviates the necessity of having mutations or amplifications promote cellular differentiation or suppress tumor progression.
in metabolic enzymes per se. Thus, examples of metabolic enzyme de- The principle that oncometabolites exert their effects outside of the
regulation through genetic mutation are rare. One example is the ele- conventional metabolic network also applies to the other two molecules
vated expression of phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH) due that can reasonably be called oncometabolites: fumarate and succinate
to amplification in a fraction of breast cancer and melanoma (25, 26). (28). Both are TCA cycle intermediates found throughout the body, but
PHGDH catalyzes the conversion of the glycolytic intermediate 3- some tumors accumulate massive levels of fumarate and/or succinate as
phosphoglycerate to 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate in the first step of a consequence of loss-of-function mutations in FH or the SDH complex,
the serine biosynthesis pathway. Serine metabolism supplies methyl respectively (49–51). Although these mutations markedly reprogram
groups to the one-carbon and folate pools contributing to nucleotide metabolism by impairing TCA cycle flux, the extent to which fumarate
synthesis, methylation reactions, and NADPH (reduced nicotinamide and succinate participate in cancer development likely involves their
adenine dinucleotide phosphate) production (27). Inhibiting serine nonmetabolic functions (28). Like D2HG, evidence indicates that suc-
biosynthesis by silencing PHGDH in cells with high levels of this en- cinate and fumarate interfere with dioxygenase activity, supporting the
zyme results in growth suppression, and the enzyme displays oncogenic notion that a general property of oncometabolites is the ability to regulate
properties in gain of function assays (25, 26). epigenetics (52, 53). PHGDH overexpression and mutations in IDH1/
The other examples of mutational deregulation of metabolic en- IDH2, SDH, and FH all alter metabolite levels that control epigenetics
the activity of pyruvate kinase fails to prevent tumorigenesis, suggest- activates catabolic pathways like fatty acid oxidation to stimulate ATP
ing that the major role of glycolysis is not to supply ATP (62). Moreover, production (84). In conditions of metabolic stress, certain Ras-driven
mitochondrial metabolism is necessary for cancer cell proliferation and cancer cells scavenge lipids to support ATP production (85). Ovarian
tumorigenesis (63–65). Thus, despite their high glycolytic rates, most can- cancer cells use fatty acids from neighboring adipocytes to fuel mito-
cer cells generate the majority of ATP through mitochondrial function, chondrial ATP production (86). Thus, there are multiple mechanisms
with the likely exception of tumors bearing mutations in enzymes involved by which cancer cells maintain their ATP/ADP ratio to sustain viability
in mitochondrial respiration (for example, SDH and FH) (66). Neverthe- in nutrient- and oxygen-poor environments.
less, cells harboring mutations in FH or SDH still rely on mitochondrial
metabolism by metabolically rewiring themselves to provide the neces-
sary TCA cycle intermediates and ROS for cell proliferation (55, 67–70). BIOSYNTHESIS OF MACROMOLECULES
In addition to pyruvate derived from glycolysis, fatty acids and amino
acids can supply substrates to the TCA cycle to sustain mitochondrial Biosynthetic or anabolic pathways are an essential aspect of cancer me-
ATP production in cancer cells (Fig. 2). The breakdown of fatty acids tabolism because they enable cells to produce the macromolecules re-
(b-oxidation) in the mitochondria generates acetyl-CoA and the reducing quired for replicative cell division and tumor growth. As a general theme,
equivalents NADH and FADH2, which are used by the ETC to produce these pathways involve the acquisition of simple nutrients (sugars, es-
mitochondrial ATP. The amino acid glutamine can generate glutamate sential amino acids, etc.) from the extracellular space, followed by their
and subsequently a-ketoglutarate to fuel the TCA cycle through a series conversion into biosynthetic intermediates through core metabolic
of biochemical reactions termed glutaminolysis (71). Furthermore, the pathways like glycolysis, the PPP, the TCA cycle, and nonessential amino
BCAAs isoleucine, valine, and leucine, which are elevated in plasma of acid synthesis, and finally the assembly of larger and more complex mol-
patients with pancreatic cancers, can be converted into acetyl-CoA and ecules through ATP-dependent processes (Fig. 3). The three macro-
other organic molecules that also enter the TCA cycle (72). The metabolic molecular classes most commonly studied in cancer metabolism are
flexibility afforded by multiple inputs into the TCA cycle allows cancer proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, which comprise approximately 60,
cells to adequately respond to the fuels available in the changing micro- 15, and 5% of the dry mass of mammalian cells, respectively. Evidence
environment during the evolution of the tumor (9). A combination of the indicates that biosynthesis of all three classes is under the control of the
local tumor microenvironment and oncogenic lesions is likely to dictate same signaling pathways that govern cell growth and are activated in
the fuel used by mitochondria to sustain tumor growth. cancer via tumorigenic mutations, particularly PI3K-mTOR signaling.
Solid tumors contain significant heterogeneity of perfusion, such Protein biosynthesis is highly regulated and requires access to a full
that many tumor cells reside in nutrient- and oxygen-poor environments. complement of essential and nonessential amino acids. Cancer cells
Cancer cells have therefore adapted multiple mechanisms to sustain and other cells under the influence of growth factor signaling express sur-
some forms of cancer in mice (90, 91). However, because autophagy cell lines (97). The relative importance of these nutrients for fatty
supplies amino acids through protein degradation, it does not serve acid synthesis in vivo is unknown, although early studies suggested that
as a source of net protein synthesis. It is also potently suppressed by most fatty acyl carbon in experimental tumors is derived from glucose
mTORC1. Macropinocytosis allows cells to internalize proteins and (98, 99). Isotopic tracing experiments designed to assess the cytosolic
other components of the extracellular milieu and deliver them for NADPH pool have recently suggested that most NADPH used for fatty
degradation via the endocytic pathway. Under conditions of nutrient acid synthesis arises from the PPP (100, 101).
depletion, macropinocytosis supplies both nitrogen and carbon to Transcription of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis is regulated by
central metabolic pathways (92). Evidence indicates that extracellular the SREBP-1 transcription factor (102). SREBP-1 regulates not only the
protein degradation, like autophagy, is suppressed by mTORC1 (93). enzymes needed to convert acetyl-CoA into fatty acids but also the
Suppressing pathways of protein degradation may help maximize rates enzymes of the PPP and pathways required to convert acetate and
of net protein synthesis when extracellular amino acids are available glutamine into acetyl-CoA (103). This transcription factor therefore
and mTORC1 is active. regulates genes encoding proteins that catalyze or facilitate fatty acid
Tumor cells rapidly produce fatty acids for membrane biosynthesis, synthesis. In lipid-replete conditions, SREBP-1’s transcriptional activity
lipidation reactions, and cellular signaling. Fatty acid synthesis requires is suppressed by its sequestration in the endoplasmic reticulum. Under
sources of acetyl-CoA and reducing power in the form of cytosolic conditions of sterol depletion, proteolytic cleavage releases the tran-
NADPH; effective fatty acid synthesis therefore requires integration scriptionally active domain, which travels to the nucleus and binds to
with other pathways of carbon and redox metabolism. In most cultured sterol response elements in the promoters of lipogenic genes (104).
cells, glucose is the most prominent acetyl-CoA source for fatty acid In cancer cells with constitutively high rates of fatty acid synthesis,
synthesis (94, 95). Glutamine and acetate have been demonstrated to additional mechanisms help keep SREBP-1 in a transcriptionally active
provide alternative carbon sources when access to glucose-derived state. mTORC1 signaling, via its effector S6 kinase (S6K), activates a
acetyl-CoA is impaired by hypoxia or mitochondrial dysfunction transcriptional program that includes both SREBP-1 and the related pro-
(69, 78, 79, 96). Leucine degradation can also supply acetyl-CoA in some tein SREBP-2, which regulates transcription of genes in sterol biosynthesis
Fig. 3. Anabolic pathways that promote growth. Glucose metabolism generates glycolytic intermediates that can supply subsidiary pathways including
the hexosamine pathway, PPP, and one-carbon metabolism, all of which support cell growth. Mitochondrial TCA cycle intermediates such as oxaloacetate
(OAA) and citrate are used to generate cytosolic aspartate and acetyl-CoA for nucleotide and lipid synthesis, respectively. Mitochondria also generate H2O2
and acetyl-CoA for redox signaling and acetylation, respectively. NADPH is used to drive anabolic reactions and to maintain antioxidant capacity. Cytosolic
sources of NADPH include the oxidative PPP, IDH1, and enzymes from one-carbon metabolism including MTHFD1. Mitochondrial sources of NADPH include
MTHFD2, MTHF2L, and IDH2. HK2, hexokinase 2; G6PDH, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; LDH, lactate
dehydrogenase; ACLY, ATP citrate lyase; GLS, glutaminase; SHMT, serine hydroxymethyltransferase; MTHFD2, methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 2;
MTHFD2L, MTHFD2-like; ACSS2, acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 2; THF, tetrahydrofolate.
(103). Both SREBP-1 and SREBP-2 are required for mTORC1-mediated points to a distinct mechanism by which activation of the signaling
cell proliferation. The mechanism of SREBP activation by mTORC1 is pathway enables nucleotide biosynthesis. The mTORC1 effector ribo-
incompletely understood but involves nuclear entry of the phosphatidic somal S6K1 phosphorylates the trifunctional enzyme CAD (carbamoyl-
acid phosphatase Lipin-1, which enhances nuclear SREBP abundance phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamoylase, dihydroorotase),
and activity on the promoters of lipogenic genes (105). which catalyzes the first three steps of pyrimidine synthesis (113). Phos-
Both fatty acids and lipids can also be acquired from the extracellular phorylation on CAD S1859 is required for mTORC1-dependent stim-
space to supply membrane biosynthesis. PI3K signaling activates fatty ulation of pyrimidine biosynthesis (113). Additional work is needed to
acid uptake and suppresses fatty acid oxidation, thereby maximizing determine how other aspects of de novo nucleotide synthesis, purine
lipogenesis in proliferating cells under the control of growth factors and pyrimidine salvage pathways, and accessory activities like folate me-
(106). Lipid uptake may acquire further importance during conditions tabolism are regulated in cancer cells in support of cell proliferation.
of metabolic stress, when the ability to meet oncogene-driven demands
for biosynthesis is compromised. The ability to scavenge lysophospho-
lipids (lipid intermediates containing a glycerophosphate backbone REDOX BALANCE
with one acyl chain) is required for maximal cancer cell growth during
hypoxia, which suppresses de novo fatty acid synthesis from glucose ROS are intracellular chemical species that contain oxygen and include
(85). Furthermore, in cancer cells with constitutive mTORC1 signaling, the superoxide anion (O2−), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the hy-
hypoxia induces a state of dependence on access to extracellular desatu- droxyl radical (OH·) (114). The mitochondria and cytosolic NADPH
rated fatty acids to maintain endoplasmic reticulum integrity in support oxidases (NOXs) produce O2− from the one-electron reduction of ox-
of protein biosynthesis (107). Notably, SREBP-1 was first identified as the ygen (115). O2− is converted into H2O2 by the enzymatic activity of
transcription factor responsible for expression of the low-density lipo- superoxide dismutase 1 or 2, which are localized to the cytosol or mito-
protein receptor (LDLR) (108), implying that enhanced de novo lipo- chondrial matrix, respectively. H2O2 is subsequently detoxified to water
genesis occurs concomitantly with enhanced import of lipids from the by the enzymatic activity of mitochondrial and cytosolic peroxiredoxins
extracellular space. These parallel pathways appear to be essential (PRXs), which, as a consequence, undergo H2O2-mediated oxidation of
in glioma, where oncogenic activation of epidermal growth factor re- their active-site cysteines (116). Thioredoxin (TXN), thioredoxin reduc-
ceptor (EGFR) signaling stimulates SREBP-1 and expression of LDLR tase (TrxR), and the reducing equivalent NADPH reduce oxidized PRXs
(109). These cancer cells are highly sensitive to inhibitors of fatty acid to complete the catalytic cycle (117). Glutathione peroxidases (GPXs)
and cholesterol biosynthesis. Inhibition of the EGFR-PI3K signaling can also convert H2O2 to water in the mitochondrial matrix and cytosol
axis but not of mTORC1 suppresses nuclear translocation of SREBP-1 through H2O2-mediated oxidation of reduced glutathione (GSH)
in glioma cells with oncogenic EGFR, suggesting an alternate, mTORC1- (118). Glutathione reductase (GR) and NADPH reduce oxidized gluta-
and NOX inhibitors can prevent cancer cell proliferation, hypoxic acti- bolic enzymes is likely to be systemically toxic because of their physio-
vation of HIF, tumorigenesis, and metastasis (64, 123–125). logical functions in normal tissues (139). The feasibility of targeting
The increased localized ROS in cancer cells, which activates sig- these pathways therapeutically depends on whether systemic blockade
naling pathways and transcription factors to promote tumorigenesis, of the pathway can be tolerated. Normal proliferating cells, such as im-
needs to be buffered from reaching levels of ROS that incur cellular mune cells and stem cells, also reprogram their metabolism in a manner
damage by the increased expression of antioxidant proteins (126). Thus, similar to cancer cells (140, 141). Metabolic inhibitors should likely not
cancer cells have higher levels of ROS scavenging enzymes than normal interfere with the adaptive immune system. Nevertheless, there are ex-
cells, preventing ROS-mediated activation of death-inducing pathways cellent examples of pathways whose reprogramming does provide an
like c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 MAPK and oxidation of adequate therapeutic window in cancer. Enhanced nucleotide and DNA
lipids, proteins, and DNA, resulting in irreversible damage and cell synthesis in tumor cells is targeted by antifolates (methotrexate, peme-
death. One mechanism by which cancer cells increase their antioxidant trexed, and others) (112). Although these drugs do produce toxicity in
capacity is by activating the transcription factor nuclear factor (erythroid- normal proliferative tissues like the intestinal epithelium and bone mar-
derived 2)–related factor-2 (NRF2) (127). Specifically, NRF2 is activated row, they are essential components of highly successful chemotherapeutic
following disruption of the interaction of NRF2 with its binding partner regimens. Thus, it is critical to elucidate in normal cells any toxic effects
Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1). Critical cysteine residues of metabolic enzyme inhibition. To circumvent this challenge, one ap-
within KEAP1 can undergo oxidation, succination, and glutathionylation, proach is to target a metabolic enzyme in a deregulated pathway specific
thereby inhibiting the KEAP1-NRF2 interaction, leading to the proteasomal to cancer cells. To date, many of the genetic and pharmacologic inter-
degradation of NRF2. Additionally, NRF2 activation can occur indepen- ventions on metabolic enzymes have been conducted using human
dently of KEAP1 (128). Once activated, NRF2 induces the transcription cancer cells subcutaneously injected into athymic mice. Therefore, it will
of many antioxidant proteins including GPXs and TXNs as well as en- be important for future experiments to not only use patient-derived xeno-
zymes involved in GSH synthesis and cysteine import through the cystine/ graft (PDX) models but also make use of genetically engineered mouse
glutamate antiporter. Furthermore, to maintain the antioxidant capacity cancer models and syngeneic mouse models that have intact immune
of GPXs and TXNs, NADPH is required. NRF2 plays an important role systems, especially given the promising results from immunotherapy.
in activating enzymes that increase cytosolic NADPH levels. NRF2 also An emerging theme is that cancer cells display metabolic plasticity and
regulates the serine biosynthesis pathway, generating NADPH in the can alter their metabolic profile during the course of tumorigenesis and
mitochondria, which is critical for redox balance under hypoxic condi- metastasis. Thus, it is conceivable that cancer cells could develop resist-
tions (129, 130). Therefore, inactivating NRF2 or disabling antioxidant ance to inhibition of a particular metabolic pathway by expressing alter-
proteins in cancer cells would allow for the accumulation of excessive nate protein isoforms or up-regulating compensatory pathways. Therefore,
amounts of ROS to levels that initiate toxicity and reduce tumorigenesis a rational cancer therapeutic strategy should involve targeting multiple
Fig. 4. Cancer cells maintain redox balance. Cancer cells have increased rates of ROS production due to activation of oncogenes and loss of tumor
suppressors that promote signaling pathways supporting proliferation and survival. However, cancer cells prevent the buildup of ROS to levels that incur
damage by increasing antioxidant capacity through induction of NRF2-dependent genes and, in glucose replete conditions, the use of PPP to generate
Another potential glucose-dependent target is PHGDH, an enzyme improved survival rate if cancer was already present (154). Laboratory-
in the de novo serine synthesis pathway. High levels of PHGDH have based studies have also provided evidence that metformin may serve as
been found in a subset of human melanoma and breast cancers, and an anticancer agent (155–157). Biochemists recognized that metformin
these cancer cells require PHGDH for their growth in vitro (25, 26). reversibly inhibits mitochondrial complex I (158–160). Recent studies
Serine starvation in mice diminishes tumorigenicity of p53-null indicate that metformin acts as an anticancer agent by inhibiting mito-
cancers (149). De novo synthesis or exogenous uptake of serine can chondrial ETC complex I (161). Specifically, metformin inhibits mito-
enter the mitochondria where SHMT2 converts it into glycine to gen- chondrial ATP production, inducing cancer cell death when glycolytic
erate folate intermediates (101, 150). In many cancer types, SHMT2 ATP levels diminish as a result of limited glucose availability. Metfor-
expression is elevated and correlates with a poor prognosis. Further- min also inhibits the biosynthetic capacity of the mitochondria to gen-
more, the transcription factors MYC and HIF induce SHMT2 under erate macromolecules (lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides) within
hypoxia to promote survival (130, 151). Currently, it is not known cancer cells (162). The remarkable safety profile of metformin is due
whether targeting PHGDH, SHMT2, or other enzymes in the one-carbon to its uptake by organic cation transporters (OCTs), which are only
metabolism pathway would be effective in delaying or regressing tumor present in a few tissues, such as the liver and kidney (163). Certain tumor
progression in genetically engineered, PDX, or syngeneic mouse models cells also express OCTs to allow the uptake of metformin (164). How-
of cancer without incurring systemic toxicity. However, given the im- ever, in the absence of OCTs, tumors would not accumulate metformin
portance of one-carbon metabolism in supporting the anabolic needs of to inhibit mitochondrial complex I. Ongoing clinical trials using met-
cancer cells and its up-regulation in cancer cells, it is likely that this formin as an anticancer agent should assess the expression levels of
pathway is needed for in vivo tumor progression (152). OCTs to identify the tumors with highest expression, which are likely
Mitochondrial metabolism has also emerged as a key target for to be susceptible to metformin. Moreover, it is not clear whether the
cancer therapy, in part, due to the revelation that the antidiabetic drug current antidiabetic dosing of metformin used in clinical trials allows
metformin is an anticancer agent (153). Numerous epidemiological stu- for metformin accumulation to levels necessary to inhibit mitochondri-
dies first suggested that diabetic patients taking metformin, to control al complex I in tumors. Thus, it is possible that metformin at doses high-
their blood glucose levels, were less likely to develop cancer and had an er than those currently used for diabetes might be more efficacious
without causing toxicity. Like metformin, the biguanide phenformin NADP+ to NADPH. However, certain tumors rely on this pathway as
exhibits anticancer properties by inhibiting mitochondrial complex I a major source of cytosolic NADPH; therefore, it may be therapeutic
(165). In contrast to metformin, phenformin is readily transported into to disable this pathway and induce oxidative stress and diminish tumor
tumor cells and has been withdrawn from human use in most parts of growth. Moreover, RNA profiling of metabolic enzymes identified the
the world due to its clinical increase in the incidence of lactic acidosis. mitochondrial one-carbon metabolism protein MTHFD2, which can
However, it is worth considering phenformin as a possible cancer ther- generate NADPH, as being highly expressed in 19 different cancer types
apy because lactic acidosis can be monitored. Biguanide sensitivity can but not in normal adult proliferating cells (152). Loss of MTHFD2 in
be improved in mice starved for serine or in tumors that have lost p53 cancer cells increases ROS levels and sensitizes the cells to oxidant-induced
or LKB1 (155, 166, 167). Thus, biguanides, and possibly other mito- cell death in vitro. An interesting approach to depleting NADPH
chondrial complex I inhibitors, may be effective anticancer agents. levels and increasing ROS is to administer high doses of vitamin C
Another potential therapeutic strategy to inhibit mitochondrial me- (ascorbate). Vitamin C is imported into cells through sodium-dependent
tabolism in certain tumors would be to use autophagy or glutaminase vitamin C transporters, whereas the oxidized form of vitamin C, dehydro-
inhibitors. Autophagy provides amino acids, such as glutamine, that fu- ascorbate (DHA), is imported into cells through glucose transporters
el the TCA cycle in NSCLC and pancreatic cancers, and short-term such as GLUT1 (179). When the cell takes up DHA, it is reduced back to
autophagy inhibition has been shown to decrease tumor progression vitamin C by glutathione (GSH), which consequently becomes GSSG.
without incurring systemic toxicity in mouse models of NSCLC (168, 169). Subsequently, GSSG is converted back to GSH by NADPH-dependent
Some tumors are addicted to using glutamine to support TCA cycle GR. Because the blood is an oxidizing environment, vitamin C becomes
metabolism even in the absence of autophagy; thus, glutaminase inhib- oxidized to DHA before being taken up by the cell. Thus, high doses of
itors can reduce tumor burden in these models (4, 75, 170). An alterna- vitamin C diminish the tumorigenesis of colorectal tumors that harbor
tive approach is to target acetate metabolism. Although a major function oncogenic KRAS mutations and express high levels of GLUT1 by deplet-
of the mitochondria is to provide acetyl-CoA to the cell, cancer cells can ing the NADPH and GSH pools and consequently increasing ROS levels
also use acetate to support cell growth and survival during metabolic to induce cancer cell death (179, 180). Vitamin C administered at high
stress (hypoxia or nutrient deprivation) (96, 171). The cytosolic enzyme doses intravenously is safe in humans and, in conjunction with con-
acetyl-CoA synthase 2 (ACCS2), which converts acetate to acetyl-CoA, is ventional paclitaxel-carboplatin therapy, demonstrated a benefit in a
dispensable for normal development; thus, ACCS2 is a promising target small number of patients (181). Additional strategies to diminish GSH
of acetate metabolism. ACCS2 knockout mice do not display overt include the administration of buthionine sulfoximine, an irreversible
pathologies, but genetic loss of ACCS2 reduces tumor burden in models inhibitor of g-glutamylcysteine synthetase, which can be safely admin-
of hepatocellular carcinoma (171). Human glioblastomas can oxidize ac- istered to humans and is efficacious in preclinical tumor models (182).
etate and may be sensitive to inhibitors of this process (172). Thus, tar- Moreover, glutathione is a tripeptide consisting of cysteine, glutamate,
altered metabolic fluxes may or may not cause changes in metabolite levels substantial labeling of glycolytic and TCA cycle intermediates in tu-
(186). Both of these approaches have provided important recent insights mors. In mice bearing orthotopic transplants of high-grade human
into cancer metabolism, and using the two techniques together provides gliomas, continuous infusion of 13C-glucose was demonstrated to pro-
the most complete assessment of metabolic phenotypes. duce steady-state labeling of metabolites from the TCA cycle within the
Metabolomics experiments seek to characterize and quantify the tumor, enabling the assessment of several metabolic pathways (192).
metabolites in a biological sample, usually by nuclear magnetic reso- Here, tumors with diverse oncogenotypes oxidized glucose-derived
nance (NMR) or, more commonly, mass spectrometry. Depending pyruvate in the mitochondria and synthesized glutamine from glucose
on the methods of extraction, separation, and detection, metabolomics carbon. In contrast to most cultured glioma cell lines, these tumors did
experiments may focus on particular classes of metabolites or provide a not demonstrate significant levels of 13C-glutamine oxidation in vivo,
comprehensive analysis of as many metabolites as possible. Targeted and primary cell lines derived from the tumors did not require gluta-
approaches typically detect a few dozen to a few hundred molecules, mine for survival or proliferation. In another study, metabolism of
whereas untargeted analyses may detect more than 1000. Detecting al- 13
C-glucose and 13C-glutamine in autochthonous models of MYC- or
terations of metabolite levels in cancer can be extremely valuable. The MET-driven tumorigenesis revealed that metabolic phenotypes depend
massive accumulation of D2HG in IDH1-mutant gliomas was initially not only on the tumor’s genetic driver but also on the tissue or origin.
discovered through a metabolomics approach (33). Because altered MYC but not MET stimulated glutamine catabolism in liver tumors,
metabolite levels can be detected noninvasively using 1H magnetic whereas MYC-driven lung tumors expressed glutamine synthetase and
resonance spectroscopy (MRS), perturbed metabolite levels discovered accumulated glutamine (193). Thus, in vivo isotope tracing can detect
through metabolomics can sometimes be translated into clinical diag- metabolic activities of intact tumors and characterize some of the factors
nostic techniques. Elevated levels of lactate, choline, glycine, and other that specify the metabolic phenotype.
metabolites are detected by MRS in glioma. More recently, MRS techniques Administration of 13C-labeled nutrients has also proven to be valu-
have been developed to monitor specific metabolic states programmed able in human cancer (172, 194–197). Fan et al. (196) used 13C-glucose
by tumor-specific mutations in metabolic enzymes. Applications include to demonstrate that human non–small cell lung tumors metabolize
elevated 2HG in IDH1/IDH2-mutated gliomas (187) and elevated suc- glucose through glycolysis and the TCA cycle concurrently, with me-
cinate in SDH-deficient paragangliomas (188). tabolites from both pathways demonstrating higher levels of labeling
Metabolic flux studies use isotope tracers like 13C, 15N, and 2H to in tumors relative to adjacent lung tissue. In a subsequent study, these
track flow through metabolic pathways. Typically, a nutrient of inter- investigators demonstrated that the anaplerotic enzyme pyruvate car-
est is labeled by an isotope (for example, 13C-glucose) and supplied to boxylase (PC) was highly expressed in lung tumors and contributed to
cancer cells in the culture medium. Metabolites extracted from the C labeling in TCA cycle intermediates (195). Enhanced glucose oxi-
culture are analyzed for isotope enrichment using mass spectrometry dation involving both PC and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) was de-
metabolomics and metabolic flux analysis, has uncovered novel themes have emerged from this research (Box 1). First, metabolic re-
functions and liabilities of this pathway in cancer cell growth and stress programming is essential for the biology of malignant cells, particular-
resistance (129, 150, 151). Combining functional screens with metabolic ly their ability to survive and grow by using conventional metabolic
analysis can also identify context-specific vulnerabilities that may be pathways to produce energy, synthesize biosynthetic precursors, and
therapeutically actionable. A CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced maintain redox balance. Second, metabolic reprogramming is the re-
short palindromic repeats)–based loss-of-function screen identified sult of mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressors, leading to ac-
GOT1, the cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase, as conditionally essen- tivation of PI3K and mTORC1 signaling pathways and transcriptional
tial for survival during treatment with the ETC inhibitor phenformin networks involving HIFs, MYC, and SREBP-1. Third, alterations in
(199). Isotope labeling then demonstrated that ETC blockade caused metabolite levels can affect cellular signaling, epigenetics, and gene ex-
the direction of this enzyme to reverse from aspartate consumption pression through posttranslational modifications such as acetylation,
in untreated cells to aspartate synthesis during ETC blockade (200). methylation, and thiol oxidation. Fourth, taken together, studies on
In addition to the discovery of synthetic lethality between ETC and cultured cells have demonstrated a remarkable diversity of anabolic
GOT1 inhibition, these studies led to the novel biological concept that and catabolic pathways in cancer, with induction of autophagy and
a major function of the ETC in proliferating cells is to support the syn- utilization of extracellular lipids and proteins complementing the clas-
thesis of aspartate for nucleotide and protein synthesis (199, 200). sical pathways like glycolysis and glutaminolysis. We have exited the
period when cancer metabolism could be considered synonymous
with the Warburg effect.
CONCLUSIONS AND CURRENT CHALLENGES Several challenges will likely shape research over the next decade.
First, the studies cited above were performed primarily in cancer cell
Substantial progress has been made in the past decade toward under- lines rather than intact tumors. These straightforward experimental
standing the mechanisms, biological consequences, and liabilities as- models have been highly informative about the molecular mechanisms
sociated with metabolic reprogramming in cancer. Several common of metabolic reprogramming, particularly those linking aberrant
Fig. 5. Relationship between glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells. (A) A common view of cancer cell metabolism invokes a
switch from glucose oxidation in normal tissues toward glycolysis and suppressed oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) in cancer. (B) Analysis of
metabolic activity in intact tumors from humans and mice argues against a switch. Rather, tumors appear to enhance both glycolysis and glucose
oxidation simultaneously relative to surrounding tissue.
signaling to altered metabolic fluxes. But it is challenging (perhaps pact on public health. It is clear that obesity and diabetes, both of which
impossible) to model an accurate tumor microenvironment in culture. are reaching epidemic proportions in the developed world, increase
Direct analysis of metabolic fluxes in intact tumors should begin to play cancer risk, but we lack insight into how to break these links.
a more prominent role in the field and may prove essential in deter-
mining precisely how to deploy metabolic inhibitors in clinical trials.
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