Amino Acid Conservatism
Amino Acid Conservatism
Amino Acid Conservatism
2004 IUPAC
*Plenary lecture presented at the XVII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia, 2126
September 2003. Other presentations are published in this issue, pp. 16051798.
Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
improved detection methods that will speed up and facilitate diagnostics. Organic chemistry will influence biological sciences even more. Genomics provides chemistry with new possibilities, tasks, and
The functioning of a living organism is far more complex than the genome may suggest.
Therefore, profound studies of proteome, metabolome, cellome, and physiome are under way. Another
important feature is the multidisciplinarity of problems, which can be solved only by the combined and
concerted efforts of scientific teams, including experts from different disciplines (chemists, biologists,
physicians, mathematicians, and others).
There is a need to discuss the directions of future developments in various fields of chemistry in
view of and with respect to the developments in genomics. Obviously, the achievements of genomics
and proteomics could considerably influence the classical chemistry as well as result in new scientific
directions (IUPAC Project # 2001-005-1-300 Postgenomic chemistry).
The fundamental and philosophical result of the genomic project is that all molecular representatives of
the world of biological diversity can be identified.
Trace element-containing protein
Selenoproteins (SPs) are responsible for most biomedical effects of dietary applicable selenium and are
important for mammals because selenium plays a significant role in many physiological processes,
namely, in male reproduction, aging, immune function, and cancer prevention [1]. The information
about the human SPs potentially can be used for the further systematic clarification of mammalian SPs
and their functions. It was established that SPs contain selenium in the form of selenocysteine (Sec),
which was named as the 21st amino acid.
There are three terminating codones in the universal genetic code. It was discovered that one of
them (UGA) has dual function, signalizing termination of protein synthesis as well as incorporation of
such amino acid as Sec [2]. Since then, classical methods of biochemistry and a variety of biophysical
techniques are not enough to analyze the correct function of UGA. Most known selenoprotein genes
have homologues, in which Sec is replaced with cysteine (Cys). Using that, specific approach was suggested for identification of SPs [3]. It implies the search for the Sec/Cys-containing protein pairs of homologs. In addition, to identify mammalian SPs, human and mouse (or human and rat) genomes were
searched in parallel to identity pairs of Sec insertion sequence (SECIS) elements present in the selenoprotein genes. This method supported by the application of specially developed computer programs [4]
provided independent verification of a number of SPs in various genomes. Subsequent investigations of
new SPs revealed examples of proteins with expression patterns limited to embryos or testes, as well as
proteins with novel subcellular distributions. It was established that all characterized mammalian SPs
are globular proteins. Sec is inserted into polypeptide chains during ribosome-based protein synthesis.
The expression of fusion SPs, containing a C-terminal green fluorescent protein (GFP) tag, and their
following detection with antibodies to GFP by means of electron microscopy helped in revealing the
first known plasma membrane SPs [3]. It was found that the human genome has 25 selenoprotein genes
and the mouse genome 24 ones. The further understanding of mechanisms of Sec insertion can assist
in revealing approaches to the targeted insertion of this residue into proteins. These examples emphasize the power of bioinformatics in establishing of deep interrelation between genomics and chemistry.
Identification and characterization of new metal-containing proteins in humans and other organisms should set up new challenges and highlight the need for investigation of genomic and postgenomic
chemistry of biological trace elements. Understanding of the identities and functions of trace elementcontaining proteins can also provide new tools for nonspecific incorporation of these elements into proteins.
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Postgenomic chemistry
Fig. 1 Scheme of organophosphate hydrolase action with paraoxon as substrate in the active site.
Postgenomic chemistry
Combinatorial chemistry has emerged as a set of novel strategies for the synthesis of large sets of
compounds (combinatorial libraries) for biological evaluation [15]. Combinatorial approaches capable
of generating libraries of different proteins allow the directed screening for a particular biological activity. Analysis of proteins in complex with their ligands provides structural information on the amino
acid residues involved in ligand binding. Synthetic chemistry enables one to create a large number of
different molecules, including simple and more complex peptides, which may contain different amino
acids, including unnatural ones, as well as non-peptide small molecules. The design and generation of
synthetic molecules that can interfere with proteinligand interactions represents a promising strategy
for the explanation of protein structure and function. In addition to their basic significance, such synthetic proteomimetics are also useful tools for a range of biomedical applications.
A new very fast developing approach to the investigation of proteinligand interactions is aimed
at synthesis of molecules, which, owing to their specific molecular structure, are capable of mimicking
the binding sites of natural proteins. Various protein-binding sites are composed of parts that are remote
in the amino acid sequence, but brought into proximity by protein folding. They can be mimicked
through scaffold peptides, in which the peptide fragments making up the binding site are presented
through a molecular scaffold in a nonlinear, discontinuous fashion [16].
This task was initially accomplished by using short synthetic peptides to establish the linear binding sites of proteins. Such peptides, representing overlapping fragments of the protein, were tested individually for binding to the respective ligand in order to identify the protein region(s) responsible for
the ligand recognition. The epitopes identified by this way were characterized and optimized regarding
their binding affinity to the respective ligands.
Synthetic chemistry should play a significant role in the identification and functional characterization of gene products, as well as in the investigation of proteins functions through controlled interference with the proteinligand interactions.
The methods of bioinformatics allow identification of comprehensive sets of genes encoding enzymes
in various organisms as well as comparative and functional analysis of these proteins. For example, the
problem of enzyme thermostability could be solved at the genetic level by comparing genomes of
mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms. Genomic access to thermostable enzymes and proteins
may result in development of unique technologies of high-temperature biotechnological processes [17].
Enzymes are the most widespread catalysts that can be obtained from renewable raw materials.
Biocatalysis is the basis of important chemical processes. During the past two centuries, organic chemistry was substantially oriented toward the transformation of hydrocarbons and their different chemical
derivatives, whereas the chemistry of the 21st century will be dealing with the problems of chemical
transformation of renewable raw materials such as carbohydrates, biomass components, and carbon
dioxide. Biocatalysts are the best tools for the chemical modification of molecules in the 21st century.
The detailed structural information at the atomic level is already known for a large variety of enzymes from X-ray crystallographic and NMR spectrometric methods. The existing concepts explain the
observed effects of acceleration of chemical reactions and the nature of enzyme specificity and are
based on fundamental physicochemical laws [18].
During the last 50 years, enzymes and biocatalytic systems were realized in the wide range of applications, including fine organic synthesis and multiple forms of chemical analysis. Enzymes provided
the basis of many processes in food industry, industrial production, and utilization of detergents. They
served as key components in environmental biotechnology and medicine and improved chemical and
biological safety of various industrial processes.
Many weaknesses of enzymatic catalysis were overcome during the past decades. Thus, the
methods of effective stabilization of enzymes were developed and the new conditions for their exploitation were discovered, and new methods of the use of enzymes in the media with organic solvents
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at increased temperatures were described. Methods of genetic engineering and site-directed mutagenesis played a significant role in elucidating reaction mechanisms of various enzymes and providing molecular basis for their biotechnological applications. Potentially all these features make enzymes the
most effective biocatalysts. The up-to-date prognosis suggests that within one decade, total enzyme production in the world will reach the level of or even exceed the production of classic catalysts used in
the chemical industry within the next decade.
The creation and construction of enzymes with new properties is based on the application of genetic information and modern achievements of genomics. It is possible to expect the appearance of new
scientific directions of enzyme investigations and the development of new biocatalytical technologies.
The use of new methods of preparation of gene-expressed proteins obtained from unnatural amino
acids might be capable of supporting the development of principally new catalysts, considerably widening the possibilities of biocatalysis. Biosynthesis of enzymes with unnatural amino acids included in the
polymer chain could result in the development of new types of active sites, solving the problem of the
use of enzymatic reactions under extreme conditions (extreme pH, temperature, salt content, etc.). The
chemical modification of active sites by unnatural amino acids should result in the application of enzyme families with altered catalytic efficiencies and reaction mechanisms, and those that are characterized by transformed specificity and enantioselectivity.
In addition to methods traditionally used in protein design, such as DNA-shuffling, and directed
evolution, it is anticipated that new methods allowing generation of enzymes with predefined properties will emerge. In this regard, the new methods allowing construction of proteins from the limited
number of essential amino acids are quite attractive. These approaches should result in deeper understanding of physiological functions of proteins and lead to the appearance of new biocatalyst families
of high applied significance.
The limitations of traditional sources used in the chemical industry as well as limitations of hydrocarbon sources of energy, illustrate the need for development of new raw and energy sources. Growing interest in the biocatalytic conversion of biomass as the initial chemical raw materials for production of
new materials, polymers, and energy sources (i.e., hydrogen, methane, ethanol, and diesel oil) may be
envisioned as characteristic of the next decades [19]. Significant progress may be expected in the development of biosystems catalyzing the reduction of carbon dioxide to the basic carbon sources for the
chemical industry (organic acids, alcohols, and monomers) [20].
Computer methods are widely employed in modern chemistry and molecular biology for various purposes [21,22]. During the last decade, two approaches, bioinformatics and molecular modeling, have
become especially popular and intensively developing areas. The methodology of bioinformatics is
based on the informational analysis of nucleotide sequences and proteins [2330]. Within a framework
of adequate physical considerations, molecular modeling allows to characterize protein structures and
their changes induced by some treatments or local structural alterations. In combination with methods
of molecular dynamics, molecular modeling represents a powerful approach that provides understanding of numerous physical and chemical aspects of protein molecules. Graphic capacities of modern
work stations, relatively low cost and potency of modern processors, storage capacity of accumulated
information, availability of a large number of resolved spatial protein structures, and nucleic acids and
their complexes are the background for rapid worldwide distribution of computer modeling methods
among scientists. These methods of computer modeling are widely used for determination of structures
2004 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 76, 17811798
Postgenomic chemistry
of biological molecules (X-ray analysis and multimer nuclear magnetic resonance), theoretical studies
of their interactions, studies of the interaction between membrane and membrane proteins, structural
analysis of site-directed mutagenesis and prediction of new mutation sites, and protein structure prediction (method of homologous modeling).
Well-known software allow the construction of various biological molecules, edit their structure
(by substituting some groups, changing conformation of molecular groups) followed by subsequent
structural relaxation by means of methods of molecular mechanics and dynamics. These programs also
allow the calculation of various characteristics of the constructed molecules (e.g., electrostatic potential, solvent accessible surface, etc.), study of interactions between various molecules, alignment of protein sequences, creation of homology-based structures, and the investigation of ligand docking to active
sites of enzymes.
Multiple alignment of amino acid sequences allows recognition of the enzyme
catalytic site
Amino acid sequence determines structure and properties of each protein. Now, good evidence exists
that in almost endless variability of proteins some structural elements are rather conservative, and these
elements mainly determine the function of the protein molecule. This is especially demonstrative in the
case of catalytic proteins. For example, in the case of hydrolases, which represent about one-third of all
enzymes (about 1100 of 3700 enzymes) listed in the enzyme classification, only four main types of sites
forming the catalytic structure are known [31]. Consideration of active site structure of enzymes requires subdivision of the active site into two structural constituents [3133]:
substrate-binding subsite, which is responsible for binding, fixation, and certain orientation of
substrate(s); it determines enzyme specificity;
catalytic subsite, which is responsible for chemical transformation of substrate molecule; this site
usually employs general acid-base catalysis.
It is possible that within one large enzyme superfamily the substrate-binding subsite responsible
for the enzyme specificity exists as quite variable protein structure corresponding to variations in the
substrate structures. However, catalytic sites should represent rather conservative structural elements
due to a limited number of catalytic site types. To test this hypothesis, we have employed the bioinformatic approach based on the comparison of amino acid sequences of proteins constituting one large
family. We analyzed results of sequence alignment of a few large enzyme families from HSSP database
(<>) [33]. These enzyme families were selected by the following criteria:
the number of analyzed enzymes should exceed 100; this provides reasonable statistical significance of the results;
this analysis requires selection of enzymes with known active site structures and well documented
catalytic mechanism.
One of the quantitative criteria of position conservatism for each residue in the protein sequence
is the statistical criterion in the form of Shannon entropy. In information theory, Shannon entropy is one
of the most important functions. The informational entropy (Shannon entropy) is a very convenient
function for comparison of related proteins with distinct amino acid sequences. The alignment procedure vs. some reference protein represents sequence positioning one over another one, followed by fixation of homologous sites, and recognition and eliminations of inserts. Such comparison of a large
number of protein sequences allows the calculation of probability of localization of some amino acid
residue in a certain position. This probability is determined as relative frequency of the amino acid j in
a given position i. The entropy function for all 20 amino acids in each position in the protein sequence
can be calculated using the following formula:
H j = pij / log 2 pij / .
This function tends to zero in the case of events with high (pji 1) and low (pji 0) probability. So calculation of Shannon entropy may recognize positions in the protein sequence which are common (absolutely conservative) for a given j amino acid in the whole protein family. This is a position in
which probability of appearance of this amino acid is close to unity, whereas in all other cases probability tends to zero. High values of Shannon entropy are typical for positions in protein sequences characterized by high variability of amino acid residues, whereas low values are indicative for positions of
conservative residues. Within pji 1 (absolute conservatism) Hj 0.
Hydrolases were used as the object of research. Four mechanisms of water activation in reactions
catalyzed by these enzymes are known [34]. They involve:
The following enzyme families representing these four mechanisms of water activation were chosen: pepsin family (activation by carboxyl group), chymotrypsin and subtilisin family (activation by imidazole group), alkaline phosphatase family (activation by complex with zinc or cobalt ions), pyrophosphatase family (activation by complex with magnesium or manganese ion). Figure 3 shows
alignment profiles for all representatives of these four hydrolase families.
Fig. 3 Shannon entropy for multiple alignments of proteins of aspartyl proteases vs. pepsin.
Analysis of highly conservative amino acids (for which Hj ~ 0) revealed that during alignment,
amino acid residues forming catalytically active subsites always represent conservative elements of the
protein sequence. The catalytic site of acidic pepsin type proteases includes carboxyl groups of Asp31
and Asp215. These residues are recognized during alignment of amino acid sequences of pepsin family as conservative positions characterized by minimal value of Shannon entropy (Fig. 3).
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Postgenomic chemistry
The catalytic site of the chymotrypsin family includes Ser195, His57, and Asp102, whereas the
catalytic site of the alkaline phosphatase family includes Asp51, Asp369, His370, Asp327, His412,
His331, and Ser102. Catalysis by inorganic phosphatase involves Glu20, Asp65, Asp70, and Asp102
All these residues are recognized as conservative ones during multiple alignment of amino acid
sequences of corresponding protein families. Thus, the bioinformatic approach allows recognition of
side chains of amino acid residues forming a catalytic site of the enzymes and responsible for nucleophilic/electrophilic substrate conversion.
The comparison of enzyme amino acid sequences also revealed that Gly and Asp are the most frequently recognized as absolutely conservative residues [31,36]. The finding that Gly is the most conservative residue was rather unexpected. Asp takes the second position in this list, and the sum of Gly
and Asp represents about 50 % of all conservative residues recognized.
Amino acid residues were ranked by their conservatism in these four protein families. For each
amino acid, we determined its frequency as the conservative element (Hj ~ 0), normalization on total
number of conservative positions for all amino acid residues in these families. Figure 4a shows rating
of amino acid conservatism. Figure 4b shows frequency of amino acid residues in proteins determined
using Swiss-Prot database. Total frequency of conservative residues in enzymes completely differs from
total frequency of amino acid residues in proteins, where Leu is the most frequent residues, whereas
Gly takes only the fourth place in this list. (Frequency of Gly as the most conservative residue is 37 %.)
Gly, Asp, Cys, Pro, and His are the most frequent conservative residues in enzymes. They represent about 70 % of all conservative positions in these enzymes, whereas Met and Ile represent the most
variable elements in the amino acid sequences. Thus, the most conservative residues can be separated
into two principally different groups: (1) residues involved in substrate activation and acting as acids
and bases (Asp and His); (2) residues forming active site architecture (Gly, Cys, Pro).
Fig. 4 Frequency of amino acid residues as conservative elements during multiple alignment of amino acid
sequences in enzymes (a) [31], and frequency of amino acids in proteins of Swiss-Prot database (b).
Based on the active site structure and mechanism of action all hydrolases can be arbitrary subdivided into the four main types:
hydrolases containing aspartic or glutamic acid residues in the active site (lysozyme-pepsin type);
hydrolases using imidazole group for water activation (the type of pancreatic ribonuclease, chymotrypsin, subtilisin, papain, lipase);
hydrolases using complexes with Zn2+ or Co2+ for activation of water and substrate (type of alkaline phosphatase, carboxypeptidase A, and organophosphate hydrolase);
hydrolases using Mg2+ and Mn2+ for activation of water and substrate (inorganic pyrophosphatase type).
Analysis of the catalytic mechanisms revealed that in most types of catalytic sites aspartic acid
and histidine play principally important role [31].
Role of Gly in formation and conformational flexibility of active structure
It is clear that conservative Gly residues do not play an important role in the activation of water molecules during the catalytic cycle because Gly does not have any substituent at the alpha-carbon atom,
and therefore it lacks pronounced chemical function.
Nevertheless, Gly residues are essential for protein structure [3742]. This was demonstrated by
mutation experiments where conservative Gly residues were substituted for any other amino acid. As a
rule such substitutions resulted either in complete loss or significant decrease in catalytic activity (see
[40] as an example).
Apparently, conservative Gly residues are principally important for the following functions.
Being a unique amino acid with the most energetically favorable rotation along CN and CC
bonds of polypeptide chain ( and Ramachandran angles) glycine may be a junction point,
providing change in the direction of polypeptide chain during assembly of amino acid residues
into functionally competent active site. The essential role of Gly for structural function of enzyme-active sites was demonstrated by molecular modeling method [35]. Thus, the presence of
conservative glycines may explain the structural paradox of enzymatic catalysis, when completely
identical active sites are formed from completely distinct protein sequences. They just share several common features such as the existence of conservative glycines and factors stabilizing the assembled structure. In this connection, we should mention that cysteine residues involved in disulfide bond formation (one of the most common stabilizing factors) take the third place in the rating
of conservatism.
Conservative glycine residues may also function as a hinge responsible for known conformational flexibility of the active site. In many cases, conservative glycines are located near catalytically active residues. For example, the following conservative motifs were found in hydrolases
from various families: Asp215XGly217 (pepsin), Asp170XXGly173 (thermolysin), Asp32XGly,
His63Gly64, Gly119XSer221 (subtilisin), Gly17XSer177 (trypsin), His76Gly77,
Ser153XGly155, Gly75XAsp177 (lipases). In these enzymes, Asp, Ser, and His residues are from
the active site structures.
For some enzymes, values of phi and iota angles for amino acid residues of the catalytic site are
out of the energetically relaxed limits. This was found for amino acid residues of alpha-chymotrypsin
(His57, Asp102, Ser195) by using the Ramachandran map of these residues. The active site of these enzymes is conformationally tensed (values of and angles are in an energetically unfavorable region).
In enzymatic catalysis, the conversion of initial substrate into reaction product(s) involves a series of intermediates possessing distinct structures. Conservative glycines of the active site may function as relaxing elements adapting active site conformation for the catalytic conversion of the next intermediate.
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Postgenomic chemistry
Cysteine and proline residues take top positions in the rating of amino acid conservatism. They
are also essential for active site formation. Proline is a unique amino acid that unfolds the polypeptide
Cysteine residues provide required active site structure by forming a disulfide bridge, which
promotes fixation of catalytic residues (often located in different positions of a polypeptide chain) in
the active site structure. For many enzymes, disulfide bond formation is the final step terminating active site assembly.
A wide diversity of enzymes, great potentials of enzyme modification by genetic engineering methods,
and a deep insight into enzyme-related mechanisms potentially provide their diverse applications
[43,44]. Enzymes are widely applied in fine organic synthesis, medicine, and analysis as active components of washing powders. Enzymes are most widely applied in the food industry. However, enzymes
can also be fairly competitive in solving some classical chemical tasks. As example, consider the problem of creation of catalysts for fuel cells. In view of progressing deficit of hydrocarbons, as a basis of
modern power engineering [45], much attention is nowadays attracted to fuel cells, i.e., the electrochemical energy converters where fuel oxidation is spatially separated from reduction of oxidizer, usually air oxygen, resulting in the electrochemical potential generated on two electrodes. Fuel cells afford
a direct conversion of oxidation energy to the electric form without the intermediate emission of heat.
Due to this fact, the efficiency of fuel cells is fairly high, approaching 100 %.
The electrocatalytic problem of fuel oxidation and oxygen reduction is quite involved. On the one
hand, the electrocatalyst should accelerate the electron transfer from the electrode matrix to oxygen. On
the other hand, it should take an electron out of the fuel molecule without intermediate formation of
free-radical particles in both anodic and cathodic reactions. At present, hydrogenoxygen fuel cells are
most elaborated [46,47]. Supposedly, the fuel cells are an alternative to the internal combustion engines
for motorcars. The only appropriate catalyst in catalytic and corrosive parameters for hydrogenoxygen
cells is metallic platinum [48]. However, platinum, as electrocatalyst for fuel cells, has some principal
drawbacks: first of all, the high price and sensitivity and, hence, the quantity of CO and H2S in the fuel.
CO actually totally and irreversibly inhibits platinum at 100 ppm concentration of the former in the fuel
hydrogen. A principal limitation of platinum as catalysts in fuel cells for motorcars is imposed by highly
limited resources for the world production of platinum. To-date, the world production is about 180 t
platinum per year. To produce 60 million motorcars per year (the level of motorcar production in 2000),
about 5800 t platinum are required according to the most modest estimates.
Biological catalysts are totally renewable and industrially producible in any necessary quantity.
To create the enzyme-based fuel cells, we applied hydrogenases (hydrogen oxidation enzymes) and blue
copper-containing oxidases of laccase type (oxygen reduction enzyme). The fundamental ground for
creation of enzyme fuel cells is the application of biocatalysis, i.e., the enzyme-catalyzed acceleration
of electrochemical reactions of electron transfer at the interface electronic conductor/ionic conductor
upon direct electric catalysis between conductor and enzyme-active site.
The effect of direct electron transfer between conductor and enzyme-active site was disclosed in
our laboratory and registered as the discovery (State registration No. 311, 1987). It should be noted that
the USSR had the system of registration of priority research discoveries, which did not follow from
direct theoretical investigations, were unexpected, and promised novel technological advances. It was
shown that at the electrodes made of any electron-conducting material, hydrogenase chemosorption in
air oxygen establishes a reversible equilibrium of hydrogen potential.
At the electrodes with sorbed laccase, the potential is established that approached the equilibrium
potential of oxygen reduction. Hydrogen and oxygen enzyme electrodes underlay the construction of
the fuel cell [49], affording us to obtain a record coefficient of conversion for the free energy of hydrogen oxidation by oxygen, 95.7 %. The latest information on enzymatic hydrogen cells was presented
2004 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 76, 17811798
elsewhere [50,51]. The detailed comparison of electrochemical behavior of platinum and hydrogenase
in hydrogen oxidation reaction showed that the exchange currents for hydrogenase by 23 factors
higher than for platinum (referred to the catalyst active site) [52]. Note that the hydrogenase electrodes
are not inhibited by H2S and practically not inhibited by CO [53].
Thus, for hydrogen activation reaction in electrochemical mode, it turned out that the enzymes
have notably higher parameters than the classical catalyst. The possibility to produce enzymes in any
necessary quantities is the ground for real practical creation of fuel cells with unique technological parameters as energy converters.
Structural and functional proteomics has already identified a large number of proteins with novel folds
designed to carry out specific biochemical reactions. Some of these proteins have inspired chemists and
biochemists to engineer artificial and semi-artificial proteins, which may be used in unprecedented industrial or pharmacological applications. Therefore, the preparation of synthetic proteins with improved properties can become a rapidly developing part of postgenomic chemistry.
Fluoro-containing proteins and organisms
The interest to the unnatural amino acid-containing proteins is stimulated by at least three aspects.
These are: (1) A potential possibility of the unnatural amino acid incorporation into proteins infinitely
widens the spectrum of the novel proteins to be synthesized. The elaboration of the effective methods
to synthesize the proteins and enzymes containing element-organic amino acid analogs gives us hope
to obtain the proteins and enzymes with the properties previously unknown; (2) Novel classes of anticancer and antiviral agents could be proposed using the amino acid analogs and their derivatives
[54,55]; (3) The replacement of any amino acid significant part by their synthetic analogs is expected
to lead to the formation of microorganisms with qualitatively novel properties. Amino-acyl tRNA synthetase is the key enzyme of amino acid recognition in the protein biosynthesis. Some analogs could
not be incorporated into the proteins because of the high specificity of the above-mentioned synthetase.
Nevertheless, there are several main ways of unnatural amino acids incorporation in protein structure
One way represents itself: cultivation amino acid auxotrophic E. coli strain with a cloned enzyme
gene under the inducible promoter or in the presence of a specified protein expression inhibitor in a
medium containing all natural amino acids [57]. After significant biomass amount is accumulated, the
medium is replaced and an amino acid analog is introduced in place of its natural counterpart. After a
short incubation period, the protein expression is induced by the addition of inducer. The second way
supposes chemical charging of the suppressor amino-acyl tRNA with the amino acid analog and an in
vitro introduction of the analog at the nonsense mutated positions of the enzyme gene under investigation in the cell-free translation system [58]. Another way to overcome the specificity of amino-acyl
tRNA synthetase is mutagenesis of the enzyme [59]. This approach may widen the enzyme specificity
and enables one to incorporate the substances from a long analog list.
Realizing discussed approaches, the Tyr-auxotrophic strain E. coli B-2935 was transformed with
plasmid pTES-His-OPH [60] and inoculated in the medium containing F-Tyr. The biosynthesis of F-labeled organophosphate hydrolase was carried out. The mass-spectrometric analysis (MALDI-TOF) of
purified protein testified to the replacement of 80 % Tyr-residues by their F-containing analogs (data
not published).
It was shown that phenylalanine analog, namely, 4-fluorophenylalanine, can be introduced into
the cellular protein by biosynthetic machinery. It was revealed that the relative content of FPA in the
whole yeast protein from the cells grown up in the medium contained 1 mg/ml FPA. The amino acid
analysis data are presented in Fig. 5 [56]. It was established that a significant part (3540 %) of phenyl 2004 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 76, 17811798
Postgenomic chemistry
Fig. 5 Results of amino acid analysis of the total yeast cell protein, obtained without (a) and with (b) substitution
of natural phenylalanine by its F-containing analog.
alanine is replaced by FPA. This investigation illustrates a possibility of creating the living systems with
a significant part of their natural amino acid replaced by its element-organic analog.
Hybrid proteins
The use of recombinant proteins has increased significantly in recent years as a response to the rapidly
developed fields of proteomics. Recombinant hybrids containing a polypeptide fusion partner, termed
affinity tag, to facilitate the purification of the target polypeptides are widely used [6166]. Many different proteins, domains, or peptides can be fused with the target protein. The production of recombinant proteins in a highly purified and well-characterized form has become a major task for the protein
chemistry in the postgenomic era. Several different strategies have been developed to produce recombinant proteins on a large scale. One approach is to use a very small peptide tag that should not interfere with the fused protein properties [61,65]. The effect on tertiary structure and biological activity of
fusion proteins with small tags depends on the location and on the amino acid composition of the tag
[66]. Another approach is to use large peptides or proteins as the fusion partner since the large partners
can increase the stability and solubility of the target proteins [62]. Some hybrid partners are specially
used for the investigation of proteinprotein interactions or changing properties of a target protein. For
example, the catalytic properties of organophosphate hydrolase containing oligohistidine sequence considerably differed from the native enzyme. The optimum pH for hybrid enzyme shifted to the basic area
and became equal to 10.5 instead of 9.0 that was typical for the native enzyme (Fig. 6). The thermostability of the developed enzyme increased, and temperature optimum of action shifted from 48 C up
to 55 C [60,67]. In addition to that, the effective constants for hydrolysis of many substances catalyzed
by the hybrid enzyme enhanced 10 times compared to the native form.
The wide application of green fluorescent protein as fusion partner opened new capabilities in the
field of proteomics [68,69]. The importance of affinity-tag technology will increase because of its necessity for the peptide/protein chip design, high-throughput purification, peptide/protein libraries, drug
delivery systems, and strategies of large-scale production.
Postgenomic chemistry
One could easily foresee that recombinant polymers along with other natural polymers like carbohydrates, polyesters, and different composite materials based on these polymers, would to a large extent replace many traditional synthetic polymers.
Some of natural polymers are synthesized using template-guided synthesis. A classical example
of this type of the synthesis is polymerase-catalyzed replication of DNA molecules where novel chain
is produced by one of two chains of primary DNA. In this case, it allows production of biomolecules
identical to the template.
One could envision the development of this approach into several directions:
Investigations in this field should result in the creation of self-proliferating polymers. The new
systems recording the information in chemical language different from the classical biological one
could be suggested on the basis of a number of such polymers.
A number of new analytical technologies that qualitatively changed the face of modern bioanalysis have
been developed in various genomic projects and their further applications. In addition to DNA sequencing methods, considerable progress was achieved in the development of biochip analytical devices
and biosensors. The development of proteomics illustrates the application of mass-spectrometry method
for the analysis of proteins and peptides.
Advances in genomics, in combination with the progress in nano/materials/info technologies, are
being integrated to enable analytical devices and systems with potential global effects on individual and
public health, safety, economic, social and political systems.
DNA microarrays have revolutionized the way of nucleic acid characterization. One can easily
foresee that protein and small-molecule microarrays will have the same impact in many areas, such as
protein structurefunction and proteinprotein interaction studies, as well as in lead compound identification [71]. Toward such practical microarrays, novel chemistries that ensure selective, reliable, and
efficient linkages of synthetic and biological molecules onto solid support are desperately needed. It is
reasonable to believe that new reagents and chemoselective reactions operating in water will significantly improve the preparation of useful, stable microarrays that will find applications in many areas,
especially in the drug development process.
General principles of DNA polymerase reactions and PCR technique initiated development of a
number of atypical chemical processes. It was the first example of single-molecule registration.
A single enzyme molecule can generate polymerization and formation of nanoparticles that can
play the roles of markers of immunological interactions and nucleic acid-based reactions. Scanning
probe microscopy can be used as a counter of such nanoparticles. This approach promises to be extremely specific at registration of single molecular interactions.
The review concerns the new trends in chemistry development induced by advances in genetic engineering and genomics. The paper is based on the research works performed at the Chemistry
Enzymology Department (Chemistry Faculty, The Lomonosov Moscow State University) as well as on
2004 IUPAC, Pure and Applied Chemistry 76, 17811798
the results of IUPAC Project Post genomic chemistry (2001-005-1-300). A few examples were used
to demonstrate one of the fundamental and philosophic results of the genomic project, i.e., a possible
identification of all molecular participants of biological processes, including the low-molecular-weight
substances and biopolymers. Protein identification resulted in the new field chemical proteomics aiming at creation of regulatorschemical keys (inhibitors, activators, suppressors) for all proteins
known to exist in nature. The approaches to creation of a new generation of biocatalysts by the methods of genetic engineering and protein design are analyzed. Application of the methods of bioinformatics to investigation of the nature and functions of enzymes provides the solution of fundamental
problemsthe identification of catalytic site structure and the mechanism of catalysis from the data on
the amino acid sequence in protein polymer chain. The possibilities of biocatalyst use in creation of new
resource technologies (fuel production, CO2 reduction) are demonstrated. Applications of enzymes are
discussed for solving classical chemical problems, in particular, upon creation of electrocatalysts effecting the ionization of molecules at the electron conductor/ion conductor interface. The enzymes in
the reactions of this type are shown to be by 23 factors more efficient compared to metallic platinum,
their classical catalyst. Potential approaches are shown to create the hydrogenoxygen fuel cell with
95.7 % conversion efficiency for free energy of fuel oxidation. Possibilities for creation of gene-expressed proteins on principally different chemical groundfrom unnatural amino acidsare discussed.
This approach is illustrated by the experimental data with application of proteins containing fluorinated
aromatic amino acids. A possible approach is shown to design the organisms containing proteins with
some amino acids up to 40 % substituted by their fluorinated analogs. Possible approaches are considered to develop polymers using methods of recombinant DNA technology and to design template-directed synthesis of polymers and self-proliferated polymers. One of the results of the genomic project
is the creation of some new analytic technologies underlying the development of the new bioanalytic
chemistry. The advances in elaboration of biosensors, biochips, the protein and small-molecule microarrays and the systems for recording single molecules are discussed.
The authors would like to thank following scientists for their help in the preparation of the text and fruitful participation in the IUPAC project Post genomic chemistry (2001-005-1-300): Jutta Eichler
(German Research Center of Biotechnology, Germany); Igor Galaev (Lund University, Sweden); Vadim
Gladyshev (University of Nebraska, USA); Thomas Haertle (Institute of National Research Agronomy,
France); Arkadiy Karyakin (Moscow State University, Russia); Ilia Kurochkin (Moscow State
University, Russia); Marian Mikolajczyk (Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies Pol. Acad.
Sci, Poland); Vladimir Poroikov (Institute of Biomedical Chemistry Russ. Acad. Med. Sci., Russia);
Fritz Spener (University of Munster, Germany); Normand Voyer (Laval University, Canada); and James
Wild (Texas A&M University, USA).
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