Aspect of Society Rizal's Observations As Depicted in The Noli Me Tangere Your Observations in The Present Context

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Aspect of society Rizal’s observations as depicted Your observations in the

in the Noli Me Tangere present context

Government and officials  The government was  Corruption is rampant

administered by self-  Honest and sincere
seekers. officials are few.
 Honest and sincere officials  Some goverment
were few. officials are abusive to
 Corruption was rampant. their powers.
 The head of the Philippines  Some of them
is the governor-general. controlled the prices
 Civil guards, friars and of the crops such as
other government officials rice (Sen. Cynthia)
use their power to abuse,
mistreat civilians and
control those whom they
believe would be
detrimental to the Spanish
Church and religion  Friars used the Catholic  Abuses and threats by
Church amass wealth and to priest ceases or atleast
perpetuate themselves into lowered.
power, ex: selling  Church and State is
indulgences. separate. The church
 Controlled townspeople cant control the state
with threats of nor the State control
excommunication, the church.
punishment and accusations
of heresy.
 Church has unmitigated
control over the
government officials.
 Spanish used religion as a
way to rule and to govern
as tyrant.
 Friars commercialize
religion through simony
and plenary indulgence.

Education  Unequal opportunity to  Equal opportunity to

education. education.
 Limited higher education.  Government fund
 The novel also dealt with more in education.
the poor education in the Like free tuition fees.
country. School buildings
were lacking in the town,
for fund allocation were
corrupted by the priests for
fiesta celebration.
Romantic relationships  Traditional Filipina was  Traditional Filipina
(courtship, marriage, etc.) expected to play “hard-to- are now few.
get” as if she’s not  Man can court
interested and has to wherever and
maintain shyness, modesty whenever he wants.
and reserved even if she has Some even court
feeling for her admirer in through chat, call or
order for her to see and text.
know whether he’s sincere
and serious about his
feelings for her.
 Man has to court first the
family members of the girl
before going out on a
friendly date.
Pastimes/ hobbies  Fishing  Today's generation,
 Fenncing, learned the game majority of the people
of judo, a chess master, gun are addicted to mobile
slinger (almost nobody games and forgot to
knows that he was a good play like chess or
gun slinger), and writing other indoor activities.
novels and poems.
The rich and the poor  The rich and the privileged  The poor are
become conspirators and oppressed by the rich
act like blind agents and and have power.
executioners behind the  Those who are poor
schemes of exploitation, and innocent are being
violence and abuses of the accused of something
Catholic Church. they did not do.
 Poor people were like ghost  The poor keep getting
figures, the impoverished poorer and the rich
among the colonized. richer.
 The poor keep getting  Social stratification
poorer and the rich richer. "tatsulok" is still in
present time. And as
long as they (rich) are
on top the chaos wont
be over.
Life in the city  Microcosm of Philippine  Social stratification
society and its social and and political Hierachy
political hierarchy. is also at present.
 Life under the Spanish
colonial system. Chaos and
many have suffered.

Grafe, Mariah Cheska

Decenilla, Gleen Mae

Cutamora, Ranelene

Calacat, Mary Grace

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