Career Life Connections Career Research Project

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Career Life Connections

Career Research Project

Step 1
Finding out what careers are available for you to explore with your personal goals and

Go to

1. Career Cruising at (ID: Tweedsmuir Password: Careers)

2. Careerinsite and create your personal account.
3. My Blue Print and create a login

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Step 2
Go to the know yourself section and take ALL the self-assessment quizzes. It is
important to do all the quizzes to get a full picture of your interests and a more accurate
assessment of your interests.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Answer all the questions to the best of your ability giving thought to your own personal
values and idea’s.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
When you have completed all the tests you will be able to go to the “my career plan
section” and see what occupations have been recommended for you. You can click on
any of the occupations in this section and explore the possibilities for each.

Once you have completed all the quizzes and have an idea of what is being suggested for
you go to Education Planner ( and WorkBC

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
At least 1 career must be from the suggested list at careerinsite.

The second career can be from there or any other career you may be interested in that
might not have appeared on your list.

The third career must be in the trades area.

Go to the ITA – Industry Trade Authority (I and

Discover Skills BC (

Go to and view the video’s for your

suggested occupations.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Answer the following for EACH of the three careers.

Name: Luas Schantli

Career Name: Air Traffic Controller

1. Education required and or recommendations: Completion of secondary school

2. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: BCIT,Vancouver Island University

3. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $10,000-$35,000

4. Salary range: Median Salary is $103,750

5. Job description: Direct air traffic within assigned airspace, and control moving aircraft
and service vehicles at airports.

6. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 700 in BC BC or Canada (circle one)

7. Employment prospects: A 3% growth of employment from 2016-2018

8. Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Railway traffic controllers

 Marine traffic regulators
 Aircraft Pilot

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
9. Skills or characteristics required: Main skills or characteristics required are. Active
listening, Speaking, Critical thinking, and Coordination

10. Disadvantages of occupation: High stress job considering people can die if you make
any mistake.

11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I am able to
fulfill most skills needed such as, Active listening, Critical thinking, and decision making.

12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Basic radio telephone
operator’s license, and on job training.

13. Working conditions: Typically in a structured environment, such as an office.

14. Typical hours of work: 8 hour workday including meal time and regular breaks.

15. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: The salary per year is
really good for not having to go to any post-secondary. And seems like an interesting
and respectable job. Also being able to retire in your 50’s seems really nice.

16. What are the future trends of this occupation: Growing employment, but relatively the
same as it is now.

17. Go to Work BC Website ( and Education Planner

( list 2 points of information you felt were important
and were not covered.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
1. High, Median, and low salary per year

2. Average retirement age.

Name: Lucas Schantli

Career Name: Real estate

18. Education required and or recommendations: Diploma in business administration, and

several years of experience within the industry.

19. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: BCIT or UBC

20. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $1150

21. Salary range: As low as $21.54 an hour, to $38.46 an hour for a median rate, to as high
as $56.59 an hour. The median salary in a year is $79,997

22. Job description: Plan, organize and direct the activities of establishments that provide
insurance, mortgage, real estate and investment services.

23. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 6,600 in BC

24. Employment prospects: A 6% growth from 2016 to 2026, which is about average for all

25. Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Financial managers.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
 Banking, credit and other investment managers.
 Senior managers.

26. Skills or characteristics required: Main skills needs are. Speaking, Critical thinking,
active listening, and reading comprehension.

27. Disadvantages of occupation: No safety net in the slow periods, buying and selling
houses can be stressful for everyone.

28. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I am able to
sell products, in this case property. I don’t mind paper work, and love making people
happy and helping others out.

29. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Real estate training
programs or earn bachelor’s degrees in real estate. Also need anywhere from 1-3 years
of sales agent experience.

30. Working conditions: Most of the time you either work from an office or from home, or
showing properties to clients.

31. Typical hours of work: Beginning of your career you may work 50-60 hours a week.
More experienced agents may only work 40 hours per week.

32. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: My dad was a Real estate
agent when he was younger and helped my knowledge towards this topic. I always
found real estate interesting because of the independence and deciding your own
schedule. Plus this career can be very rewarding.

33. What are the future trends of this occupation: More properties being sold considering
the demand of housing needed to hold all new families in BC.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
34. Go to Work BC Website ( or Education Planner
( and list 2 points of information you felt were
important and were not covered.

1. High, Median, and low salary per year

2. Average retirement age in this occupations.

Name: Lucas Schantli

Career Name: Construction Manager

35. Education required and or recommendations: A university degree in civil engineering

or a college diploma in construction technology is usually required.

36. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: UBC, KPU, UFV

37. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): From $28,000-$116,000

38. Salary range: Low $20 an hour, Median $36.25 and High is $57.69 and hour. Median
salary for a year is $75,400

39. Job description: Construction Managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the
activities of Construction Companies.

40. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 13,900 in BC

41. Employment prospects: Expected to grow %11 from 2016-2026, which is faster than the
average for all occupations.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
42. Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Senior managers
 Home building and renovation managers
 Construction worker

43. Skills or characteristics required: Active listening, Critical thinking, Speaking and

44. Disadvantages of occupation: Likelihood of design change, Stress of being in charge,

and having to leave home to travel to work on projects.

45. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I am able to
put what I imagine onto paper, and I am a good leader.

46. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? A degree on a relevant
area, such as building engineering, architecture studies or civil engineering.

47. Working conditions: In an office or on construction site.

48. Typical hours of work: On average a construction manager works 40 hours a week.

49. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: being in charge and
creating ideas on paper and those ideas becoming a finish product.

50. What are the future trends of this occupation: Expanding automation and artificial

51. Go to ITA or the Discover Skills BC Website and list 2 points of information you felt were important and
were not covered.

1. The benefits you get from working this occupation.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
2. Average retirement age.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project

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