Planning Your Career

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Planning 10 Career Project


Answer the following for EACH of the three careers.

Planning 10 Career research project
Career one

Name: Connie Rosas

Career Name: Model

1. Education required and or recommendations: No specific requierements.

2. Suggested Post Secondary Institutions: No suggestions.

3. Cost of Training in Canadian ( full program cost for all years ) $: Prices vary

4. Salary Range: Average Salary: $14,824.00

5. Job Description: Models enhace and promote the sale of consumer goods and
other products and services.

6. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number

refers to BC or Canada)

____________________________________BC or Canada (circle one)

7. Employment prospects: Glamour and potential for fame

8. Related Jobs (list at least 3)

1. Actor

Planning 10 Career research project

2. Cosmetologist

3. Fashion Designer

9. Skills or characteristics required:

Organizational Skills, Photogenic, Persistence, Stylish

10. Disadvantages of Occupation:

Its competitive demanding, discipline

11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option:

I have an interest in fashion design and style in general.

12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this Occupation?

No, education is required, some aspiring models atlend modeling schools to

provide training in posing, walking, make up, and other skills however it does not
necessarily lead to more job opportunities.

13. Working conditions:

Models work in a variety of conditions

13. Typical hours of work: Unpredictable Schedual.

14. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation:

My interest in fashion design.

15. What are the Future Trends of this occupation:

Planning 10 Career research project

This occupation trend is constantly growing and changing.

16. Go to Work Futures Website ( and list 2 points of

information you felt were important and were not covered.



Career two

Name: Veterinarian

Career Name: Veterinarian

1. Education required and or recommendations: 6 years post secondary


2. Suggested Post Secondary Institutions: UBC

3. Cost of Training in Canadian ( full program cost for all years ) $: 40,000+ per

4. Salary Range: Average salary: $85,052.00

5. Job Description: Veterinarian Diagnose and Treat Animals

Planning 10 Career research project

6. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number
refers to BC or Canada):

1,200 BC or Canada (circle one)

7. Employment prospects: Expected to be very competetitive

8. Related Jobs (list at least 3)

1. Animal caretaker

2. Marine biologist

3. Animal groomer

9. Skills or characteristics required:

Compassion, communication skills, decision making skills, management skills,

problem skills.

10. Disadvantages of Occupation: Long course education, always on call.

11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option

I love animals, and helping things. Im a compassionate person.

12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this Occupation?

Science, Biology, Math, English prerequisites.

13. Working conditions:

Planning 10 Career research project

Most vets work in private clinics, and hospitals. Others, work in laboratories or
classroom, or work for the government.

13. Typical hours of work: Open schedule, unpredictable.

14. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: My love and
affection towards dogs and other animals.

15. What are the Future Trends of this occupation:

Veterinary supply will be fulfilled in developing countries.

16. Go to Work Futures Website ( and list 2 points of

information you felt were important and were not covered.

1. Highschool grades requirements.

2. Future trends.

Trades Career

Name: Contractor.

Career Name: Construction trades (management)

1. Education required and or recommendations: Diploma, certificate or

apprenticeship training.

2. Suggested Post Secondary Institutions: KPU (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)

3. Cost of Training in Canadian ( full program cost for all years ) $: 2541

Planning 10 Career research project

4. Salary Range: 62,568

5. Job Description: Supervise, coordinate and schedule the activities of

construction workers.

6. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number

refers to BC or Canada)

4,500 BC or Canada (circle one)

7. Employment prospects: Job opportunities for qualified construction managers

are expected to be good.

8. Related Jobs (list at least 3)

1. Architect

2. Architechrual and Engineering manager.

9. Skills or characteristics required:

Analytical skills, Business skills, customer service skills, leadership skills.

10. Disadvantages of Occupation:

Requires extreme patience. Added stress. Travelling may require you to be

away from home to work on other area projects.

11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option:

I like leading, and taking control of a situation.

12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this Occupation?

Planning 10 Career research project

Completion of all secondary school Journeyman/ woman trade certification.

13. Working conditions:

Tension and pressure. Usually dirty work, noisy job sites, may be on call 24/7.

13. Typical hours of work:

Unschedualed/ Unregulated.

14. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation:

15. What are the Future Trends of this occupation:

No new trends are technologies usually surface in this industrial.

Planning 10 Career research project

Non Educational paths. If you dont plan on going on to post secondary training you
can chose a career path from the following site in addition to a trade and a
traditional career.

Go to

Take the try a web version tests.


Planning 10 Career research project

Step 3


Name: Connie Rosas

Date: 2/20/2017

Find 3 Post Secondary Institutions you would like to attend. (One must be a
College.) Answer the following questions for each Application Form and then
completely fill in ONE Application Form in Blue or Black pen with NO mistakes.

First Choice

1 Post Secondary Institution: Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

2 Where is the Location of the Campus: Multiple Locations.

3 What is the Address: Nearest: 5500 180st Surrey Bc.

4 Phone Number: 604-599-2000
5 Fax Number: 604-599-2000
6 Email Address: [email protected]
7 Website Address:
8 First Program Applied for: Fasion marketing.
9 What is the Cost of the Application Fee: $40
10 Attach a Copy of the Application:

Second Choice

Planning 10 Career research project

1. Post Secondary Institution: University of British Columbia.

2 Where is the Location of the Campus: Vancouver BC.

3 What is the Address: 2329 West Mall.
4 Phone Number: 604-822-2211
5 Fax Number: 604-822-2211
6 Email Address:
7 Website Address:
8 First Program Applied for: Animal biology.
9 What is the Cost of the Application Fee: $66.75

Third Choice

1 Post Secondary Institution: College of veterinarians of BC.

2 Where is the Location of the Campus: Vancouver
3 What is the Address: 828 Harbourside
4 Phone Number: 604-929-7090
5 Fax Number: 604-929-7090
6 Email Address: [email protected]
7 Website Address:
8 First Program Applied for: Veterinarian
9 What is the Cost of the Application Fee: $0

What is PAS BC? Education Planner

Step 4

Planning 10 Career research project

a) 3 Completed career research info sheets (1 for each career)
b) Your Top 10 and Top 40 lists
c) All of your research papers (from both career cruising and
careerinsite websites)


Web Site Address Site Name Purpose of Site Aerospace Industry Aerospace
Careers Bus Industry Bus Industry

Careers Careers in Canada Career

Exploration Government of Career

Canada Exploration Careers Job Search Skills Schoolfinder Career

Exploration Vector Career

Exploration Career Education Soc. Career

Exploration Next Steps Career

Exploration Career Paths Career

Exploration Work Futures Career

Exploration BC Construction Assn. Construction

Careers BC Roadbuilders Construction

Planning 10 Career research project

Careers BC Film Industry Film Industry

Careers Industry Training Trades Careers

Authority Canada Job Futures Market research

site BC Job Futures Market research

site Work Infonet Market research

site Be Your Own Boss Self Employment Western Self Employment

Diversification Youth Link Self-Employment BC Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship BC Small business Entrepreneurship Canada Youth Entrepreneurship

Business Applied Science Tech. Technology

Careers Canadian Technology Technology

Careers Work Destinations Trades Careers Opportunity Knocks Trades/Apprentic

es Skilled Trades Trades Careers Government of Youth

Canada Employment Monster Career Search Destination 2020 Career Search

Planning 10 Career research project

Narrow your career list to a few good choices. Each career should have a detailed list of
skills needed, as well as degrees, diplomas, certificates, volunteer or relevant experience
etc. Next, research the schools or organizations that offer the particular program of study
needed. Find out the entrance requirements or prerequisites. Finally, call prospective
employers within the industry you are researching and ask what they look for in their
employees and if they prefer to hire students from a particular school or program.

Planning 10 Career research project

Planning 10 Career research project
Planning 10 Career research project

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