Career Trade Research Project CLC 11
Career Trade Research Project CLC 11
Career Trade Research Project CLC 11
Go to
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Step 2
Go to the know yourself section and take ALL the self-assessment quizzes. It is
important to do all the quizzes to get a full picture of your interests and a more accurate
assessment of your interests.
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Answer all the questions to the best of your ability giving thought to your own personal
values and idea’s.
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
When you have completed all the tests you will be able to go to the “my career plan
section” and see what occupations have been recommended for you. You can click on
any of the occupations in this section and explore the possibilities for each.
Once you have completed all the quizzes and have an idea of what is being suggested for
you go to Education Planner ( and WorkBC
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
At least 1 career must be from the suggested list at careerinsite.
The second career can be from there or any other career you may be interested in that
might not have appeared on your list.
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Answer the following for EACH of the three careers.
Name: Rowan Goodwin
3. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $33.390
5. Job description: preform roles in motion picture, television, theatre and radio
productions to entertain a variety of audiences as well as teach drama at public and
private schools
7. Employment prospects: although having a bachelor’s degree in theatre does give some
advantage it all comes down to skill and what the producer/hiring agents are looking for.
announcers and broadcasters
9. Skills or characteristics required: the ability to convince people as well as show emotions
that you aren’t feeling and have no fear of expressing yourself in front of others
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
10. Disadvantages of occupation: long workdays, sometimes very physical, not always
great pay.
11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: in order to be
an actor, you must have the mindset to never give up and you must be interested in
playing different character as well as having the skill to trick people.
12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? In some cases you must
be required to complete an acting class or degree in theatre.
14. Typical hours of work: Hours vary from job to job, but movies usually take 6 months to a
year to complete.
15. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: I enjoy participating in
drama class and playing different characters and the challenge of convincing the
audience that this character is real.
16. What are the future trends of this occupation: the need for new actors and actresses will
continue to grow and fall with very new generation.
Name: rowan Goodwin
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
19. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: any college/ university.
20. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $9,300
22. Job description: work with and train athletes/ teams in a specific sport or event.
24. Employment prospects: must be experienced in the sport of your choice as well as be
experienced in handling and helping people succeed.
sports official/ referee
other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
26. Skills or characteristics required: the most important skill required is the will to improve
your team/ athletes.
27. Disadvantages of occupation: jobs aren’t always guaranteed, and you must work with
people who have a short temper most of the time
28. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I know how to
properly work out and get fit and I like to play all kinds of sports as well as not giving up.
29. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? Completion of the
national coaching program.
30. Working conditions: usually outdoors sometimes indoors on fields and courses.
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
31. Typical hours of work: usually at nighttime for 1- 3 hours at a time sometimes everyday
or every second day.
32. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: I like playing sports and
would love to pass on my knowledge to others and hopefully see them succeed.
33. What are the future trends of this occupation: there is always a need for more coaches in
every sport and each year kids/ people drop out of the sport and new ones come in so
there will always be a need for coaches.
Name: rowan Goodwin
37. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $3023.76
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
39. Job description: carpenter construct, erect, install, maintain and repair structures and
components of structures made of wood, wood substitutes, lightweight steel and other
41. Employment prospects: having a degree in carpentry as well as a red seal and
completing an apprenticeship will help in getting hired
43. Skills or characteristics required: a good listener, steady hand, critical thinking and the
ability to follow plans/ orders.
44. Disadvantages of occupation: dangerous work environment, long hours as well as a lot
of physical work
45. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I like to work
with my hands, and I believe that everyone has a calling in life I can also follow orders
very well when motivated
46. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? You must complete high
school taking courses like woodwork and power and energy
49. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: I enjoy working with my
hands to create things that will have a long-lasting effect and help others.
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
50. What are the future trends of this occupation: with the amount of people in BC as well as
Canada steadily growing so will the need for carpenters and people in trades.
Career Life Connections - Career Research Project