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Joint Research Centre

The European Commissions in-house science service

Energy and Buildings

Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency

Energy consumption
About 37% of final energy consumption
is taken by the building sector
(households and services). A gradual
shift over the last five years is
observed from fossil fuels to renewable
energy sources, such as solar energy,
wind power and bio-energy. By means
of Directives, Recommendations and
Regulations the European
Commission is giving direction to the
future of sustainable energy use and
supporting the low carbon energy
Energy performance of buildings and
efficient energy end-use are the
important topics of interest. European
standardisation facilitates exchange of
goods, information and services to
ensure a competition in a single
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD 2010/31/EU) concerns the
European market.
residential and the tertiary sector (offices, public buildings, etc.).
Member states must apply minimum requirements as regards the energy
performance of new and existing buildings. A common calculation methodology
should include all the aspects which determine the final and primary energy
consumption of the building. This integrated approach should take into account
aspects such as heating and cooling installations, lighting, the position and
orientation of the building, heat recovery and the application of renewable energy.
The member states are responsible for setting the minimum standards for buildings
that are calculated on the basis of the above methodology.

The philosophy that supports the reduction of energy consumption in buildings is

presented in three priority steps:
1. Energy saving (improve insulation),
2. Increase energy efficiency (building installations),
Contact: 3. Use renewable energy resources (solar energy, etc.).

J.J. Bloem
European Commission JRC
Institute for Energy and Transport
Email: [email protected]
Energy performance of buildings can be classified in Renewable energy in the building sector is covered mainly
three consumption categories: by solar energy, bio-energy and to a smaller extend by
geo- and aero-thermal energy:
Building energy needs (savings)
This is directly related to indoor (comfort level of Solar energy can be distinguished in:
temperature, air quality and light) and outdoor climate Passive solar by means of building design (and
conditions (temperature, solar radiation and wind) for orientation) for energy saving;
working and living in buildings. The heat transfer through Solar electrical: roof-top photovoltaic installations
the building envelops and the ventilation define produce energy electricity;
importantly the building energy needs. Minimum energy Solar thermal: solar collectors produce hot water for
performance requirements are set for insulation levels of domestic use and space heating.
walls, roof, floor and windows, etc.
Biomass products, such as pellets are used as fuel for
Building systems energy (efficiency) space heating installations. Geo- and aero-thermal energy;
The combined efficiency of the installations for heating, heat pumps are often used in buildings for ground coupled
cooling, ventilation, hot water and electricity are the and air-to-air heat exchange. This conversion technology
relevant factors in the end-use energy consumption. Doing offers the possibility of efficient energy use both for
more with less energy supports the overall reduction of space heating and cooling.
primary energy consumption.

Occupancy energy consumption (behavioural)

The remaining use of energy depends on how the occupant
makes use of the building. Household appliances, like
washing machines refrigerators, etc. and entertainment
apparatus such as TV and computers, consume mainly
electricity that is converted for a great part into auxiliary
heat. Occupancy behaviour is covering also variable
aspects as the opening of windows, temperature setting,

Renewable energy
It takes a more and more important share in the final
energy supply. The 2010 data provided by the evaluation The JRC Institute for Energy an Transport is supporting the
of the National Renewable Energy Action Plan reports give European legislation by assessing technical requirements
an estimated share of 11.6%, this corresponds to more for standardisation in relation to energy performance of
than a doubling in 10 years whereas the 2020 target is an buildings. Under review at present are the energy
overall share in Europe of 20%. standards relevant for the EPBD 2010/31/EU; a holistic
calculation method for final and primary energy
consumption is under development at CEN. This process
includes harmonisation of climate data and overall energy
calculation methodology.
Among other topics for harmonisation are:
Assessment of solar yield for solar
installations; energy produced by photovoltaic
as well as solar thermal collectors;
Calculation and simulation methods for
low energy buildings, considering also passive
and solar gain and the application of dynamic
calculation methods.

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