Modelit: Tutorial 1
Modelit: Tutorial 1
Modelit: Tutorial 1
This is a simple example of geometry creation using the ModelIT module. It consists of a main office
space (extrusion) with smaller glass panelled sub-offices (prisms) in one corner. These zones are
created with a floor at 0.0m and a ceiling height of 3.6m. The East and West external facades also
have glazing.
The main modelling consideration for this model is in creating the glazing.
The required ext. glazing is as shown on the following close-up of the external wall in sub-office 1:
The glass panels are 1.8m high (Height) at a height of 1.05m (Y-Offset) – the width of the panel is
0.9m (Width) – thus the initial X-Offset is 0.05m with an X-Spacing of 0.1m – the Y-Spacing is not
required since there is only one window in the vertical axis.
The external glazing is created using the “edit glazing for selected spaces” option:
Note that the “Min. Az” & “Max. Az” fields are set to 85 and 95 so that initially the glazing is only
applied to the East facade. These are then changed to 265 and 275 to apply to the West facade.
The internal glazed panels for the offices are as follows (note that the option explained above only
works for external windows):
The twelve windows are 0.9m by 0.9m, 0.05m from the edge of the surface with a 0.1m mullion
between each window. There are a number of ways of creating this effect; perhaps the easiest is to
use the “Key-in” field to input the exact displacement and dimensions of the first window.
At the “Opening” level select the “Add Window” option and input the displacement of the
window from the bottom left corner then define the size of the window
Again there are a number of possible ways of doing this, we shall use the same technique as above,
define a starting position by inputting to the “Key-in” field and then input a
displacement .
By repeating this process with different displacements we can create the desired glazing effect.
All the windows for other surfaces can be created in this manner.