South Bank Decentralised Energy-Feasibility Report - Feb 09
South Bank Decentralised Energy-Feasibility Report - Feb 09
South Bank Decentralised Energy-Feasibility Report - Feb 09
Executive Summary................................................................................................................................. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 8 Data collection ................................................................................................................................ 10 4.1 Building data collection process .................................................................................................. 10 4.2 Overview of building data collected ............................................................................................. 13 5. 6. Modelling ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Inputs .............................................................................................................................................. 18 6.1 Building Clusters .......................................................................................................................... 18 6.2 Selection basis ............................................................................................................................. 21 6.3 Energy demand patterns ............................................................................................................. 23 6.4 Pipework networks ....................................................................................................................... 27 7. Renewable options ......................................................................................................................... 32 7.1 Biomass ....................................................................................................................................... 32 7.2 River water cooling ...................................................................................................................... 34 8. 9. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................... 37 Key risks ......................................................................................................................................... 38
Appendices (Separate document) Appendix A - List of existing buildings showing building rating Appendix B - Cluster load profiles Appendix C - Examples of pipe sizing/costing Appendix D - Assumptions
Executive Summary The South Bank Employers Group (SBEG) and London South Bank University (LSBU) were supported by the London Development Agency (LDA) to assess the feasibility of installing Combined Heat & Power (CHP) across the SBEG area. Simple building data was collected on the major buildings in and near to the SBEG area that could play a part in determining the success of CHP across the SBEG area. This included floor area, building type and location. In addition more detailed building data has been obtained from a number of SBEG members. 120 buildings of different types were identified as potential loads for CHP, including around 15 proposed new developments. A master planning software tool was used to assess and place the indentified buildings into strategic clusters to allow further analysis of the overall energy demand patterns for each cluster. Potential locations for the CHP plant/energy centres were also considered and heating/cooling and private wire distribution networks were investigated for each cluster using GIS mapping to estimate the infrastructure costs. A rating system was used to identify the key existing buildings in each cluster based on heating demand, electricity demand and distance from CHP plant. This focused the analysis on 42 existing buildings and 11 new developments. A CHP model was then used to assess the economic viability and CO2 emissions of each of the clusters noted below: Blackfriars South Bank Waterloo London South Bank University Each cluster was modelled using key existing buildings, then, in addition, key existing buildings and new developments were modelled. The potential Waterloo Station redevelopment was assumed as a separate analysis due to its potential size.
1. Introduction There are a significant number of new high densities mixed use developments being planned in the South Bank area for delivery over the next five years. Such growth in building and energy density presents a rare opportunity to develop an integrated and area wide approach to energy supply and distribution, incorporating low carbon energy generation technologies with district heating and potentially cooling networks.
Figure 1.1 Large existing buildings and new developments in SBEG area Such networks could potentially link together existing buildings on the South Bank, such as St Thomas Hospital, Shell, the South Bank Arts Complex etc, with new the developments as these are delivered. The 4|Page
Key benefits for building owners, developers and property managers that could come from the introduction of CHP include: Lower energy running costs Reduced CO2 emissions Reduced maintenance costs Less plant space required in buildings Helps meet the Mayors energy planning policy
Whilst the LDA are focused on reducing emissions, building owners and property managers are motivated by increased efficiencies and reductions in operating costs. Developers are also focused on reduced CO2 emissions in order to meet the London Mayors energy planning policy.
2. Objectives This reports aims to answer the following objectives: To estimate the annual heat, electricity and cooling energy consumption and peak demands of existing buildings and known future developments in the South Bank area, taking into account any existing district heating networks in the area and the timing of future developments; To identify a number of options for low-carbon energy supply and distribution to these developments and systems. Report on the technical viability of the options, including a determination of appropriate plant capacity, potential plant locations and principal infrastructure routes; To estimate the likely capital, operating and 25 year whole life cost of the options, when compared with a do-minimum scenario; To estimate the primary energy and resulting carbon savings which could be delivered by the different supply options; To provide recommendations on the way forward and present these to a workshop involving SBEGs members and other stakeholders.
3. Approach The project began with an initial project meeting with SBEG, LDA to discuss the project plan, methodology and deliverables. This covered the practical issues involved in obtaining energy consumption & demand data for existing buildings, new developments and any existing district heating schemes. An introductory presentation was made to other key stakeholders at a SBEG Property Group meeting. Simple building data was collected on the major existing buildings in and near to the SBEG area that might play a part in determining the success of CHP across the SBEG area. The data collected consisted mainly of floor area, building type and location. Initially, this was gathered by walking the area and identifying large buildings, estimating floor area and identifying the type of usage. Floor areas were then firmed up using GIS mapping to measure floor plates more accurately, leading to better estimates of total floor area. Information about future developments was collected through SBEG which holds up to date outline information on all large schemes. Again, this consisted of mainly floor area, building type and location, alongside the likely date of construction. Attempts were then made to gather more detailed data on each of these buildings using a questionnaire, shown in Appendix E. Information was also sought regarding the type of energy supply systems currently operated within existing buildings and developments e.g. size and capacity of principle plant, availability of space for additional plant, the distribution medium used, operating temperatures & pressures etc. Actual metered energy consumption and demand data for existing buildings was sought, but only very limited data was returned. LSBU have also attempted to identify any existing district heating/cooling schemes and proposed district heating/cooling schemes being planned in the area. 120 buildings of different types were identified as potential loads for CHP including around 15 proposed new developments. A specially developed masterplanning software tool was used to help establish clusters of buildings to allow an analysis of the overall energy demand patterns for each cluster. LSBU then developed a rating system to identify the key existing buildings in each cluster based on heating demand, electricity demand and distance from CHP plant. Potential locations for the CHP plant were then considered and the rating system was again used to concentrate the analysis on key focus buildings within each cluster. Through an iterative process, the LSBU team focused the analysis around four clusters totalling forty two existing buildings and eleven new developments. infrastructure costs. Potential plant locations, heating/cooling and private wire distribution networks were then developed for each cluster. GIS mapping was then used to estimate the
Each cluster was also modelled for key existing buildings only, then key existing buildings plus new developments. The potential Waterloo Station redevelopment was included in a separate analysis. Further analysis included an assessment of a strategic option linking Blackfriars, South Bank and Waterloo clusters to one single CHP Plant. Trigeneration (CCHP) was then added as a further option to some of the leading options. A brief analysis of the energy development/plant development/investment profile was then be carried out to provide an early view of phasing, levels of investment and investment timing. The CHP model was used in an iterative way to identify critical loads by running different scenarios and to develop different load scenarios for the piping network optimization. The modelling gradually became more detailed and the assumptions refined to identify the most deliverable, commercially viable and environmentally sustainable solution. The leading scenarios with the most economic overall approach and the greatest CO2 reductions were then identified. Work was then carried out to refine maps showing the distribution of the building clusters, proposed energy centre locations, the energy supply options, infrastructure routes, etc, and the system interconnections across the South Bank area. These maps show the proposed phasing of development over the next ten years.
Buildings known to have individual domestic boilers or room electric heating were discounted as being unsuitable for CHP. It was assumed that converting such buildings to a central system would be too expensive. In particular, this excluded a large student resident population at the universities in the area. Discussions were also held with Peabody Estates, the main social housing operator in the area, regarding 10 | P a g e
Almost all SBEG members returned completed questionnaires. However, many of the returns were incomplete and lacked some of the detail required. Whilst these returns provided useful background material they did not provide a significant amount of detailed information and had no major influence on the studies findings. Sixteen questionnaires were returned (from twenty three sent) from: BFI Derwent London London Eye Beetham Delancey IBM ITV 11 | P a g e
As part of the above, a separate version of this questionnaire was developed to gather data on proposed new development as clearly energy data are not available pre-construction. In some cases, significant assumptions have been made regarding the completion date of future developments. The new developments are at different stages and there are more unknowns in buildings at planning stage than those in design. A small number of new developments are currently under construction and these have now been incorporated into the analysis as existing buildings since they are likely to be completed before CHP might be installed as a result of this work. Later in the project a second supplementary questionnaire was sent to all the focus buildings via SBEG, see Appendix E. This aimed to identify: Electrical supply, voltage, incomers, transformers etc Heat supply, boiler output, boiler room location etc. Cooling supply, chiller output, chiller room location etc. Future plans to install CHP Any existing connections to district heating/cooling schemes Current gas and electricity prices
Only five questionnaires were returned (from forty two sent) from: Delancey IBM ITV Shell White House
Few of these supplementary questionnaires were returned. As a consequence, some assumptions have had to be made about some buildings. Site visits were conducted at St Thomas Hospital, three Kings College 12 | P a g e
4.2 Overview of building data collected The following provides an overview of the building data collected. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show the total number of buildings identified by type and size. Initially, some 130 building were identified but around 120 were put forward into the ranking system for further analysis.
30 25 Number of buildings 20 15 10 5 0
R et R ai es id l en tia l O ffi ce
The overall number of buildings considered is dominated by offices and residential properties. Offices comprise around 47% of the floor area, residential 20% and hotels 12%. Table 4.1 shows the top 30 buildings by size. Buildings with mixed use were split into separate entries and each type of space was modelled separately.
Tu be H os pi ta l
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Identified Buildings
40 Number of building 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
>20,000 m 10 to 20,000 m 5 to 10,000 m 2 to 5000 m 500 m to 2000 m
Waterloo Station - Hotel Elizabeth House - Office Waterloo Station - Office 20 Blackfriars Road - Residential Shell Centre King's Reach Tower - 2011 Development St. Thomas' Hospital (North Wing) Bank Side - 1 King's College (Franklin Wilkins Building) County Hall (All 4 Blocks) Sea Containers House LSBU Eileen House - New - Offices ITV White House Beetham Tower - Hotel Waterloo Station - Residential IBM UK Ltd - Sampson House London County Hall - Hotel York House - Office Becket House, Ernst & Young - Office St. Thomas' Hospital (South W ing) St. Thomas' Hospital (Lambeth Wing) National Theatre LSBU Eileen House - New - Residential Skipton House Beetham Tower - Residential Doon Street - Residential 20 Blackfriars Road - Office Kings Reach Tower - Existing
Hotel Office Office Residential Office Office Hospital Office Higher Education Residential Office Office Office Residential Hotel Residential Office Hotel Office Office Hospital Hospital Theatre Residential Office Residential Residential Office Office
120744 104477 95922 83915 69765 64286 54014 46452 44967 44338 43392 43000 40000 36719 36267 36000 35887 35508 31825 31562 31338 31201 30483 27000 26824 26808 26000 25769 25455
16 14 No.of buildings 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Blackfrairs Cluster Southbank Cluster LSBU Cluster Waterloo Cluster
Figure 4.3 Focused buildings in each cluster Following the ranking process and a number of iterations through the CHP model, fifty three focus buildings were identified as shown in Figure 4.3. These went forward into a full economic analysis of each cluster.
5. Modelling Analysis was based on an existing CHP model and a load profiling tool developed jointly by LSBU and Carbon Descent under a knowledge transfer programme. The load profiler was extended to include new types of buildings, cooling loads etc as part of this study. A building data spreadsheet holds the data from all buildings considered. Excluded buildings were removed and a cut down data set of floor area, building type etc was used as the basic input file. This input data file was fed to a specially developed master planning tool which allowed LSBU to switch individual buildings in and out to form clusters. This iterative cluster analysis gave rise to the final four clusters. The load profiler was then used to create heat, power and cooling demand energy load profiles for each cluster based on typical energy benchmarks. This iterative modelling process is shown in Figure 5.1.
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Figure 5. 1 Iterative modelling process Using the load profiler masterplanning tools it was possible to develop load profiles for an entire area (cluster of buildings) to be supplied by a single CHP plant. Figure 5.2 shows an example of the CHP master planning software. These cluster energy profiles - a summation of the energy loads of between 15 to 30 buildings- were used as the input to the main CHP analysis model.
This main CHP model contains detailed information on costs and efficiencies for a wide range of CHP units from major UK manufacturers and suppliers. This model outputs technical information like hours run, engine inputs and outputs etc. It also provides an economic analysis showing simple payback period, net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR). The model also provides an environmental assessment with outputs like CO2 emissions, CO2 per invested, CO2 per NPV etc. The model analyses a ranges of CHP sizes and the CHP plant with the best IRR was selected as the optimum. An example of the output for the CHP analyser is shown in Figure 5.3.
Cash Flow Result
Unit Size kWe Control Strategy Main Revenues Electricity k/a Heat Sale k/a CCL Fue k/a CCL Elec k/a Other Sa k/a Other Revenues Electricity k/a Heat Exp k/a ROCs tra k/a CO2 Trad k/a Other k/a Operating Costs CHP Fue k/a CHP Mai k/a Imported k/a Boiler Fu k/a Duos Cha k/a NET CASH k/a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2,000 Heat Led 782.2 366.7 23.3 60.4 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -702.5 -62.3 0.0 0.0 -92.6 375.8
2,433 Heat Led 946.4 397.6 25.3 73.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -779.6 -73.3 0.0 0.0 -112.1 480.2
2,745 Heat Led 1,055.6 473.4 30.1 81.4 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -881.5 -80.9 0.0 0.0 -125.0 557.7
3,047 Heat Led 1,134.5 512.0 32.6 87.5 0.0 7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -952.8 -89.8 0.0 0.0 -134.4 597.1
3,995 Heat Led 1,455.7 496.6 31.6 112.3 0.0 25.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1,223.3 -106.0 0.0 0.0 -172.4 619.7
5,100 Heat Led 1,695.8 617.0 39.2 130.8 0.0 51.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1,399.5 -135.3 0.0 0.0 -200.9 798.3
6,800 Heat Led 1,806.2 919.6 58.5 139.4 0.0 115.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1,603.4 -160.3 0.0 0.0 -213.9 1,061.1
8,500 Heat Led 1,556.6 929.6 59.1 120.1 0.0 255.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1,657.8 -200.4 0.0 0.0 -184.4 878.0
10,200 Heat Led 1,396.7 1,018.6 64.8 107.8 0.0 413.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1,816.1 -240.5 0.0 0.0 -165.4 778.8
Financial Results
Estimated C k Capital Gra k Loan k Simple Pay years Net Presen k/a Internal Ra % -4,672.0 0.0 0.0 12.4 -659.6 8.3% -5,034.0 0.0 0.0 10.5 112.9 10.3% -5,294.8 0.0 0.0 9.5 695.4 11.5% -5,315.7 0.0 0.0 8.9 1,124.4 12.4% -6,036.2 0.0 0.0 9.7 527.4 11.0% -6,488.4 0.0 0.0 8.1 2,047.1 13.5% -7,651.2 0.0 0.0 7.2 3,691.5 15.3% -8,814.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 197.6 10.3% -9,976.8 0.0 0.0 12.8 -2,330.6 7.1%
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Figure 6.2 Four main building clusters A series of potential CHP plant locations were identified within these clusters. Seven potential CHP central plant locations were then identified within these areas. They are: London South Bank University St. Thomas Hospital Leake St. (near Waterloo)
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Further investigation from site visits resulted in four particular locations then being identified as most suitable and these are shown in Figure 6.3. These were selected because they were reasonably central within the clusters and within the spread of large buildings already identified. They also had the following benefits: Leake Street (Waterloo) railway arches in a little-used street that are likely to present relatively easy to obtain space with low commercial value and low rental/purchase costs to the project. Close to Waterloo Station it presents a range of supply opportunities including supplying electricity to Network Rail for the tracks (not analysed) and to the massive proposed new development of the station. Although the arches themselves are relatively small, each arch could probably hold a 3MWe CHP plant to form a modular arrangement. Waterloo undercroft (Southbank) a series of under crofts underneath the southern end of Waterloo Bridge facing on to the Imax concourse. Owned by the South bank Centre, these spaces are currently used as storage and are likely to present relatively easy to obtain space with low commercial value and low rental/purchase costs to the project. However, it is understood that there are proposals to convert them into retail space but this has not been confirmed. Close to a 66kV EDF substation it presents easy connection to the local electrical distribution network. Although the undercrofts are unusual shapes, they are relatively large and could probably hold a series 3MWe CHP plant to form a very large modular arrangement. Blackfriars Road (Blackfriars) railway arches under the southern end of the old Blackfriars Bridge. Currently used as a car park for Ludgate House they are likely to present relatively easy to obtain space with low commercial value and low rental/purchase costs to the project. Close to the proposed Beetham Tower development it presents a central location in this cluster. The arches themselves are relatively large. Each arch could probably hold a 3MWe CHP plant to form a modular arrangement. J Block LSBU (LSBU) redevelopment and extension to J Block plant room on the LSBU campus. Currently this holds boiler plant with a small district heating network between buildings. LSBU have been keen to get CHP on site for some time for teaching, research and showcasing purposes as well as carbon reduction. This space should not present a great problem to obtain if the existing boilers are replaced and would have relatively low commercial value and low rental/purchase costs to the project. This plant room is at the heart of the campus and could be linked to the new Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB) a teaching, research and showcasing space to be opened in early 2010. Although the plant room is relatively small, it is anticipated that the main CHP plant would sit outside this in a glass plant room to allow easy viewing. This space could probably hold a 3MWe CHP plant. 20 | P a g e
Figure 6.3 Four main CHP locations selected 6.2 Selection basis Having identified the CHP locations shown above, it was then possible to rank the buildings based on their suitability to be connected to the plant. A building rating system was developed to assess the potential each building had in relation to a cluster around a selected CHP location. Buildings with individual domestic boilers were excluded and the remaining rating was based on annual heat load, annual electrical load and distance
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Table 6.1 Criteria for ranking buildings The rating was calculated out of 100 as follows: Rating = Community Boiler x (Peak Load + Building Ownership + Piping Distance) The final rating list is shown in Appendix A. This is based on existing buildings only, as these were believed to be the main driver for initialising and initiating a CHP project started. Nearby new developments were then added in to each cluster to reach the focus buildings shown in Table 6.2 This focused the analysis on forty two existing buildings and eleven new developments across four clusters: Waterloo, South Bank, Blackfriars and LSBU.
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When run through the economic model, all four additional outlying clusters proved to be uneconomic due to the distance from the CHP plant and hence the additional pipework costs. These buildings were then discounted from the analysis leaving the focus buildings shown in Table 6.2
BLACKFRIARS IBM UK Ltd - Sampson House Ludgate House Falcon Point DH Scheme Mad Hatter Hotel Sea Containers House Kings Reach Tower River Court Rennie Court OXO Wharf Tower
LSBU LSBU Bourough Road Building LSBU Keyworth House LSBU Tower Block LSBU E - Block LSBU J Block LSBU M - Block LSBU London Road Borough Rd Residential - Mathieson Court LSBU Technopark LSBU Perry Library LSBU Faraday Wing LSBU LRC Perronet House Skipton House
SOUTHBANK National Theatre South Bank Centre - Royal Festival Hall White House King's College (FWB Waterloo Bridge Wing) Queen Elizabeth Hall Southbank Centre King's College (Franklin Wilkins Building) King's College (James Clerk Maxwell Building) IBM UK Ltd IMAX British Film Institute ITV Coin Street Community Apartments Southbank Centre -Art Gallary BFI - MOMA Building
WATERLOO Park Plaza County Hall Shell Centre County Hall (All 4 Blocks) St. Thomas' Hospital London County Hall Becket House, Ernst & Young
Eileen House
Doon Street
Prospect House Founders Place York House Elizabeth House Waterloo Station 1 Westminster Road
(Yellow = existing buildings, blue = new developments) Table 6.2 Focus buildings included in final analysis 6.3 Energy demand patterns Simple floor area data and standard demand patterns were used to generate energy load profiles based on standard energy benchmarks. Figures 6.4 to 6.6 show an example energy demand profile for an existing 10,000m2 office block during a weekday.
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January February March April May June July August September October November December Hours
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Figure 6.6 Typical cooling load profiles for a large office Both existing and new buildings were modelled using CIBSE Guide F benchmarks good practice benchmarks, providing a conservative approach to the demands. New buildings are assumed to have a 20% space heating reduction over these benchmarks to reflect modern construction methods. Once the clusters were established, the load profile and master planning tools were used to form demand patterns for each cluster of buildings as an input to the economic CHP model. The following example of a cluster consisting 12 existing buildings including office, residential and hotel building types.
9000 8000 7000 6000 kW 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
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Figure 6.8 Power and cooling demand profiles for an example cluster Actual demand profiles for the clusters containing the focus buildings are shown in Appendix B. The peak demands in each cluster are shown in Table 6.3. The proposed Waterloo Station redevelopment is so large that this cluster was analysed with and without the station development. It became apparent from the cluster mapping and analysis that the three clusters along the river could be connected, providing a more strategic approach. Also, it was apparent that the LSBU cluster is too far away for it to be economic to connect to the other three. A strategic option was therefore developed to amalgamate the three riverside clusters, Blackfriars, South Bank and Waterloo with one large plant room at its centre. This is shown in more detail in Section 6.4 Scenario Blackfriars South Bank LSBU Waterloo (ex Station development) Waterloo (inc Station development) Strategic (3 clusters) Peak Heat Demand (MW) 32 29 11 27 39 100 Peak Power Demand (MW) 26 11 8 20 28 63
Table 6.3 Approximate peak energy demands (including new developments) Blackfriars cluster a mix of office space and residential properties with three large office/residential developments including Beetham Tower. 26 | P a g e
South Bank cluster - comprises the major theatres and arts centres on the South bank, such as the National Theatre and the Royal Festival Hall which accounts for the heat and power loads in the late evenings. It also includes Large Kings College university buildings, ITN, IBM and some residential buildings. LSBU cluster - comprises university offices, libraries, lecture halls although the university halls of residence are not included as they are too far away. Two other residential blocks and a large office are included. Waterloo cluster includes the Shell Centre and Ernst & Young offices, County Hall with a number of large residential blocks plus St. Thomas Hospital. However St Thomass hospital will have its own CHP by early 2009 and the demand profiles have been adjusted to account for this fact. The Waterloo cluster also includes a number of large new office and residential blocks. It is clear from the cluster heat and power profiles that there is very little demand at night. The economic model has therefore assumed that the CHP will not run at night i.e. between midnight and 6am (usually uneconomic due to lower cost of grid electricity during the night). 6.4 Pipework networks Having determined the building clusters, cluster energy demands and the most likely CHP plant locations, it was then possible to establish proposals for pipework routes and approximate sizing. By including approximate energy centre costs, private wire costs etc it was possible to estimate the overall capital costs of each scenario. The pipework runs were then optimised to minimise length and likely disruption during installation. This resulted in the pipework networks shown in Figure 6.9 to 6.14 below. These figures were developed using GIS mapping software and this allowed accurate measurement of pipe lengths for each cluster and scenario. The green box indicates the CHP Energy Centre. The blue lines are heat pipe connections to new developments and the red lines are heat pipes to existing buildings.
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Figure 6.10 LSBU cluster pipework (Estimated pipework cost - 0.7m exc dotted, Maclaren House test)
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Figure 6.11 South Bank cluster pipework (Estimated pipework cost - 1m)
Figure 6.13 shows how all four clusters relate to each other, clearly indicating the proximity of the three riverside clusters but the considerable distance to the more outlying LSBU cluster. Investigations showed that there are very few suitable large buildings with significant energy loads in between these two groups. Figure 6.14 shows some early thoughts on a ring between the four clusters but this approach was quickly dropped for the same reason and the excessive capital cost associated with this option.
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Figure 6.14 Early ideas for a pipework ring connecting all four clusters It became apparent from the cluster mapping and analysis that the three clusters along the riverside could be connected, providing a more strategic approach. Also, it was apparent that the LSBU cluster is too far away for it to be economic to connect to the other three. A strategic option was therefore developed to amalgamate the three riverside clusters, Blackfriars, South Bank and Waterloo with one large plant room at its centre. The main pipework has been designed/sized to provide a system that can take on additional loads and be extended at either end which is not the case with the individual cluster pipe work. This is shown in Figure 6.15.
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Figure 6.15 Strategic pipework connecting three clusters (Estimated pipework cost - 8.9m) 7. Renewable options 7.1 Biomass An option for low carbon heating could comes from the use of biomass. The heat produced from biomass boilers could be used as a top-up to that provided by the CHP. The two typical fuels used in biomass processes are wood chip and wood pellet. Wood chip fuel is cheaper than pellets as chips are essentially unprocessed. However, wood pellets are much more dense, which results in reduced storage requirements and fewer fuel deliveries. For the strategic scenario developed above (excluding trigeneration), the wood pellet quantities shown in Table 8.1 would be needed to meet the total heating demand for the energy network. All biomass wood pellet information has been taken from CIBSE KS10. Fuel cost taken as 180/tonne.
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Proportion of heating met Total mass, tonnes Deliveries per year Delivery tonnage Storage requirement, m3 Fuel cost, /year Total CO2 emissions saved, tCO2/year CO2 saving on heat
Table 8.1 Biomass fuel requirement for strategic scenario Fuel deliveries would be a major concern as the location of the development makes regular road transport undesirable. It can be seen in Table 8.1 that there is a large delivery and storage requirement to even meet 5% of the expected heat load of the strategic network. It is clear that there is a trade-off between frequency of delivery and possible storage volume available. As the network is to be situated in central London, fuel storage will be of greatest concern as costs will be high for space. Assuming that 125m3 (5m x 5m x 5m) of storage space can be allocated for wood pellets, if 10% of the heating is to be met, the deliveries would approximately occur every week. As the road transport of biomass is both financially and environmentally costly, other means of delivery should be investigated. As some of the proposed CHP sites are near to the River Thames, deliveries from barge/boat could be feasible. This would result in much lower CO2 emissions from transport and less disruption for the area when deliveries are being conducted. The proximity of the CHP sites in Waterloo means that another alternative delivery method could be by train. To avoid major disruption, it is likely that deliveries would be conducted at night. Recent discussions with the Elephant & Castle MUSCO provider Dalkia indicate they are establishing up a railway supply of biomass and this is worth further investigation. NOx emissions are of concern. A recent report by the AEA (Review of the Potential Impact on Air Quality from Increased Wood Fuelled Biomass Use in London, 2008) outlined the potential problems associated with increased biomass use within London. A biomass system creating 20% of the heat requirement for the energy network could produce as much as seven tonnes of NOx, annually.
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Figure 8.2 Modelled oxides of nitrogen and nitrogen dioxide in 2003 (AEA, Review of the Potential Impact on Air Quality from Increased Wood Fuelled Biomass Use in London, 2008) Wood pellet supply is a significant issue. Due to environmental considerations, it is recommended that, if possible, wood pellets are sourced from a local supplier (within 50 miles). Another important consideration is the security of supply and, due to the size of the energy network, it may be beneficial to create a supply chain dedicated to the supply of wood chips for the development. 7.2 River water cooling A potential source of low carbon cooling situated adjacent to the SBEG area is the River Thames. Cold river water extracted from the Thames could be used to provide additional cooling for any developments that are linked to the decentralised energy system. Depending on the river extract temperature, the energy required to pump this water from the Thames would likely be much less than a vapour compression systems energy usage and would, therefore, provide a contribution to a proportion of the London Plans 20% renewable obligation for new developments.
Figure 8.3 Average water temperatures of the River Thames between 1980-2006. Source: Environment Agency 34 | P a g e
It can be seen from figure 8.3 that the river temperature has a large seasonal variation from as low as 6C to over 20C during the summer. There is also a large year-on-year variation which may result in the need for alternative cooling systems during a hot period in the summer. In fact, the major limitation of this system is that during July and August, when cooling demand is at its greatest, the river water temperatures may be too great to provide beneficial cooling. However, there are many applications, such as data centres, that require a year round cooling supply that would receive the greatest benefit. There are two main applications of river water cooling for this project. The first concerns the dissipation of excess heat into the river from the absorption chiller, removing the need for cooling towers. This river water heat rejection system would incorporate an additional heat exchanger that would transfer the excess heat in the absorption chiller to piped river water for the disposal of heat. This could potentially save both money (cooling towers) and energy (fans). However, as there is a limit to the temperature that heat can be rejected into the Thames (~21C), this could not be applied during the peak cooling months when the Thames water temperature is greater than approximately 16C. This would mean that there would have to be an alternative heat rejection system during the majority of June to September, and therefore, a cooling tower would still be required, negating the benefits of reduced capital cost and size of equipment.
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Further analysis would be required to investigate the full feasibility of this technology.
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8. Conclusions The South Bank Employers Group (SBEG) and London South Bank University (LSBU) were commissioned by the London Development Agency (LDA) to assess the feasibility of installing Combined Heat & Power (CHP) across the SBEG area. Simple building data were collected on the major buildings in and near to the SBEG area that could play a part in determining the success of CHP across the SBEG area. This was mainly floor area, building type and location. More detailed data have been obtained for a small number of SBEG member buildings although this was limited. About 120 buildings of different types were identified as potential loads for CHP some including around 15 proposed new developments. A master planning software tool was used to form clusters of buildings to allow an analysis of the overall energy demand patterns for each cluster. Potential locations for the CHP plant were then identified and heating/cooling and private wire distribution networks have been developed for each cluster using GIS mapping to estimate the infrastructure costs. A rating system was used to identify the key existing buildings in each cluster based on heating demand, electricity demand and distance from CHP plant. This focussed the analysis on 42 existing buildings and 11 new developments. A CHP model was then used to assess the economic viability and CO2 emissions of each cluster CHP plant. These clusters were: Blackfriars South Bank Waterloo LSBU Each cluster was also modelled for key existing buildings only, then key existing buildings plus new developments. The proposed Waterloo Station redevelopment is so large that this was included in a separate analysis.
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9. Key risks This study is based on a range of assumptions. There are therefore some key risks associated with the project, as follows: Energy prices could reduce significantly, in particular the spark gap reduces, making CHP less viable Energy pricing regimes could change, making CHP less viable (e.g. availability charges, maximum demand charges, sell back tariffs, DUOS charges etc). Regulation changes that disadvantage CHP (e.g. additional OFGEM certification and licensing, changes to the building regulations or changes to the planning regulations in London). Inadequate gas supply to the selected plant room Difficulty or cost in connecting to the local electricity grid or to electrical supplies in individual buildings Plant room space is either unavailable, expensive, faces planning problems, or has unexpected practical difficulties (e.g. additional building costs, exhaust or ventilations problems, access problems). Pipework costs rise significantly or there are difficulties in achieving reasonable pipework routes due to practicalities or objections from the statutory authorities SBEG members may not buy-in to the project, perhaps due to poor pricing structures, poor contractual arrangements or building owners simply fail to see the benefits of the scheme.
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10. Recommendations & next steps As outlined in this report, the first phase of potential project evaluation -this Initial Feasibility Study- has looked at and indentified the following broad areas of information from key stakeholders across the South Bank area: Identification of potential consumers Estimated likely energy consumption Identified probable scale Suggested possible plant locations
Having undertaken this review the outline figures indentified based on a heat led network suggest that there is a good case for further work to move forward with the development of the project by undertaking a more detailed evaluation of the technical and economical considerations. In order to undertake this next phase we believe that there should be a phased approach adopted and that the South Bank and Waterloo clusters which are predominately based on existing buildings are considered the most appropriate clusters for this further detailed evaluation at this stage. Buildings to be considered in the next phase of work 1. South Bank Centre 2. National Theatre 3. Kings College 4. Shell 5. ITV 6. IBM 7. BFI 8. County Hall 9. CSCB Doon Street (Proposed development) 10. Park Plazas (on site) 11. P&O (Proposed development) 12. St Thomas' Hospital (existing CHP)
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It is proposed to undertake the further evaluations of the technical and economical considerations in partnership with the above stakeholders in order to fully investigate and identify the following areas of project development: Phase 2 - Technical & Economic Development Work Identify and work with key parties to develop most viable cluster Use actual energy consumption and cost information Take account of existing building services and plant Determine most viable locations for plant and network routes and investigate any permissions/legal issues associated with the proposals. Following successful completion of the phase 2 evaluation further decisions will then need to be taken on how the project is to continue toward ultimate delivery. These decisions will be completely dependent on the outcomes of phase 2 but will broadly need to address the following areas in terms of: Phase 3 - Commercialisation Identify key parties & delivery options Option 1 Fully outsourced DBFO with several consumers & common agreement Option 2 Social enterprise with sub-contracts for DBFO (Design, Build, Fund and Operate) Develop heads of terms
Phase 4 - Procurement
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APPENDICES A. B. C. D. List of existing buildings showing building rating ........................................................................... 2 Cluster load profiles ....................................................................................................................... 3 Examples of pipe sizing/costing..................................................................................................... 6 Assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 10
A. List of existing buildings showing building rating The right hand columns show the building rating out of 100 and if the building was included in the final analysis. A range of additional tests were carried out on outlying clusters of billings to see if these were economic to include in the focussed clusters. All these tests proved to be uneconomic due to the cost of additional pipework relative to the heat load involved.
SOUTH BANK DECENTRALISED ENERGY Appendices February 2009 B. Cluster load profiles
Pow er Profile of Black friars Exis ting Focus Buildings - (Pow er include s cooling from e le ctric chille rs ) 20000
J anuar y
10000 5000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
May J une J uly August Sept ember Oct ober Nov ember Dec ember
Pow e r Profile of LSBU Exis ting Focus Buildings - (Pow e r include s cooling from e le ctric chille rs ) 10000
Januar y
Pow e r Profile of Southbank Exis ting Focus Buildings - (Pow e r include s cooling from ele ctric chillers ) 12000
25000 20000
Januar y
10000 8000
Pow e r Profile of Wate rloo Exis ting Focus Buildings - (Pow er include s cooling from e le ctric chille rs ) 14000 12000 10000
J anuar y Febr uar y Mar c h Apr il May J une J uly
20000 15000
70000 30000 60000 25000 50000 20000 40000 15000 30000 10000 20000 5000 10000
0 0
30000 50000
Januar y
Febr uar y Mar ch Apr il May June July August Sept ember
kW kW
Jul y August August September September October October November November December December
10000 5000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 24 17 18
Heat Profile Startegic Cluster Existing Focus Buildings Heat Profile of of Southbank Existing Focus Buildings + +New New
35000 120000 30000 100000 25000 80000 20000 60000 15000
Pow e r Profile of Southbank Exis ting Focus Buildings + Ne w - (Pow e r Pow er Profile of Southbank ExisfromFocus Buildings ) Ne w - (Pow e r include s cooling ting ele ctric chillers + include s cooling from e lectric chille rs )
January January February February March M arch April A p ril May M ay June June July July August A ug ust September Sept emb er October Oct ob er November No vemb er December December
Januar y Febr uar Januar yy Mar uar Febrch y Apr ch Maril May Apr il June May July June August July Sept ember August Oct ober Sept ember November Oct ober December November
kW kW
kW kW
8000 40000
40000 10000
5000 20000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 1516 1718 19 2021 2223 24 -5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1314 1516 1718 19202122 2324
Hour Hour
Hour Hour
Pow e r Profile of Wate rloo Exis ting Focus Buildings + Ne w (no s tation) (Pow e r include s cooling from e lectric chille rs ) 25000
Januar y
25000 20000
20000 15000
A ugust
10000 5000 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Pow e r Profile of Wate rloo Exis ting Focus Buildings + Ne w (With s tation) - (Pow e r include s cooling from e lectric chille rs ) 30000 25000 20000
J anuar y Febr uar y Mar c h Apr il
Heat Profile of LSBU Cluster Existing Focus Buildings (Heat includes cooling from absorption chillers) - Trigen scenario
6000 14000 12000 10000 8000
Januar y Febr uar y Mar ch
Pow er Profile of LSBU Cluster Existing Focus Buildings - (pow er w ithout Cooling) - Trigen
Januar y
5000 4000
6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 141516 171819 202122 2324
Heat Profile of Blackfriars Cluster Existing Focus Buildings + New (Heat includes cooling from absorption chillers) Trigen scenario
50000 40000 30000
Januar y Febr uar y Mar ch
Pow er Profile of Blackfriars Cluster Existing Focus Buildings + New (pow er w ithout Cooling) - Trigen 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24
Januar y February Mar ch Apr il May June July August Sept ember Oct ober November December
Apr i l
Heat Profile of Southbank Cluster Existing Focus Buildings + New (Heat includes cooling from absorption chillers) - Trigen scenario
35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 -5000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 141516 171819 202122 2324
Pow er Profile of Southbank Cluster Existing Focus Buildings + New (pow er w ithout Cooling) - Trigen 10000
Januar y Febr uar y
Mar ch Apr i l May June Jul y August September October November December
April May June July August Sept ember Oct ober November December
Heat Profile of Waterloo Cluster Existing Focus Buildings + New including station (Heat includes cooling from absorption chillers) - Trigen scenario
70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 1617 181920 2122 2324
Pow er Profile of Waterloo Cluster Existing Focus Buildings + New including station - (pow er w ithout Cooling) - Trigen 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24
Januar y February Mar ch Apr il May June July August Sept ember Oct ober November December
Mar ch
Spread sheets were developed for each and every scenario for the piping cost calculations. The spread sheet below is the waterloo cluster's heat pipe cost sheet, which has been developed by using the following linear relation (Reference BP feasibility report, 2006), Pipe Cost () / m length = (5*pipe_diameter+500)
Southbank Cluster - Focus + New Length Mains m Pipe Size Pipe Cost M1 27 225 43,875 M2 29 200 43,500 M3 55 200 82,500 M4 28 225 45,500 M5 88 175 121,000 M6 75 150 93,750 M7 52 125 58,500 M8 18 125 20,250 M9 76 125 85,500 M10 48 100 48,000 Total 642,375 Branch Pipe L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 Pipe Work Length m Building 32 White House 0 South Bank Centre - Royal Festival Hall 0 Queen Elizabeth Hall Southbank Centre 52 National Theatre 34 IBM UK Ltd 41 ITV 17 Coin Street Community Apartments 17 King's College (FWB Waterloo Bridge Wing) 38 King's College (Franklin Wilkins Building) 35 IMAX British Film Institute 34 King's College (James Clerk Maxwell Building) 23 BFI MOMA Building 0 South Bank Centre - Art Gallary 300 796 Approximate Pipe Cost Pipe Size 125 175 100 200 100 125 50 50 100 75 75 75 Total 980,500 Pipe Cost 36,000 0 0 78,000 34,000 46,125 12,750 12,750 38,000 30,625 29,750 20125 0 338,125
m 23 =
Strategic pipework
Blackfriars Cluster
Mains M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Length m 43 15 39 37 78 73 Pipe Size 250.00 225.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 175.00 Total Pipe Cost 75,250.00 24,375.00 58,500.00 55,500.00 117,000.00 100,375.00 431,000.00 Branch Pipe L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9+L10 Total
Pipe Work
Length m 26 120 20 28 23 41 35 69 112 474 Building IBM Sampson House Falcon Estates Mad Hatter Hotel Ludgate House River Court Rennie Court Sea Containers House Kings Reach Tower Oxo Wharf Tower Pipe Size 100.00 65.00 50.00 80.00 65.00 65.00 125.00 175.00 65.00 Total 875,650 Pipe Cost 26,000.00 99,000.00 15,000.00 25,200.00 18,975.00 33,825.00 39,375.00 94,875.00 92,400.00 444,650.00 Distance from CHP 26 120 63 125 235 253 320 354 397
Pipe Size
Branch Pipe N1 N2 N3
m 40 64 0
Focus Existing+New
Pipe Cost 48,000 55,275 0 12,000 23,000 50,250 37,500 33,750 38,750 91,250
Pipe Work Length m Building 15 LSBU Bourough Road Building 18 LSBU Tower Block 20 Borough Rd Residential-Mathieson Court 26 LSBU London Road 14 LSBU LRC 17 LSBU Keyworth House 17 LSBU E/J/M - Block 10 LSBU Faraday Wing 25 LSBU Technopark 86 LSBU Perry Library 12 Skipton House 84 Perronet House 20 Eileen House 364 Branch Pipes Cost
Pipe Cost 13,125 15,750 17,500 26,000 10,500 12,750 12,750 7,500 18,750 64,500 12,000 84,000 19,000
LSBU Main Pipes Cost 389,775 LSBU Total Pipe Network Cost
6 | 314,125 e Pag
Blackfriars Cluster
Mains M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Length m 43 15 39 37 78 73 Pipe Size 250.00 225.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 175.00 T otal Pipe Cost 75,250.00 24,375.00 58,500.00 55,500.00 117,000.00 100,375.00 431,000.00 Branch Pipe L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9+L10 T otal
Pipe Work
Length m 26 120 20 28 23 41 35 69 112 474 Building IBM Sampson House F alcon Estates Mad Hatter Hotel Ludgate House River Court Rennie Court Sea Containers House Kings Reach Tower Oxo W harf Tower Pipe Size 100.00 65.00 50.00 80.00 65.00 65.00 125.00 175.00 65.00 T otal 875,650 Pipe Cost 26,000.00 99,000.00 15,000.00 25,200.00 18,975.00 33,825.00 39,375.00 94,875.00 92,400.00 444,650.00 Distance from CHP 26 120 63 125 235 253 320 354 397
Pipe Size
T otal
F ocus E xisting+New
Branch Pipe N1 N2 N3
m 40 64 0
T otal
Pip e Wo rk Length m Building Pipe Size 32 W hite House 125 23 South Bank Centre - Royal F estiva 175 60 Queen Elizabeth Hall Southbank C 100 52 National Theatre 200 34 IBM UK Ltd 100 41 IT V 125 17 Coin Street Community Apartment 50 17 King's College (FW B W aterloo Br i 50 38 King's College (Franklin W ilkins B 100 35 IM AX British Film Institute 75 75 34 King's College (James Clerk Maxw 23 BF I MOMA Building 75 0 South Bank Centre - Art Gallary T otal 383 T otal Approximate Pipe Cost 429,750 Total Pipe Length 383 Branch Pipe L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11
Pipe Cost 36,000 31,625 60,000 78,000 34,000 46,125 12,750 12,750 38,000 30,625 29,750 20125 429,750
m 23 =
Pip e Wo rk Length m Building 37 Park Plaza County Hall 63 County Hall (All 4 Blocks) 38 Shell Centre 70 London County Hall 44 Becket House, Ernst & Young 79 St. Thomas' Hospital
N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6+N7 T otal T otal Pipe Leng th for existing and new Mains total Length Total
Prospect House Elizabeth House W aterloo Station 1 W estminster Bridge Road York House Founders Place
6,587,000 8,951,400.00
Pipe Size 350 175 175 150 300 250 250 225
Pipe Cost 186,750 22,000 92,125 73,750 362,000 134,750 105,000 91,000 1,067,375
Pipe Work Length m Building 37 Park Plaza County Hall 63 County Hall (All 4 Blocks) 38 Shell Centre 70 London County Hall 44 Becket House, Ernst & Young 79 St. Thomas' Hospital
12 17 50 48 103 230
Prospect House Elizabeth House 1 Westminster Bridge Road York House Founders Place
65 125 50 65 50 Total
Heat Pipe Diameter Calculation: The following relation has been used for the calculation of the heat pipe's diameters. Q = mCp T, Where, Q = Peak heat load (kW) m= mass flow rate = Area x Velocity = AV = (d / 4) x V Cp= Specific heat of water = 4.187 T = Temperature difference d = Heat pipe diameter Heat pipe's calculation has been carried out by considering the peak heat loads of individual buildings. The peak heat loads of each individual building was taken from the heat profiles developed in the model. In and Out temperatures were taken as 90/60 C. So, T = 90 60C = 30C Velocity = V = 3m/s (Reference CIBSE Guide C, Table 4.4) Pressure losses / meters have been considered by using CIBSE Guide tables. And diameters have been selected according to that.
Heat Pipe Cost The following linear equation has been used for the heat pipe cost calculation based on the LSBU CHP feasibility study by BP, 2006. An inflation rate 0f 20% has been considered additional to the BP's costs. This also includes the labour cost, trench cost etc. Pipe Cost () / m length = (5*pipe_diameter+500) Cooling Pipe Diameter Calculation Same equations have been used for the calculation of cooling pipe's diameter. T = 16 6C = 10C Velocity = V = 3m/s (Reference CIBSE Guide C, Table 4.4) Q = mCp T, m. = AV = Area x Velocity = d / 4 x V Pressure losses / meters have been considered by using CIBSE Guide C tables. And diameters have been selected according to that. Cooling Pipe Cost It has been assumed as the half of the heating pipe cost. Pipe Cost () / m length = Heat Pipe Cost /2
D. Assumptions
Building Benchmarks
Building Type
Existing (Typical practice) Fuel (kWh/m2 /yr) Power (kWh/m2/yr) 85 122 72 135 70 85 237 37 294 33 152 100 270
New Build (20% below good practice) Fuel (kWh/m2/yr) 63 78 320 216 77 63 458 60 155 86 211 192 336 Power (kWh/m2/yr) 43 98 38 68 46 43 122 40 190 20 77 68 144 Cooling (kWh/m2/yr) 28 16 16 28 5 28 0 5 16 0 16 0 28 Thermal Base load 10% 20% 30% 30% 10% 10% 80% 30% 10% 10% 50% 30% 10%
Conference1 Higher Edu.2 Hospital3 Hotel4 Museum5 Office6 Pool7 Residential8 Retail9 School10 Sports11 Student Acc.12 Theatre13
151 98 518 410 142 151 1336 239 248 144 598 290 630
1. Offices data used 2. Data acquired from LSBU facilities used 3. Long-stay hospitals, CIBSE Guide F 4. Luxury Hotel, CIBSE Guide F 5. Museum, CIBSE Guide F 6. Equidistant between a typical type 3 (standard air-conditioned) and type 4 (prestige) office, CIBSE Guide F 7. 25m swimming pool centre, CIBSE Guide F 8. Existing buildings based on typical existing stock, AECB. New dwellings modelled on SAP 2005 for a generic building
10 | P a g e
SOUTH BANK DECENTRALISED ENERGY Appendices February 2009 9. Weighted benchmark based on selection of retail types as follows: - 10% banks - 10% book shops - 20% clothes shops - 30% department stores - 10% electronic retailers - 10% shoe shops - 10% small food All 100% electric with the exception of banks and department stores, CIBSE Guide F 10. Secondary school without swimming pool, CIBSE Guide F 11. Combined centre, CIBSE Guide F 12. Residential Halls of residence, CIBSE Guide F 13. Theatre, CIBSE Guide F
As few, reliable cooling benchmarks are available for all of the required building types, three individual levels where created. Trace (5kWh/m2/year) Low (16kWh/m2/year) equidistant between good practice and typical for banks/agencies, CIBSE Guide F Cooling The following COPs were used in the calculation of cooling loads for CHP and Trigeneration: Electric chiller COP = 3.00 Absorption chiller COP = 0.65 High (28kWh/m2/year) equidistant between a good practice type 3 and a typical type 4 office, CIBSE Guide F
Costs General For sizing purposes, the Shell Office was selected as it was typical of a large load for the area.
Energy Prices According to BERR Energy Trends March 2008 (URN 08/79a ISSN number: 0308-1222), the aforementioned building is classified as follows:
Therefore, to provide incentives for possible future consumers a 10% reduction in the electricity price is assumed. Electricity Community Sale Price = 5.91p/kWh To calculate the community heat price, the typical gas price of 1.89p/kWh is used with an assumed existing boiler efficiency of 80% giving an initial price of 2.36p/kWh. However, an additional cost for boiler maintenance of 0.14p/kWh is added assuming that there is a 12,500 annual maintenance charge for the 9GWh annual heat demand. Heat Community Sale Price = 2.50p/kWh
From Defras Analysis of UK Potential for CHP Oct 07, the predicted large-scale CHP export price will be approximately 2.56p/kWh in the near future (2010).
CHP gas price is less than the gas price for a medium size consumer (1.89p/kWh) due to the larger supply and Climate Change Levy exemption.
It has been assumed that any electricity over and above the output of the CHP unit will simply pass through the system with the bulk purchase price set the same as the sale price. i.e. no profit is made through the bulk purchase and re-sale of electricity. This ensures that the model identifies the savings from the CHP and that any possible bulk purchase and re-sale profits would simply enhance the economics of each scenario. Bulk purchase profits are very difficult to estimate and can often mask the viability of the CHP plant.
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Administration costs have been calculated using the assumption that a typical annual electricity supply is 20,000MWh/year and that the annual running costs of the administration centre would be 50,000. Therefore:
An additional Duos charge would be payable on electricity that was to be distributed to customers through the existing local energy networks. This comprises of three parts: Metered tariffs Availability charge Power factor
Therefore, assuming that all of the buildings would be half-hourly metered and accepting a highvoltage supply (greater than 1kV).
Metered Tariff
Availability Charge An availability charge for each month for each kVA of available capacity: (1,300 kVA x 102.6p/kVA)/6,000,000 = 0.22p
Power Factor Assumed power factor minimum of 0.8, a conservative estimate would be a 1.08 power factor. This equates to 8% of the electricity charge of 0.59p/kWh. 5.91p/kWh x 0.08 = 0.48p/kWh
13 | P a g e
Therefore, Duos charge = 0.3p/kWh + 0.22p/kWh + 0.48p/kWh = 1.00p/kWh Project Information Comments Project Life Discount Rate Inflation 25 years 10% 3% New CHP engine at 13 years -
Environmental Financial Information Climate Change Levy - Electricity Climate Change Levy - Gas Carbon dioxide value 0.456p/kWh 0.159p/kWh 0/ton
Capital Costs The capital costs of some sections of the network were calculated as a % of the CHP unit cost. The costs were as follows:
% of CHP unit cost DH customer connections Project management & engineering Contingency and other soft costs 25% 36% 36%
Energy Centre Costs Every CHP unit has an associated energy centre cost. The cost consists of a fixed and variable element to model the economies of scale for the energy centre.
District heating, private wire and cooling network costs Each scenario had an individual piping network mapped. The sizes of the pipes were calculated and then the following cost calculation was used:
Hot water pipe cost = (5 x hot water pipe diameter in mm) + 500 14 | P a g e
Private wire costs are assumed to be 200/m which includes all building connection associated costs. The cost of installation of a cooling network was assumed to be 50% of the hot water pipe cost.
Absorption Chiller Costs It was assumed that the price for absorption cooling was 160/kW cooling output.
License Costs From: Comparative Costs of Operating On-Site/Private Wire Distributed Energy Systems on a Licensed rather than Licence Exempt Basis - A report for the London Climate Change Agency
Therefore, the mean will be taken at: 110,000 (rounded from 111,426)
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