Technical Writtig and Presentation Skills: To Study The Green Concept

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To Study the Green Concept

SUBMITTED TO: Ma’am Bushra Malik

Khola Zubair 2018-IM-46 [email protected]
Mehwish Ahsan 2018-CD IM-01 [email protected]

Date of submission: August 24, 2020

Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 6
1.1 Background ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….6
1.2 Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
1.3 Components of Green Building Concept …………………………………………………………………………….………7
1.3.1 Energy conservation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….….7
1.3.2 Water efficiency …………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….7
1.3.3 Waste reduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..7
1.3.4 Building materials & specifications ……………………………………………………………………………..7
1.3.5 Indoor air quality ……………….………………………………………………………………………….…………..7
1.3.6 Toxic reduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………..………7
1.3.7 Sustainability development ………………………………………………………………………………………..7
1.4 Purpose of Green Buildings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
1.5 Scope of Green Buildings 8
2 Literature Review
2.1 Green Buildings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....9
2.1.1 Consideration of Green Buildings …………………………………………………………………………..…..9 Site development………………………………………………………………………………………………10 Material selection …………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Minimization energy efficiency …………………………………………………………………………10 Indoor air quality ……………………………………………………………………………………………...10
2.2 Green Environment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
2.2.1 Designing for green environment …………………………………………………………………………..…10
2.2.2 Ecological green products ………………………………………………………………..…………………….…11
2.2.3 Green products 11
3 Methodology.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
CHAPTER 4……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

4 Discussion
4.1 Energy efficiency & Renewable energy ………………………………………………………………………………….…12
4.2 Water efficiency ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
4.3 Waste reduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13
4.4 Building & material specification ………………………………………………………………………………………………13
4.4.1 Wool bricks ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..14
4.4.2 Concrete material……………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
4.4.3 Solar tiles……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………14
4.4.4 Paper insulation………………………………………………………………………………………………..………14
4.4.5 Triple glazed window…………………………………………………………………………………………………14
4.5 Toxic reduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
4.6 Indoor air quality ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15
4.6.1 Design ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15
4.6.2 Use of non-polluting materials …………………………………………………………………………………15
4.6.3 Maintenance ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…16
4.7 Smart growth & Sustainability development ……………………………………………………………………………16

CHAPTER 5 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...17

5 Conclusions
CHAPTER 6 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….17

6 Recommendations
CHAPTER 7 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18

7 References
We would like to thank the people for the advice and support during this work. We are indebted
to our project work supervisor Ma’am Bushra Malik (lecturer in the Department of Humanities
UET Lahore) for her worthy guidance and technical assistance.
We would like to acknowledge the University of Engineering and technology Lahore, Pakistan
for giving us opportunity to gain set of skills to shape us technical professionally.
Last but not the least certainly, we wish to express our love and deepest gratitude to our beloved
parents, family and friends for their endless support, love and encouragement throughout this
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Green concept helps us to develop new and more sustainable environment. The development of
green concept technologies is a key tool for the society in the establishment of sustainable
environment friendly future. This process is being implemented worldwide. Green system
technologies explain the design idea of green building and the concept of sustainable
development and also the relationship between them. Green concept reduces environment
hazards i.e. climate changes, air pollution, water pollution etc. in order to change the lifestyle of
human being. This green concept technologies help us to enhance our health, productivity and
wellbeing. Engineers and architectures remove pollution, prevent degradation and conserve
natural resources by applying these green concept technologies in their work.
Keywords: Green concept, Sustainable development, Green building

1 Introduction:
1.1 Background:
Green development emerged as a result of the environmental movement in the 1970s. [1]In the
real estate industry, use of the term commenced in 1987 with a report from the World
Commission on Environment and Development, entitled "Our Common Future". The report
includes 16 principles of environmental management, designed to foster green development. It
also discusses the traditional model of macroeconomic growth, and its disregard for
environmental consequences.[3]Following this initial movement, the real estate industry
experienced a back-and-forth relationship with "green" methodologies; environmental issues
often came second behind purely economic factors. [4] Incessant environmental concern and
legislation affecting the real estate sector began to emerge, i.e. Green development. [2] However,
a common concern of green development is that it may increase project costs and completion
times. Hence there has been an ongoing argument of whether green strategies can
be sustainable as well as economically stimulating. National environmental attention has since
worked its way down to real estate developers and become an increasing priority. [5]
1.2 Objective of Green Concept:
The main objective of green concept building is to minimize the energy use so as to reduce the
total energy cost per year. Green buildings are constructed, designed and operated in such a way
that the total energy is reduced. In this way, the environmental impacts are also minimized in
order to make our lifestyle better and well-being. We do not want to make Environment green,
but also support happier and more productive lives.
1.3 Components of Green Building Concept:
There are several components of green building concept that are fellows:
1.3.1 Renewable energy/ Energy conservation
Energy conservation is one of the most important things you can do to reduce you’re the
energy cost as well as carbon footprint. The most important factor of constructing green
concept building is energy saving. Energy efficiency helps us to reduce the total energy
costs. It is the first step towards achieving sustainability in green buildings.

Figure 1 : South horizontal overhangs by author (Amany, 2013)

1.3.2 Water efficiency

Water is the basic need for everybody. Fresh water is available as surface water such as
lake water, river, sea and underground water etc. Climate changes, land use, and water
quality all affect the availability of freshwater resources in addition to the direct demands
people place on them. By using water saving devices, such as a low flow shower heads
and water efficient toilets can also reduce water wastage.

Figure 2 importance of water efficiency

1.3.3 Waste reduction
A green building design incorporates efficient waste management facilities in order to
reduce the amount of solid waste. Green architects and engineers tried their best to reduce
waste in any other forms such as energy, water, and materials, during construction stages.

Figure 3 3r rule for waste management

1.3.4 Building material & specification

Green and high-quality materials that reduces the air quality concern to avoid hazardous
material and greatly reduce waste are now widely available from manufacturers. Re-
cycled products use less material, reduces costs and they are better in performance than
the alternatives.

Figure 4 green building material selection

1.3.5 Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality effects the health and comfort of the resident. Achieving a good quality
indoor environment requires careful design, material choices and the construction. Indoor
air quality can be enhance taking the certain measurement and follow the design which is
shown in the below model this provide the certain passive cooling and enough
penetration of daylight and minimize the heat coming directly from sun and promote
fresh breeze while keep away dusty and hot air.

Figure 5: House prototype floor plan by author (Amany, 2013 nothing is seen able

1.3.6 Toxic reduction

Green concept focuses on safety and health of the resident by using proper construction
materials. Many chemicals and materials and cleaning products release toxic gases such
as formaldehyde. Toxic substances are often used as preservatives, finishes for building
materials. These toxins gases are released throughout the life and pose a risk to
construction crews. So, material for the construction of buildings in order to minimize
these toxic gases. Below in fig are different toxic product which need special waste

Figure 6 toxic waste products

1.3.7 Sustainable development
Sustainability is increasingly becoming a key consideration of building experts with the
goal of increasing economic efficiency, protecting and improving human well-being.

1.4 Purpose of Green Building:

The Green building concept is catching up fast globally. Green concept helps us to design the
buildings to reduce the overall impact of the environment on human health and natural
environment by efficiently using energy, water and other resources.Secondly, we have to protect
resident’s health and improving employee productivity. Thirdly, we have to reduce waste,
pollution and avoid environment degradation.
1.5 Scope of Green Building:
The green concept building is gaining importance throughout the world. These green buildings
ensure that waste is minimized at every stage during the construction of the building, resulting in
low costs according to the engineer experts in the technology. A Green Building is one, which in
the process of constructing a building that uses renewable materials and efficient in air quatlity.
This method can include using all-natural materials. It reduces the energy consumption of a
building, thus reducing carbon dioxide and global warming to help the climate change.

Figure 7 sample design of sustainable green building

What does go green mean?

Going green means acceptance a way of life that helps preserve the environment by reducing,
reusing, and recycling substances.Going green technology is helpful to reduce energy
consumption, saving land resources and water use, and protecting the environment
and preservation of the natural resources, and biodiversityto meet the requirements of the times
to enhance people's quality of life.
The aim of going green is to:

 Plant a tree.
 Reduce any kind of pollution i.e. air, water and soil etc.
 Reduce the use of toxic chemicals.
 Reduces the over consumption of natural resources and eliminate and recycle the wastes.
 Save natural resources and plantations.
 Saving the endangered wildlife.
 Maintain the natural environmental balance on earth so that all existing things can
survive easily.
2 Literature Review:
Green concept is concern with the green environment which is the sustainability development. It
is defined by three sub-categories: environmental responsiveness, resource efficiency, and
community and cultural sensitivity.
Green concept basically covers the two main part which is
 Green Environment
 Green Building

2.1 Green Building:

Green concept is an understanding of environment-friendly architecture under all classifications
and contains some universal consent .It may have many of these characteristics:
 Ventilation systems designed for efficient heating and cooling
 Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
 Water-saving plumbing fixtures x Landscapes planned to maximize passive solar energy
 Minimal harm to the natural habitat x Alternate power sources such as solar power or
wind power
 Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials
 Locally obtained woods and stone
 Responsibly harvested woods
 Adaptive reuse of older buildings
 Use of recycled architectural salvage x Efficient use of space
While most green buildings do not have all of these features, the highest goal of green
architecture is to be fully sustainable. [6]
2.1.1 Consideration for Green Building:
Green building involves consideration in four main areas:
 Site development
 Material selection
 Minimization energy efficiency
 Indoor air quality development:
Consider site development to reduce the impact of development on the natural environment. For
example, orient the buildings to take advantage of solar access, shading and wind patterns that
will lessen heating and cooling loads. Material selection:
Carefully select materials that are durable, contain recycled content, and are locally
manufactured to reduce negative environmental impacts. A growing market exists of quality
recycled products at affordable prices.
2.1.1 3 Minimizing Energy efficiency:
Incorporate energy-efficient design into buildings to create an efficient and comfortable
environment. Take advantage of the natural elements and technologies to conserve resources and
increase occupant comfort/productivity while lowering long-term operational costs and
pollutants air quality:
Design for high indoor air quality to promote occupant health and productivity. Minimize the
waste in construction and demolition processes by recovering materials and reusing or recycling
those material. [6]
Below is the 3D Model of a green building
Figure 8 : 3D model of the suggested prototype by author (Amany, 2013)

2.2 Green Environment:

Green environment is related to the conservation of the natural resources and improving the
quality of the environment by using green products and recycle our resources.
2.2.1 Designing for green environment:
The designing process on building sell of positive ecological attributes into products. The
marketing mix strategy involves interrelated marketing mix decisions that collectively influence
resources use and waste outcomes as consumption needs are met.According to American
Marketing Association in 2008 cited in Polonsky M.J., 2008 4. A model of a green marketing-
mix should, of course, contain all 4P’s with 4Cs: [7]

Figure 9 (Source; Donald.A.F., 1999, Sustainable marketing

2.2.2 Ecological green product:

Ecological products which not only clean the environment but also protect it and even liquidate
existing environmental damages Green product keep the environment free from toxic emission of
gases. Green products are recyclable and can be reuse it is necessary for the protection of
environment. [8]
2.2.3 Green product:
Green product should not endanger the environment at any stage of its life, including
manufacturing, use or disposal. Cause unnecessary waste, either as a result of excessive
packaging or a short useful life. While designing a green product for a green environment
following steps should be considered illustrated in below fig [8]

Figure 1 (Source; Donald.A.F., 1999, Sustainable marketing


3 Methodology:
Now a days due to the globalization there is an adverse effect on the environment and the
concept of green is rare, so this report is basically presented the concept of green on the
environment the thoroughly the concept of green buildings. So, in order to achieve the desire
result this report follow the certain steps:
 General concept of green its purpose and scope.
 Basic consideration for the green buildings with its benefits.
 Applying the concept that can enhance the energy efficiency indoor Air quality and use
the renewable resources.
 Read different research paper and articles in order to get different information for the
green building.
 Discussion on the consideration of green building.

4 Discussion:
4.1 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy:
Energy efficiency is deal with the consumption of energy perform the same task with the less
amount of energy. Firstly, we analyze the total consumption of energy. Almost 40% of energy
consumption is related to buildings and 50% by greenhouse emission. Renewable energy source
is preferable for green buildings these sources includes.
 Wind energy
 Solar energy
 Biomass energy
 Geothermal energy
 Hydro energy
Below is the consumption of renewable energy source.

Figure 10 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, Table 1.3 and 10.1, April 2020, preliminary data

Green buildings are design in such a way that energy efficiency increases and use the renewable
energy sources renewable energy is the energy from the natural resources and suitable for the
green buildings. Passive solar design is one of the best renewable energy sources which can be
utilize for green buildings.

4.2 Water Efficiency:

Water efficiency is the smart use of water resources and provide the same result by using less
amount of water and reducing the wastage of water by measuring the amount of water use for a
particular purpose.
 Water is the main source of human life which can be store and reused after filtration
process. It is one of those important aspect which must be consider for green house
 About 6% of the table water is used for drinking purpose.
 The water use for irrigation and sewage is not necessary to use portable water.
 The conservation of water is carried out by designing a dual pump in a greenhouse which
recycle the water.
 Wastewater can be reduced by using fixture of such types which ultra-low flush toilets
and low-flow shower heads and by using non-sewage and greywater for on-site use such
as site-irrigation will minimize demands on the local aquifer.
Benefits of water efficiency:
 Fresh water supply for a long time and the diseases which spread due to polluted water
will be reduced due to which life quality will be increased.
 Table water will also be efficient due to this water management techniques.
 It will also reduce Climate change effects

4.3 Waste Reduction:

Green house building presents the idea of reduction in waste such as waste of energy water and
material use for the construction purpose. The solid waste should be recycling and reuse material
such as glass paper concrete can be recycled. Use building materials for refilling of land waste
management system which is design for green building should be followed.
For waste management following steps should be consider:
 For the design of a greenhouse building waste management system should be consider.
 There should be recycling bins and separate bins for the hazardous substances.
 Enough space should be provided for the collection of waste materials and there should
be tags on the bins such as plastic bin paper bin and the bin for the hazardous substances
it will provide ease during recycling.
 Recycling material should be separated from the bins.
 There should be proper drainage system on the construction side and constructor should
be aware of the solid waste management policy on the construction side and follow the
 Truck must be scheduled for the collection of waste materials.
Effect of waste management in Green Building:
 It will reduce the pollution
 Reduce the need of landfill.

Figure 11 waste management effects

4.4 Building and Material Specification:

The material use for green building should has the following traits:
 The material should be eco-friendly
 The material should be durable and has life span.
 Reduce the air, water and land pollution.
 Material should be reuse and recycle and biodegradable.
The green building material are as fellow:
4.4.1 Wool bricks:
Wool bricks are used in green building wool brick are made of wool mixed with natural polymer
which is found in seaweed of the clay of the wood.
They provide a resistance to the cold and wet climate.

4.4.2 Concrete material:

Crushed glass and wood chips are used in green building. Wood chip is the by-product during a
steel manufacturing and a sustainable green material.
It greatly reduces the emission of carbon dioxide.
4.4.3 Solar tiles:
Solar tiles are green material which during daytime greatly absorb the energy from the sun.
Also protect the building from harsh environment.
4.4.4 Paper Insulation:
This insulation can be made by recycling the cardboard and newspaper.
Insulation is then filled with chemical form and protect the building from insects and fire
4.4.5 Triple glazed window:
These are supper efficient window.
They protect the building from heat and also from the direct sunlight.
4.4.6 Utilization of Bamboo material:
Utilize bamboo material instead of steel bars. This is ecofriendly.

4.5 Toxic Reduction:

Less-toxic materials are less risky to construction labors and building’s residents. Many
materials badly affect indoor air quality and expose residents to health threats. Some construction
materials, i.e. adhesives, paints, sealants, cleaners, and other common products contain unstable
organic compounds (VOCs) and release hazardous vapors and they can add to air quality
problems throughout a building’s life. By using building materials with lower levels of
poisonous materials, environmental health problems can be avoided.
There are more than ten thousand of unregulated chemicals that being used in our building
products. They are very hazardous to our health and building.
Some of them are mention below:

 Formaldehyde
 Polyvinyl chloride
 Biphenyl-AM
 Flame retardants
 Per fluorinated compounds (PFCs)
Below are toxic products which can be recycle

Figure 12:disposable recycle toxic products

4.6 Indoor Air Quality:

IAQ is the indoor air quality within or around the world. It affects the health, wellbeing and
comfort of the resident and also reduce the productivity of the world. It can be affected by any
toxic gases i.e. nitrogen, Sulphur, carbon dioxide etc. or microbial contaminants i.e. virus,
bacteria, fungus etc. or we can say that anything that can induce adverse human health
Indoor air pollution is a big problem in the many counties. The major source of this indoor air
pollution is burning of biomass i.e. coal, wood, charcoal etc. They cause a large damage to the
world. The resulting exposure to high levels of particulate matter resulted in between 1.5 million
and 2 million deaths in 2000. [9]
 The primary method for achieving the good quality air in the building or around the area of
residence is that we use source control method, filtration method and the use of ventilation in
order to weak the that are present in our environment.
Indoor air quality effects the health and comfort of the resident. Achieving a good quality indoor
environment requires careful design, material choices and the construction. Now if we want to
plan for the building in order to dilute the contaminants then we have to develop an indoor air
quality management plan.
There following practices that needs to be discuss. Indoor air quality enhancement factors are
explain below

Figure 13 indoor air quality enhancement factors

4.6.1 Design:

 Fresh air is very important for living bodies. So, we can to ventilate the room
continuously, if possible, then exhaust fans and supply fans or with energy-recovery ventilator.
 Choose the windows that ventilate and increase energy efficiency of our building.
 Create constant air blockades between each entity and continuous ventilate them

4.6.2 Use of non-polluting materials:

 Paint the wallpapers by selecting low- or no-VOC options.

 Avoid purchasing those items that contain formaldehyde.
 Use Green Label.
 Choose non-toxic cleaning products.
 Regular maintenance arrangements.

4.6.3 Maintenance:
 Educate maintenance staff and residents regarding healthy pest control, cleaning
methods, and low-VOC household options.
 Guide the people that how to operate the airing systems and how to incorporate natural
 Avoid water damage.
 Establish procedures for inspection and, in the case of leakage or other problems, take a
look on it and modify the systems.
 Care in repair.

4.7 Smart Growth &Sustainable Development:

Sustainability is increasingly becoming a key consideration of building experts with the goal of
increasing economic efficiency, protecting and improving human well-being. One of the biggest
profitsof green concept is the environmental benefits.
Smart growth and Sustainable development are frequently used interchangeably. Sustainable
development is a plan by which societies pursue to balance environmental safety, economic
progress, and social aims and to meet the needs of today without compromising the quality of
life for upcoming generations. While smart growth is development that is environmentally
sensitive, economically feasible, community-oriented, and maintainable. It is an approach to land
use planning that promotes compact, transit-oriented urban populations that are attractive and

Figure 14: Source The-Environmental-Economic-and-Social-Components-of-Sustainability (1)

5 Conclusion:
The future of human being is looking bright since the evolution of Green Concept. Green
environment helps us to promote an eco-friendly, green and cleaner environment In difference in
green building, and the normal building is that the green building are more environmentally
friendly as they help in energy maintaining and saving. Green buildings brings together a vast
array of technique and skills to reduce and ultimately eradicate the bad impacts of buildings on
human health and environment. Green technology is helpful to reduce energy consumption,
saving land resources and water use, to meet the requirements of the times to enhance people's
quality of life.
“Go Green” is a motto that echoes in the hearts of people. Therefore it is vital to adopt green
living lifestyle because if we don’t, our lives would be in danger when there is no clean
availability of natural resources or even get exposed to severe climate changes that can lead to
global warming and life-threatening illnesses.

6 Recommendations:
The product which are selling in the market must follow the general rule of environment
regularity. The specific product should be eco-friendly.
 One should avoid the use of plastic bags and try to use reusable material bags such as
cloths bags. It is estimated that around 500 billion bags are used around the globe every
year which is very toxic. One single bag can kill an animal in every three months.
 Avoid to drink water in plastic bottles use glass bottles which are fully recyclable.
 Use cotton house ware which is a green product environment friendly and biodegradable.
 Use recycle stationary product and recycle the papers to save trees.
 For green buildings there should the installation of biogas production plant which is
cheaper produce gas from organic material and safe for the green buildings.
 Photovoltaic panel can be installed on the roof top for the production of light in a
greenhouse building.
 Solar hot water system is introduced in green house building which utilize the energy
from the sun to produce hot water for green house system.


1. Rocky Mountain Institute (1998). Green Development: Integrating Ecology and Real

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2.  Kline, Benjamin (2011). First along the River: A Brief History of the U.S.
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3. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common
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4. Harris, Jonathan; Goodwin, Neva (March 2003). "Reconciling Growth and the
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5.  Zotter Jr., Frank (2016). Legal Aspects of Real Estate (5th Ed.). Laguna Hills, CA:
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6. USGBC, 2002, U.S. Green Building Council, Building Momentum: “National Trends
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7. Polonsky, M. J. (1994). An introduction to green marketing. Electronic green journal.
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8. Kotler, P., Roberto and Lee (2002). “Social Marketing; Improving the quality of life”,
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68. doi:10.1289/ehp.021101057. PMC 1241060. PMID 12417475.

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