IEA-ECBCS Annex 51: Energy Efficient Communities. Experience From Denmark

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World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

IEA-ECBCS Annex 51: energy efficient communities.

Experience from Denmark
A. Dalla Rosa1,*, S. Svendsen2,

Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
* Corresponding author. Tel: +45 45251939, Fax: +45 45881755, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: The paper describes the Danish contribution to the IEA-ECBCS Annex 51: energy efficient
communities. We present three case studies, two from Annex subtask A (state-of-the-art review) and one from
subtask B (ongoing projects). The first case study is Samsoe: a renewable energy island. The community
achieved a net 100% share of renewable energy in its total energy use, relying on available technical solutions,
but finding new ways of organizing, financing and ownerships. The second project is Concerto class I:
Stenloese Syd. The buildings in the settlement are low-energy buildings class I (Building Regulation 2008).
The project partners envisaged the implementation of selected key energy-supply technologies and building
components and carried out an evaluation of user preferences to give suggestions to designers and constructors
of low-energy houses. The third case study (Subtask B) is: low-energy neighbourhood in Lystrup, Denmark.
The project integrates sustainable solutions both for the building sector and the energy supply side, which in the
case consists on a low-temperature district heating network. The analysis of the successful/unsuccessful factors
in the projects contributes to develop the instruments that are needed to prepare local energy and climate change
strategies and supports the planning and implementation of energy-efficient communities.
Keywords: energy efficiency, urban planning, renewable energy, district heating

1. Introduction
The main objective of the Annex 51: energy efficient communities is the design of
integrated long-term energy conservation and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategies
within a community, with optimal exploitation of renewable energy (RE) [1]. A holistic
approach is used, comprehending generation, supply, transport and use of energy. Annex 51
explores effective paths that implement technical innovations in communities with an
increased rate, enabling communities to set up sustainable energy structures and identify the
specific actions necessary to reach ambitious goals. We consider both short-term and longterm plans, and their economic feasibility. Furthermore, we prepared recommendations, bestpractice examples and background material for designers and decision makers.
2. Methodology
2.1. Subtask A
The title of subtask A is existing organizational models, implementation instruments and
planning tools for local administrations and developers a state-of-the-art review. Each
participating country described the national legislative and economic framework for urban
energy and climate change policies and prepared a review of data acquisition methods and
tools for monitoring municipal energy and GHG balances. We then considered local energy
system modelling and simulation tools and their combination with conventional planning
tools for the design of energy supply systems and demand calculation. Finally, successful
examples of community energy planning projects within the participating countries were
discussed. The focus is on methods and planning principle, implementation strategies and the
final comparison and evaluation of approaches in different countries.
3.1.2 Subtask B

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

In subtask B, case studies on energy planning and implementation strategies for

neighbourhoods, quarters or municipal areas, we described methods to characterize the
actual state of a project in terms of energy and GHG performance. We investigated scenarios
and planning alternatives arisen during the case study timeframe, and we reported cost
structures and cost/benefit analyses. The process organization, the role of the decision makers
and the implementation strategy were put into focus. Finally, we reported R&D issues,
methods and tools used by the decision makers and the results achieved, with regard to GHG
targets and economic feasibility.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Sams: a renewable energy island
In 1997 Sams island (114 km2, 4124 inhabitant in 2010) won a competition, announced by
the Danish Ministry of Energy. It dealt with the choice of a local community which could
represent the most feasible plan for the transition to self-sufficiency with exploitation of RE.
3.1.1. Objectives and milestones
The objective was to study what share of RE a well-defined area could achieve using
available technology, and without extraordinary state subsidies. The master plan described the
available resources and how the transition could be made, with descriptions of both technical
and organisational figures. An essential requirement was reduced energy consumption in all
sectors, i.e., heating, electricity and transportation. Another top priority for the project was the
degree of local participation: the business community, local authorities and local
organisations had to support the proposed master plan to give it credibility. It was expected to
envisage new ways of organizing, financing and owning the proposed projects.
Table 1: Comparison between energy and economical figures in 1997 and 2005.
Energy and economical figures
Master Plan (1997)
Achieved (2005)
Share of renewable energy [%]
Degree of energy self-sufficiency [%]
Share of district heating [%]
Heat use [TJ/year]
140 (+ 0%*)
155 (+10%*)
Electricity use (no for heat) [TJ/year]
70.0 (-12%*)
77.3 (-3%*)
Onshore wind turbines [TJ/year]
Offshore wind turbines [TJ/year]
CO2 emissions [tons/year]
Private investment [.106]
Public subsidies [.106]
Private investment [/inhabitant]
Public subsidies [/inhabitant]
*Reference year: 1997

3.1.2. Energy conservation

Campaigns were made concerning energy savings, among those the "pensioner project". The
Danish Energy Authority granted funds (50% of the investment, max. 3250 EUR) to
pensioners for energy saving renovations in their private houses. Informative letters were sent
to the 444 pensioner families of Sams and a free visit by an energy adviser was offered. 43%
of the families made use of it. Local business increased its turnover by 1.1 million EUR.
Nevertheless the total energy use (electricity, heat and transport) increased by 4% in the
period 1997-2005, from 305.4 TJ to 318.6 TJ, mainly due to an increased heat demand
(+10%, partially due to a colder winter in 2005) and energy use for transportation (+ 7%).

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

3.1.3. Energy supply

The municipal council guaranteed the mortgage loans that financed the district heating (DH)
stations, whose fuel (straw and wood chips) is produced by local farmers. Buildings built in
areas with existing or planned DH were compelled to connect to the system, while the houses
that complied at least with the low-energy class 2 standard (Building Regulation 98) were
exempt. Outside DH areas, the actual planning process began when 70% of consumers using
regular oil furnaces or boilers had signed up for the conversion to DH. The energy utilities
introduced a new financial model, who was an exception to normal practice. The consumer
paid a connection fee around 10 EUR, if registered before the establishment of the network,
while the fee increased to 5000 EUR afterwards. This method guaranteed a high degree of
connection and aimed at encouraging end-users' energy savings, due to higher energy supply
costs. The production increased from 39.6 TJ in 1997 to 82.4 TJ in 2005 [2], but at the same
time the network heat losses increased from 19.9% to 24.2% of the delivered energy. The
main figures about the DH systems are shown in Table 2. A cooperatively owned regional
utility, NRGi, own and operates two DH systems; another system is owned by a local
commercial operator, while the consumers themselves own and finance the last system.
Table 2: District heating in Sams (2005).

Investment costs [*106]
Subsidy from DEA**
Peak power [MW]
Annual energy
production [MWh]
Solar collector area [m2]


Solar storage tank [m3]

Year of establishment










rye straw

rye straw


Fuel consumption [tons/year]
Annual subscription
Price [/MW]
New consumer
fixed fee []
New consumer variable
fee [/mpipe]
In areas outside DH networks, individual solutions were applied: 860 solar thermal systems,
35 heat pumps and 120 biomass-based units were installed [3]. To cover the electricity
demand 11 onshore wind turbines were installed, with a total peak capacity of 9 MWel. An
offshore wind turbines park was dimensioned with a capacity of 23 MWel, corresponding to
the difference between the actual energy use in the transport sector and the energy savings to
be realized in the master plan. Five of the 10 off-shore wind turbines are owned by the
municipality of Sams. The proceeds from the windmills are reinvested in future energy
projects as Danish law does not allow local municipalities to earn money by generating
energy. Three of the off-shore turbines are privately owned by local farmers. Nine offshore

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

wind turbines are owned privately by small groups of farmers, two are owned by local
cooperatives with up to 1500 shareholders [4]. Spreading the ownership improved citizenship
acceptance for the construction of the wind turbines. Electricity production prices are
regulated by law and include a ten year fixed price agreement which is the same for all the
wind turbines on the island. The agreement stipulates a guaranteed price of about 0.08 EUR
for the first 12000 full-load running hours and afterward about 0.06 EUR, until the ten year
period expires.
3.1.4. Analysis
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: SWOT analysis for the Sams case study.




- Energy savings
- No cogeneration
- Municipality administration
- Uncertainty of energy prices
- Training and education
- Protests against placement of wind
generators and DH plants
- Removal of subsidies by new
- Immaturity of electric car technology
- Lack of suppliers and companies for

External origin

Internal origin

- Political support
- Internal energy market
- Local coordination
- Local ownership
- Organisational structure
- Local resources
- Challenging jobs
- External investments
- EU incentives
- Lower tax for electricity from RE
- Creation of new employment opportunities
- El. contracts avoid price fluctuations
- Positive effect on tourism
3.2. Concerto class I: Stenloese Syd
The project Class1 began in 2007, after the municipality of Egedal decided to strengthen the
energy requirements for a new settlement to be erected in the municipality. During the years
2007-2011 a total of 442 dwellings were or are designed and constructed with a heating
demand corresponding to the Danish "low-energy class I". This means that the energy
consumption will be 50% below the energy frame set by the Danish Building regulation
(DBR 08), the energy frame being calculated with the following formula:
Energy frame = 70 + 2200/A in kWh/m/year
where A is the heated floor area. During the first year of the project the municipality itself has
constructed a kindergarten in compliance with the above restrictions and a social housing
association has completed an ultra low-energy house project (heating demand of 15
kWh/(m2.year)) comprising 65 dwellings. Besides, the constructions of the elderly centre
and 13 single family houses have commenced. The Class 1 project focuses on selected key
technologies and building components: slab and foundation insulation, window frames,
mechanical ventilation with heat-recovery combined with heat-pumps, biomass-CHP, heat
distribution for local DH and user-friendly building energy management systems.

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

Figure 1: Site area (left) and status of the settlement in 2010 (right).

3.2.1. Evaluation of user preferences and legislative analysis

One part of the demonstration activities deals with the evaluation of the user preferences to
improve target future buyers/builders of low-energy houses. The methodology was
determined and the initial interviews were carried out. The final report is available in [7].
Proactive attempts have been identified and documented to understand legislative and
planning means in the process of promoting sustainable community projects [8].
3.2.2. Key-product development
Industrial partners have made progress in developing new and/or improved products suitable
to low-energy buildings: a low energy window, whose production costs were reduced by 30%
by process changes and machinery investment and a ventilation unit with heat recovery and
integrated heat pump for low energy houses. Moreover the low-rise, dense building sites will
be supplied by a local low-temperature DH network. During the summer period the bio-mass
CHP plant will be closed down and the solar heating systems will deliver the heat for
domestic hot water.



Table 4: SWOT analysis for the Stenlse Syd case study.

- Integration of different sectors
- No obligatory monitoring concept
- Comparison of strategies in the different
implemented in all the sub-projects
participating countries
- Mix of energy savings and renewable energy - Coordination of many partners
policies, R&D and dissemination activities
- Intelligent management and monitoring of
water and energy consumption

3.3. Low-energy neighbourhood in Lystrup

The project deals with the realization and evaluation of a sustainable housing area in Lystrup,
Aarhus, Denmark. Residential area B was completed in Lrkehaven (the Larch Garden),
in May 2008 and represented the first step towards the vision of a sustainable housing
development, with a total of 122 low-energy buildings. Residential area C was completed in
early 2010. The last stage (residential area A) will be finalized in 2011. The main
characteristics of each area are:
A: 32 two-storey family houses according to the German Passive House Standard.

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

B: 33 two storey houses (Danish low-energy class I) and 17 single-storey houses (Danish lowenergy class 2), LED lighting, phase change materials (PCM), common solar cell facility.
C: 40 residences (Danish low-energy class I, expected energy demand of 30 kWh/m2, total
heated floor area: 4115 m2), connected to a low-energy DH network.
In the paper we focus on the area C. The project integrates sustainable solutions in the enduser side (building sector) and in the energy supply side (DH network). The former deals with
finding cost-effective solutions for the construction of low-energy buildings and at the same
time promoting high architectural quality and comfort. The latter refers to the demonstration
of the technical and economical feasibility of DH applied to areas with low heat demand
densities and to the testing of two heating unit designs with focus on return temperature.
3.3.1. The low-energy and low-exergy district heating system
The department is the first residential area in Denmark and one of the first in the world, where
a low-temperature DH network is applied. A DH network (total trench length: ~800 m) was
designed according to low temperature operation in the supply pipe (55C) and in the return
pipe (25C). The application of the low-exergy concept to the DH technology aims at three
main targets. The first one is to guarantee comfort, with regards to delivery of domestic hot
water and to space heating requirements, by exploiting low-grade energy sources and
renewable energy. The second objective is to match the exergy demand of such applications
with the necessary exergy available in the supply system, by making the temperature levels of
the supply and the demand closer to each other. Finally, it aims at reducing the heat loss in the
distribution network, so that the total profitability is ensured from the socio-economic point of
view. The main design concepts are:
- Low-size media pipes. This is Figure 2: Sketch of the DH network with the location
achieved by allowing a high pressure of the meters (adapted from [6]).
gradient in the branch pipes connected
to the unit with instantaneous domestic
hot water preparation or by installing
units with storage of DH water. The
latter one consists on a heat exchanger
coupled to a water storage tank on the
primary side, which ensures low
continuous water flow from the DH
network and therefore low-size media
pipes in house connections.
- Low operational temperatures: down
to 50C in the supply line and 20C in
the return line.
- Twin pipes are used rather than single
pipes. Furthermore flexible or semiflexible plastic pipes replace steel pipes,
wherever it is possible. This leads both
to lower investment costs for the civil
works connected to the laying of the
pipeline and to lower the heat loss.
- Utilization of a circulation pump
placed in the supply line. The pump is
placed in the communal building and
ensures an increase of the available
differential pressure in the area.

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

Next, it compensates for the choice of small-diameter media pipes. Two types of DH
substations are installed: 30 Instantaneous Heat Exchanger Unit (IHEU) and 11 District
Heating Storage Unit (DHSU). This former utilizes a heat exchanger between the primary
side (DH loop) and the secondary side (DHW loop) for instantaneous production of DHW,
while there is a direct system for space heating. The unit is equipped with an external by-pass,
meaning that the by-pass water does not flow through the heat exchanger. The latter includes
a storage tank and a heat exchanger. Heat is stored with DH fluid as medium. Domestic hot
water (DHW) is produced by a heat exchanger, supplied from the tank. A flow switch detects
a water flow and starts the pump. There is no need for by-pass flow in this type of unit. The
DHSU are all placed on the same street line so that it is possible to measure both the
performance of the unit itself and the implications at street level. The total investment cost
lies between 350000 and 400000 , which corresponds to about 8500 /dwelling and 9800
3.3.2. Analysis
We highlight here the main findings, with regards to the planning process. They are:
- The project took profit of the extensive collaboration among different partners: the housing
association, industrial partners, architectural and engineering consultants, research institutions
and governmental agencies.
- The international architectural competition and the import of prefabricated building
envelopes from abroad succeeded to ensure high standards and reasonable economy.
- To some extent the Danish building-type manufacture tradition has been a barrier for
planning the community as a whole, more than as a collection of individual building units. In
fact the tendency in the sector, related to low-energy buildings, is to provide solutions based
upon individual energy supply systems, mainly heat pumps, and the building types are often
not developed with a friendly interface to district energy systems. On one hand, this means
that standard and reliable offers of low-energy building types already exist; on the other hand,
it could hinder the chance of implementing a sustainable and holistic vision that gathers both
the end-user side and the energy supply side, as demonstrated in the residential area C.
- A conflict between two different goals arouse during the planning and implementation
process. The first target pertained to the high expectations about reaching the climate goal,
which for Denmark is defined by the political will of developing an energy system based on
100% renewable energy by 2050 and it is translated to action at national, regional and local
level (energy producers, municipalities, energy utilities, energy planners, etc...). The second
objective was connected to the need of finding solutions that can lead the process in a costeffective way. the issue was critical at least in two phases: during the definition of the budget
for the construction of the low-energy buildings in the residential area A, and during the
definition of the requirements for the energy supply system for the residential area C. In the
first case the maximum allowed budget was constrained by the requirements of the social
housing in Denmark. Such requirements limited the economical burden for the tenants, i.e. the
costs of renting the dwellings. The implementation phase was then delayed and the
construction started only when it was decided to exceed the maximum budget. At the
beginning of the planning phase for the energy supply system for the residential area B, it was
chosen to design a traditional DH network based on a pair of single pipes, directly connected
to the main network in Lystrup (Tsupply= 80C and Treturn=40C). The cost-effectiveness of
such network was questioned, so that individual solutions, such as heat pumps were
considered as alternative. The final decision was taken when an external R&D project took
over the planning responsibility, bringing along also more capital to be invested. The final
outcome was successful, since it was demonstrated not only that the low-temperature DH
concept is applicable to low-energy buildings, but also that the total long-term economy (30
years) improved in comparison to the original design solutions.

World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 Sweden

8-11 May 2011, Linkping, Sweden

Sustainable Cities and Regions (SCR)

- The recognition of the existence of a market in Denmark in relation to sustainable, energyefficient and environmental-friendly houses was an additional motivation for starting the
project, from the housing association point of view. In fact, the completed dwellings were
fully occupied by tenants faster than in other newly established areas, despite the housing
sector suffered a crisis in that period.
4. Conclusions
The Danish average energy use per inhabitant is 25% higher than in Sams, while the
potential biomass per inhabitant is one third. Also the potential of wind energy is lower in the
rest of the country. Therefore substantial energy conservation efforts are needed to achieve
the completely energy self-sufficiency and 100% share of renewable energy in the country as
a whole. Taking the results from the experience in Sams and transferring it to a national
level, the transition towards a fully renewable energy based would cost about 90 billion EUR,
giving savings for 8 billion EUR/year and a pay-back time of about 11 years (considering
2005 figures).
LYSTRUP: The people involved in the project agree in saying that the neighbourhood
approach is more profitable and achieve better results than the local approach. A better
social-economy is possible, if the energy plan is done for the community as a whole instead of
considering local plans for the single housing units.
[1] (2011).
[2] PlanEnergy and Sams Energy Academy, Sams a renewable energy island, 10
years of development and evaluation, 2007.
[3] J.P. Nielsen, J. Jantzen, Summary of work 2005-2008, Samso Energy Agency, 2009.
[4] (2010).
[5] (2010).
[6] Ledningsdimensionering og konceptuelt layout (Pipe dimensioning and conceptual
design), COWI A/S, 2009.
[7] (2011).
[8] L. Castellazzi, M. Citterio, and others, National guidelines for residential buildings
presented as grid of applicability in participating countries, Concerto Class 1 project,
Work Package 4, Deliverable 22, 2009.

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