Understanding Building Automation and Control Systems
Understanding Building Automation and Control Systems
Understanding Building Automation and Control Systems
You may hear any of the following terms to describe the control or automation of
Generally, building automation begins with control of mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing (MEP) systems. For instance, the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
(HVAC) system is almost always controlled, including control of its various pieces of
equipment such as:
Lighting control is, likewise, low-hanging fruit for optimizing building performance.
Other systems that are often controlled and/or brought under a complete
automation system include:
Power monitoring
By the late 1990s and especially into the 2000s, movements were afoot to
standardize on "open" communication systems. The American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) developed the BACnet
communication protocol that eventually became the industry open standard.
Building automation
Building automation is the automatic centralized control of a building's heating, ventilation and
air conditioning, lighting and other systems through a Building Management System or Building
Automation System (BAS). The objectives of building automation are improved occupant
comfort, efficient operation of building systems, and reduction inenergy consumption and
operating costs.
Building automation is an example of a distributed control system - the computer networking of
electronic devices designed to monitor and control the mechanical, security, fire and flood
safety, lighting (especially emergency lighting), HVAC and humidity control and ventilation
systems in a building.[1]
BAS core functionality keeps building climate within a specified range, provides light to rooms
based on an occupancy schedule (in the absence of overt switches to the contrary), monitors
performance and device failures in all systems, and provides malfunction alarms to building
maintenance staff. A BAS should reduce building energy and maintenance costs compared to a
non-controlled building. Most commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings built after 2000
include a BAS. Many older buildings have been retrofitted with a new BAS, typically financed
through energy and insurance savings, and other savings associated with pre-emptive
maintenance and fault detection.
A building controlled by a BAS is often referred to as an intelligent building, "smart building", or
(if a residence) a "smart home". Commercial and industrial buildings have historically relied on
robust proven protocols (like BACnet) while proprietary and poorly integrated purpose-specific
protocols (like X-10 or those from Honeywell, Siemens or other major manufacturers of smart
thermostats, etc.) were used in homes. Recent IEEE standards (notably IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE
1901 and IEEE 1905.1, IEEE 802.21, IEEE 802.11ac, IEEE 802.3at) and consortia efforts
like nVoy (which verifies IEEE 1905.1 compliance) or QIVICON have provided a standardsbased foundation for heterogeneous networking of many devices on many physical networks for
diverse purposes, and quality of service and failover guarantees appropriate to support human
health and safety.
Almost all multi-story green buildings are designed to accommodate a BAS for the energy, air
and water conservation characteristics. Electrical device demand response is a typical function
of a BAS, as is the more sophisticated ventilation and humidity monitoring required of "tight"
insulated buildings. Most green buildings also use as many low-power DC devices as possible,
typically integrated with power over Ethernet wiring, so by definition always accessible to a BAS
through the Ethernet connectivity.
Automation system
The term "Building Automation System", loosely used, refers to any electrical control system
that is used to controls a buildings heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
Modern BAS can also control indoor and outdoor lighting as well as security, fire alarms, and
basically everything else that is electrical in the building. Old HVAC control systems, such as
24VDC wired thermostats or pneumatic controls, are a form of automation but lack the modern
systems flexibility and integration.
are temperature, humidity and pressure sensors which could be thermistor, 4-20 mA, 010 volt or platinum resistance (resistance temperature detector), or wireless sensors.
A digital input indicates if a device is turned on or not. Some examples of an inherently digital
input would be a 24VDC/AC signal, current switch, an air flow switch, or a voltafree relay contact (Dry Contact). Digital inputs could also be pulse type inputs counting the
frequency of pulses over a given period of time. An example is a turbine flow meter transmitting
rotation data as a frequency of pulses to an input.
Analog outputs control the speed or position of a device, such as a variable frequency drive, an
I-P (current to pneumatics) transducer, or a valve or damper actuator. An example is a hot water
valve opening up 25% to maintain a set point. Another example is a variable frequency
drive ramping up a motor slowly to avoid a hard start.
Digital outputs are used to open and close relays and switches as well as drive a load upon
command. An example would be to turn on the parking lot lights when a photocell indicates it is
dark outside. Another example would be to open a valve by allowing 24VDC/AC to pass through
the output powering the valve. Digital outputs could also be pulse type outputs emitting a
frequency of pulses over a given period of time. An example is an energy meter calculating kWh
and emitting a frequency of pulses accordingly.
Controllers are essentially small, purpose-built computers with input and output capabilities.
These controllers come in a range of sizes and capabilities to control devices commonly found
in buildings, and to control sub-networks of controllers.
Inputs allow a controller to read temperatures, humidity, pressure, current flow, air flow, and
other essential factors. The outputs allow the controller to send command and control signals to
slave devices, and to other parts of the system. Inputs and outputs can be either digital or
analog. Digital outputs are also sometimes called discrete depending on manufacturer.
Controllers used for building automation can be grouped in 3 categories. Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs), System/Network controllers, and Terminal Unit controllers. However an
additional device can also exist in order to integrate 3rd party systems (i.e. a stand-alone AC
system) into a central Building automation system).
PLC's provide the most responsiveness and processing power, but at a unit cost typically 2 to 3
times that of a System/Network controller intended for BAS applications. Terminal Unit
controllers are usually the least expensive and least powerful.
PLC's may be used to automate high-end applications such as clean rooms or hospitals where
the cost of the controllers is less of a concern.
In office buildings, supermarkets, malls, and other common automated buildings the systems
will use System/Network controllers rather than PLC's. Most System controllers provide general
purpose feedback loops, as well as digital circuits, but lack the millisecond response time that
PLC's provide.
System/Network controllers may be applied to control one or more mechanical systems such as
an Air Handler Unit (AHU), boiler, chiller, etc., or they may supervise a sub-network of
controllers. In the diagram above, System/Network controllers are often used in place of PLCs.
Terminal Unit controllers usually are suited for control of lighting and/or simpler devices such as
a package rooftop unit, heat pump, VAV box, or fan coil, etc. The installer typically selects 1 of
the available pre-programmed personalities best suited to the device to be controlled, and does
not have to create new control logic.
Occupancy is one of two or more operating modes for a building automation system.
Unoccupied, Morning Warmup, and Night-time Setback are other common modes.
Occupancy is usually based on time of day schedules. In Occupancy mode, the BAS aims to
provides a comfortable climate and adequate lighting, often with zone-based control so that
users on one side of a building have a different thermostat (or a different system, or sub system)
than users on the opposite side.
A temperature sensor in the zone provides feedback to the controller, so it can deliver heating or
cooling as needed.
If enabled, Morning Warmup (MWU) mode occurs prior to Occupancy. During Morning Warmup
the BAS tries to bring the building to set point just in time for Occupancy. The BAS often factors
in outdoor conditions and historical experience to optimize MWU. This is also referred to as
Optimised Start.
An override is a manually initiated command to the BAS. For example, many wall-mounted
temperature sensors will have a push-button that forces the system into Occupancy mode for a
set number of minutes. Where present, web interfaces allow users to remotely initiate an
override on the BAS.
Some buildings rely on occupancy sensors to activate lighting and/or climate conditioning.
Given the potential for long lead times before a space becomes sufficiently cool or warm,
climate conditioning is not often initiated directly by an occupancy sensor.
Lighting can be turned on, off, or dimmed with a building automation or lighting control system
based on time of day, or on occupancy sensor, photosensors and timers. [2] One typical example
is to turn the lights in a space on for a half hour since the last motion was sensed. A photocell
placed outside a building can sense darkness, and the time of day, and modulate lights in outer
offices and the parking lot.
Lighting is also a good candidate for Demand response, with many control systems providing
the ability to dim (or turn off) lights to take advantage of DR incentives and savings.
In newer buildings, the lighting control is based on the field bus DALI. Lamps with DALI ballasts
are fully dimmable. DALI can also detect lamp and ballast failures on DALI luminaires and
signals failures.
Air handlers
Most air handlers mix return and outside air so less temperature/humidity conditioning is
needed. This can save money by using less chilled or heated water (not all AHUs use chilled/hot
water circuits). Some external air is needed to keep the building's air healthy. To optimize
energy efficiency while maintaining healthy indoor air quality (IAQ),demand control (or
controlled) ventilation (DCV) adjusts the amount of outside air based on measured levels of
Analog or digital temperature sensors may be placed in the space or room, the return and
supply air ducts, and sometimes the external air. Actuators are placed on the hot and chilled
water valves, the outside air and return air dampers. The supply fan (and return if applicable) is
started and stopped based on either time of day, temperatures, building pressures or a
Central plant
A central plant is needed to supply the air-handling units with water. It may supply a chilled
water system, hot water system and a condenser water system, as well as
transformers and auxiliary power unit for emergency power. If well managed, these can often
help each other. For example, some plants generate electric power at periods with peak
demand, using a gas turbine, and then use the turbine's hot exhaust to heat water or power
an absorptive chiller.
The hot water system supplies heat to the building's air-handling unit or VAV box heating coils,
along with the domestic hot water heating coils.The hot water system will have a boiler(s) and
pumps. Analog temperature sensors are placed in the hot water supply and return lines. Some
type of mixing valve is usually used to control the heating water loop temperature. The boiler(s)
and pumps are sequenced on and off to maintain supply.
The installation and integration of variable frequency drives can lower the energy consumption
of the building's circulation pumps to about 15% of what they had been using before. If that
sounds hard to believe, I'll explain, and we can do the math. A variable frequency drive functions
by modulating the frequency of the electricity provided to the motor that it powers. In the USA,
the electrical grid uses a frequency of 60 Hertz or 60 cycles per second. Variable frequency
drives are able to decrease the output and energy consumption of motors by lowering the
frequency of the electricity provided to the motor, however the relationship between motor
output and energy consumption is not a linear one. If the variable frequency drive provides
electricity to the motor at 30 Hertz, the output of the motor will be 50% because 30 Hertz divided
by 60 Hertz is 0.5 or 50%. The energy consumption of a motor running at 50% or 30 Hertz will
not be 50%, but will instead be something like 18% because the relationship between motor
output and energy consumption are not linear. The exact ratios of motor output or Hertz
provided to the motor (which are effectively the same thing), and the actual energy consumption
of the variable frequency drive / motor combination depend on the efficiency of the variable
frequency drive. For example, because the variable frequency drive needs power itself to
communicate with the building automation system, run its cooling fan, etc., if the motor always
ran at 100% with the variable frequency drive installed the cost of operation or electricity
consumption would actually go up with the new variable frequency drive installed. The amount
of energy that variable frequency drives consume is nominal and is hardly worth consideration
when calculating savings, however it did need to be noted that VFD's do consume energy
themselves. Due to the fact that the variable frequency drives rarely ever run at 100% and
spend most of their time in the 40% output range, and the fact that now the pumps completely
shut down when not needed, the variable frequency drives have reduced the energy
consumption of the pumps to around 15% of what they had been using before.
Common temperature alarms are: space, supply air, chilled water supply, hot water
Pressure, humidity, biological and chemical sensors can determine if ventilation systems
have failed mechanically or become infected with contaminants that affect human health.
Status alarms are common. If a mechanical device like a pump is requested to start, and
the status input indicates it is off, this can indicate a mechanical failure. Or, worse, an
electrical fault that could represent a fire or shock hazard.
Some valve actuators have end switches to indicate if the valve has opened or not.
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide sensors can tell if concentration of these in the air
are too high, either due to fire or ventilation problems in garages or near roads.
Refrigerant sensors can be used to indicate a possible refrigerant leak.
Current sensors can be used to detect low current conditions caused by slipping fan
belts, clogging strainers at pumps, or other problems.
Security systems can be interlocked to a building automation system. If occupancy sensors are
present, they can also be used as burglar alarms. Because security systems are often
deliberately sabotaged, at least some detectors or cameras should have battery backup and
wireless connectivity and the ability to trigger alarms when disconnected. Modern systems
typically use power-over-Ethernet (which can operate a pan-tilt-zoom camera and other devices
up to 30-90 watts) which is capable of charging such batteries and keeps wireless networks free
for genuinely wireless applications, such as backup communication in outage.
Fire alarm panels and their related smoke alarm systems are usually hard-wired to override
building automation. For example: if the smoke alarm is activated, all the outside air dampers
close to prevent air coming into the building, and an exhaust system can isolate the blaze.
Similarly, electrical fault detection systems can turn entire circuits off, regardless of the number
of alarms this triggers or persons this distresses. Fossil fuel combustion devices also tend to
have their own over-rides, such as natural gas feed lines that turn off when slow pressure drops
are detected (indicating a leak), or when excess methane is detected in the building's air supply.
Good BAS are aware of these overrides and recognize complex failure conditions. They do not
send excessive alerts, nor do they waste precious backup power on trying to turn back on
devices that these safety over-rides have turned off. A poor BAS, almost by definition, sends out
one alarm for every alert, and does not recognize any manual, fire or electric or fuel safety
override. Accordingly good BAS are often built on safety and fire systems.
Room automation
Room automation is a subset of building automation and with a similar purpose, it is the
consolidation of one or more systems under centralized control, though in this case in one room.
The most common example of room automation is corporate boardroom, presentation suites,
and lecture halls, where the operation of the large number of devices that define the room
as videoconferencing equipment, video
projectors, lighting
systems, public address systems etc.) would make manual operation of the room very complex.
It is common for room automation systems to employ a touch screen as the primary way of
controlling each operation.
An elevator (or lift in the Commonwealth excluding Canada) is a type of vertical transport
equipment that efficiently moves people or goods between floors (levels, decks) of a building,
vessel or other structures. Elevators are generally powered by electric motors that either
drive traction cables or counterweight systems like a hoist, or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a
There are three types of convoying methods in buildings, Elevators & Escalators & Ramps, and
they have different dimensions and uses according to building type & number of users in it.
Elevator Types
Hydraulic Elevators
Traction Elevators
Climbing elevator
Pneumatic Elevators
Hydraulic Elevators
Hydraulic elevators are supported by a piston at the bottom of the elevator that pushes the elevator up. They are
used for low-rise applications of 2-8 stories and travel at a maximum speed of 200 feet per minute. The machine
room for hydraulic elevators is located at the lowest level adjacent to the elevator shaft. Hydraulic elevators have
A- Holed (Conventional) Hydraulic Elevators
They have a sheave that extends below the floor of the elevator pit, which accepts the retracting piston as the
elevator descends. Some configurations have a telescoping piston that collapses and requires a shallower hole
B- Hole-less Hydraulic Elevators
They have a piston on either side of the cab. It can be divided to 3 different types as follows:
a- Telescopic Hydraulic Elevators:
In this configuration, the telescoping pistons are fixed at the base of the pit and do not require a sheave or hole
below the pit and has 2 or 3 pieces of telescoping pistons. Telescoping pistons allow up to 50 feet of travel
b- Non-telescoping (single stage) Hydraulic Elevators:
They use a combination of ropes and a piston to move the elevator. Maximum travel distance is about 60 feet.
Traction elevators are lifted by ropes, which pass over a wheel attached to an electric motor above the elevator
shaft. They are used for mid and high-rise applications and have much higher travel speeds than hydraulic
elevators. A counter weight makes the elevators more efficient. Traction elevators have 3 main types as follows:
A- Geared Traction Elevators:
they have a gearbox that is attached to the motor, which drives the wheel that moves the ropes. Geared traction
B- Gear-less Traction Elevators:
they have the wheel attached directly to the motor. Gear-less traction elevators are capable of speeds up to 2000
C- Machine-Room-Less Elevators:
Machine-Room-Less Elevators
they are typically traction elevators that do not have a dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft. The
machine sits in the override space and the controls sit above the ceiling adjacent to the elevator shaft. Machineroom-less elevators are becoming more common; however, many maintenance departments do not like them due
to the hassle of working on a ladder as opposed to within a room.
3- Climbing elevator
Climbing elevator
They hold their own power device on them, mostly electric or combustion engine. Climbing elevators are often
used in work and construction areas.
4- Pneumatic Elevators
Pneumatic Elevators
Pneumatic elevators are raised and lowered by controlling air pressure in a chamber in which the elevator sits. By
simple principles of physics; the difference in air pressure above and beneath the vacuum elevator cab literally
transports cab by air. It is the vacuum pumps or turbines that pull cab up to the next Floor and the slow release of
air pressure that floats cab down. They are especially ideal for existing homes due to their compact design
because excavating a pit and hoist way are not required.
Hospital Elevators.
Residential /Domestic Elevators.
Agricultural Elevators.
Industrial Elevators.
Commercial Elevators.
Parking buildings Elevators.
1- Hospital Elevators
Hospital Elevators
Passenger Elevators
Domestic elevators which are intended to move passengers up and down stairs in a multilevel residence are quite
similar to those used in large public buildings. They can be built either inside the home or outside the home and
can be pneumatic vacuum, electric, hydraulic or cable elevators. Most often domestic elevators designed for
carrying passengers in a residential setting only carry perhaps two to four people safely and comfortably.
B- Stairway Elevators
Stairway Elevators
Stairway elevators are generally installed in homes where someone in the family has problems with mobility. This
type of domestic elevators simply runs on a rail up and down and existing staircase. They can run either in a
straight line or around a curved stairway. Stairway elevators can be constructed both inside and outside the home.
b.1 - Vertical Wheelchair Elevators
Interior vertical wheelchair elevators can easily be installed when space is limited. They can be constructed in
such a way as to allow both front and rear entry and the platform is generally 4.5 feet by 5 feet, unless a custom
size is called for. Vertical elevators are called for when the staircase winds around several levels.
b.2 - Wheelchair Elevators on an Incline
Wheelchair elevators on an incline are generally installed when the staircase simply goes up one level or perhaps
two. If there are several winds in the staircase, wheelchair elevators on an incline would not be well suited. Most
often this type of elevator is called for when there is not adequate space to facilitate a more spacious vertical
wheelchair elevator.
C- Dumbwaiters Elevators
Dumbwaiters Elevators
They are small freight elevators intended to carry objects rather than people , Whenever groceries or laundry need
to be sent up and down the stairs without making unnecessary trips that can quickly tire people , people can
simply place what needs to be transported in the dumbwaiter and press the button to send it up or down stairs.
A simple dumbwaiter is a movable frame in a shaft, dropped by a rope on a pulley, guided by rails; most
dumbwaiters have a shaft, car, and capacity smaller than those of passenger elevators, usually 100 to 1000 lbs
3- Agricultural applications:
Bucket elevator used to move crops which have been newly harvested up and into silo. Bucket elevators are
manufactured in such a way that they can move heavy loads quite easily. They can be belt driven or chain driven
A.1- Centrifugal discharge elevators
Bucket elevators are sometimes referred to as conveyor buckets, most often when the movement is horizontal or
on an incline. However, technically speaking, vertical movement is also accomplished with a conveyor belt or
chain. The centrifugal discharge bucket elevator is perhaps the most common type. Of course, as the name implies
the elevator is driven by centrifugal force. This type of elevator has lower speeds and the buckets are often placed
relatively closely together.
A.2 Vertical bucket Elevators
Vertical bucket elevators usually have buckets that are well spaced with bottoms that are rounded, and are often
referred to as grain legs. Part of the reason for this is balance which keeps the contents in the buckets as they
move up the elevator so that spillage isn't a problem. Vertical bucket elevators need to be used at a much slower
pace both to avoid spilling contents and also because much of the time they carry loads that are quite heavy.
4- Industrial Elevators
The most common types of industrial elevators are hoist elevators and incline elevators. These types of elevators
are built to carry huge amounts of weight effortlessly, therefore the term industrial elevators. This type of
elevators is used in construction, warehouses, and shipyards.
A-Hoist Elevators
Hoist Elevators
Hoist elevators are operated by a pulley or series of pulleys and they can be a simple platform or a cage in which
humans or heavy materials are moved up and down during industrial applications. Generally, a pulley operates a
rope or chain that wraps around a drum causing the elevator to rise or descend. It is said that hoist elevators are
powered by either electricity or air, but even that isn't quite true because electricity is needed to pump air. Hoist
elevators carrying materials and equipment to upper levels as needed while the building is being constructed. They
are also commonly used to load equipment and supplies on large seagoing vessels.
B- Incline Elevators
Incline Elevators
The equipment and supplies are placed on a form of conveyor belt that continues turning bringing the cargo up to
its destination where it is quickly unloaded as the belt continues turning around. This is a much quicker method of
loading and unloading cargo than with a hoist elevator because there is no stopping to unload. Everything happens
in one fluid motion. Incline elevators when used for industrial purposes are usually temporary and mobile. Many
are on wheels and can be easily moved from one dock or location to the next.
5- Parking Elevators
A- Parking Elevators for Passengers
several levels without the necessity of climbing stairs. Sometimes these elevators have front and rear entry and
can be built with a number of optional features such as key access to certain floors. Most underground garages
have parking elevators for passengers.
B- Conventional Parking Elevators
6- Commercial Elevators
A- Commercial passenger elevators
A passenger elevator is designed to move people between a building's floors. Passenger elevators capacity is
B- Freight elevators
A freight elevator, or goods lift, is an elevator designed to carry goods, rather than passengers. Freight elevators
are generally required to display a written notice in the car that the use by passengers is prohibited (though not
necessarily illegal), though certain freight elevators allow dual use through the use of an inconspicuous riser.
Freight elevators are typically larger and capable of carrying heavier loads than a passenger elevator, generally
from 2,300 to 4,500 kg. Freight elevators may have manually operated doors, and often have rugged interior
finishes to prevent damage while loading and unloading. Although hydraulic freight elevators exist, electric
Freight elevators include the following classes:
During loading and unloading, max load on the platform may be up to 150% of the rated capacity. This enables you
to use a forklift to load a car with freight weighing up to the rated capacity.
Class C3: Other forms of Industrial Truck Loading
C- Commercial Dumbwaiter
Commercial Dumbwaiter
They are economic solution for moving material from floor to floor in a multi-level commercial environment. They
can carry loads up to 750 lbs.
Commercial Dumbwaiter used to Save manpower, save space, save time, save energy and help avoid workplace
Typical materials handled in a commercial environment can be Food, Dishes & Cutlery, Documents, Clothing, Carts
or Shoes.
Commercial Dumbwaiter can have one of the following types or configurations:
Observation elevator
The observation elevator puts the cab on the outside of the building. Glass-walled elevator cars allow passengers
to view the cityscape or the buildings atrium as they travel. By eliminating the hoist ways, the observation
Incline Elevators
Outdoor elevators built on an incline can also be used to transport passengers or goods. Incline elevators are most
often recognized as passenger elevators called ski lifts. However, outdoor elevators that move cargo on an incline
are generally constructed with a conveyor belt and most often seen when loading cargo on ships and some types of
Platform Elevators
While it is possible to use platform elevators indoors they are generally classified as outdoor elevators because
that is where they are most often used. Platform elevators usually are not enclosed by having a have a fence or
gate running around the perimeter to keep cargo from slipping off during transport. Platform elevators usually use
a system of pulleys as the working mechanism. Outdoor elevators consisting of a platform are most often used at
new construction sites but they can also be used for such things as elevating workmen renovating the faade of a
A.4 Freight Elevators
Freight Elevators
Freight elevators are almost always outdoor elevators even though some smaller versions are designed for indoor
use such as those used in warehouses. They are most often extremely heavy-duty and can facilitate a great amount
of weight. This type of elevator can either be on an incline or vertical, but will most often be industrial grade to
accommodate those heavy loads. In fact, the first type of elevator which comes to mind when thinking of outdoor
elevators is actually freight elevators.
B- Indoor elevators
All elevators installed inside a building which usually need a hoist ways and pits.
Handicap Elevators
In reality, any type of elevator that can assist a handicapped person in going up and down various levels of the
building could be considered a handicap elevator. However, specific types of elevators are manufactured with
handicapped persons in mind. A good example of this would be a wheelchair lift that gets a handicapped person in
and out of vans. The lift comes out the sliding doors and descends in order to allow the wheelchair on the
platform. Then the lift is raised up and backs into the vehicle. Most city buses have this type of handicap elevators
installed on them, but they are also manufactured for privately owned vehicles as well. Most handicap elevators
within a home are electric elevators, but some are pneumatic vacuum models as well and operated by air
pressure. Stairway lifts are also considered to be a type of handicap elevator and this type can either be installed
on a straight stairway or a curved staircase.
B- Grain Elevators
Grain Elevators
A grain elevator is a tower containing a bucket elevator, which scoops up, elevates, and then uses gravity to
deposit grain in a silo or other storage facility. They can be classified as either country or terminal elevators,
with terminal elevators further categorized as inland or export types. Operations other than storage, such as
cleaning, drying, and blending, often are performed at elevators. The principal grains and oilseeds handled include
C- Double-deck elevator
Double-deck elevator
Double-deck elevators save time and space in high-occupancy buildings by mounting one car upon another. One car
stops at even floors and the other stops at the odd floors. Depending on their destination, passengers can mount
car in the lobby
or take an
escalator to a
alternate car.
D- Sky Lobby
Sky Lobby
In very tall buildings, elevator efficiency can be increased by a system that combines express and local elevators.
The express elevators stop at designated floors called sky lobbies. There, passengers can transfer to local elevators
that will take them to their desired floor. By dividing the building into levels served by the express elevators, the
local elevators can be stacked to occupy the same shaft space. That way, each zone can be served simultaneously
F- Limited use / limited application (LU/LA)