ILROG Guideline For NHL
ILROG Guideline For NHL
ILROG Guideline For NHL
International Journal of
Radiation Oncology
Radiation therapy (RT) is the most effective single modality for local control of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and is an
important component of therapy for many patients. Many of the historic concepts of dose and volume have recently been
challenged by the advent of modern imaging and RT planning tools. The International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology Group
(ILROG) has developed these guidelines after multinational meetings and analysis of available evidence. The guidelines
represent an agreed consensus view of the ILROG steering committee on the use of RT in NHL in the modern era. The roles
of reduced volume and reduced doses are addressed, integrating modern imaging with 3-dimensional planning and advanced
techniques of RT delivery. In the modern era, in which combined-modality treatment with systemic therapy is appropriate, the
previously applied extended-field and involved-field RT techniques that
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targeted nodal regions have now been replaced by limiting the RT to smaller volumes based solely on detectable nodal
involvement at presentation. A new concept, involved-site RT, defines the clinical target volume. For indolent NHL, often
treated with RT alone, larger fields should be considered. Newer treatment techniques, including intensity modulated RT,
breath holding, image guided RT, and 4-dimensional imaging, should be implemented, and their use is expected to decrease
significantly the risk for normal tissue damage while still achieving the primary goal of local tumor control.
2014 Elsevier Inc.
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a consensus
position on the modern approach to radiation therapy (RT)
delivery in the treatment of nodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma
(NHL) and to outline a new concept of involved-site RT
(ISRT), in which reduced treatment volumes are planned
for the effective control of involved sites of disease. The
present guidelines represent a consensus viewpoint
following face to face international meetings, examination
of available evidence, and discussion within the Steering
Committee of the International Lymphoma Radiation
Oncology Group (ILROG). The guidelines are thus based
on the best available evidence and, in its absence, on the
experience and agreed consensus of ILROG members.
Radiation therapy has been widely used in the management of malignant lymphomas and was responsible for
many of the early cures (1). Radiation therapy continues to
play an important role as a single modality for some lymphomas. More recently, combination chemotherapy and
immuno-chemotherapy with the addition of rituximab has
evolved with increasing efficacy and now plays a major role
in the management of many B-cell NHLs. Radiation therapy continues to have an important place in increasing
locoregional control in combined treatment programs for
many early-stage presentations, as well as for selected
bulky and extranodal, advanced-stage, aggressive NHL
presentations (2-5). Radiation therapy serves as the sole
treatment modality in most early-stage indolent NHL (6).
With effective curative treatment regimens there is
increasing concern for the late effects of treatment and the
quality of survivorship. Therefore, it is of paramount
importance in the delivery of RT to maintain high rates of
long-term local control while minimizing radiation exposure of surrounding normal tissues. Furthermore, it is
recognized that most recurrences in patients treated for
NHL are in sites of previous involvement and that RT is
highly effective at reducing subsequent local recurrences
(7, 8). Historic guidelines for lymphoma RT predated
modern imaging techniques that identify sites of overt
(gross) disease and effective chemotherapy that sterilizes
covert (subclinical) sites. Therefore, guidelines for lymphoma RT based on involved fields defined by anatomic
landmarks and encompassing adjacent uninvolved lymph
nodes (9) are no longer appropriate for modern, morefocused RT delivery aimed at reducing normal tissue
exposure. Although we acknowledge the lack of
randomized evidence to support radiation field size reduction, there is increasing evidence to suggest effective local
control with such reduced field sizes (10, 11).
Here we have highlighted the application of advances in
the technological expertise available in the planning and
delivery of RT and provide radiation oncologists treating
NHL with guidelines on imaging, volume determination,
and treatment planning. The focus is on adult patients with
localized nodal NHL, as well as patients with bulky sites
and residual disease in advanced stages. The treatment
approaches described include both aggressive and indolent
lymphoma. Other clinical scenarios that are discussed
include the role of RT in advanced-stage NHL, recurrent
lymphoma, and palliation of nodal NHL.
CTV determination
The CTV encompasses in principle the original (before any
intervention) GTV, even if extended beyond the involved
tissue or organ. Yet normal structures such as lungs, kidneys, and muscles that were clearly uninvolved, though
previously displaced by the GTV, should be excluded from
the CTV according to clinical judgment. In outlining the
CTV the following points should be considered: quality and
accuracy of imaging; concerns of changes in volume since
imaging; spread patterns of the disease; potential subclinical involvement; and adjacent organs constraints.
If distinct nodal volumes are involved but <5 cm apart,
they can potentially be encompassed in the same CTV.
However, if the involved nodes are >5 cm apart, they can
be treated with separate fields using the CTV-to-PTV
expansion guidelines as outlined below.
Determination of PTV
The PTV is the volume that takes into account the CTV
(and ITV, when relevant) and also accounts for setup
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RT dose considerations
Treatment techniques
Intensity modulated RT
Intensity modulated RT plans may provide improved PTV
coverage (Dmean, V95, conformity index) compared with
3D-conformal RT. In selected patients with mediastinal
involvement, IMRT reduces pulmonary toxicity predictors
(lower values for Dmean and V20) and allows for superior
protection of the heart and coronary arteries. This dosimetric gain is normally more evident in situations in which
a large PTV involves the anterior mediastinum (19, 20).
Although the advantages of IMRT include the tightly
conformal doses and steep gradient next to normal tissues,
target definition and delineation and treatment delivery
verification need even more attention than with conventional RT, to avoid the risk of tumor geographic miss and
subsequent decrease in tumor control. Image guidance may
be required to ensure that the target is optimally covered
during the administration of therapy. For IMRT in mediastinal lymphoma, the use of 4D-CT for simulation and the
adoption of strategies to deal with respiratory motion during treatment delivery may be important. The highly
conformal treatment techniques enable retreatment of relapsing patients without exceeding the tolerance of critical
normal structures such as the spinal cord (21).
Dose Constraints
Previous experience comes from patients treated over the
last 5 decades, for whom extended fields and higher doses
resulted in significant risks of morbidity and mortality
(23, 24). Hence, it is important to use the ISRT treatment
technique described below and to choose the treatment plan
that is estimated to provide the lowest risk of long-term
complications for the individual patient. Consideration
should be given to factors such as gender, age, and
An integral part of calculating conformal treatment
plans is the use of dose constraints for different normal
tissues. However, the dose constraints used for treatment
planning of solid tumors are in most cases not well suited
for the planning of RT for lymphomas, because the
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Larger-field RT
The role of larger-field RT is now limited essentially to
salvage treatment in patients who fail chemotherapy and are
unable to embark upon more-intensive salvage treatment
schedules. Such salvage cases are usually addressed on a
case-by-case basis, and it is not feasible to produce guidelines given the diversity of individual cases. As such, there
are no data to support the use of extended fields that can
Fig. 1. (A-D) Patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Clinical Stage (CS) 1A in the left neck. (A) Prechemotherapy CT
scan with the contoured initially involved lymphoma volume (GTVCT) in red. (B) Postchemotherapy planning CT scan with
the prechemotherapy GTVCT transferred by image fusion. (C) Postchemotherapy planning CT scan. The clinical target
volume in pink is the tissue volume that contained lymphoma initially. It is created by modifying the GTVCT to take into
account tumor shrinkage and other anatomic changes, allowing for uncertainties in contouring and differences in position. (D)
The postchemotherapy planning CT scan with the final clinical target volume, which encompasses all of the initial lymphoma
volume while still respecting normal structures that were never involved by lymphoma.
Fig. 2. (A-H) Patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma CS 2A with mediastinal involvement. (A) Prechemotherapy
positron emission tomography (PET)/CT scan showing the initially PET-positive volume. (B) Prechemotherapy CT part of
the PET/CT-scan with the contoured initially PET-positive involved lymphoma volume in blue. (C) Prechemotherapy CT
scan with the contoured initially involved lymphoma volume (GTVCT) in red, including both PET-positive and PET-negative
parts of the lymphoma. (D) Postchemotherapy planning CT scan with the prechemotherapy GTVCT transferred by image
fusion. (E) Postchemotherapy planning CT scan. The clinical target volume in pink is the tissue volume that contained
lymphoma initially. It is created by modifying the GTVCT to take into account tumor shrinkage and other anatomic changes,
allowing for uncertainties in contouring and differences in position. (F) Postchemotherapy planning CT scan with the final
clinical target volume, which encompasses all of the initial lymphoma volume while still respecting normal structures that
were never involved by lymphoma. (G) Coronal image. (H) Sagittal image.
cause increased normal tissue toxicity and compromise the
safety of subsequent therapy such as stem cell transplant.
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Fig. 3. (A-C) A 48-year-old man with stage 2AX diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the left axilla presented with a rapidly
growing underarm mass. (A) Baseline positron emission tomography (PET)/CT imaging shows extent of disease. (B) After 6
cycles of Rituximab-Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Vincristine, Prednisolone (R-CHOP) fluorodeoxyglucose uptake
resolved, leaving residual CT abnormality only. (C) Treatment volumes are outlined on the treatment planning scan according
to International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements guidelines; orange contour denotes postchemotherapy
gross tumor volume, red denotes prechemotherapy gross tumor volume, pink denotes clinical target volume, and light blue
denotes planning target volume.
postchemotherapy scan. A dose of 30-40 Gy to sites of residual disease is recommended.
Fig. 4. (A-C) A 63-year-old man with relapsed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving the right groin. After salvage
chemotherapy, he was referred for involved-site radiation therapy to the groin before stem cell transplant. (A) Baseline
imaging at relapse. (B) Postchemotherapy imaging and (C) simulation imaging are performed with slight differences in
patient positioning, in turn accounted for and reflected in a generously drawn clinical target volume (pink contour in C). In
(C), the orange contour denotes postchemotherapy gross tumor volume, red denotes prechemotherapy gross tumor volume,
and light blue denotes planning target volume. PET Z positron emission tomography.
Fig. 5. (A, B) A 63-year-old woman with stage 1A follicular lymphoma of the right inguinal region presented with a selfpalpated right groin mass. Diagnosis was established upon excision by a general surgeon. At simulation the patient was
placed in frog-leg position, and the scar was wired. Only CT abnormality remained (A). (B) Red contour denotes the prechemotherapy gross tumor volume, pink denotes clinical target volume, and light blue denotes planning target volume.
site(s) of disease recurrence, without prophylactic inclusion
of adjacent lymph nodal stations.
Modern RT for nodal NHL is a highly individualized
treatment restricted to limited treatment volumes. Modern
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