DOI: 10.1259/bjr/54028034
Review article
Clinical use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy: part II
Radiotherapy Department and Head and Neck Unit, Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Trust,
London and Surrey, UK
Urological malignancies
Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is currently the single most common
Figure 1. A dose distribution for the treatment of prostate
tumour site treated with IMRT Worldwide. The treatment cancer using a five-field technique. Colourwash: 95% green,
goals are increased tumour control through dose escala- 70% yellow, 50% orange, 20% dark blue.
tion, and reduced late radiation toxicity.
At Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center, a Phase
comparing 61 patients with clinical stage T1cT3 N0 M0
II dose escalation study has been underway. IMRT was
prostate cancer treated with 3DCRT and 171 with IMRT
initially used at this institution to boost prostate cancer
to a prescribed dose of 81 Gy, between 1992 and 1998.
treated with 3DCRT to 72 Gy in 40 fractions. An addi-
Acute and late radiation-induced morbidity was evaluated
tional 9 Gy in 5 fractions were given with 6 inverse-planned
intensity modulated beams using dynamic multileaf colli- in all patients and graded according to the Radiation
mation (DMLC) [2]. Stein et al [3] evaluated the number Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) toxicity scale. They
of equispaced co-planar IMRT fields required to obtain an reported a 2 year actuarial risk of grade 2 bleeding of 2%
optimum treatment plan for prostate cancer and showed for IMRT and 10% for conventional 3DCRT (p,0.001).
an increase in the number of fields with increased pres- A further report showed a significant reduction in the
cription dose, ranging from 3 fields for 70 Gy plans to 7 to incidence of late grade 2 rectal toxicity in the patients
9 beams for 81 Gy plans. Burman [4] showed that using a treated to 81 Gy with IMRT compared with 3DCRT (2%
five-field IMRT plan, good conformal dose distributions versus 14%) and suggested an improvement in 5 year
were obtained to deliver 81 Gy to the planning target actuarial prostate specific antigen (PSA) failure and
volume (PTV), and that the dose to the bladder and positive biopsy rates with increasing dose [6]. The largest
rectum were kept within tolerance (Figure 1). This group report of IMRT for prostate cancer was published from
first reported the acute toxicity observed using IMRT [5] the same group in 2002 [7]. A total of 772 patients were
reported (698 treated to 81 Gy and 74 treated to 86 Gy).
Received 2 October 2003 and accepted 1 December 2003. The maximum RTOG acute rectal toxicity was grade 2 in
Address correspondence to Dr C Nutting, Head and Neck Unit, 4.5%. Only one patient reported acute bladder toxicity
Royal Marsden NHS Trust, Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ, UK. grade 3 and 28% had grade 2. Late rectal toxicity was
Breast cancer
Post-operative radiotherapy in women with breast
cancer has been shown to improve locoregional disease-
free survival [36] and overall survival [3739] in several
series. The Early Breast Cancer Trialists Collaborative
Group (EBCTCG) meta-analysis [36] suggested that
radiation improved breast cancer-specific mortality but Figure 4. Isodose comparisons between standard conventional
this was offset by an increase in deaths from cardiovas- radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for
cular disease. This was not apparent in the first 9 years breast cancer. Image provided by the Breast Technology
after treatment and this study included trials that used Group, Royal Marsden Hospital/ Institute of Cancer Research,
radiotherapy techniques and equipment considered sub- Sutton, Surrey, UK.
optimal by todays standards. Further studies have failed
to show conclusively a difference in cardiac-related mor-
tality [40, 41], and no differences in cardiac mortality IMRT. This is of importance when considering treatment
between right and left sided breast irradiation have, so far, of the internal mammary nodes, which has been shown to
been identified. However long term follow up is necessary improve disease free survival in high risk patients [53].
to evaluate fully the risk of cardiac toxicity, as this risk Remouchamps et al [54] showed that a significant reduc-
increases with time, and new radiation techniques such as tion in the V30 heart volume to 3.1% is possible, with 2
IMRT offer the potential to reduce dose delivered not only direct tangential IMRT fields, as well as a mean lung V20
to the left ventricle, but also the lung. to 15.2% using moderate deep inspiration breath hold
Treatment to the whole breast with standard tangential using an active breathing control system when compared
fields produces rather inhomogeneous dose distributions with free breathing. In post-mastectomy patients, Krueger
due to the variations in thickness across the target volume, [55] showed an increased volume of contralateral breast
in particular in large breasted patients [42]. The underlying was treated and increased contralateral lung dose with
ribs, lung and apex of the left ventricle are in part included IMRT. Hurkmans et al [56] showed a 50% reduction in the
within the same isodose as the target volume and hot spots NTCP for late cardiac toxicity.
are often found in areas of reduced tissue thickness, such Vicini et al [57] reported 281 patients with early stage
as the superior and inferior aspects of the chest wall breast cancer treated with breast conserving surgery,
included in the radiotherapy field. These dose inhomo- followed by whole breast radiotherapy using SMLC
geneities may lead to increased late skin toxicity (poor IMRT with a median number of 6 SMLC segments required
cosmesis, fibrosis, pain) and increased cardiac and lung per patient. Good dose homogeneity was reported with a
median volume of breast receiving .105% of the pre-
The dosimetric advantages of IMRT have been eva-
scribed dose of 11%. 97% of patients experienced acute
luated in several planning studies. Evans et al [43, 44]
skin toxicity grades 12.
described the use of portal imaging in determining the
A randomized controlled trial of 300 patients comparing
relative thickness of breast and lung followed by the design
IMRT with standard wedged tangential fields finished
of an automatic dose calculation algorithm to determine the
recruitment in 2000 at The Institute of Cancer Research
optimum beam profile that allowed delivery of intensity
modulated beams, first with custom-made compensators, and Royal Marsden Hospital [58]. The primary endpoint is
and then with static multileaf collimation (SMLC) [45, 46] late toxicity, measured with external photographic review
(Figure 4). A 25% reduction in the dose encompassing and clinical and patient assessment. An analysis of the
20% of the coronary artery region in left breast treatments, positional distribution of dose showed doses above 105%
and a 42% reduction in the mean dose to the contralateral of that prescribed in the upper or lower breast regions in
breast using DMLC was shown by Hong et al [47]. There only 4% of patients treated with IMRT versus over 70% of
was also a 30% reduction in the ipsilateral lung volume patients treated with standard techniques [59] (Figure 4).
receiving more than the 46 Gy prescribed dose and This analysis will allow effective correlation of dosimetry
improved homogeneity across the target volume, particu- and clinical effects.
larly in the superior and inferior regions of the breast. Li IMRT has also been shown to reduce the volume of
et al [48] used four intensity modulated photon beams ipsilateral lung treated beyond 15 Gy in a patient with
combined with an electron field to show a reduction in the pectum excavatum, although this was associated with an
dose to the ipsilateral lung and heart. Several planning increase in the volume of heart, spinal cord and con-
studies [4951] have also shown these dosimetric advantages tralateral breast and lung receiving low-dose irradiation
and Landau et al [52] showed improved cardiac sparing with [60].
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