Breast Cancer Atlas For RT Planning
Breast Cancer Atlas For RT Planning
Breast Cancer Atlas For RT Planning
Planning for Breast
Cancer: Contouring Targets
Julia White MD
Goals: Breast Cancer Atlas
1. Establishes initial consensus about anatomic
delineation of target and normal tissue volumes
for breast cancer radiation therapy
2. Intended as an anatomical reference to guide
CTV definition
3. Provides a common denominator for breast
cancer clinical trials when radiation therapy is
to be delivered
4. Future goals include establishment of reporting
parameters for target and normal tissue dose-
volumes to compare outcomes from different
clinical trials and institutional series
Atlas Development
90 1
chest wall
80 Case B 3
70 4
relative Volume (%)
60 5
heart V10: 20-45% 6
40 7
30 8
10 heart
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
dose (cGy)
Targets: lumpectomy cavity, breast, chestwall, SCL nodes, axillary nodes, IMC nodes
OAR: heart, lung Li XA, et al, IJROPB 2009
Comparison of the 1st and 2nd Runs
Regional Nodal Contours: Anatomical Boundaries
Cranial Caudal Anterior Posterior Lateral Medial
Cranial: lateral
Junction of Sternocleido edge of SCM
Caudal to brachioceph.- Anterior aspect Excludes
Supra- axillary vns./
mastoid m.
the cricoid of the scalene thyroid and
clavicular caudal edge (SCM) Caudal:
cartilage m. junction 1st rib- trachea
clavicle head a muscle (m.)
Internal Superior
Cranial aspect
aspect of the - e. - e. - e. - e.
mammary medial 1st rib. of the 4th rib
Breast/ Chestwall Contour: Anatomical Boundaries
• MGH: 23 patients
• LN-MRI: Lymphotrophic
nanoparticle–enhanced MRI to
identify benign versus
malignant lymph nodes
No consistent relationship
between malignant and/or
benign lymph nodes and bony
and/or vascular anatomy was
Red nodes: Metastatic
MacDonald et al, IJROBP 77:2010 Green nodes: Benign
Nanoparticle-enhanced MRI To Evaluate Regional
Lymphatics concordance with RTOG Contouring ATLAS
• Lymph node regions were contoured on CT according to RTOG
• % LN-MRI lymph nodes contained within these contours
• 86% of actual lymph nodes and 89% of sampled lymph nodes
were within contoured RTOG consistent nodal volumes
• 99% of actual and sampled lymph nodes were included when a
5-mm expansion was added.
WBI • 34 Gy in 3.4 Gy fxs bid
Mammosite® , Contura, SAVI or
• 50-50.4 Gy (1.8-2.0 Gy)
Multicatheter brachytherapy
Fractions to the whole breast
followed by boost to 60 -66.6 Gy
• 38.5 Gy in 3.85 Gy fxs bid
1.5 cm expansion
1 cm expansion around CTV
around surgical cavity
Arm 1 Arm 2
No Regional Nodal XRT Regional Nodal XRT
A. Lumpectomy: Breast XRT. A. Lump.: Breast/Nodal XRT
B. Mastectomy: Observation B. Mast: Chestwall/ Nodal XRT
Targeted accrual = 1636
Stratification: Type of Surgery (Mast v. Lump) , ER-Status (+ v. –), HER2
Status (+ v. –), pCR in Breast (yes v. no)
Alliance A011202 Trial (select): Phase III
- Clinical T1-3N1M0 breast cancer
- Pathology positive axillary node (FNA/Core)
- Neoadjuvant CT + anti HER2
- Surgery with sentinel lymph node biopsy
Arm 1 Arm 2