OF Co - 60 Unit: Nilesh Kumar PG Radiation Physics Department of Radiation Physics
OF Co - 60 Unit: Nilesh Kumar PG Radiation Physics Department of Radiation Physics
OF Co - 60 Unit: Nilesh Kumar PG Radiation Physics Department of Radiation Physics
• Overview
These gamma rays are emitted from the radionuclide's as they undergo
radioactive disintegration.
Of all the radionuclide's, Co-60 has proved to be the most suitable for
external beam radiotherapy.
The reasons for its choice over radium and cesium are higher
possible specific activity (curies per gram), greater radiation
output per curie, and higher average photon energy .
A typical source activities are in the order of 5000-10,000 ci and provide
typical dose rate at 80 cm from the teletherapy source of the order of 100-
200 cGy/min.
Treatment head has the capacity to take a source with an activity of 10,000
roentgens per hour at a meter ( RHm ) .
The 60Co source, usually in the form of a solid cylinder, disks, or pallets, is
contained inside a stainless-steel capsule and sealed by welding.
This capsule is placed into another steel capsule which is again sealed by
The β particles are absorbed in the cobalt metal and the stainless-steel capsules
resulting in the emission of bremsstrahlung x-rays and a small amount of
characteristic x-rays.
It consists of a steel shell filled with lead for shielding purposes and a device
for bringing the source in front of an opening in the head from which the
useful beam emerges.
I. Rotating wheel
II. Sliding drawer
III. mercury shutter
IV. moving jaw
Rotating wheel
The size and orientation of the radiation beam is controlled by the collimator
Two pairs of motorized jaws generate rectangular and square field of desired size.
The collimator can also be rotated around the radiation beam axis.
The radiation field can be visualized by a high intensity light during patient
The centre of the radiation field
is indicated by the collimator
cross hairs.
Penumbra refers the region at the edge of beam where dose rate changes
rapidly as function of distance from beam axis.
Types of penumbra :
Transmission penumbra
• It is the region irradiated by photons which are transmitted through the edge of
the collimator blocks
Geometrical penumbra :
formula =
penumbra trimmers - :
The gantry can rotate by 360°. The rotational movement of the gantry is
motorized and controlled in two directions continuously; its rotation speed
can be adjusted.
Isocentric Mounting
Enhances accuracy.
Allows faster setup and is more accurate than older non isocentrically
mounted machines.
Makes setup transfer easy from the simulator to the treatment machine
Patient Support Assembly / Couch
. Lateral.
Table Top - 90°rotation to each side
Base - 90° rotation to each side
Control Console
Air Pressure
Head Lock -Treatment Head has a swivel movement of +/- 180°.
OFF Shield
Treatment Mode.
Wedge Filter.
Tray Interlock.
The prescribed target dose is delivered with the help of two treatment
timers -:
primary timer - the primary timer actually controls the treatment time.
eg - :
MR 1 MR 2 Mean
Meter reading
Time 1 min
+ 300 v 36.15 nc 36.14 nc 36.145 nc
Warning lights
• Malfunction: both red and green lights still on- means that machine is still
in on position after prescribed dose has been delivered. Remove patient.
Beam shaping and modifying devices
wedge filters
Breast cone
Sheilding blocks, to modify the beam shape or beam attenuation.
They are placed on the machine between the collimator and the patient.
wedge filters
which can be inserted in the beam at a specified distance from the source .
This distance is arranged such that the wedge tray is always at a distance of at least
15 cm from the skin surface,
which requires a separate wedge for each beam width, optimally designed
to minimize the loss of beam output.
A mechanism is provided to align the thin end of the wedge with the border
of the light field
2 . The second system uses a universal wedge -:
Such a filter is fixed centrally in the beam, while the field can be opened to
any size.
only a small part of this wedge is effective in producing the given wedge
The rest, being unwedged, does not contribute to the isodose tilt but reduces
the beam intensity .
the individualized system reducing the beam output, it is preferred for use
in cobalt teletherapy.
The universal wedge, is useful for linear accelerator beams where the
output is more.
From the setup and treatment planning points of view, the universal wedge
is simpler to use than the individualized filter.
Effect on Beam Quality
The wedge filter alters the beam quality by preferentially attenuating the lower-
energy photons (beam hardening)
For the 60Co beam, because the primary beam is essentially monoenergetic, the
presence of the wedge filter does not alter the central axis percent depth dose
For x-rays, on the other hand, there can be some beam hardening , and as a result
the depth dose distribution can be somewhat altered, especially at large depths
Breast Cone
A beam modifying and directing device used for a tangential fields therapy
Advantages: –
Directs beam to the central axis of the area of interest, where a tangential beam is applied to a
curved surface
Aims of shielding-
high atomic no
high density
easily available
easily modifiable
The thickness of shielding block used depends upon the energy of the radiation
The shielding material which reduces beam transmission to 5% of its original is
considered acceptable .
The term half value layer is an expression for the attenuation produced by any material.
Practically thickness of lead between 4.5 – 5 half value layers which results in 5% or less
of primary beam transmission.
Custom blocks
• The conformal blocks are made with low melting point alloy called Cerrobend.
• The Cerrobend material consists of 50.0% bismuth, 26.7% lead, 13.3% tin, and 10.0%
cadmium .
• The main advantage of Cerrobend over lead is that it melts at about 70 °C (compared with
327 °C for lead) and therefore, can be easily cast into any shape.
• The minimum thickness of Cerrobend blocks required for blocking may be calculated from
Table 13.1 using its density ratio relative to lead (e.g., multiply lead thickness by 1.21).
Placing of shielding material
In megavoltage radiation,
The external T-ROD shall be fitted with this indicator rod incase of failure of
Automatic source retracting system to push the source to the OFF condition.
Source stuck during treatment – Emergency situation when the Cobalt-60 source
gets stuck in between the “off” and “on” position .
Rotate gantry to side opposite to maze wall – Insert “T-rod” and push it till the
source reaches “safe” position
The beamstopper