Wedges & Blocks PDF
Wedges & Blocks PDF
Wedges & Blocks PDF
encountered. In such cases, due to the irregular body surface, the dose distribution
within the target volume will be non-uniform. But, beam dose distribution data which
are used for treatment planning, are obtained under standard conditions such as
perpendicular beam incidence, homogeneous unit density medium and flat surface etc.
During treatment the beam may be obliquely incident with respect to the surface and in
addition the surface may be curved or irregular in shape as mentioned above. Under
such situations, the standard dose distributions cannot be applied without proper
uniform dose to the target volume and tumour volume. The important types of beam
modifiers are : Internal beam modifiers known as flattening filters , beam modifiers
dynamic wedges etc. Flattening filter is virtually incorporated into the machine and
remains unchanged and was first described by Chester and Meredith< >. The second is
1.1. Internal beam modifiers or Flattening filters
of the beam relative to that at the periphery. When such filters are placed in the path of
the beam, results in beam hardening at the centre of the field with appreciable
modification of the depth dose. Because of this, Kemp and Oliver< > reported the use of
a filter composed of low atomic number material such as perspex for orthovoltage
beam. This attenuated the orthovoltage beam without significant modification of its
quality. In cobalt teletherapy machines where the isodoses are more uniform, the
need for flattening filters is less marked. Still they could be attempted with a view that
the variation between the peripheral doses and central axis doses is a minimum.
necessary for the peripheral dose near the surface to be larger than at the central
axis. Without this filter, the isodose curves will be conical in shape, showing increased
x-ray intensity along the central axis and a rapid reduction transversely. The function of
the flattening filter is to make the beam intensity distribution relatively uniform across
the field. Therefore, the filter is thickest in the middle and tapers towards the edges.
increases. The cross-sectional variation of the filter thickness also causes variation in
the photon spectrum or beam quality across the field owing to selective hardening of
the beam by the filter. In general the average energy of the beam is somewhat lower
for the peripheral areas compared with the central part of the beam. This change in
quality across the beam causes the flatness to change with depth. However, the
change in flatness with depth is caused not only by the selective hardening of the
beam across the field but also the changes in the distribution of radiation scatter as the
depth increases. Beam flatness is usually specified at a depth of 10cm with the
maximum limits set at the depth of maximum dose. By careful design of the filter and
accurate placement in the beam, it is possible to achieve flatness to within ±3% of the
11 31
central axis dose value at 10cm depth< · l. This degree of flatness should extend over
the central area bounded by at least 80% of the field dimensions at the specified
depth or 1cm from the edge of the field. This specification is satisfactory for the
acceptable flatness at a depth of 10 cm. Though the extent of the high dose regions or
horns varies with the design of the filter, lower energy beams exhibit a larger variation
isodose curves near the surface provided no point in any plane parallel to the surface
receives a dose greater than 107% of the central axis value< >.
a thin foil of low atomic number, the thickness of which can be calculated at any point
knowing the energy of the electrons and the amount of change in the isodose surface
which is necessary. The scattering effect of the material traversed by the electrons is
such as to cause a marked spreading of the isodose surface beyond the geometrical
beam. This feature prevents electron beams from treating deep seated tumours.
beam axis and at a fixed depth. The International Commission on Radiation Units and
defined in a reference plane and at a reference depth as the ratio of the area where
the dose exceeds 90% of its value at the central axis to the geometric beam cross-
sectional area at the phantom surface. The uniformity index should exceed a given
fraction eg:-0.80 for a 1Ox1 0 cm field size and at depth of dose maximum. In addition
the dose at any arbitrary point in the reference plane should not exceed 103% of the
central axis value. Because of the presence of lower energy electrons in the beam ,
the flatness changes significantly with depth. Therefore it has been recommended that
the uniformity index be defined at the depth of half the therapeutic range(6).eg:- half the
depth of 85% depth dose. Furthermore, it is defined as the ratio of the areas inside the
90% and 50% isodose lines at this depth. A uniformity index of 0.7 or higher is
acceptable with field sizes larger than 100cm . The peak value in this plane should be
perpendicular to the central axis, at the depth of the 95% isodose beyond the depth of
dose maximum. The variation in dose relative to the central axis should not exceed
. ±5%, optimally to be within ±3% over an area confined within lines 2cm inside the
geometric edge of fields equal to or larger than 1Ox1 Ocm . Beam symmetry compares
a dose profile on one side of the central axis to that on the other. The American
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Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) recommends that the cross-beam profile
in the reference plane should not differ more than 2% at any pair of points located
foils. Others use one or more scattering foils, usually made of lead, to widen the beam
as well as to give a uniform dose distribution across the treatment field. Present day
accelerators employ a dual foil system for uniform electron beam. The first foil widens
the beam by multiple scattering , the second foil is designed to make the beam uniform
in cross-section. The thickness of the second foil is differentially varied across the
and scanning beam systems in minimising angular spread and hence the effect on
Wedge filters were first used by Frank Ellis and he established the
validity of the concept< >. This is a wedge shaped absorber which causes a
progressive decrease in the intensity across the beam, resulting in a tilt of the isodose
curves from their normal positions. The degree of tilt depends on the slope of the
wedge filter. The wedge ·is normally made of a dense material such as lead, lipowitz,
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holder which can be inserted in the beam at a specified distance from the source. This
distance is chosen such a way that the wedge tray is always at a distance of at least
15cm from the skin surface to avoid electron contamination of the beam. Otherwise it
The use of wedge filters with orthovoltage radiations was limited due to
the presence of hot spot under the thin end of the wedge and the bulge of the
isodoses away from the axis of the beam due to the scattering of the radiation. But the
usefulness of wedge filters is well demonstrated with mega voltage radiations due to
higher depth doses, associated greater focus to skin distance, less side and back
The term wedge isodose angle or simply wedge angle refers to the
angle through which an isodose curve is tilted at the central ray of a beam at a
specified depth. ie, Wedge angle is the angle between the isodose curve and the
normal to the central axis. As the scattered radiation causes the angle of isodose tilt to
decrease with increasing depth in the phantom, the wedge angle should be described
reference depth. Some choose depth as a function of field size such as one-half or
two-third of beam width etc. while others define wedge angle as the angle between the
50% isodose curve and the normal to the central axis. However the latter choice
becomes impractical when high energy beams are used. For example, the central axis
depth of the 50% isodose curve for 1OMV beam lies at about 18cm for a 1Ox10cm field
and 100cm SSD. This depth is too large in the context of most wedge filter
applications< >. The wedge filters are mostly used for treating tumours, not more than Bolus
to even out the irregular contours of a patient to present a flat surface normal to the
beam. This use of bolus should be distinguished from that of a bolus layer, thickness
of which is sufficient enough to provide adequate dose build up over the skin surface.
The latter should be called as build-up bolus. Placing bolus on the skin surface is
desirable for orthovoltage radiations and even for cobalt-60 gamma radiations. This
ensures that to reach a tumour at a known depth, the amount of matter traversed by
the beam corresponds to that for the isodose measurements. The isodose surface at
the lack of build up in the surface tissues, with consequent loss of skin sparing. To
preserve this advantage, but to get the effect of bolus, several methods are possible.
In such situations, a compensating filter may be used which approximates the effect
of the bolus as well as preserves the skin sparing effect. A prefabricated
compensating filter may be placed in the path of the beam at a suitable distance to
retain the build up advantage. It should also be of such a density and of such
wedge as it would have been in the patient if there had been no surface obliquity. This
method is justifiable when there is a slight curvature in one dimension as is usual with
two brass wedges of suitable dimensions placed at a sufficient distance from the skin
to get the build up advantage. They could be rotated relative to each other and to the
the differences between patient and different parts of the body must be taken into
account. Contours and heterogeneity of the body tissues both modify the beam and
tend to reduce the precision with which dose can be delivered. These modifications by
the tissues of the patient should be corrected as far as possible. The oblique surface
modifies the beam inside the patient so that the isodose curves, instead of being at
right angles to the central ray are more nearly parallel to the surface. If the tissue
irregularity gives rise to unacceptable non-uniformity of dose within the target volume
many techniques have been employed including the use of wedged fields or multiple
A wedge filter can be effectively used as a compensator. A wedge is
primarily designed to tilt the standard isodose curves through a certain wedge angle.
The wedge filter isodose curves must be available and used to obtain the composite
isodose curves before the filter is used in a treatment set up. The C-wedge on the
other hand is used just as a compensator so that the standard isodose charts can be
used without modification. Also, no wedge transmission factors are required for the C-
compensators is that the C-wedges can be used for partial field compensation. i.e.,
The C-wedge is used to compensate only a part of the contour, which is irregular in
shape. A wedge filter, in this case, could not be used as a compensator because it is
which would otherwise occur in the "missing" tissue when the body surface is irregular
the surface, the dimensions and the shape of the compensator must be adjusted for
(a) the beam divergence, (b) the relative linear attenuation coefficients of the filter
material and soft tissues, and (c) the reduction in scatter at various depths when the
compensator is placed at a distance from the skin rather than in contact with it. To
compensate for this scatter, the compensator is designed such that the attenuation of
the filter is less than that required for primary radiation onll 3 ,14,15,16,17,18 &19). Minification
of the compensating filter for geometric divergence of the beam has been achieved in
r5 . 0.6
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
divergence correction which is calculated from the SSD and the filter-surface distance.
the missing tissue, it will overcompensate .i.e., the dose to the underlying tissues will
be less than that indicated by the standard isodose chart. This decrease in depth
dose, which is due to the reduction in scatter reaching a point at depth, depends on
the distance of the compensator from the patient, field size, depth and beam quality.
To compensate for this decrease in scatter , one may reduce the thickness of the
should be such that the dose at a given depth is the same whether the missing tissue
is replaced with the bolus in contact or with the compensator at the given distance from
divided by the missing tissue thickness along the same ray may be called the density
ratio or thickness ratio (h'/h)<20>. Thickness ratio (-r) depends in a complex way on
compensator-surface distance, thickness of missing tissue, field size, depth and beam
quality. A detailed study of this parameter has shown that -c is primarily a function of
distance of absorber(d) for d �Ocm and that its dependence on other parameters is
relatively less critica1 < >. Thus a fixed value of -c , based on a given d usually 20cm,
1Ox1 Ocm field, 7cm depth and a tissue deficit of 5cm can be used for most
compensator work. The concept of thickness ratios also reveals that a compensator
cannot be designed to provide absorbed dose compensation exactly at all depths. If for
depths. Considering the limitations of the theory and too many variables affecting 1 ,
an average value of o.7 for 1 may be used for all irradiation conditions provided d 2':
20cm< >. In actual design of the compensator, the thickness ratio is used to calculate
appropriate depth and field size in a tissue equivalent phantom with a slab of
compensator material placed in the beam at the position of the compensator tray.
Pieces of phantom material are removed from the surface until the dose equals that
measured in the intact phantom, without the compensator. The ratio of compensator
thickness to the tissue deficit gives the thickness ratio. Another term compensator
ratio (CR) has also been used in the literature to relate tissue deficit to the required
compensator thickness< >. It is defined as the ratio of the missing tissue thickness to
the compensator thickness necessary to give the dose for a particular field size and
depth. The concepts of compensator ratio and thickness ratio are the same , except
be attempted and should be achieved if possible. In a case of esophageal carcinoma,
it was shown by Ellis< that compensation for tissue heterogeneity as checked by
small thermoluminescent dosimeters in the lumen reduced by 30% the dose in the
oesophagus when compared with the dose without the compensation. Large air
spaces produces appreciable change in the dosage values as in the case of lungs, it
less commonly realised that air spaces in the larynx and in the trachea can also
megavoltage beam first traverses the air cavity. If the beam passes through the tumour
before passing through the cavity, this effect, which is due to loss of scattered
photographic film Compensators for total body irradiation including lung compensators
were described by Khan < > . Compensators have also been used to improve
dose uniformity in the fields where non-uniformity of the dose distribution arises from
the sources other than contour irregularity such as reduced scatter near the field
edges and unacceptable high dose regions or "horns" in the beam profile.
position and with the beams to be used< >. Each radiograph indicates the amount of
matter traversed by each pencil of the beam since with suitable film, blackening is
proportional to the dose at the film. This can be plotted by a scanning densitometer.
Modifying filters for two pairs of parallel opposed fields at right angles can be
constructed from the densitometer data. The division of the compensation between the
fields on each parallel opposed pair is decided by inspection of full width ordinary
radiographs, from which can be estimated the proportion of the absorbing tissue on
each side of the tumour in the path of the beams. When wedge fields are being used
so as to treat from one side of the body only, the proportion of compensation can be
estimated in the same way, but it is only necessary to use the appropriate amount on
the skin surface to preserve the skin-sparing properties of the megavoltage beams.
Because the dimensions of the compensator are reduced compared to the bolus in
the plane perpendicular to the beam axis to allow for beam divergence, the filter must
nominal SSD should be measured from the plane perpendicular to the beam axis,
containing the most elevated point on the contour included in the field. For isocentric
compensator design. Accordingly, the depth of the isocentre is measured from the
Beam shaping blocks are used in producing irregular fields in all clinical
situations where they happened to be useful or necessary for confining the radiation to
the target volume or protecting important structures. For example, In treating some
orbital or sinus carcinomas and some intracranial tumours it is desirable to protect the
eye or the middle and internal ear. The protection achieved by removing part of the
primary beam, also diminishes the amount of scattered radiation and thus affects the
dose distribution in other parts of the beam. The beam shaping is primarily dictated by
tumour distribution i.e., Local extension and regional metastases. Not only should the
dose to vital organs not exceed their tolerance, but the dose to the normal tissue, in
general, should be minimised . As long as the target volume includes, with adequate
margins, the demonstrated tumour as well as its presumed occult spread, significant
irradiation of the normal tissue outside this volume must be avoided as much as
Usually high Z materials such as lead or lipowitz are used for shielding.
The thickness of the material required to provide adequate protection of the shielded
areas depends on the required transmission through the blocks and the beam quality
of the radiation under question. A primary beam transmission of 5% through the block
is considered acceptable for most clinical situations. To obtain this transmission ratio,
(%)" = 0.05
2" = 1/0.05
= 20
n log2 = log20
n = log20/ log2
Table 1.1
Recommended Minimum Thickness of Lead for Shielding.
Beam Quality Required Lead Thickness
1.0mm Al HVL 0.2mm
2.0mm Al HVL 0.3mm
3.0mm Al HVL 0.4mm
1.0mm Cu HVL 1.0mm
3.0mm Cu HVL 2.0mm
4.0mm Cu HVL 2.5mm
soco 3.0 cm
5.0 cm
4MV 6.0 cm
6MV 6.5 cm
10MV 7.0 cm
25MV 7.0 cm
* Approximate values to give s5% primary transmission .
= 4.32
Shielding for superficial and orthovoltage beams can be readily achieved by thin
sheets of lead where as for megavoltage beams the thickness of lead increases
substantially. The blocks are placed above a transparent acrylic tray called shadow
tray. The recommended values of shielding thickness of lead for various energy
beams< are given in Table 1.1.
the thickness of the block. But the dose to the shielded area may not be significantly
reduced due to the presence of scattered radiations from the adjoining open areas of
the field. Ideally, the beam shaping blocks used should be tapered to match the
geometric divergence of the beam. This minimises the block transmission penumbra.
However, divergent blocks offer little advantage for beams with large geometric
penumbra. Hence, for cobalt-60 beams, the sharpness of the beam cut off at the beam
edge is not significantly improved by using divergent blocks. Divergent blocks are
Some machines have one independent jaw, some others have two independent jaws,
and some have all four jaws as independent. The independent jaw option is
interlocked to avoid errors in the setting of symmetric fields, in which case the
collimation is the change in the physical penumbra and the tilt of the isodose curves
toward the blocked edge. This effect is simply the result of blocking which eliminates
the photon and electron scatter from the blocked portion of the field, thereby
reducing the dose near the edge. The same effect would occur on the isodose
curves if the blocking were done with a lead or lipowitz block on a tray. When
asymmetric fields are used, special considerations must be given to the beam flatness
with more than 40 pairs of collimating blocks or leaves that can be driven
automatically, independent of each other. The MLCs can create any shape by jagged
treatment volume. The thickness of the leaves along the beam direction is sufficient to
provide acceptably low beam transmission. The width of each leaf is usually about 1
cm as projected at the isocentre. The field edges are therefore formed stepwise, 1
cm wide. The double-focussed MLC systems provide sharp beam cut off at the edge.
The use of MLCs for the stationary fields is the conformity between the planned field
boundary, which is continuous, and the jagged stepwise boundary created by the
MLC. The degree of conformity between the two depends not only on the projected
leaf width but also on the shape of the target volume and the angle of rotation of the
and 36
>. The MLC system is used in place of custom made cerrobend
collimator<34 ,35
blocking, automatic beam shaping for multiple fields, dynamic conformal radiotherapy
for which beams are shaped as they are rotated and modifying dose distributions
within the field by computer controlled dwell time of the individual leaves.
conformal radiation therapy allows an increase in the dose to the target volumes than
with conventional radiotherapy. The improved accuracy of tumour coverage and the
increase in tumour dose are expected to improve local tumour control. This reduces
the normal tissue complications as well. Studies by Zvi Fuks et. <10> al showed that
tolerance for a dose of 81 Gy for the prostate and 75.6 Gy for nasopharynx
could be used to step a collimator jaw across the intended treatment field while
radiation treatment was in progress, creating a wedge shaped beam profile. Until very
accelerator collimator jaws, dynamic wedge capabilities were not available. Leavitt et.
25 2
al. < • 7l successfully implemented a dynamic wedge for Varian accelerators. One
difficulty in the clinical implementation of the Varian dynamic wedge is the strong
25 29 30
variation of its output factor with field size< • • > as well as discontinuity in this
The output factor is defined as the ratio of output measured for a rectangular
collimator setting, Cx X Cy, to that for Cx = Cy = 10 cm. Sets of lower and upper
control dose rate and jaw movement. Each STI contains information on subsequent
jaw position versus cumulative weighting of a monitor unit. A total of 132 STis were
created for the four wedge angles, 15° ,30° ,45° and 60° ; including 33 different STis for
characteristics of the dynamic wedge if the basic dosimetric parameters for open fields
are explicitly known. Any changes in STis will change the output factor of the dynamic
wedge. Since there are so many STis for each wedge angle, it is desirable to
calculate the output factor for the dynamic wedge from the STis directly. Waldron et.
a1·< have shown that the wedge factor in water for the Varian dynamic wedge can be
output factor for a dynamic wedge and introduced a normalisation factor which
simplifies the output calculations for the Varian dynamic wedge. The amount of data
discouraged institutions from clinically implementing this modality.
without which in most tumours under varying bogy contour a uniform dose distribution
cannot be achieved. The subject of beam modification is a vast one and at all
energies involves a great deal of insight into physical processes. The primary aim of
beam modification should be such that throughout the target volume, the tolerance of
normal tissues within that volume should not be exceeded except with serious
consideration of the possible consequences. Within the tumour volume the given dose
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