Aapm Report No. 16 Protocol For Heavy
Aapm Report No. 16 Protocol For Heavy
Aapm Report No. 16 Protocol For Heavy
Published by the American Institute of Physics for the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
John T. Lyman, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Chairman Miguel Awschalom, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Peter Berardo, Lockheed Software Technology Center, Austin TX Hans Bicchsel, 1211 22nd Avenue E., Capitol Hill, Seattle WA George T. Y. Chen, University of Chicago/Michael Reese Hospital John Dicello, Clarkson University Peter Fessenden, Stanford University Michael Goitein, Massachusetts General Hospital Gabrial Lam, TRlUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia Joseph C. McDonald, Battelle Northwest Laboratories Alfred Ft. Smith, University of Pennsylvania Randall Ten Haken, University of Michigan Hospital Lynn Verhey, Massachusetts General Hospital Sandra Zink, National Cancer Institute
April 1986
Published for the American Association of Physicists in Medicine by the American Institute of Physics
Further copies of this report may be obtained from Executive Secretary American Association of Physicists in Medicine 335 E. 45 Street New York. NY 10017
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 86-71345 International Standard Book Number: 0-88318-500-8 International Standard Serial Number: 0271-7344
Copyright 1986 by the American Association
of Physicists in Medicine All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by the American Institute of Physics, Inc., 335 East 45 Street, New York, New York 10017 Printed in the United States of America
1 Introduction 2 Heavy Charged-Particle Beams 2.1 ParticleTypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Beam Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Beam Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Shaping of High-Dose Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Longitudinal Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Transverse Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Time Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dosimetric Principles 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 General Considerations for Dose Measurements . . . . . . . . 3.3 Uncertainties and Errors in Dosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calorimetry 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Material and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Thermal Defect Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Faraday Cup Dosimetry 5.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ionization Chambers 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Ionization Chambers of Known Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 The Ionization Chambers of Indeterminate Geometry. . . . . 7 Methods of Relative Dosimetry 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (TLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Photographic Film Emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Silicon Diode Detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 16 16 17 17 20 20 20 21 22
7.5 Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 Other Relative Dose and Radiation Quality Estimates . . . . 8 Practical Considerations 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Experimental Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3 Uncertainties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4 Dosimetry Intercomparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Recommendations A Definitions B List of Symbols C Limitations on the Use of Ionization Chambers C.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2 Ion Pair Production in the Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.3 Stopping Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.4 Ionization Recombination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.5 Stability of the Ionization Chamber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.6 Calibration of the Ionization Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Heavy Charged Particle Dosimetry Factors E Radiation Quality E.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.2 Phase Space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.3 Cross Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.4 Theory and Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . E.5 LET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.6 Microdosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.7 Indirect Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.8 Radiation Quality and Biological Response References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22 23 24 24 24 26 27 29 31 33 35 35 36 37 37 38 38 39 41 41 41 41 42 42 43 44 45 46
Chapter I Introduction
Beams of negative pions, protons and the nuclei of helium and heavier ions such as carbon and argon, known as heavy charged particles, are of interest in radiation biology and radiation therapy because of several distinct physical properties (Wilson, 1946; Raju, 1980). As these charged particles pass through a medium, their rate of energy loss or specific ionization increases with decreasing particle velocity, giving rise to a sharp maximum in ionization near the end of the range, known as the Bragg peak 1. The position of the Bragg peak is energy dependent (Raju et al., 1978). Proton, helium and heavier ion beams have been used for biomedical purposes since the 1950s (Tobias et al., 1952); pions have been used since the 1960s. Clinical trials using these beams are now in progress in several countries. The rationale for charged-particle radiotherapy lies in either a physical dose distribution advantage (protons) or a combination of physical and biological advantages (heavy ions and pions) (Wilson, 1946; PART II, 1977; PART III, 1982). With these modalities, theoretical considerations suggest the possibility of increasing the local tumor control without increasing normal tissue complications. When testing these possibilities, it is essential that for each particle modality, dose be measured precisely and accurately. Furthermore, among different charged-particle therapy centers, it is highly desirable to define consistent methods of charged-particle dosimetry, which, when coupled with data on relative biological effectiveness, may aid in comparison of results with the different particles. The need for precise and accurate dosimetry has been recognized in radiotherapy since X-rays were first used therapeutically. Over the years, physicists have developed techniques to measure the quantity and quality of ionizing radiations. Since the dose-response curve for tumors may be steep (Shukovsky and Fletcher, 1973; Battermann et al., 1981), as can be the dose-complication relationship, small changes ( 5 percent) in absorbed
In honor of W. H. Bragg who first observed that monoenergetic alpha particles have a well defined range in air and ionize most heavily near the end of their path (Bragg and Kleeman, 1904).
2 dose could result in a significant change in the probability of cure and/or complication. In this context, precise dosimetry has an essential role in radiotherapy. Since 1977, members of Task Group No. 20 of the Radiation Therapy Committee of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) have been performing ionometric and calorimetric intercomparisons as well as other dosimetric measurements using heavy charged particles. This protocol presents guidelines for the dosimetry of therapeutic beams of heavy charged particles based on the experience of this task group. There are insufficient basic data to allow the desired accuracy in dosimetry in all situations; however, the protocol is intended to serve as a resource for standardization of the dosimetry. Considerations of both a technical and clinical nature are discussed insofar as they influence dosimetry practices. This protocol will be updated as additional basic physical data and relevant heavy charged-particle dosimetry information become available.
particle masses. Incident electrons interacting with atomic electrons of the irradiated material can lose a large fraction of their energy in a single interaction. Heavy charged particles colliding with electrons will lose only a small fraction of their energy per collision (usually about 25 eV, but on the average 100 eV and at most 4mE/M). In traversing a medium, charged particles undergo many deflections and the totality of these deflections is referred to as multiple Coulomb scattering. Nuclear scattering is the main contributor to the multiple Coulomb scattering. When compared to electron beams, the heavy charged-particle beams have a smaller scattering angle and therefore have much sharper lateral distributions as they transverse a dense medium (Carlsson and Rosander, 1973; Bichsel et al., 1982; Lyman et al., 1985).
5 spallation occurs and the rest mass of the pion (140 MeV), except for approximately 40 MeV used in overcoming the nuclear binding energy, appears in the form of kinetic energy of nuclear fragments. The disintegration products include photons, neutrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, alpha particles as well as heavy nuclear fragments such as lithium, beryllium or carbon nuclei (Shortt, 1979). This nuclear spallation process is commonly called a star because of its characteristic appearance in nuclear emulsion or cloud chamber photographs. A pion beam can have a narrow LET distribution when it enters the stopping medium. This distribution will then increase in mean value and broaden due to the energy loss and straggling of the pions as they slow down. In the stopping region the LET distribution will be broadened by the contribution of the short-range charged fragments and the neutrons. The number and type of fragments produced following the pion capture varies depending upon the nature of the capturing nucleus (Richman, 1981). These properties of the charged-particle beams need to receive special consideration when measuring characteristics of the beam since they will lead to different dosimetry problems in different regions of the beam.
Beam shaping in three dimensions is required for therapeutic applications. The manner in which large diameter beams are generated and shaped will affect beam uniformity, radiation-quality, dose rate and treatment times.
7 1980) and Russia. With the multichannel pion applicator used at SIN (von Essen et al., 1982), the size of the treatment volume is controlled by the pion energy, the choice of which channels are used and by the manner in which the patient is scanned in three dimensions within the applicator.
where i is an index to sum over the different types of contributing particles, (the mass stopping power is the Kerma factor for charged particles). It is assumed that the energy loss in the material is small compared to E (i.e., all particles are crossers) and that no nuclear reactions take place in m. If the spread in energy is small (which is usually not the case for therapy beams), the mean value theorem can be used to simplify the equation to
where , is the total number of particles per unit area of type i passing through the absorber, and Equation 3.1 provides the theoretically soundest approach to determining the absorbed dose in a patient. Measurements of deposited energy or ionization with instruments such as calorimeters or ionization chambers allow the determination of dose in the materials used in the construction of the instrument. Equation 3.3 (below) must then be invoked to convert the results to an estimate of the absorbed dose in tissue. For this reason it is desirable to use tissue-equivalent (TE) materials in the construction of the instruments whenever possible, so that corrections and, most importantly, the uncertainties in the corrections will be small and may be energy independent. For
9 some charged-particle beams, the direct measurement of fluence, e.g., with a Faraday cup, can be used to predict dose in tissue (see Chapter 5). Any measurement of absorbed dose in a particle beam is related to the particle fluence by Equation 3.1 and the energy transfer across the interfaces of the instrument (in particular, the transmission of delta rays) must be identified in order to determine the dose experimentally. The methods used to achieve these measurements are discussed in Chapter 6. If the dose in the dosimeter, Dd, has been measured, the dose in the patient (tissue), Dt, can be calculated as:
where the fluences in the patient and the dosimeter may be different. A measurement of Dd therefore is not sufficient to determine Dt if the fluence spectra i(E) are not known for all the particles. If the fluences are not well known, it is recommended that several estimates of the integrals in Equation 3.3 be made with various possible values of i(E) so that the uncertainty of the ratio can be estimated.
10 For ionization chambers, some of the problems are considered in Appendix C. The problems differ for nearly parallel high energy beams and for beams that are highly convergent or divergent (where particles may be incident on the dosimeter from many different directions). It is useful to consider two regions for the determination of the conversion factors: 1. the plateau, where all the primary particles have approximately the same velocity; 2. the region in the vicinity of the Bragg peak.
In any determination of dose in a patient, it is very important to explore fully the assumptions used in the calculations. It is important to evaluate the performance of a measuring system carefully. In particular, the stochastic uncertainties as well as the uncertainties in the parameters and correction factors needed to relate the detector response to a statement of absorbed dose in repeated measurements under presumably identical conditions should be determined. The magnitude of the uncertainties in the methods recommended by this protocol are discussed in Chapter 8. A discussion of the distinction between random and non-random uncertainties, and how these may be combined has been given by Mller (1979).
Chapter 4 Calorimetry
4.1 Introduction
The absorbed dose calorimeter is a good instrument upon which to base an absolute dosimetric calibration. It can be considered a primary standard since it does not rely upon the use of a radiation source for calibration. The energy deposited per unit mass of the calorimeters central absorber, or core, is determined by measuring a response associated with heat dissipated by the radiation, and then by measuring a response when a known amount of heat is dissipated from an electrical calibration heater mounted in the core. The quantity of heat produced in the calorimeter core is proportional to the absorbed energy. However for different materials it is possible to have either endothermic or exothermic radiochemical reactions which may necessitate a correction to relate the measured temperature rise to the energy absorbed. The production of heat from the absorption of radiation is a multi-step process consisting of ionization, excitation, and thermal agitation. There is virtually no known dependence of the quantity of heat per unit dose upon dose rate, or upon ionization density for solid elements. Finally, it is necessary to convert the absorbed dose measured in the calorimeter to absorbed dose in tissue. Because there is no national or international standard for absorbed dose in charged-particle beams, the ionization chambers currently in use for charged-particle radiation therapy dosimetry are calibrated with respect to a cobalt standard. A TE-plastic calorimeter is used for intercomparison of dosimetry. The calorimeter is also used to reduce the uncertainty in the determination of the absorbed dose by the A-150 ionization chambers (Mcdonald et al., 1981a and 1981b). 11
14 used. The Faraday cup is used to determine the number, N, of primary particles of known energy per monitor unit (charge collected on the transmission ionization chamber). The Faraday cup can subsequently be replaced by a small ionization chamber which will then collect a charge Q per monitor unit at the point of interest. The final parameters required for dose calculation are the stopping powers of the charged particles of this energy in muscle tissue as well as the effective area of the beam. The procedure for the dose determination, in Gy, is outlined in Equation 5.1:
where (S/p) is the mass stopping power of charged particles of this energy in muscle tissue in units of MeV cm 2g-1 and a is the effective area of beam (cmz).
5.3 Procedures
The success of a Faraday cup dose determination depends on the accuracy of the determination of the fluence and the effective area, the evaluation of the effects of secondary particles in the beam, and the knowledge of the mass stopping power, S/p. The efficiency of the Faraday cup is affected by secondary charged particles produced by primary interactions in the front window and residual gas, or by the escape of charged secondaries from the collector. By increasing the magnetic field to a high value under good vacuum, one can usually produce a detection efficiency independent of electric field of nearly 100 percent (Verhey et al., 1979). The effective area of the beam needs to be determined. If the beam is assumed to be either uniform with a small penumbra or with a Gaussian beam intensity distribution, the effective area of the beam can be determined from scans along orthogonal axes. The ionization as a function of distance from the beam center line is plotted and integrated to large distances in order to include any tails in the beam. The use of Equations 3.2 and 5.1 implies a single energy and single primary particle type in the beam. In situations where a known flux of secondary particles exists it would be possible to evaluate dose independently from each of the beam constituents. It is necessary to estimate the fraction of deposited charge which is due to each of these secondary particles. In practice the use of Faraday cups for charged-particle dosimetry has been limited to the calibration of proton beams. The use of Equations 3.2 and 5.1 assumes that all energy loss is produced by interactions with electrons. For all heavy particles there is a component of energy loss due to nuclear interactions which must be estimated through calculations based on cross-section data and then factored into the stopping powers which is required for a dose determination.
15 The evaluation of all the above factors will permit a determination of dose in tissue in a monoenergetic beam. In the case of a monoenergetic proton beam, the dose may be determined to a accuracy of 5 percent (Verhey et al., 1979).
(6.3) in analogy to Equation 3.3. If no secondary heavy particles are produced in the gas (there will always be delta rays) and if (S(E)/p)d and (S(E)/p)g, do not differ very much, it will not be necessary to know i(E) very accurately in order to obtain the quotient of the two integrals with a small uncertainty. If n is 1 and if (E) can be approximated with a Dirac delta function, we get (6.4) If this approximation is valid, the uncertainty of the dose Dd is determined by the uncertainty of w and of the stopping powers (assuming that Jg can be determined with negligible uncertainty). There are a large number of corrections which affect the accuracy with which a practical dosimetry can be based on equation 6.4 and some of these are discussed in Appendix C.
18 given by: (6.5) where Ng (AAPM, 1983) is defined as (6.6) NX is the cobalt-60 exposure calibration factor (R/C); K is the charge produced in air per unit mass per unit exposure; Ad is the attenuation and scattering correction factor for the chamber wall when exposed to cobalt-60 radiation; Aion is the correction factor for incomplete ion collection; d is the quotient of absorbed dose to the collision fraction of kerma for the wall of the ionization chamber; (L/ )dg is the ratio of the mean, restricted collision mass stopping power of the wall material to that of the gas (air) in the chamber for the secondary electrons released by 6 0Co gamma rays; ( e n/ )gd is the ratio of the mean energy-absorption coefficient for air to that of the wall for 6 0Co gamma rays. The conversion factors of Equation 6.6 either have well-known values for cobalt-60 or are chamber specific and calculable. Table D.1 gives values to use for these factors for a few common chamber/gas combinations. It is recommended that Nx or Mg be determined at regular intervals as a constancy check on the performance of the chamber and electrometer. Once mg has been derived from the 6 0CO calibration factor, its value may be substituted in equation 6.4 (Jg = Q/mg) allowing dose determination in a charged-particle beam provided the product of (w/e) and (S/ )dg and the appropriate correction factors (Appendix D) are known. An ionization chamber which carries a 6 oCo beam calibration factor, such as from an NBS calibration or through intercomparison with a chamber which does carry an NBS calibration, can be used to determine dose in a charged-particle beam through application of equations 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6. This requires that several parameters, including the product of the parameters (w/e) and (S/ )dg, be known. However, the uncertainties in w for the particular spectrum of primary and secondary charged particles in the beam of interest are typically 5 to 10 percent (ICRU, 1979b) and there are lesser but still significant uncertainties in the value of (S/ )dg. One may, on the other hand, use an intercomparison of an ionization chamber with an absolute dosimeter such as a calorimeter as a determination of the product of these parameters. This is done by defining a conversion factor C p, which converts the charge per unit mass collected by the ionization chamber to dose in the chamber wall. (6.7) By using the chamber in conjunction with a TE calorimeter, the conversion factor, Cp, can be determined directly. Combining Equation 6.4 and 6.7 we
19 have
where Dd is determined by the TE calorimeter (McDonald and Domen, 1986), mg, is determined by equations 6.5 and 6.6 and Q is the charge measured by the ionization chamber and corrected for electrometer calibration, polarity effects, displacement factor, ion collection efficiency and for the mass of gas present at 22C and 760 torr. The dose to the chamber wall when the ionization chamber is subsequently used for dosimetry is obtained by
The final conversion from dose in the chamber wall to that in tissue is made by where (S/ )td is the wall-to-tissue conversion factor consisting of the ratio of the mass stopping powers of tissue to wall. The conversion factor Cp must be evaluated at a range of experimental conditions which spans that range of values which could obtain under therapy conditions. For example one could determine Cp in the entrance region of an unmodulated beam and near the end of a spread Bragg peak. This would approximate both the highest and lowest energy spectrum. If a significant change in Cp is noted between these two points, then further measurements would be required including measurements elsewhere in a spread peak. In a pion or heavy ion beam where the particle spectrum may change with depth or tune, it may be necessary to measure Cp for a large number of therapy conditions. In the absence of a calorimeter, the quantities on the right side of Equation 6.7 must be evaluated separately. Recommended values are given in Appendix D.
21 tion of Al foils or pellets. The irradiation of 2 7Al results in 2 4Na production via the ( -,t) and (n, ) reactions. (The 2 4Na is produced mainly by the capture of stopped negative pions in 2 7Al, and occasionally by a nuclear interaction between star neutrons and 27Al.) Detection of the 24Na via counting of decay s or betas allows an assessment of the pion star distribution. A knowledge of the pion star distribution allows a correction to be made for the reduction of sensitivity of 7Li thermoluminescence at high-LET. Aluminum foils allow information on radiation quality (pion star production) to be obtained over large areas with excellent spatial resolution if a magnet is used in conjunction with the detection of betas from 2 4Na decay (Seiler et al., 1982). Pellets, on the other hand, can be located precisely in vivo with radiographs. 2. For CaF2(Tm) the ratio of the high and low temperature peaks in the glow curve can be analyzed to give an indication of the pion beam quality (Hoffmann et al., 1980). This in turn can be used to correct the integrated thermoluminescent output for loss of sensitivity at high-LET. A feature of this technique is that a single dosimeter gives both absorbed dose and radiation quality information. In addition, the high sensitivty of CaF 2(Tm) allows the use of small amounts of the dosimeter. This material holds promise for use in a similar fashion in heavy-ion beams (Hoffman et al., 1986). Since 7Li is much less sensitive to thermal neutrons than is 6Li, irradiation of 6LiF and 7LiF simultaneously can give information on the neutron component of a beam. In addition, recent work of phototransferred thermoluminescence inddicates a second readout of LiF (and possibly other materials), when the second readout is proceeded by ultraviolet irradiation, may give quality and dose information (Hoffman et al., 1984).
22 icant, the film sensitivity most likely does not follow that of tissue, or air, well enough to be useful in a simple manner for many situations. Special procedures are worth exploring, however, because data can be accumulated readily over large areas with film, offering much potential value for treatment plan verification. For pions, a method employing fluorescent screens in contact with the film (Blattmann et al., 1981) analogous to diagnostic radiology techniques is being explored, and there seems to be some promise that, with the proper screen material, the resultant film exposure can be used as indicative of relative tissue dose. Alternatively, thin sheets of aluminum foil irradiated in contact with the film may lead to sufficiently accurate correction to the film sensitivity via analysis of the aluminum activation (Blattmann et al., 1981). In any case, film dosimetry is a means to rapidly assessing which regions require further dosimetric investigation.
7.5 Activation
Heavy charged particles produce radioactive isotopes by inelastic nuclear interactions. With knowledge of the cross-sections for the interactions of interest, the particle fluence or the fluence density can be determined (depending on the isotope half-life relative to the duration of the exposure) from the induced activity. For pulsed beams, where saturation effects in ionization chambers may make their use impractical, activation of material placed
23 in the beam can be used for absolute dosimetry. Activation is also used in conjunction with some film dosimetry (see Section 7.3) in order to correct for changes in film response with changes in LET.
Relative dose and quality estimates will certainly play a role in aiding valid comparisons among different radiation modalities if such determinations can be done easily (therefore routinely) and accurately. To date, it cannot be said this can be accomplished. The subject should be considered under development, and new materials and novel techniques with old materials must be encouraged. Included in this category is the use of lyoluminescence (Ettinger, 1980) just beginning to be explored seriously. Other possibilities are explained in the review article by Thomas and Perez-Mendez (1989).
25 with an absolute (primary) dosimeter such as a calorimeter or Faraday cup. This will provide a statement of the absorbed dose in the dosimeter material (or to a selected material such as the wall of the secondary instrument to be used in the next step of the procedure) per unit response of the beam monitor(s). This calibration may be performed in a relatively clean beam -- that is, one in which the fluence spectrum i(E) (see Chapter 3 and 6) is well known and, perhaps, corresponds to the plateau region of either a monoenergetic beam or the plateau of an energy (range) modulated beam it will not usually be possible to make an absolute calibration in the region of the Bragg peak of a monoenergetic beam since the rapid variation of dose with position leads to substantial uncertainties. Once the dose to a material such as the TE plastic of a calorimeter has been established, the dose to muscle is deduced by application of the relationship: where (S/ )td is equal to the ratio of the mass stopping powers of ICRU muscle to TE plastic weighted by the relative abundances and energies of the each type of ionizing particle in the charged-particle beam. The use of TE plastic makes this final conversion factor close to unity. Appendix D gives recommended values for this factor. Once the beam calibration is established it should be transfered to a secondary standard such as an ionization chamber. This device should be placed in the region of the beam calibrated by the primary dosimeter and its response per unit of response of the beam monitor(s) determined-and corrected for open ionization chambers, for example, to standard contitions of temperature (22C) and pressure (760 torr). This gives the calibration of the secondary detector in units of dose to the dosimeter wall per unit detector response. This may be converted through equation 8.1 to dose to muscle per unit detector response. There are two reasons to transfer the calibration to a secondary detector. The first is to simplify subsequent measurements of dose since the primary devices tend to be cumbersome and time-consuming to operate. The second reason is to carry the calibration into other beam conditions in which the beam quality may be uncertain or at least the flux spectrum i(E) more complex than the calibration beam. Implicitly, at least, one is invoking a relationship derived from equation (6.1) to relate the response per unit dose in the complex situation to that in the cleaner calibration beam:
Where subscript c refers to the single, monoenergetic particle used for calibration and where the complex beam is assumed to be made up of n different
26 particles, each with a spectrum of energies. R represents the ratio of dose to the dosimeter wall divided by the detected charge per unit mass. In practice, calibration and measurement often support the proposition that the correction factor is close to unity. This is confirmed for example when absolute measurements are made in the plateau region of an unmodulated proton or heavy ion beam, and both in the plateau and throughout the region of a spread out Bragg peak. For most situations the secondary dosimeter recommended is the combination of an ionization chamber and electrometer (calibrated with a calorimeter). This may be an inappropriate system for use at an accelerator with a low duty factor. There are a variety of materials and sizes available for ionization chambers. This protocol recommends a relatively small chamber ( 0.1 cm 3) made of A-150 plastic (Shonka et al., 1958). It is also recommended the chamber be filled with air. Air is the first choice over TE gas because air does not have to be flowed through the chamber, the ionic recombination is less and the composition is less variable. It is acceptable to use methane-based TE gas (ICRU, 1977) if it can be established that the properties of the TE gas are the same as the TE gas that was used to determine the mass of the gas in the collection volume. If TE gas is used, it must be flowed through the chamber during the intercomparison procedures at a flow rate consistent with that used for the determination of the mass. In beams with high instantaneous dose rates (in excess of 1 Gy/sec) general recombination can create inefficiencies in ion collection. Thus care must be taken to either decrease the dose rate or to evaluate the magnitude of the charge collection efficiency (Boag, 1982).
8.3 Uncertainties
It is important that an analysis of the uncertainty of each of the factors present in equation 6.4 be carried out. Absolute dose determinations in photon beams are routinely made at the 4 to 5 percent level, corresponding to the 95% confidence limit (ICRU, 1976). If equation 6.4 is used to determine the dose Dd, the uncertainty will be considerably larger due to the large error in w/e (page 14 and ICRU, 1979b). Instead, the procedures outlined in this section of the protocol are designed to minimize the reliance of the dose calibration on poorly measured experimental values and in its place rely, on calorimetry. Table 8.1 gives typical uncertainties involved in the determination of C p using Equation 6.8 under optimal conditions. The uncertainty in the dose Dd is derived from the determination of absorbed dose in a carbon (rather than A-150) calorimeter transferred to a point in water (ICRU, 1984).
Table 8.1: Percent Uncertainties, Random and Non-random, Corresponding to 95% Confidence Limit (ICRU, 1984) Factor Source Percent Uncertainty
28 calibrated by NBS or with a calibration traceable to NBS; 2. measurement of the photon calibration of the ionization chamber with a gamma-ray source whose calibration is traceable to the NBS; 3. measurement of the ionization chambers response in the chargedparticle beam (This measurement should be made in the same phantom as that used for beam output determinations); 4. measurement of the absorbed dose in the spread peak and plateau (a measurement near proximal peak as a minimum requirement; measurements in the central and near distal peak are desirable). For ionization chamber measurements a common set of physical parameters appropriate to the charged-particle beam being intercompared should be used.
Chapter 9 Recommendations
It is the recommendation of the task group that:
Dosimeters be calibrated by a comparison with a calorimeter. At present we recommend one made of TE plastic (Bewley, et al., 1974; Greene and Major, 1975; McDonald et al., 1976; Caumes et al., 1984). In the event that a calorimeter is unavailable, it is the recommendation that proton beams be calibrated with a Faraday cup. In the event that neither a calorimeter nor a Faraday cup (for protons) is available, it is the recommendation of the task group that an ionization chamber bearing a 6 0Co calibration be used and its calibration corrected by application of equations 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 using the recommended factors listed in Appendix D. That the calibration be carried out in the center of a spread out Bragg peak, the extent in depth of which is substantially larger than the dimensions of the sensitive volume of the dosimeter. In the absence of measurements to the contrary, that the calibration be assumed to be constant both in the plateau and throughout the spread out Bragg peak. A difference of 5 percent or less between the dose determinations based on the calorimeter and that based on other dosimeters discussed in this protocol is presently considered to be within experimental uncertainties. Any difference greater than 5 percent should be examined carefully to evaluate the reason of the difference. For reproducible differences of less than 5 percent it is recommended that, for the sake of internal consistency, the local dose standard continue to be used. In an attempt to make the distribution of biological dose inside a target volume constant with depth, it is necessary with some charged-particle beams to produce a physical dose distribution which decreases with depth through the target volume. The recommendation of the task 29
30 group is that the dose be specified at a point near maximum physical dose, namely, that point near the proximal end of the spread out Bragg peak at which the physical dose is almost a maximum. In the case of a low LET charged-particle beam such as protons, the physical dose distribution is flat throughout the target volume; the use of the proximal peak dose is consistent with this recommendation.
Appendix A Definitions
AAPM: The American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Absorbed Dose: The quotient of de by dm where de is the mean energy imparted by ionizing radiation to matter of mass dm. Biologically Effective Dose: Absorbed Dose x RBE where RBE is the relative biological efficiency of the radiation beam, determined for the particular biological system at the specified dose level and fractionation scheme under consideration and for a particular endpoint. Bragg Peak The region of increased ionization observed near the end of range of a heavy charged particle beam Collimator: An arrangement of shielding material designed to define the lateral dimensions of a beam of radiation. Delta Rays Secondary electrons, of sufficient energy to produce ionization, which have been ejected from the track of an ionizing particle. Displacement factor: A correction factor needed to convert the ionization measured by a dosimeter in a phantom to the ionization which would be observed at the same point in the phantom in the absence of the dosimeter cavity. It is necessary to correct for the attenuation in and scatter out from the material displaced by the dosimeter. Dose: Absorbed dose unless otherwise qualified. Elastic Scattering: Interactions is which the total kinetic energy is conserved. Fluence: The quotient of dN by da, where dN is the number of particles or photons incident on a sphere of cross-sectional area da. Heat Defect: The proportion of energy deposited by ionizing radiation which does not go into the production of heat. Heavy charged particles: Those atomic and subatomic charged particles with masses substantially heavier than that of an electron. Heavy ions: Nuclei of elements with charge Z 2. Inelastic Scattering: Interactions in which there is a change in the total kinetic energy of the system. Lineal energy (y): The quotient of by l, where is the energy imparted to the matter in a volume of interest by an energy deposition event, and l is 31
32 the mean chord length in the volume. Linear energy transfer (LET): (L ). The quotient of dE by dl, where dl is the distance traversed by a particle and dE is the mean energy loss in dl due to collisions with energy transfers less than some specified value . Linear Stopping Power: The quotient of dE by dl, where dl is the distance traversed by a particle and dE is the mean energy loss in dl due to collisions of all possible particles. Mass Stopping Power The quotient of the linear stopping power and , the density of the stopping material. Muons: A lepton with mass equal to 106 MeV. Formerly classified as a meson. Important for this protocol because muons are contaminants of pion beams. Pions: Pi mesons are singly-charged particles with mass equal to 140 MeV. In this protocol a pion is considered to be a heavy charged particle. In most instances the negative pion undergoes an interaction with an atomic nucleus near the end of its range with resulting nuclear disintegration and liberation of mixed low and high-LET radiations. Plateau: The region of the depth-dose curve of a heavy charged-particle beam, at smaller depths than the Bragg peak, in which the dose is almost constant. RBE: A ratio of the absorbed dose of a reference radiation to the absorbed dose of a test radiation to produce the same level of biological effect, other conditions being equal. Radiation quality: Those characteristics of the radiation that describe the spatial distribution of energy transfers by charged particles, and which influence the effectiveness of any radiation when other physical factors such as absorbed dose, absorbed dose rate and fractionation are kept constant. Linear energy transfer is one parameter for describing quality. Recombination (Initial and general): The process whereby ions formed by the passage of an ionizing particle through a gas recombine with oppositely charged ions. If the combining ions were produced by the same ionizing particle it is refer to as initial recombination; if produced by different ionizing particles it is called general recombination. Specific Energy: The quotient of by m, where is the energy imparted to matter of mass m. Task Group 20: A task group of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Radiation Therapy Committee which was formed to work on problems of heavy charged particle beam dosimetry. Tissue-equivalent material: A material, the absorption and scattering properties of which, for a given radiation, simulate those of a given biological material, such as soft tissue, muscle, bone or fat.
34 mg mass of gas in an ionization chambers sensitive volume (kg) N number of particles, photons, etc. Ng cavity gas calibration factor (Gy C-1) Nx exposure calibration factor (R C-l)
Q charge (C)
S linear stopping power (J m -l) S/ mass stopping power (J m 2kg- 1) (S/ )ji mass stopping power ratio for two materials, j over i T temperature (C) u atomic mass unit U electrical potential difference (V) v velocity (m s-l) V chamber collecting volume (m 3) w mean energy expended in gas per ion pair formed when the initial ionizing particles are not completely stopped in the gas volume (J) W mean energy expended in gas per ion pair formed when the initial ionizing particles are stopped in the volume (J) x depth in absorber in beam direction (m) ze charge of a heavy particle (C) Z atomic number velocity relative to the speed of light (v/c) energy deposited in a small mass (MeV) e n/ mass energy absorption coefficient (m 2 kg- 1) (e n/ )ji ratio mass energy absorption coefficients for two materials, (j over i) fluence (dN/da) (m-2)
density kg m )
36 Table C.1: Percent Elemental Composition, by Weight, of A-150 Tissue-Equivalent Plastic Compared to ICRU Muscle Tissue and TE gas Element ICRU Musclea A-150 Plasticb TE gasc
(a) ICRU (1964) (b) Smathers et al. (1977) (c) Rossi and Failla (1956)
charged particles, but comparable to the range of the delta rays (Brenner et al., 1981)). The uncertainty introduced by the lack of knowledge about w is also important, and probably amounts to several percent (section 3.2). In the peak region the w problems for the crossing particles are the same as for the plateau region, but for the secondaries, the w and W (W is the mean energy expended in a gas per ion pair formed by a particle whose energy is completely dissipated in the ionization chamber gas, (ICRU, 1979b)) values may not be very well known. In addition, many of the secondaries may be stoppers or starters (e.g., many of the star products from negative pions) or fragment secondaries in heavy ion beams.
A review of w and W has been presented in ICRU Report 31 (197913). It was pointed out that there is no practical theory for w. In particular, there is no method of predicting the dependence of w on the energy of the charged particles. However w is insensitive to radiation characteristics such as charge, mass and energy of the incident particle, provided it is much faster than the valence electrons in the gaseous material. Most of the measurements have been made at energies below 10 MeV. It is below this energy where the major variations in w are observed. This is of concern to the heavy charged-particle
37 dosimetry whenever a significant fraction of the dose is from the contribution of low velocity particles. Measurements by Nuton et al. (1981) show a very unexpected energy dependence for 0.4-l MeV protons in a mixture of Ar and CH4 The only high energy measurements that have been made were by Bakker and Segre (1951), by Schimmerling et al. (1976 and 1983), and by Thomas et al. (1980). For these experiments, the problem of delta ray production was not discussed. A theory of w would require that the energy loss spectra or the delta ray spectra be known quite well. This would appear to be more difficult than to measure w directly with adequate accuracy (but in the measurements the passage of delta rays across interfaces must be considered very carefully.
38 the recombination of the positive and negative charge carriers which were formed along the track of a single charged particle. Since the probability of the recombination depends upon the ion density along a single track, columnar recombination will be independent of the dose rate, and will be more important for the densely ionizing particles (high LET radiations). Volume recombination will be dependent on dose rate. These two types of recombination can be distinguished experimentally by plotting the reciprocal of the observed ionization current against an appropriate function of the collecting field strength, U (Boag, 1966). For initial recombination one should find l / i = l / isat + constant/U while for general recombination l / i = l / isat + constant/U 2 The effects due to recombination, particularly columnar recombination, for the heavier ions should be explored, e.g. by placing the electric field in a parallel plate ionization chamber at different angles with respect to the beam direction (see also Rubach et al., 1983). Boag (1982) has discussed recombination correction for pulsed radiation in a swept beam technique.
The following problems should be considered in the stability of the ionization chamber performance: 1. the response of an ionization chamber may be sensitive to the humidity (Kristensen and Sundbom, 1981: Mijnheer et al., 1983) as well as the temperature and pressure; 2. the position and stability of the collecting electrode; 3. the composition of the gas (Williams, 1980); 4. changes in the sensitivity and calibration of the electrometers, digital voltmeters etc. At a given institution, the most desirable check on the stability of an ionization chamber would be by intercomparison with another ionization chamber in a cobalt therapy beam or other photon standard.
Because the uncertainty of the energy per ion pair for gases may be as much as 10 percent and the uncertainty of the stopping powers for the wall materials as much as 4 to 10 percent (depending on particle energy), it is recommended that the ionization chamber be calibrated with a calorimeter (see Chapter 6).
Table D.1: Recommended Dosimetry Factors When Using Methane-based TE gas or Air, A-150 plastic and ICRU Muscle Tissue
(a) ICRU, 1979b (b) Bichsel, 1983; Berger and Seltzer, 1982 (c) Janni, 1982 (d) Verhey et al., 1979 (e) Private Communication (A. R. Smith, 1983)
which play a significant role in dosimetry. The probabilities of producing secondary particles as a function of energy and angle either from the primary beam or from collisions with target nuclei are fundamental information for calculations or analyses of experimental results. Such data are required as input for dosimetric calculations (Dicello et al., 1980; Schimmerling, 1980), microdosimetric calculations (Brenner et al., 1981) and treatment planning (Chen, 1980).
The parameter, linear energy transfer (LET), introduced by Zirkle (1940) has proven to be a useful, although limited, concept for correlating the radiation field with biological effects. As originally conceived, LET was simply the energy lost by a charged particle as it traverses a specified distance. LET is now defined (ICRU, 1980) as follows: The linear energy transfer or restricted linear collision stopping power, L of a material for charged particles is the quotient of dE by dl where dE is the energy lost by a charged particle in traversing a distance dl due to those collisions with electrons in which the energy loss is less than A. Only for large energy transfers (A) does the LET (L ) approach the value of the stopping power (S). With the introduction of the concept of LET, it was hoped that a simple relationship could be developed between the energy lost by a particle and the energy deposited in a specific site. Kellerer and Chmelevsky (1975) evaluated
43 the range in proton energy and site size (for spherical volumes) over which LET was an acceptable parameter. These data can be useful in evaluating the accuracy and reliability of physics experiments and calculations. However, the application of such results to biological interpretations should be done with caution where the volume and shape of the sensitive site is uncertain. The usefulness of LET in the interpretation of radiobiological data lies primarily in its simplicity; therefore, it is unlikely that individuals involved in high-LET studies will be dissuaded from its use. However, it is recommended that extreme care be exercised in the use of LET for the evaluation of clinical studies.
E.6 Microdosimetry
A variety of approaches have been pursued in order to develop a method for evaluating the relationship between the physics and biology which was not subject to the limitations of LET. One of the most successful was the approach initiated by Rossi and Rosenzweig (1955) which ultimately expanded into the field of microdosimetry (Rossi, 1971). It was proposed that the macroscopic average quantity, LET, be replaced by a new quantity, lineal energy (y), which is the energy deposited by an event in a specified volume divided by the mean path length through the volume. One can then investigate the characteristics of the probability distribution of energy deposited by an event as a function of lineal energy and site size. These distributions were relatively easily obtained experimentally for effective tissue equivalent volumes down to a fraction of a m 3. The linear distributions may be converted to distributions as a function of energy per unit mass, defined as specific energy, z. The specific energy then, is analogous to the macroscopic absorbed dose. Perhaps the greatest significance of this approach is that it describes the influence of stochastic processes in biologically relevant sites. Today, microdosimetry includes the study of the spectral and spatial distributions of energy deposition in biological structures and the relationship between these distributions and subsequent chemical and biological processes (e.g., see Booz et al., 1981). The experimental technique developed by Rossi and Rosensweig (1955) has become a standard method for the measurement of microdosimetric distributions. This technique uses a proportional counter, usually spherical in shape, constructed of tissue-equivalent materials and filled with a tissue-equivalent gas. The pressure of the gas is chosen to simulate a microscopic sphere of unit density tissue (Rossi, 1971). Because this approach is relatively simple and sensitive to variations in radiation quality, it has received extensive use. The limitations of this approach are twofold. Firstly, because the method analyzes the pulse-height (number of ion pairs) of individual events, it is lim-
44 ited to low beam intensities which are not easily obtained at many biomedical facilities for heavy charged particles without altering the phase space. Secondly, the use of proportional counters limits the method to volumes with equivalent diameters greater than about 0.lm. This is because at smaller volumes, the region of proportionality in the gas represents a significant fraction of the total volume and this distorts the spectrum. It was hoped that the latter limitation would not be a severe one, because there was evidence that at least some sites of biological interest were above this limiting size (Kellerer and Rossi, 1972). Recent results suggest that this may be too simplistic an assumption (e.g., Goodhead and Thacker, 1977; Kellerer and Rossi, 1978). Nevertheless, these types of data have served several significant purposes. For example, such measurements provide quantitative data of many of the physical processes affecting biological response and provide a means for the quantitative comparison of radiation qualities. Secondly, microdosimetric results impose severe restrictions on dosimetric calculations and measurements. Finally, such data have been found to be useful, in certain (semi-empirical) biological models such as the alpha-beta (quadratic) model for survival (see Rossi, 1971; Kellerer and Rossi, 1972; Zaider and Dicello, 1978). As was stated earlier, two of the limitations of measurements with proportional counters are that they are dose-rate limited and they cannot be performed for equivalent diameters below the micrometer level. The variance method, developed by Bengtsson and Lindborg (1974) is not limited by these restrictions. By measuring the variation in charge collected in an ion chamber operated at the appropriate pressure, one can determine the dose mean lineal energy (yD) for equivalent diameters into the nanometer range. However, only this mean parameter is obtained, not the distribution itself. Furthermore, at the smaller diameters, there is no direct relationship between ion pairs produced and energy deposited (the W value is not constant, (Brenner et al. 1981), which will frequently make the experimental data difficult to analyze. It should be realized that there is no single detector or technique which will satisfy all requirements for all radiations. Therefore, each group must design its system to achieve its specific objectives.
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