Quantec 02
Quantec 02
Quantec 02
S3S9, 2010
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dose, effectively allowing the extrapolation of Emamis constraints to any dose distribution. The mathematical method
amounted to a common formula for taking a generalized
mean, although this was not recognized at the time. This
Lyman-Kutcher-Burman model, combining Lymans model
with the Kutcher-Burman DVH reduction scheme, remains
the most widely used NTCP model. Although the model
claims no deep mechanistic validity, its mathematical form
is sufficiently flexible to allow representation of various
dosevolume dependencies. Within the structural resolution
of current datasets, the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman model can
typically not be rejected as a good fit of the data, although
it is not always the best model considered. Probabilistic
models, studied in groundbreaking papers in the 1980s by
Schultheiss (13) and Withers (14), introduced concepts like
serial and parallel tissue organization and functional subunits and became conceptually influential but have played
a relatively modest role in actual data analyses except for
The Relative Seriality Model (15), that has found some use
in analyzing clinical data.
DVH-based analyses inherently assume that organ function is uniformly distributed within an organ. Experimental
animal studies of the volume effect have produced important
proof-of-principle insights that question this assumption.
However, these have had relatively little impact on clinical
NTCP modeling so far. In 1995, Travis et al. (16, 17) reported that partial organ irradiation of a volume of the mouse
lung base was more likely to cause radiation pneumonitis
than irradiating an identical volume of the apex or, even
more pronounced, the middle regions of the lung. Because
the histological damage in the lung did not vary with location, this finding has been interpreted as a result of variation
in the functional importance of different lung regions. However, some of the demonstrated effect may have also resulted
from inadvertent inclusion of the central airways/vessels
within the computed tomographydefined lung. Attempts at
modeling location effects in human lung have only been tried
relatively recently, with mixed results (see the paper by
Marks et al. in this issue). Location effects have also been
demonstrated in partial volume irradiation of the parotid
gland (18), probably reflecting damage to the excretory ducts,
blood vessels, and nerves. Another example where DVHbased analysis for the organ at risk may not be adequate is
lung, where irradiation of the heart in addition to the lung
has been shown in experimental animals to affect the risk
of radiation induced pneumonitis as assessed by respiratory
rate (19).
Hopewell and Trott (20) analyzed experimental dosevolume data and concluded that Volume, as such, is not the relevant criterion, since critical, radiosensitive structures are not
homogeneously distributed within organs. Work by Trott
et al. (21) in 1995 documented a volume effect for functional
damage after irradiation of the rat rectum but found no
QUANTEC group was formed from a loose network of researchers with a longstanding interest in dosevolume modeling. The Steering Committee defined three aims for
(1) To provide a critical overview of the current state of
knowledge on quantitative doseresponse and dosevolume relationships for clinically relevant normal-tissue
(2) To produce practical guidance allowing the clinician to
reasonably (though not necessarily precisely) categorize
toxicity risk based on dosevolume parameters or model
(3) To identify future research avenues that would help improve risk estimation or mitigation of early and late side
effects of radiation therapy
A kickoff workshop with 57 invited participants from
North America and Europe was held in Madison, Wisconsin,
in October 2007 with generous financial support from the
American Association of Physicists in Medicine and the
Board of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiation
Oncology. The main deliverable from the workshop was
the formation of a number of working groups charged with
producing organ site-specific overviews of quantitative
dosevolume relationships as well as groups producing
vision papers on future research avenues in the field. The results of these efforts are partly presented in this issue of the
International Journal of Radiation Biology and Physics,
again made possible with generous support from American
Society for Therapeutic Radiation Oncology.
Although overall progress has been real and substantial,
research in the past two decades has also defined limitations
to our current methods and the resulting knowledge. One of
the main lessons from the literature overviews is that more
uniform and comprehensive reporting would be a huge
help when trying to combine data from multiple studies
(see the paper by Jackson in this issue). Current best estimates of dosevolume parameters can in many situations
be based on empirical data, in contrast to the consensus
values proposed by Emami et al. However, there is still
a lack of proper estimation of the uncertainty in these parameters in most cases. Clinically, the literature on patient-related
risk factors is scattered and often inconsistent from one study
to the next. When patient- or treatment-related risk factors parameters are not listed as significant in a given paper, it is often not clear whether the factor has been tested or not.
Therapeutically, RT is combined with drugs in more and
more indications. Although calculating the risk associated
with the RT dose distribution alone may provide some guidance, it cannot generally be assumed that giving a drug together with radiation will even preserve the ranking of
competing radiotherapy RT plans (32). The increased use
of hypofractionation, and the use of an increasing number
of beam orientations (e.g., rotational delivery), results in a relatively large volume of normal tissue receiving a low total
dose and dose per fraction. The available dosevolume/outcome data may not be applicable in this setting. There has
Widespread use of conformal techniques, including intensitymodulated radiation therapy, often resulting in highly nonuniform
dose distribution in organs at risk with large volumes receiving
low doses
Many curative cases receiving combined modality therapymany
regimens are very toxic leading to problems with compliance
Conventional fractionation dominatesclinical trials of
hypofractionation in progress
Increasing appreciation of the risk-benefit tradeoff in an individual
patienta monotonic increase in toxicity risk with increasing
dose/increasing volume
Change from more models to more dataLyman model still
widely used, but new modeling strategies are being pursued
Analysis of individual patient level data
Lack of consistency in contouring organs at risk among
Statistical estimation of model parametersoften with adjustment
for significant patient or treatment characteristics
Toxicity underscored and underreported in most studiesdespite
attempts to define dictionaries for toxicity reporting such as
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
A lack of quantitative, evidence-based dose-volume constraints
the QUANTEC group initiates a series of systematic literature
most likely be clinically useful, but if the latter group is labeled as responders there would still be a 60% false-positive rate. In this case a binned comparison of observed and
expected toxicity may be more informative (35). Cross-validation techniques have been suggested for NTCP modeling
(29), but have so far not been widely applied.
External validity
External validity addresses how well the model explains
the variability in response seen in an independent dataset,
preferably from another institution. Multivariate NTCP
models are often overfitted in the sense that they include
too many parameters relative to the number of events analyzed. This may result in strongly correlated parameter estimates and, although such a model may pass the test for
internal validity with flying colors, it often has poor external
validity. Differences between institutions in the scoring of reactions, in patient demographics, in the burden of comorbidities as well as in treatment characteristics may all contribute
to a reduced predictive power of a model when tested in an
independent dataset. Relatively little research has been performed on external validity of NTCP models. Bradley et al.
(36) applied a radiation pneumonitis model fitted to data
from 219 Washington University patients to an independent
series of radiation pneumonitis data from 129 patients enrolled in the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group 93-11 trial
and concluded that the model performed poorly in the new
dataset. A model fitted to the two datasets combined was
found to give an odds ratio of approximately two between
the 33% of all patients with the riskiest plans and the 33%
of patients with the safest plans, but much of the variability
is still unexplained. Similar problems with generalizabilty
are seen in studies applying different models on the same dataset: as an example, Tsougos et al. (37) found that six published models predicted an incidence of Grade 3+ radiation
pneumonitis ranging from 4% to 21% in a group of 47 patients.
One issue is that various dosevolume metrics often are
strongly correlated within a given dataset (38). This may
lead to problems with multicollinearity, which, although it
may not affect the internal validity of the model, can lead
to reduced generalizability. This becomes particularly relevant for extrapolation in dosevolume space (i.e., if a model
derived on basis of similar dose plans is applied to a very
different dose distribution) (39).
Clinical utility
Dosevolume constraints are used in routine dose planning
as an integral part of the informal optimization of therapeutic
ratio that inverse planning entails. Acceptable dose distributions are identified from a assessment of the risk:benefit ratio
in an individual patientoften on the basis of clinical experience rather than on numerical estimates from dosevolume
models. Population constraints are very important in this context but can obviously not stand alone. Careful consideration
should be given not only to the numerical value of these constraints but also to their statistical uncertainty. Using these
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