Cca Case Study
Cca Case Study
Cca Case Study
Aerial View
CCA aims at developing its unique inherent potential and location and to inspire, support, sustain and continue academic programs whereby professionals trained in the tradition of modern urbanism ushered in by the incomparable mastercould extend the frontiers of Creativity in the pursuit of serving the Family of Man -- efficiently, comprehensively, beautifully. The Chandigarh College of Architecture (CCA) was established on 7th August 1961 and was set up as a part of the great Chandigarh Experiment to impart education in Architecture.
Corridor at C.C.A.
The corridors have been used for exhibiting art works also.
Library at C.C.A.
Library at C.C.A.
Le-Corbusiers modular windows are incorporated in most of the buildings of chandigarh.
Library at C.C.A
The roof is not made in a simple form and is given an interesting form which provides the provision for adequate lighting to the library. The College has a centrally airconditioned library with approx. 15,000 titles in architecture and related fields. There is also an exclusive thesis section where all the 10th Semester thesis reports are kept for record and consultation. With time this section has developed into a major resource centre for architectural studies of the region. Training reports of Seventh semester students are also available here for reference.
Corridor at C.C.A
Corridors are used for exhibiting art works of the students.
Audio-Visual Section
The audio-visual section has four overhead projectors, seven slide projectors, one video projector. Audio-visual lectures are delivered by professors to complement class room teaching. The photographic laboratory has been equipped with darkroom facilities for B/W processing, five cameras a medium format camera, enlargers, and developing & printing gadgets.
The college workshop caters to the need of hands on experience in handling of building construction tools and model making. It has facilities including machines and trained personnel in the fields of carpentry, metal work and model making. The workshop is equipped with machines, tools and materials of carpentry, black smithy, model making, painting and polishing etc. which have resulted in numerous innovative working models
Corridor at C.C.A
Different patterns of painting at the walls of the corridor .
Ventilation pattern
The roof designing is such that maximum natural light comes in thus arches and semi circular windows are provided throughout the corridors.
Level difference in roof to create excitement in view. These level differences makes the elevation of the building interesting.