Ascent SW User Manual For Fluoroskan Ascent, CF & FL
Ascent SW User Manual For Fluoroskan Ascent, CF & FL
Ascent SW User Manual For Fluoroskan Ascent, CF & FL
Fluoroskan Ascent,
Fluoroskan Ascent FL &
Fluoroskan Ascent CF
User's Guide
Copyright 1997–2002 Thermo Labsystems. All rights reserved.
Reproduction of Ascent Software or the accompanying user
documentation in whole or in part is prohibited.
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trademarks of Thermo Labsystems.
Ascent Software is a trademark of Thermo Labsystems.
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trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
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All other trademarks, registered trademarks and copyrights are property
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Thermo Labsystems reserves the right to change its products and
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manual is subject to change without notice.
Although this manual has been prepared with every precaution to ensure
accuracy, Thermo Labsystems assumes no liability for any errors or
omissions, nor for any damages resulting from the application or use of
this information.
ii Ascent Software
User’s Guide
Software version 2.6
Revision 3.0, Mar. 2002
Copyright 1997–2002
Cat. no. 1506610
Table of Contents
1 Overview.................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Product support ......................................................................... 1-3
1.3 Getting started ........................................................................... 1-4
1.3.1 System hardware requirements .......................................... 1-4
1.3.2 Instrument hardware requirements..................................... 1-4
1.3.3 Software requirements......................................................... 1-5
1.3.4 Before installation................................................................. 1-6 Microsoft Windows language settings ........................... 1-6 Letters permitted with Ascent Software installation ...... 1-6 Printer settings ................................................................. 1-6
1.3.5 Installation of Ascent Software ............................................ 1-7
1.3.6 Instrument setup ................................................................ 1-12
1.3.7 Instrument communication................................................ 1-13
1.3.8 Dispensers .......................................................................... 1-13
1.3.9 Filter Pair validation ............................................................ 1-13
1.3.10 Password ............................................................................ 1-14
1.3.11 Quick start ........................................................................... 1-15
1.3.12 Opening Sessions............................................................... 1-15
1.3.13 Example Sessions .............................................................. 1-16
1.3.14 Creating a new Session...................................................... 1-16
1.3.15 Using Help........................................................................... 1-17
1.4 Configuration ........................................................................... 1-18
1.5 Basic concepts ......................................................................... 1-19
1.5.1 Session................................................................................ 1-19
1.5.2 Desktops ............................................................................. 1-19
1.5.3 Procedure Desktop............................................................. 1-19
1.5.4 Steplist ................................................................................ 1-20
1.5.5 Steps ................................................................................... 1-21 General step................................................................... 1-23 Area definition ................................................................... 1-24 Layout ................................................................................ 1-25 Settings .............................................................................. 1-26
Ascent Software
User’s Guide iii RunStatus ...........................................................................1-28 Measure step.................................................................. 1-28 Incubate step.................................................................. 1-29 Shake step ...................................................................... 1-29 Dispense step (not CF)................................................... 1-29 Dispense And Measure step (not CF) ........................... 1-29 Pause step ...................................................................... 1-30 Save/Load step............................................................... 1-30 Print step ........................................................................ 1-30
1.5.6 Area definition..................................................................... 1-30
1.5.7 Layout.................................................................................. 1-32 Fill dialog ........................................................................ 1-34
1.5.8 Template ............................................................................. 1-36
1.5.9 Results Desktop .................................................................. 1-40
1.6 Printing ..................................................................................... 1-41
1.7 Using tools ............................................................................... 1-41
1.8 Making applications ................................................................. 1-42
1.8.1 Creating your own Session ................................................ 1-42 Selecting the Template .................................................. 1-42 General step ................................................................... 1-42 Selecting the measurement area .................................. 1-42 Defining the plate layout................................................ 1-42 Selecting Steps to the Procedure.................................. 1-43 Defining parameters to Steps........................................ 1-43 Processing results and reports...................................... 1-43 Executing the Session ................................................... 1-44
1.8.2 Executing loops of steps .................................................... 1-46
1.8.3 Modifying an existing session............................................ 1-47
1.8.4 Example applications.......................................................... 1-47
1.8.5 Running an application from the example applications ... 1-48
1.9 Template Editor........................................................................ 1-49
1.10 Managing files .......................................................................... 1-50
1.10.1 Opening and saving Sessions............................................ 1-50
1.10.2 File structures...................................................................... 1-51
1.10.3 Importing and exporting..................................................... 1-51
1.10.4 Backup................................................................................. 1-51
2 Procedure Desktop .................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Menus (procedure) .................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 General .................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Session .................................................................................. 2-3
iv Ascent Software
User’s Guide New... ............................................................................... 2-3 Open................................................................................. 2-4 Save.................................................................................. 2-6 Save As... ......................................................................... 2-6 Print... ............................................................................... 2-8 Recently used file list....................................................... 2-8 Exit.................................................................................... 2-9
2.1.3 View....................................................................................... 2-9 Desktop Bar...................................................................... 2-9 Status Bar ....................................................................... 2-10 Tool Bar .......................................................................... 2-10 Tabs Bar ......................................................................... 2-11 Procedure....................................................................... 2-11 Results............................................................................ 2-11
2.1.4 Execute ............................................................................... 2-12 Procedure....................................................................... 2-12 Plate In............................................................................ 2-12 Plate Out......................................................................... 2-12 Prime (not CF) ................................................................ 2-12 Empty (not CF) ............................................................... 2-13
2.1.5 Steps ................................................................................... 2-14 General ........................................................................... 2-14 Session lock ....................................................................... 2-15 Area definition................................................................ 2-17 Point ................................................................................... 2-18 Middle Point....................................................................... 2-19 Whole Well......................................................................... 2-20 Horizontal Diagonal ........................................................... 2-21 Vertical Diagonal................................................................ 2-22 Remove .............................................................................. 2-22 Layout............................................................................. 2-23 Settings .......................................................................... 2-32 RunStatus ....................................................................... 2-36 Measure.......................................................................... 2-37 Single ................................................................................. 2-38 Dual .................................................................................... 2-40 Kinetic ................................................................................ 2-41 Dual kinetic ........................................................................ 2-42 Scanning ............................................................................ 2-42 Monitor............................................................................... 2-43 Dispense (not CF) .......................................................... 2-44 Dispense And Measure (not CF) ................................... 2-45
Ascent Software
User’s Guide v Incubate .......................................................................... 2-47 Shake.............................................................................. 2-49 Pause .............................................................................. 2-51 Save/Load ...................................................................... 2-54 Print ................................................................................ 2-56 Remove .......................................................................... 2-57 Inactivate ........................................................................ 2-57 Activate .......................................................................... 2-58 Print Current Step .......................................................... 2-58 Print All Steps ................................................................ 2-58
2.1.6 Setup ................................................................................... 2-59 Plate Templates.............................................................. 2-59 Filters .............................................................................. 2-62 Password ........................................................................ 2-65 Dispensers (not CF)........................................................ 2-66 Default settings ..................................................................2-66 Colors ............................................................................. 2-68 Printout ........................................................................... 2-69 Instrument Status........................................................... 2-73
2.1.7 Options ................................................................................ 2-77
2.1.8 Help ..................................................................................... 2-79
3 Results Desktop......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 General (results)......................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Standard Sheets.................................................................... 3-1 Measurements ................................................................. 3-1 Curves............................................................................... 3-3 Steps................................................................................. 3-3 RunStatus ......................................................................... 3-3
3.1.2 Basic operations.................................................................... 3-3 Sheet names..................................................................... 3-3 Sheet types and properties ............................................. 3-3 Linking sheets................................................................... 3-4 Enable/Disable values...................................................... 3-4
3.2 Menus (results)........................................................................... 3-5
3.2.1 General .................................................................................. 3-5
3.2.2 Session .................................................................................. 3-7 New................................................................................... 3-7 Open ... ............................................................................. 3-7 Save .................................................................................. 3-7 Save As ............................................................................ 3-7
vi Ascent Software
User’s Guide Print ... .............................................................................. 3-7 Last five sessions............................................................. 3-8 Exit.................................................................................... 3-8
3.2.3 Edit ........................................................................................ 3-8 Cut .................................................................................... 3-8 Copy ................................................................................. 3-8 Paste ................................................................................. 3-9 Paste Values..................................................................... 3-9 Clear ................................................................................. 3-9 Insert............................................................................... 3-10 Remove .......................................................................... 3-10 Cell Names ..................................................................... 3-11 Find and Replace ........................................................... 3-12 Go To Cell ...................................................................... 3-13 Enable/Disable ............................................................... 3-13
3.2.4 View..................................................................................... 3-14 Desktop Bar.................................................................... 3-14 Status Bar ....................................................................... 3-14 Tool Bar .......................................................................... 3-15 Tabs Bar ......................................................................... 3-16 Hide/Show Sheets... ...................................................... 3-16 Arrange Sheets... ........................................................... 3-17 Zoom In .......................................................................... 3-18 Zoom Out ....................................................................... 3-18 Procedure....................................................................... 3-18 Results............................................................................ 3-18
3.2.5 Print ..................................................................................... 3-19 Add Page Break ............................................................. 3-19 Add Col Page Break ....................................................... 3-19 Add Row Page Break ..................................................... 3-19 Remove Page Break....................................................... 3-19 Page Setup ..................................................................... 3-19 Set Print Area ................................................................. 3-24 Print Area ....................................................................... 3-24 Print Setup ..................................................................... 3-25 Print ................................................................................ 3-26
3.2.6 Format................................................................................. 3-27 Border............................................................................. 3-27 Font................................................................................. 3-28 Number .......................................................................... 3-30 Alignment....................................................................... 3-31
Ascent Software
User’s Guide vii Cell References .............................................................. 3-33
3.2.7 Sheet ................................................................................... 3-34 New Sheet... ................................................................... 3-34 Open Sheet..................................................................... 3-35 Save Sheet ..................................................................... 3-36 Save Sheet As... ............................................................. 3-37 Advanced Copy.............................................................. 3-38 Delete Sheet ................................................................... 3-39 Rename Sheet ................................................................ 3-39 Properties... .................................................................... 3-40
3.2.8 Process ................................................................................ 3-41 Function.......................................................................... 3-41 Graph .............................................................................. 3-46 Organize... ...................................................................... 3-47 Source ................................................................................3-48 Source and calculation ......................................................3-49 View....................................................................................3-50 Multipoint... .................................................................... 3-51 Source ................................................................................3-51 Calculation..........................................................................3-52 Blank Subtraction... ........................................................ 3-53 Precalculation................................................................. 3-54 Kinetic Processors.......................................................... 3-55 Source ................................................................................3-56 Calculation..........................................................................3-57 Ratio/Inhibition ............................................................... 3-62 Source ................................................................................3-62 Ratio/Inhibition Properties .................................................3-63 Curve Fit... ...................................................................... 3-64 Source ................................................................................3-65 Curve Fit .............................................................................3-66 Modify fit and graph... ..................................................3-69 Classification ......................................................................3-73 View....................................................................................3-75 Example Curve Fit sheet ....................................................3-76 Cut-Off... ......................................................................... 3-77 Source ................................................................................3-78 Classification ......................................................................3-79 View....................................................................................3-80
3.2.9 Setup ................................................................................... 3-82 Number........................................................................... 3-82
3.2.10 Help ..................................................................................... 3-84
Ascent Software
User’s Guide ix FLOOR ............................................................................ 4-26 HLOOKUP....................................................................... 4-26 HOUR.............................................................................. 4-28 IF ..................................................................................... 4-28 INDEX ............................................................................. 4-29 INDIRECT........................................................................ 4-30 INT .................................................................................. 4-30 ISBLANK......................................................................... 4-31 ISERR.............................................................................. 4-31 ISERROR......................................................................... 4-32 ISLOGICAL ..................................................................... 4-32 ISNA ............................................................................... 4-33 ISNONTEXT ................................................................... 4-33 ISNUMBER ..................................................................... 4-34 ISREF .............................................................................. 4-34 ISTEXT............................................................................ 4-35 LEFT................................................................................ 4-35 LEN ................................................................................. 4-36 LN ................................................................................... 4-36 LOG................................................................................. 4-37 LOG10............................................................................. 4-37 LOOKUP ......................................................................... 4-38 LOWER ........................................................................... 4-39 MATCH ........................................................................... 4-39 MAX................................................................................ 4-41 MID ................................................................................. 4-41 MIN ................................................................................. 4-42 MINUTE .......................................................................... 4-43 MOD ............................................................................... 4-44 MONTH .......................................................................... 4-44 N ..................................................................................... 4-45 NA................................................................................... 4-45 NOT ................................................................................ 4-46 NOW ............................................................................... 4-46 ODD ................................................................................ 4-47 OFFSET .......................................................................... 4-47 OR................................................................................... 4-49 PI..................................................................................... 4-49 PRODUCT....................................................................... 4-50 PROPER .......................................................................... 4-50 RAND.............................................................................. 4-51
x Ascent Software
User’s Guide REPLACE........................................................................ 4-51 REPT............................................................................... 4-52 RIGHT............................................................................. 4-53 ROUND........................................................................... 4-53 ROW ............................................................................... 4-54 ROWS............................................................................. 4-54 SEARCH ......................................................................... 4-55 SECOND......................................................................... 4-56 SIGN ............................................................................... 4-56 SIN.................................................................................. 4-57 SINH ............................................................................... 4-57 SQRT .............................................................................. 4-58 STDEV ............................................................................ 4-58 STDEVP.......................................................................... 4-59 SUBSTITUTE.................................................................. 4-59 SUM ............................................................................... 4-60 SUMSQ .......................................................................... 4-61 T ..................................................................................... 4-61 TAN ................................................................................ 4-62 TANH.............................................................................. 4-62 TEXT............................................................................... 4-63 TIME ............................................................................... 4-63 TIMEVALUE ................................................................... 4-64 TODAY ........................................................................... 4-64 TRIM............................................................................... 4-65 TRUE .............................................................................. 4-65 TRUNC ........................................................................... 4-65 TYPE............................................................................... 4-66 UPPER ............................................................................ 4-67 VALUE ............................................................................ 4-67 VAR ................................................................................ 4-68 VARP .............................................................................. 4-68 VLOOKUP....................................................................... 4-69 WEEKDAY...................................................................... 4-70 YEAR .............................................................................. 4-71
4.3 Chart reference ........................................................................ 4-72
4.3.1 Chart terminology............................................................... 4-72
4.3.2 Chart data grid .................................................................... 4-73
4.3.3 Chart types.......................................................................... 4-74 Area charts ..................................................................... 4-74 Bar charts ....................................................................... 4-74
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xi Horizontal bar charts...................................................... 4-74 Clustered bar charts....................................................... 4-74 Line charts ...................................................................... 4-75 Step charts ..................................................................... 4-75 Combination charts........................................................ 4-75 Pie and doughnut charts................................................ 4-75 Radar charts ................................................................... 4-75 XY charts........................................................................ 4-76 Polar charts .................................................................... 4-76 Bubble charts ................................................................. 4-76 Hi-Lo charts .................................................................... 4-77 Gantt charts.................................................................... 4-77
4.3.4 Selecting chart elements .................................................... 4-78
4.3.5 Formatting chart elements ................................................. 4-80
4.3.6 Floating menu ..................................................................... 4-80
4.3.7 Double-clicking chart elements.......................................... 4-83
4.3.8 Using dialog boxes ............................................................. 4-84
4.4 Remote Control Interface ........................................................ 4-85
4.5 Computer control commands ................................................. 4-94
4.5.1 Remote commands of the Ascent Instrument .................. 4-94
4.5.2 Protocol ............................................................................... 4-94
4.5.3 Command format................................................................ 4-94
4.5.4 Response format................................................................. 4-95
4.5.5 Buffering.............................................................................. 4-95
4.6 Warning and error messages .................................................. 4-96
4.6.1 Serial communication......................................................... 4-96
4.6.2 Printer .................................................................................. 4-97
4.6.3 Sheet ................................................................................... 4-97
4.6.4 File input/output.................................................................. 4-99
4.6.5 User input/output.............................................................. 4-100
4.6.6 Steplist............................................................................... 4-100
4.6.7 Miscellaneous ................................................................... 4-101
4.6.8 Reader type related........................................................... 4-102
4.6.9 Multiskan Ascent related .................................................. 4-102
4.6.10 Fluoroskan Ascent (including FL & CF), Luminoskan
Ascent and Nepheloskan Ascent related......................... 4-107
4.6.11 iEMS Reader MF related................................................... 4-115
4.7 File types used in Ascent Software....................................... 4-122
4.7.1 Work file types .................................................................. 4-122
4.8 Parts of the screen ................................................................. 4-123
4.8.1 General .............................................................................. 4-123
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xiii
2-D................................................................................ 4-72, 4-74, 4-75, 4-79
3-D.............................................................. 4-73, 4-74, 4-75, 4-79, 4-80, 4-84
base or wall ..........................................................................................4-84
Abbreviations .............................................................................4-128, 4-141
Activeness of layout fields ......................................................................2-31
Alarm...............................................................................................1-30, 2-52
All button1-1, 1-23, 1-44, 1-51, 2-2, 2-13, 2-14, 2-58, 2-66, 2-71, 3-9, 3-12,
3-17, 3-22, 3-34, 3-38, 3-58, 3-71, 4-12, 4-45, 4-50, 4-76, 4-88, 4-94, 4-95
Ambient temperature ......................................................... 2-48, 2-77, 4-128
Append ....................................................................................................2-55
Apply button ........... 1-33, 1-35, 2-25, 2-26, 2-28, 2-30, 2-31, 3-2, 3-52, 3-83
Area definition
Horizontal Diagonal .............................................................................2-21
Middle Point ........................................................... 1-30, 1-45, 2-19, 4-125
Point ................................................................ 2-17, 2-18, 2-19, 3-69, 3-71
Vertical Diagonal..................................................................................2-22
Whole Well ..................................................................................1-31, 2-20
ASCII ...........................................1-51, 2-54, 2-55, 4-94, 4-122, 4-129, 4-137
Auto format.....................................................................................3-82, 3-83
runtime Curves ...........................................................................1-45, 2-78
session name generation ....................................................................2-78
Autoname .......................................................................................2-55, 4-91
Average rate ............................................................................................3-58
Axis ....................... 4-72, 4-74, 4-75, 4-76, 4-77, 4-79, 4-80, 4-81, 4-82, 4-83
title ............................................................................ 4-79, 4-81, 4-82, 4-83
A-Z Worksheet Function Reference........................................................4-97
Backdrop...................................................................... 4-80, 4-81, 4-82, 4-83
legend..........................................................................................4-81, 4-83
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xv
START ............................................................................... 4-87, 4-90, 4-93
Comment ..................................................................... 1-23, 1-42, 2-15, 3-76
Configuration .................................................................... 1-18, 4-133, 4-140
Continue button.................................................................... 2-52, 2-53, 4-92
Control1-6, 1-32, 1-34, 2-9, 2-24, 2-26, 2-31, 3-78, 4-1, 4-35, 4-36, 4-51, 4-
60, 4-86, 4-133, 4-151
Copy button .................................1-33, 1-45, 2-25, 3-6, 3-8, 3-15, 3-38, 4-82
Cubic polynomial.................................................................. 3-69, 3-70, 3-71
Cubic spline ....................................................................................3-69, 3-71
Curve Fit1-2, 1-41, 3-4, 3-6, 3-13, 3-15, 3-64, 3-66, 3-69, 3-73, 3-74, 3-75,
3-77, 3-82, 4-99, 4-126
Curves ............................................1-2, 1-45, 1-46, 2-42, 2-78, 3-3, 3-4, 3-58
Cut-off1-2, 3-4, 3-6, 3-13, 3-15, 3-53, 3-73, 3-74, 3-76, 3-77, 3-80, 3-81, 3-
Data point.................................3-58, 4-72, 4-74, 4-77, 4-79, 4-81, 4-82, 4-84
label .......................................................................... 4-79, 4-81, 4-82, 4-84
Diameter .................................................................... 2-50, 2-59, 2-61, 4-108
Directories1-5, 1-9, 1-16, 1-39, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-55, 2-78, 3-35, 3-37, 4-
85, 4-86, 4-88, 4-89, 4-90, 4-96, 4-135, 4-140, 4-144, 4-152
Dispense all and measure........................................... 1-26, 1-29, 2-34, 2-45
settings ........................................................................................1-13, 1-27
Drives1-4, 1-7, 1-15, 1-30, 1-51, 2-5, 2-6, 2-8, 2-12, 3-36, 3-38, 4-92, 4-118,
4-119, 4-120, 4-137, 4-138
Edit .............................. 3-5, 3-6, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, 3-12, 3-13, 3-46, 4-144
Cell Names ....................................................................................3-6, 3-11
Clear ............................... 1-33, 1-36, 2-25, 2-28, 2-30, 2-31, 3-6, 3-9, 3-47
Copy .........................................1-33, 1-45, 2-25, 3-6, 3-8, 3-15, 3-38, 4-82
Cut ....................................................................... 1-33, 2-25, 3-6, 3-8, 3-15
Enable/Disable .................................................... 3-4, 3-6, 3-13, 3-29, 3-64
Find and Replace ..........................................................................3-6, 3-12
Go To Cell......................................................................................3-6, 3-13
Insert............................................................ 3-6, 3-10, 4-115, 4-116, 4-121
Paste ................................................1-33, 2-25, 3-6, 3-9, 3-15, 4-82, 4-144
Paste Values....................................................................................3-6, 3-9
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xvii
Font............................................................................... 3-5, 3-6, 3-28, 4-83
Number1-35, 2-27, 2-29, 2-31, 3-5, 3-6, 3-30, 3-44, 3-73, 3-79, 3-82, 3-
83, 3-84, 4-21, 4-66, 4-89
Four parameter logistic ........................................................ 3-69, 3-71, 4-97
Glossary .................................................................................................4-128
Gridline..............................................1-28, 2-36, 2-71, 3-22, 4-79, 4-83, 4-84
Help ..........................................1-17, 2-2, 2-79, 3-6, 3-84, 4-98, 4-133, 4-144
HIS/LIMS systems ...................................................................................4-85
iEMS Reader MF ....................................................................................4-115
Incubation time..................................................................... 1-46, 2-47, 2-48
Installation of Ascent Software..........................................................1-6, 1-7
communication ....................................................................................1-13
Integration time ......... 1-27, 2-35, 2-38, 2-39, 2-42, 3-2, 4-107, 4-109, 4-114
Interval ....... 2-37, 2-40, 2-41, 2-42, 2-44, 2-46, 2-50, 2-51, 3-66, 3-71, 4-107
shaking .................................................................................................2-50
Keep dispenser syringe full ....................................................................2-78
dialogs and text lines.............................................................................4-2
Label......................... 4-76, 4-77, 4-78, 4-81, 4-82, 4-83, 4-128, 4-131, 4-133
Lag time .......................................................... 2-39, 2-50, 2-51, 4-106, 4-107
fill by using the fields...........................................................................2-26
fill by using the Fill dialog....................................................................2-28
Legend ..............................................4-76, 4-77, 4-78, 4-80, 4-81, 4-83, 4-84
Linear regression............................................................................3-58, 3-69
Linking sheets............................................................................................3-4
List Files of Type....................................................... 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 3-35, 3-38
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xix
Parts of the screen
desktops1-1, 1-12, 1-13, 1-14, 1-15, 1-19, 1-23, 1-24, 1-25, 1-28, 1-29, 1-
30, 1-31, 1-36, 1-40, 1-41, 1-43, 1-46, 2-1, 2-2, 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 2-24, 2-
36, 2-42, 2-51, 2-52, 2-54, 2-55, 2-57, 3-1, 3-3, 3-6, 3-7, 3-14, 3-15, 3-
18, 3-21, 3-64, 3-77, 4-90, 4-127, 4-128
menu bar ......................3-5, 4-1, 4-124, 4-136, 4-141, 4-144, 4-145, 4-147
status bar.......................................2-2, 2-10, 3-6, 3-14, 3-15, 4-127, 4-149
Steplist1-1, 1-2, 1-20, 1-21, 1-23, 1-30, 1-41, 1-43, 1-46, 2-37, 2-44, 2-45,
2-47, 2-49, 2-51, 2-54, 2-56, 2-57, 4-100, 4-124, 4-125, 4-128
tabview1-17, 1-28, 1-40, 1-42, 2-9, 2-14, 2-15, 2-36, 2-48, 2-79, 3-14, 3-
73, 3-75, 3-80, 3-85, 4-83, 4-84, 4-123, 4-127, 4-150
toolbar .......1-43, 2-1, 2-2, 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-14, 3-15, 4-124
Plate acceleration ...........................................................................1-27, 2-34
Plate template1-2, 1-12, 1-16, 1-19, 1-23, 1-30, 1-36, 1-37, 1-42, 1-48, 1-49,
1-50, 2-3, 2-15, 2-59, 4-150, 4-151
Plot ............................................................. 3-46, 4-76, 4-78, 4-80, 4-83, 4-84
PMT voltage..................................2-39, 2-40, 2-74, 2-75, 2-76, 4-111, 4-112
Point to point ..................................................................................3-69, 3-71
Prime tip..........................................................................................2-45, 2-46
Print1-17, 1-22, 1-30, 1-41, 1-45, 2-2, 2-8, 2-11, 2-30, 2-56, 2-57, 2-58, 2-
71, 2-73, 2-79, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-19, 3-22, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26, 3-85, 4-82, 4-
97, 4-125
Add Col Page Break ......................................................................3-6, 3-19
Add Page Break.............................................................................3-6, 3-19
Add Row Page Break ....................................................................3-6, 3-19
Page Setup ....................................................................................3-6, 3-19
Print1-17, 1-22, 1-30, 1-41, 1-45, 2-2, 2-8, 2-11, 2-30, 2-56, 2-57, 2-58, 2-
71, 2-73, 2-79, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-19, 3-22, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26, 3-85, 4-82,
4-97, 4-125
Print Area ......................................................................................3-6, 3-24
Print Setup.....................................................................................3-6, 3-25
Remove Page Break......................................................................3-6, 3-19
Set Print Area ...................................................................... 2-57, 3-6, 3-24
Print button1-17, 1-22, 1-30, 1-41, 1-45, 2-2, 2-8, 2-11, 2-30, 2-56, 2-57, 2-
58, 2-71, 2-73, 2-79, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-19, 3-22, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26, 3-85, 4-
82, 4-97, 4-125
Blank Subtraction............................3-4, 3-6, 3-13, 3-53, 3-77, 3-82, 4-126
xx Ascent Software
User’s Guide
Curve Fit1-2, 1-41, 3-4, 3-6, 3-13, 3-15, 3-64, 3-66, 3-69, 3-73, 3-74, 3-75,
3-77, 3-82, 4-99, 4-126
Cut-Off......................1-2, 3-4, 3-6, 3-13, 3-15, 3-73, 3-77, 3-80, 3-81, 3-82
Function ..................................................... 1-2, 3-6, 3-41, 3-42, 3-43, 3-44
Graph .................................................................... 1-2, 3-3, 3-6, 3-46, 3-47
Kinetic Processors ...............................................................3-6, 3-55, 3-82
Multipoint....................................................................3-6, 3-51, 3-52, 3-82
Organize .................................................................................3-3, 3-6, 3-47
Precalculation ................................................. 3-6, 3-54, 3-55, 3-82, 4-113
Ratio/Inhibition............................................................3-6, 3-62, 3-63, 3-82
Product support ........................................................................................ 1-3
Prompt on Replace ........................................................................ 3-12, 3-33
Protocol ........................................................................................ 4-94, 4-145
Quadratic polynomial..................................................................... 3-69, 3-70
Quartic polynomial......................................................................... 3-69, 3-70
R2 ............................................................................................................. 3-77
command....................4-85, 4-86, 4-87, 4-88, 4-89, 4-90, 4-92, 4-93, 4-94
control interface.......................................................................... 4-85, 4-87
function ................................................................................................ 4-92
mode .................................................................................................... 4-87
use........................................................................................................ 4-87
Requirements ....................................................... 1-4, 1-5, 1-8, 4-111, 4-136
Response . 4-87, 4-89, 4-90, 4-91, 4-92, 4-93, 4-94, 4-95, 4-96, 4-135, 4-143
file................................................................................................ 4-89, 4-90
format................................................................................................... 4-95
Robotics.................................................................................4-85, 4-89, 4-91
Run plate out ........................................................................................... 2-52
Run program ........................................................................................... 2-53
RunStatus ...... 1-28, 1-40, 1-41, 2-36, 3-3, 3-4, 3-20, 3-24, 3-39, 3-40, 4-127
Scale ..................2-62, 2-72, 3-20, 3-23, 3-67, 3-72, 4-81, 4-83, 4-111, 4-152
Scaling ................................................................ 2-63, 2-64, 2-74, 2-75, 2-76
Select reading ......................................................................................... 3-61
Select sheet(s) to print ............................................................................ 2-57
Send string .............................................................................................. 2-53
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xxi
Serial port .................................................. 1-4, 2-53, 2-77, 4-94, 4-96, 4-148
settings .................................................................................................2-53
Series1-35, 2-24, 2-26, 2-27, 2-29, 2-30, 2-31, 3-46, 3-58, 4-49, 4-72, 4-73,
4-74, 4-75, 4-76, 4-77, 4-78, 4-79, 4-80, 4-81, 4-82, 4-84
label .......................................................................... 4-78, 4-81, 4-82, 4-84
autosave ...............................................................................................2-78
Exit............................................................................. 1-7, 2-2, 2-9, 3-6, 3-8
New1-42, 1-49, 1-50, 2-2, 2-3, 2-11, 2-55, 2-67, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-
34, 3-40
Open1-7, 1-15, 1-33, 1-47, 1-48, 2-2, 2-4, 2-5, 2-11, 2-25, 2-26, 3-6, 3-7,
3-15, 3-35, 4-124
Print1-17, 1-22, 1-30, 1-41, 1-45, 2-2, 2-8, 2-11, 2-30, 2-56, 2-57, 2-58, 2-
71, 2-73, 2-79, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-19, 3-22, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26, 3-85, 4-82,
4-97, 4-125
Save1-22, 1-30, 1-33, 1-46, 1-48, 2-2, 2-6, 2-11, 2-25, 2-54, 2-55, 2-73, 3-
6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-36, 3-37, 4-82, 4-88, 4-91, 4-101, 4-124, 4-125, 4-146
Save As ................. 1-33, 2-2, 2-6, 2-25, 3-6, 3-7, 4-82, 4-88, 4-124, 4-146
Settings1-6, 1-12, 1-13, 1-20, 1-21, 1-26, 1-27, 1-29, 1-46, 2-14, 2-32, 2-33,
2-35, 2-39, 2-45, 2-47, 2-50, 2-53, 2-66, 2-67, 3-83, 4-80, 4-97
Colors ..............................................1-12, 1-18, 2-2, 2-24, 2-68, 3-64, 3-77
Dispensers ........................................................ 1-12, 1-13, 2-2, 2-66, 2-73
Filters ................................................................. 1-12, 1-13, 1-14, 2-2, 2-62
Instrument Status................................................ 1-3, 1-13, 2-2, 2-40, 2-73
Number1-35, 2-27, 2-29, 2-31, 3-5, 3-6, 3-30, 3-44, 3-73, 3-79, 3-82, 3-
83, 3-84, 4-21, 4-66, 4-89
Password.................................................................... 1-12, 1-14, 2-2, 2-65
Plate Templates ....................................... 1-12, 1-18, 1-42, 1-49, 2-2, 2-59
Printout.............................................................. 1-12, 1-18, 2-2, 2-69, 3-21
Advanced Copy................................................... 3-5, 3-6, 3-38, 3-40, 3-50
Delete ....................................................... 1-49, 2-60, 3-6, 3-15, 3-39, 4-98
New1-42, 1-49, 1-50, 2-2, 2-3, 2-11, 2-55, 2-67, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-
34, 3-40
Open1-7, 1-15, 1-33, 1-47, 1-48, 2-2, 2-4, 2-5, 2-11, 2-25, 2-26, 3-6, 3-7,
3-15, 3-35, 4-124
Properties1-6, 3-2, 3-4, 3-6, 3-25, 3-40, 3-47, 3-51, 3-53, 3-54, 3-55, 3-63,
3-64, 3-77, 4-85
Rename ................................................................................. 3-3, 3-6, 3-39
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xxiii
General1-6, 1-13, 1-20, 1-22, 1-23, 1-29, 1-42, 1-43, 1-46, 1-47, 2-1, 2-14,
2-15, 2-39, 2-45, 2-47, 3-1, 3-5, 3-30, 3-31, 4-1, 4-63, 4-80, 4-100, 4-
Inactivate .......................................................................................2-2, 2-57
Incubate................................1-22, 1-29, 1-47, 2-2, 2-11, 2-47, 2-48, 4-125
Measure1-22, 1-28, 1-29, 1-30, 1-40, 1-41, 1-43, 1-44, 1-46, 1-47, 2-2, 2-
11, 2-37, 2-39, 2-42, 2-45, 2-46, 2-50, 2-51, 2-55, 2-64, 2-73, 3-1, 3-2,
3-3, 3-13, 3-36, 3-38, 3-43, 3-52, 3-82, 4-98, 4-100, 4-101, 4-106, 4-
124, 4-130
Pause ................. 1-22, 1-30, 2-2, 2-11, 2-51, 2-52, 2-53, 4-90, 4-92, 4-125
Print1-17, 1-22, 1-30, 1-41, 1-45, 2-2, 2-8, 2-11, 2-30, 2-56, 2-57, 2-58, 2-
71, 2-73, 2-79, 3-6, 3-7, 3-15, 3-19, 3-22, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26, 3-85, 4-82,
4-97, 4-125
Remove1-42, 1-43, 2-2, 2-17, 2-22, 2-57, 2-63, 3-6, 3-10, 3-19, 4-100, 4-
Save/Load...........................1-22, 1-30, 2-2, 2-11, 2-54, 4-91, 4-101, 4-125
Shake.............................................1-22, 1-29, 2-2, 2-11, 2-49, 2-50, 4-125
database .............................................................................. 1-2, 1-41, 1-42
editor .............................................1-2, 1-16, 1-41, 1-42, 1-49, 2-59, 4-151
Ticks ...................................................................................... 4-79, 4-81, 4-83
Time to change...............................................................................3-57, 3-60
Time to maximum (Peak) ........................................................................3-61
Time to maximum rate......................................................... 3-57, 3-59, 3-60
Title4-78, 4-80, 4-81, 4-83, 4-124, 4-128, 4-131, 4-133, 4-135, 4-136, 4-145,
Total time .............................................................................. 2-49, 2-50, 2-51
Transformation .......................................................... 3-72, 3-77, 4-97, 4-152
Unit......................................................... 2-38, 2-60, 3-2, 4-100, 4-130, 4-131
Using tools...............................................................................................1-41
Wait program...........................................................................................2-53
Wait string................................................................................................2-53
Waiting time....................................................................................2-52, 2-53
Validate ........................................................... 1-13, 2-62, 2-63, 4-107, 4-108
Validation ....................................1-13, 2-62, 2-74, 2-75, 4-112, 4-113, 4-153
Ascent Software
User’s Guide xxv
xxvi Ascent Software
User’s Guide
1 Overview
1.1 Introduction
Ascent Software is a powerful application which controls the Fluoroskan
Ascent FL, a combined fluorometer and luminometer, and the
Fluoroskan Ascent and Fluoroskan Ascent CF fluorometers. Note that
this User’s Guide describes functions of all these readers. Reader
functions that apply only to the Fluoroskan Ascent FL are marked as “FL
Note that all the functions for the Fluoroskan Ascent described in this
User’s Guide also apply to the Fluoroskan Ascent CF with the exception
of all information on dispensers and dispensing (marked as “not CF”).
Note: Problems with the version string will arise if the EPROM in the
instrument is of an older version. The EPROM must then be
replaced. With an older EPROM you might get connected to
the instrument, but the instrument will not necessarily operate
correctly. Use only EPROM version 2.5 with Ascent Software
version 2.6.
• DO NOT use any directory names more than eight characters
long. Ascent Software does not support long directory names.
• DO NOT use any nonstandard characters in Ascent Software.
• DO NOT use a dot character in the directory name. The dot
character is reserved for the extension.
To install:
1. Exit all open applications and insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
If the installation program does not automatically run, perform the
following steps.
3. In the Open box, type your CD-ROM drive letter and then type
\setup. For example, E:\setup.
The SETUP first copies its setup files to your hard disk. It searches for a
location on the user's hard disk to copy its temporary files. If the SETUP
finds a workable temporary location, it starts running the installation
• DO NOT use any directory names more than eight characters
long. Ascent Software does not support long directory names.
• DO NOT use any nonstandard characters in Ascent Software.
• DO NOT use a dot character in the directory name. The dot
character is reserved for the extension.
No session files installed. No help files installed.
You may choose what components are installed; program files, help
files, and/or session files.
The next dialog allows the selection or the addition of a program folder:
The following options are available in the Setup menu on the Procedure
• Password. The user can add and change the system password.
• Colors. The user can define the colors for the different well types.
1.3.8 Dispensers
The dispenser units (from 0 to 3) are connected to the instrument via the
serial interface (not CF).
Note: Filter setup is required before using the instrument. Ensure the
filters in Setup → Filters are exactly the same and exactly in
the same positions as in the filter wheel.
1.3.10 Password
The program contains a password system, which can be switched on or
off in Setup → Password. The password is requested once the program
is started:
There is one password for the program, which can be changed by the
user. The given password is cryptic (for more information, see Section
Setup|Password in the Procedure Desktop part of the manual). If the
password is accepted, the program starts.
• File Name. Select or type the name of the Session you want to
open. The fixed extension of the filename is *.sef for the Fluoroskan
Ascent and Fluoroskan Ascent CF, and *.sec for the Fluoroskan
Ascent FL. The Fluoroskan Ascent FL can, however, read *.sec,
*.sef, and *.sel (Luminoskan Ascent luminometric file) files, but only
save them as *.sec files.
• Drives. Select the drive in which the program stores the Session you
want to open.
• Back. Takes you back to the previous view in your view history.
You can access the help content in three different ways by selecting one
of the following tabs:
1.4 Configuration
The Setup menu is used when the configuration of one of the following
parts of the system is changed:
• Plate Templates
• Instrument - filter parameters
• Passwords - starting the password system and changing passwords
• Dispenser Setup
• Colors
• Printout Setup.
Dispenser Setup
The Execute menu contains tools which are needed when the dispenser
units are primed or emptied.
1.5.1 Session
The program is based on sessions. A session contains a plate template,
a measurement/dispensing area, a plate layout, steps and calculation
information defined by the user. The user can create a new, save the
current and load an old session. Only one session can be loaded at a
time. When a new session is created, the type of plate template is
requested. This template selection defines the dimensions of the plate
and wells. The user can enter the well specification with the plate layout.
Layouts can be saved as files and layouts can be loaded from files to the
sessions. In the Area definition window, the user can select the wells to
be measured.
1.5.2 Desktops
The Desktop is the main window area of the program. There are two
desktops available: Procedure Desktop, and Results Desktop.
1.5.4 Steplist
The Steplist is a collection of all the Steps defined for a session. You can
add and delete steps from the Steplist. The Steplist has a vertical scroll
bar for viewing the Steps with the mouse. The scroll bar is displayed
when the steps do not fit completely in the window. The scroll bar is
located to the right of the Steplist. You can also add or remove an active
step from the Steplist by using the right mouse button in the Steplist
1.5.5 Steps
Steps is a collection of basic operations that are performed in a certain
sequence. You can/have to designate each step with a specific name.
The step parameters are requested in the Parameters entry area. For
Fluoroskan Ascent FL the measurement method (luminometric or
fluorometric) can be defined for each measurement step. Every
measurement and dispense step may have a specific area definition,
settings and plate layout. In that case you have to click Overwrite
general step settings and define the area, settings and layout.
All the common parameters are printed in the worksheet named “Steps”
on the Results Desktop.
With these settings you can adjust the speeds of the optional dispensers
to gain optimal dispensing results. The default setting 18 is suitable for a
viscosity equal to that of water. The dispenser speed setting defines the
speed as % of the maximum possible speed with that dispenser.
• Dispenser 1 (1...100). Defines the dispensing speed of dispenser
number 1.
• Dispenser 2 (1...100). Defines the dispensing speed of dispenser
number 2.
• Dispenser 3 (1...100). Defines the dispensing speed of dispenser
number 3.
The measurement method can be set in this step, the method can be
either fluorometric or luminometric (FL only).
The Measure step contains the following measurement types with their
own parameters:
• Single
• Dual
• Kinetic
• Dual kinetic
• Scanning
• Monitor
The step has a check box Overwrite general step settings, which breaks
up the dispensing and measuring to work in loops. If the Execute by
1...n wells value is 1, the dispensing and measuring is carried out well
by well through the selected area. If the value is over 1, e.g. 3,
dispensing and measuring is carried out to the next 3 wells. The
selected area is handled in groups of 3 wells (for more information, see
Section Steps|Measure in the Procedure Desktop part of the manual).
The Dispense all and measure check box in General step Settings
affects the Dispense And Measure step (see Section General step
Settings on p. 1-26).
• individual points
For more information, see Area definition in the Procedure Desktop part
of the manual.
• Type. You can select the type of item from the drop-down list. This
can be either CALIBR., CONTROL, SAMPLE or BLANK.
• Assay. The name of the assay is required when you have several
assays on the same plate.
• Apply. You can apply the well specification from the data fields to
the selected well(s).
• Save As. You can save the modified layout as a layout file.
• Fill. You can open the Fill dialog. Using the Fill dialog you can
automatically specify as many wells as you want to, and the well
name is automatically numbered to give each well unique names.
You can open files with *.pla and *.lay extensions and save files with
the *.pla extension.
• Type. You can select the type of item from the drop-down list. This
can be either CALIBR., CONTROL, SAMPLE or BLANK.
• Name. You can edit the name of the item, and by using max. 50
characters in the beginning the software will automatically number
the wells uniquely.
• Load ID’s. Loads a list of sample IDs from a text file and uses these
as sample names. (Only with SAMPLE type). The samples must be
separated by a line feed in the text file, i.e. each sample on it’s own
• Fill replicates and blanks. You can select the filling order of the
replicates and blanks.
• Operators: Multiply (*), Divide (/), Add (+), Subtract (-). You can
select the operator used in the calculation of concentrations in
calibration series and in the calculation of dilutions in sample
dilution series.
• Clear all. Removes the specification of all the wells on the plate.
For more information, see Layout in the Procedure Desktop part of the
1.5.8 Template
The user can create and modify up to a 100 different plate templates –
select Setup → Plate templates → Modify. The plate template list is
configured by defining the default template and enabling/disabling
Each measurement step creates one sheet for the measured raw data to
the Results Desktop. The sheets are named automatically according to
the corresponding measurement step. The name of the raw results
sheet is the same as the name of the measurement step (e.g.
Now you have a session of your own to run and modify, when needed.
Note: Example files marked with a “d” are demo applications that
cannot be run, for example: exampled.lay. Example files
without the letter “d” in the end can be used with the
instrument, for example: example.lay.
When Plate Templates is selected, the list box shown contains all the
plate templates found in the TEMPLATE.CNF file. New plate templates
or modifications in the list are saved in the TEMPLATE.CNF file when the
dialog is closed using the OK button. If the dialog is closed using the
Cancel button, no changes are saved.
In the list box, items marked with Enabled are enabled, those marked
with Disabled are disabled and the one that is marked with Default is the
default definition.
When you press the Modify template button, the Template Parameters
dialog appears. This dialog is used when the parameters of the plate
definition are modified.
1.10.4 Backup
Note: If you want to make a backup copy of a session, make sure you
save all four session-specific files: *.sef/*.sec, *.vtg, *.vtb, and
2.1.1 General
You can quickly choose the most commonly used commands by using
the mouse to click the button on the tool bar.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-1
Menu layout
You can create a new session with the New command. The program
proposes a default name for the session, “NONAME.SEF” (Fluoroskan
Ascent and Fluoroskan Ascent CF)/”NONAME.SEC” (Fluoroskan Ascent
The dialog list box contains all the plate template definitions found in the
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-3
If the current session has been modified and has not been saved, an
option to save the changes is given: Open...
Use this command to open an existing Session. You can only have one
session open at a time. Change to another session by opening that
• File Name. The box lets you enter the name of the file to open, or a
file specification to limit the files which are displayed in the list box.
The list box displays the filenames in the current directory that
match the file specifications in the box.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-5
• List Files of Type. Lets you select the file types you want displayed.
With regard to sessions, the fixed file extension is always *.sef for
the Fluoroskan Ascent and Fluoroskan Ascent CF, and *.sec for the
Fluoroskan Ascent FL. The Fluoroskan Ascent FL can also read *.sef
and *.sel (Luminoskan Ascent luminometric file) files in addition to
*.sec files.
• Directories. Select the directory in which the program stores the
Session you want to open.
• Drives. Select the drive in which the program stores the Session you
want to open.
• Network... . Displays a dialog box with available network servers so
you can connect to a different server when your system is running
on the supported network. Save
Use this command to save the current Session and its name and
location. With regard to sessions, the file extension is always *.sef for
the Fluoroskan Ascent and Fluoroskan Ascent CF, and *.sec for the
Fluoroskan Ascent FL.
Use this command to save the current Session with a new name.
Note: To save a Session with its existing name and location, use the
Save command.
• DO NOT use any file or directory names more than eight
characters long. Ascent Software does not support long file or
directory names.
• DO NOT use any nonstandard characters in Ascent Software.
• DO NOT use a dot character in the directory name. The dot
character is reserved for the extension.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-7
• Directories. Select the directory in which you want to store the
• Drives. Select the drive in which you want to store the Session.
• Network... . Displays a dialog box of available network servers so
you can connect to a different server when your system is running
on the supported network. Print...
Print... (Session menu)
The Print command displays the Print dialog box where you can select
printout(s) to print.
Use this command to exit the program. You can also use the Close
command in the Control menu of the program.
If changes have been made, the program prompts you to save the
Session before exiting.
2.1.3 View Desktop Bar
Desktop Bar (View menu)
The Desktop tabviews are located to the right of the active desktop. The
Desktop tabview selects the active desktop for the program. When the
desktop is changed, the menus and tool bars also change.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-9 Status Bar
Status Bar (View menu)
When a command is selected, the left side of the status bar briefly
describes the command. Normally the status bar shows the line state of
the instrument, the beam size, the actual temperature and the current
Note: The status bar at the bottom of the screen also displays
information about a selected command.
Use the Status Bar command in the View menu to display or hide the
status bar.
Along the top of the Desktop window, you can see a horizontal strip
containing several tools - this is the tool bar. It offers the most
commonly used functions in the menu as tool buttons. Although these
buttons perform the same functions as their menu counterparts, they
are more convenient to use.
Use this command to display the Tabs Bar either on top of the view or in
the bottom of the view. Procedure
Procedure (View menu) Results
Results (View menu)
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-11
2.1.4 Execute Procedure Plate In
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-13
• Empty dispenser. Empties the selected dispenser. Only the buttons
of the installed dispensers are enabled.
2.1.5 Steps
The selections of the Area definition, Layout and Settings tabviews
apply as default throughout all selected steps unless the steps have
them defined with the Overwrite general step settings check box. General
The General step is the first step of every session. The user cannot add
or remove the General step. There is no shortcut button for the General
1. Click Unlock.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-15
2. Type the password and click OK. You may now edit the
To remove lock:
1. Click Unlock.
The floating menu appears by pressing the right mouse button in the
Area definition window. The command buttons are situated top left of
the Area definition window.
After defining the tool, select the area by painting the desired area. Wells
are added to or removed from the measurement area depending on the
tool. The points marked yellow are selected, black ones are not.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-17 Point
Use this command to define that the middle point of the well is to be
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-19 Whole Well
Use this command to define that all the points of the well are to be
Use this command to define that the horizontal diagonal of the well is to
be measured.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-21 Vertical Diagonal
Use this command to define that the vertical diagonal of the well is to be
measured. Remove
Use this button to define the tool to “Remove wells from the
measurement area”.
The Layout Editor is used to enter and change the well data. The well
data can be filled using two different approaches. By using the fields and
buttons in the Layout Editor the wells are filled manually (A). For a more
enhanced filling the Fill dialog should be used (B). You can change the
well type color by selecting Setup → Color.
To select the well(s) click one of the wells in the window or keep the left
mouse button down and drag it over the wells you want to select.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-23
The well data contains the type and name of the item in the well. The
calibrator well data also contains the concentration of the item. The
sample well data contains the dilution of the sample.
• Open . Opens the list of layout files. The layout can be selected
to the editor from the list. You can open files with the *.lay and
*.pla extensions. The *.lay file is a layout file that is automatically
generated by Ascent Software whenever a whole session is saved.
The *.lay file always has the same name as the corresponding
session file. The *.pla file is a user-generated layout file that is
named manually with the Save As function.
• Save As . Opens the list of layout files. The name of the file to
be saved can be typed or selected from the list of existing *.pla
files. You can save files only with the *.pla extension.
• Fill. Opens the Fill dialog to enable a more automated filling of the
wells with user-defined parameters.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-25
Fill by using the fields
Select the type of the well from the drop-down list and enter the name
of the item. You can also key in a concentration for the calibrator or
enter a dilution (1:n) for the sample. You can specify Assay for all types
of wells. Press the Apply button to apply the data to the well(s).
The data of all replicates is changed at the same time (except for the
SAMPLE type). The names of the specific blanks are also changed if the
name of the original sample is changed.
The editability of the fields depends on the selection in the Type field. If
several wells of different types are selected with the mouse drag, only
Assay can be edited. If all the selected wells have the same type and
name, Name can also be edited. Concentration/Dilution 1: can be
edited when all the selected wells have the same type of CALIBR. or
SAMPLE, the same name and the same concentration or dilution.
B. Open the Fill dialog by pressing the Fill button. The Fill dialog
contains the following buttons and fields:
• Type. The type of well is either CALIBR., CONTROL, SAMPLE or
• Name. The name of the item corresponds to that in the Layout
Editor. The name “Blank” is allowed only with the type BLANK.
The maximum length of the name is generally 50 characters, with
the exception of the type BLANK. Ascent Software automatically
numbers different items, concentrations and dilutions in series. This
number is added as an extension to the name given by the user. The
numbering of the samples in the dilution series has a space, a
running number, a slash, and a running dilution number.
The user can give a name maximum 50 characters for the type
Depending on the characters used, the whole name should be
visible in the well data if the length of the name is 9 to 10 characters
or less in layout and 9 characters in cell (including running number
and dilution). Otherwise the whole name is only displayed in the
Name field, and the first 9 to 10 characters are displayed in the well.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-27
• Navigate. You can move on the microplate in different directions
and select a desired well with the Navigate arrows.
• Apply. Applies the data to the wells according to the field entries.
• Close. Closes the Fill dialog.
• Clear. Removes the data from the fields of the selected well and its
replicates and specific blanks.
• Clear all. Removes the data from all the wells.
Select the type of well from the drop-down list and enter the name of
the item.
Enter the name of the assay with the Assay field. The maximum length
of the assay name is 20 characters.
The filling order of the items can be selected with the Filling order
buttons either down or across.
The filling order of replicates and blanks can be selected by using the Fill
replicates and blanks buttons either down or across.
When the type of well is “CALIBR.”, you can enter the number of
calibrators used in the calibration series in the No. of
calibrators/dilutions field. The names of the calibrators are generated
automatically by adding numbers to the item name. Alternatively, when
the type of well is “SAMPLE”, you can enter the number of dilutions
used in the dilution series. The names are not generated but the dilution
series is made for the same item.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-29
calculation is made by using the basic value in the
Concentration/Dilution 1: field and the value in the By field.
The filling order of the item in the series can be selected with the Filling
order buttons either down or across.
Press the Apply button to apply the data to the well(s). Only empty wells
are filled; reserved wells are not overwritten.
Press the Close button when you want to close the Fill dialog.
Press the Clear button to remove data from the fields of the selected
well and its replicates and specific blanks.
Press the Clear all button when you want to empty all the data of the
wells on the plate.
Note: The user can get a printout of the plate layout in Steps → Print
Current Step.
The Type field can be selected when the plate contains at least one
empty well.
The Name field can be edited when the type is not BLANK.
The Assay, Filling order and Replicates fields can always be changed.
The Specific blanks field can be selected when the type is not BLANK.
The Fill replicates and blanks buttons can be selected when there is
more than one replicate or specific blank.
The Apply and Close buttons are active on every occasion and the Clear
all button is inactive only when the plate is empty. Apply is inactive
when all wells have been specified.
The Clear button is active when the selected well contains data.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-31 Settings
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-33
Execute by 1...n wells setting
1 well 8 wells 96 wells
Dispense1 for well A1 Dispense1 for wells A1 – H1 Dispense1 for wells A1 – H12
⇓ ⇓ ⇓
Measure1 for well A1 Measure1 for wells A1 – H1 Measure1 for wells A1 – H12
⇓ ⇓ ⇓
Dispense2 for well A1 Dispense2 for wells A1 – H1 Dispense2 for wells A1 – H12
⇓ ⇓ ⇓
Measure2 for well A1 Measure2 for wells A1 – H1 Measure2 for wells A1 – H12
⇓ ⇓
Dispense1 for well B1 Dispense1 for wells A2 – H2
⇓ ⇓
Measure1 for well B1 Measure1 for wells A2 – H2
⇓ ⇓
Dispense2 for well B1 Dispense2 for wells A2 – H2
⇓ ⇓
Measure2 for well B1 Measure2 for wells A2 – H2
⇓ ⇓
Dispense1 for well C1 Dispense1 for wells A3 – H3
⇓ ⇓
Measure1 for well C1 Measure1 for wells A3 – H3
⇓ ⇓
Dispense2 for well C1 Dispense2 for wells A3 – H3
⇓ ⇓
Measure2 for well C1 Measure2 for wells A3 – H3
⇓ ⇓
etc until well H12 etc until well H12
With these settings you can adjust the speeds of the optional dispensers
to gain optimal dispensing results. The default setting 18 is suitable for a
viscosity equal to that of water. The dispenser speed setting defines the
speed as % of the maximum possible speed with that dispenser.
• Dispenser 1 (1...100). Defines the dispensing speed of dispenser
number 1.
• Dispenser 2 (1...100). Defines the dispensing speed of dispenser
number 2.
• Dispenser 3 (1...100). Defines the dispensing speed of dispenser
number 3.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-35 RunStatus
RunStatus is the Status report of the last run of the Session. If the
session has not been run, the RunStatus tab is not visible on the
Procedure Desktop. RunStatus is generated both in Procedure Desktop
and Results Desktop. They are exactly identical except for the grid lines
in the RunStatus sheet generated on the Results Desktop. The
RunStatus sheet provides summary information on the session and
comprises the session name, program version, instrument type and
serial number, starting time of the run and the actual temperature. The
RunStatus report also includes data about the steps. In addition, the
RunStatus sheet reports the ending time of the run, number of warnings
and errors and the actual temperature.
Example printout
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-37 Single
In the Single measurement type the selected wells are measured once.
A single measurement result is taken from each measurement point.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-39
possible performance for luminometric measurements. The software
obtains the actual voltage from the instrument and it can be viewed
in the Instrument Status sheet.
• PMT voltage. If the Use default PMT voltage check box is
deselected, you can change the PMT voltage value from 300 to
1000. The initial value is factory-calibrated. Changing this value may
become necessary if very high signals are measured. Dual
In the Dual measurement type each point is measured twice using two
different filters (luminometric)/filter pairs (fluorometric), at first with one
filter/filter pair and then with another. Meas. interval defines the interval
time between the two measurements. Kinetic
In the Kinetic measurement type several measurements are taken from
the selected wells using the defined interval time. The number of
readings is defined in the Meas. count field.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-41
The general parameters for all the measurement types are described in
the Single section. The specific parameters for the Kinetic measurement
type are:
• Interval (hh:mm:ss.s). The time between the successive readings.
• Meas. count (1...1000). The number of consecutive measurements.
• Create Kinetic Curve-sheet. Automatically copies kinetic curves and
pastes them on a new sheet named [Measure] Curves on the
Results Desktop.
The parameters for the Dual Kinetic measurement type are the same as
for those in the Kinetic measurement type except that two filters/filter
pairs are used instead of one filter/filter pair. For more information about
parameters, see the Kinetic, Dual and Single (on p. 2-38) measurement
types. Scanning
Scans over the given area.
The parameters for the Area scanning measurement type are the same
as for the measurement type Single.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-43 Dispense (not CF)
Use this command to add a Dispense And Measure step to the Steplist.
With this step dispensing and measuring can be accurately timed, as
with separate Dispense/Measure steps timing is less accurate.
Note: The check box Dispense all and measure in General step
Settings affects the Dispense And Measure step (see General
step Instrument Settings in the Overview part of the manual).
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-45
The step is a combination of a Dispense step and a Measure step. Incubate
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-47
Note: To switch the incubation off, add an Incubate step and set the
Temperature to Ambient temperature (amb.temp.).
• Temperature. You can set the incubation temperature by sliding the
temperature regulator (from ambient temperature to +45°C).
• The temperature inside the instrument is approx. +3°C above
the ambient temperature.
• The following exception for Incubate steps applies: Incubate
steps with an Incubation time of zero are executed only once.
These are only used in order to break a loop.
Page Up 1 Down
Page Down 1 Up
End 45 Up Shake
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-49
• Diameter (1...50 mm). Defines the shaking amplitude.
• Speed (60...1200 rpm). Defines the shaking speed.
• Background mode. The shaking is carried out when the instrument
does not have any other tasks to perform, e.g. during lag times.
Note: Different time settings will affect the way the program performs
1. Interval shaking
If, for example, the Total time equals 30 s, the ON time 10 s and the OFF
time 5 s, then the instrument:
shakes 10 s ⇒ is idle 5 s ⇒ shakes 10 s ⇒ is idle 5 s = total 30 s
A Shake step with Background mode and the following time settings:
OFF time = If zero, will start shaking as soon as the instrument is idle,
which means that the shaking starts at the beginning of the Measure
step’s lag or interval time. If the OFF time is greater than the lag time or
the interval time, then the shaking will commence at the time set for the
ON time right before the measurement. Pause
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-51
Note: The plate ID can be referenced in the custom-made report
sheets or in the comment fields on the Results Desktop by
typing =Steps!Pause1_Plate_ID into a cell.
• Message. The message displayed to the user when the Pause step is
• Waiting time (hh:mm:ss). The Waiting time allows the user to
perform tasks while the plate is out between measurements. After
the given time the execution of the session continues. The execution
of the steps continues automatically after a given Waiting time.
• Run plate out. Runs the plate out if this check box is selected when
the Pause step is executed. This check box option is useful, e.g.
when manual addition of liquids is required. First tick the check box
to enable to send out the microplate between the two
measurements. Then set the time between the measurements in the
Waiting time field.
Even if one or more of the wait options you have selected are not
yet completely executed, you can continue manually by clicking the
Continue button when the Pause dialog appears. A “Waiting...”
message is displayed if the Pause step is waiting for a string,
program or a waiting time. If you have selected two or three of the
waiting options, the execution continues at the first wait-end
• Serial port settings. From Serial port settings the user can
select the correct communication parameters. For Send string
and Wait string you have to select the proper serial port
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-53
settings in the dialog. You cannot send to or receive from the
instrument that Ascent Software is controlling. You can insert
control characters into the Send string and Wait string input
fields by first entering ^ (= Ctrl) and then a character with the
ASCII value 64 + the ASCII value of the control character you
want. For example, ^M is the carriage return (CR) and ^J is
the line feed (LF). The last character in the Wait string input
field should be unique for Wait string or the string will not be
detected even if it has been received. Save/Load
Note: When the Measure sheet is saved in *.txt and *.xls (worksheet)
file formats, it will contain hidden measurement times and
plate layout information.
• Sheet name. Optional if loading data. A sheet with the given name
will be created on the Results Desktop that contains data from the
loaded file. Case-sensitive if saving data. The Sheet name must be
written exactly as it was on the Results Desktop.
• Append. If the Append check box is selected, the sheet will be saved
to the end of the file after all the previous data. In this way many
sheets can be saved in the same file. The extension *.txt is the only
extension allowed for the Append file format.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-55
ending with LF. The columns in each row are separated by a TAB
character and the extension is .TXT. Most spreadsheet programs
can import this kind of file, and the file can also be edited with text
editors like MS Notepad or word processors such as MS Word.
Remember to keep the file extension as *.txt. Print
The Print step is executed after all the other steps. The sheets are
printed using the system printer. See Section Before Installation in the
Overview part of the manual. Remove
Use the Remove command to remove a step from the Steplist or simply
drag it into the Remove box at the bottom of the Steplist. Inactivate
Inactivate (Steps menu)
The Inactivate command is used if the user chooses not to carry out the
step. If the step is inactivated, it will be crossed over with an X mark in
the Steplist. Otherwise the step is executed. The Inactivate command
can be used when you want to use an old calibration curve with plates
that only have samples on. For example, you create two steps, one for
calibrators and the other for samples, both with different layouts. Then
you run a calibration curve with the first step active and the second
inactive. In the following run you inactivate the first step and measure
the samples with the second step active.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-57 Activate
Activate (Steps menu)
The user can choose whether or not to carry out a certain step. The
Activate command is used if the user chooses to carry out the step. The
Activate command cannot be distinguished by any specific mark(s)
(compare above). The default is that the step is carried out. Only
inactivated steps can be activated.
Use the Print current step command to print the current step.
Displays the Print dialog box where you can select the print options and
print the step.
Automatically prints all steps. Displays the Print dialog box where you
can select the print options and print the steps.
The Template Editor allows the user to create, delete or modify existing
plate templates.
In the list box, the items marked with Enabled are enabled, those
marked with Disabled are disabled and the one that is marked with
Default is the default definition.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-59
The operation buttons are:
• Modify. You can start to modify the selected template.
• Duplicate. Makes a copy of a currently selected template. You can
create a new template by copying the currently selected one,
modifying the template parameters and by saving it with a new
• Delete. Deletes the currently selected template after verifying that
you actually want to delete the template.
• Set as default. Sets the currently selected template to the default
template which is offered first to the user when a new Session is
• Show plate. Shows the plate layout of the currently selected
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-61 Filters
Filters (Setup menu)
In the Filters setup menu the filter and filter pair information is modified.
You can add, remove, validate, and scale filters/filter pairs. To modify
luminometric filter parameters, place the cursor in the luminometric list
before pressing any push buttons (Fluoroskan Ascent FL only).
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-63
Sets a user-defined scaling factor to the indicated filter pair (the default
value is 1). The measured values are multiplied by this factor. In the
fluorometric method, the scaling values can be set separately for normal
and small beams.
To set a password:
2. Enter a password.
4. Click OK.
To remove a password:
4. Click OK.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-65 Dispensers (not CF)
Dispensers (Setup menu)
The default settings (Default speed 18, Start speed 100, Cutoff speed
100, and Slope 70) are for water-type liquids.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-67 Colors
Colors (Setup menu)
Use this command to define the colors for the different well types (i.e.
calibrators, controls, samples and blanks). The type is selected from the
drop-down list and the color is selected from the palette. The selected
color is displayed in the field in front of the Type option menu and in the
list beside the name of the type.
The colors are used in the Layout Editor and in Results sheets. If the
Layout Editor is visible when colors are changed, the previously filled
wells will keep their original colors until the layout is totally updated.
The Printout command controls the headers, footers, margins and many
other printout options. Headers and footers are descriptive texts, which
are printed at the top and bottom of every page in your step. You can
add, delete, edit, format and position headers and footers, and view
them as they will be printed.
• Header. The area in the Header box shows you the contents of the
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-69
• Footer. The area in the Footer box shows you the contents of the
The following control characters have a special meaning:
&L Left alignment
&C Center
&R Right
&D Date
&T Time
&F Sheet name
&P Page number
&N Total number of pages
• Margins
Select the distance between your data and the top edge of the
printed page. The default value is 1.0 cm.
Select the distance between your data and the bottom edge of the
printed page. If your data is less than a page long, it will not expand
to extend to the bottom margin. The default value is 1.0 cm.
Select the distance between your data and the left edge of the
printed page. The default value is 0.75 cm.
Select the distance between your data and the right edge of the
printed page. If your data is less than a page wide, it will not
expand to extend to the right margin. The default value is 0.75 cm.
Top To Bottom
Numbering and printing proceed from the first page to the pages
below and then move to the right and continue printing down.
Left To Right
Numbering and printing proceed from the first page to the pages to
the right and then move down and continue printing across the
• Center. Centers the data on the page within the margins vertically,
horizontally or both.
• Print Options
Grid Lines
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-71
• Scale. Reduces the step or selection during printing to fit the
specified number of pages.
Fit To Pages
Pages Wide
You can change the figure of pages wide. This figure does not
normally have to be changed. The default figure is 19. Pages wide
can range from 1 to 100.
Pages High
You can change the figure of pages high. This figure does not
normally have to be changed. The default figure is 1. Pages high
can range from 1 to 100.
Note: Pages Wide and Pages High are used together with Fit To
Pages to define how many papers can maximum be used
when you scale the data to the page(s). If the data requires
width but not height, then Pages Wide = 19 and Pages High =
1. On the other hand, if the data requires height but not width,
then Pages Wide = 1 and Pages High = 19.
Instrument capabilities:
Shaking: Yes
Incubating: Yes
Dispensers: 1
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-73
Heating elements:
Ceiling temperature °C: 23.8
Ceiling offset °C: 1.20
Ceiling slope C/°C: 0.10
Ceiling slope start °C: 37.00
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-75
Luminometric status:
Filter data:
Filter position: 7
Filter wavelength: 0
Scaling factor: 100.988998
Date and time of adding: 26.2.2002 14:09:06
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-77
• Session autosave. If the session data is changed, the current
session is saved automatically.
• Leave plate in. Leaves the plate in the instrument after a run.
• Back. Takes you back to the previous view in your view history.
You can access the help content in three different ways by selecting one
of the following tabs:
Ascent Software
User's Guide 2-79
• Search. Find a specific help topic by entering words to search in the
help content.
Note: Measure sheets containing raw data values are locked. In other
words, they contain a locking mechanism so that the
measurement results cannot be tampered with.
The Measure sheet properties dialog also contains a selection for the
raw data result unit. Average (default setting) sets the result unit to be
either RFU/s (fluorometry) or RLU/s (luminometry).
When Average is selected, all results are calculated per second and the
result value is independent of the integration time. Therefore, the same
sample will give the same numerical value with all possible integration
times. Steps
This sheet is updated automatically when a measurement is carried out.
This sheet has all the step parameters defined on the Procedure
Desktop. The summary of the plate layout can also be found here. RunStatus
This sheet is updated automatically when a measurement is carried out.
This sheet provides general information about the last run, such as the
session name, program versions and information about possible
warnings and errors during the measurement. See the Procedure
Desktop part of the manual for more details.
Note: Many sheet properties utilize the area definition and plate
layout. To properly update the existing results sheets, the area
definition and the plate layout should match. If there is a
mismatch, you might get extra results.
Note: The E/D (Enable/Disable) icon is present on the results tool bar
and specifies a general property employed in, for example,
Cut-Off and Curve Fit sheets.
3.2.1 General
Results menu and tool bar
You can quickly select the most commonly used commands by clicking
the tool bar button with the mouse. New...
Use this command to create a new session and specify the name of the
session. Save Exit
Exit (Session menu)
3.2.3 Edit Cut
Removes the selection from the sheet and places it on the Clipboard.
The selection can be a cell or a cell range.
When you cut characters in a cell, the characters are removed to the
Clipboard. The cut characters are then available for pasting into a new
Shortcut: Ctrl+X Copy
When you copy characters in a cell, the characters are placed on the
Clipboard. The copied characters are then available for pasting into a
new location.
Shortcut: Ctrl+C
Shortcut: Ctrl+V
Pastes values only from the Clipboard into the selected location.
Shortcut: none Clear
Clear (Edit menu)
Clears the selected area (All, Formats or Values). Formats clears the
calculation formula, Values clears the numerical values, and All clears
both the calculation formula and the numerical values.
Shortcut: Del
Inserts a row or range of blank cells equivalent in size and shape into the
selected cell range. The selected rows or cells are shifted to
accommodate the insertion.
Shortcut: Ctrl+I Remove
Remove (Edit menu)
Shortcut: Ctrl+R
Note: The Insert and Remove commands should be used with care
since their use might interfere with formulas or graphs.
Shortcut: Ctrl+E
Shortcut: Ctrl+H Enable/Disable
The Desktop tabviews are located to the right of the active desktop. The
Desktop tabview selects the active desktop for the program. When the
desktop is changed, the menus and tool bars also change.
When a command is selected, the left side of the status bar briefly
describes the command. Normally the status bar shows the line state of
the instrument, the beam size, selected temperature and the current
Note: The status bar at the bottom of the screen also displays
information about a selected command.
Use the Status Bar command in the View menu to display or hide the
status bar.
Along the top of the Desktop window, you can see a horizontal strip
containing several tools - this is the tool bar. It offers the most
commonly used functions from the menu as tool buttons. Although
these buttons perform the same functions as their menu counterparts,
they are more convenient to use.
Use the Tool Bar command in the View menu to display or to hide the
tool bar.
Use this command to display the Tabs Bar either on top of the view or at
the bottom of the view.
Use this command to select visible sheets. The sheets vary according to
the application employed.
Use this command to arrange active sheets. You can change the order
of the sheets by pressing the left mouse button and dragging the list
item into a suitable position. You can also change the order of the
sheets with the Up and Down buttons. Procedure
Procedure (View menu) Results
Results (View menu)
Adds vertical and horizontal page breaks adjacent to the current cell.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Enter
Removes vertical and horizontal page breaks adjacent to the current cell.
Shortcut: Ctrl+M
The values given separately for every sheet (including the Measure1,
Steps, RunStatus and Measure1 Curves sheets) are stored from run to
run. The scale does not keep its value, but is always changed to 100 in a
run. When the order of the steps is changed and the session has been
• Margins
Select the distance you want between your data and the top edge
of the printed page. The default value is 1 cm.
Select the distance you want between your data and the bottom
edge of the printed page. If your data is less than a page long, it will
not expand to extend to the bottom margin. The default value is 1
Select the distance you want between your data and the left edge
of the printed page. The default value is 0.75 cm.
Select the distance you want between your data and the right edge
of the printed page. If your data is less than a page wide, it will not
expand to extend to the right margin. The default value is 0.75 cm.
Note: All the margins are usually slightly over the set values due to
printer properties.
• Page Order. Controls the order in which your data is numbered and
printed when it does not fit onto one page.
Top To Bottom
Numbering and printing proceed from the first page to the pages
below and then move to the right and continue printing down the
Left To Right
Numbering and printing proceed from the first page to the pages to
the right and then move down and continue printing across the
• Center. Centers the data on the page within the margins vertically,
horizontally or both.
• Print Options
Grid Lines
Prints cells and drawing objects in black and white. Anything in the
foreground that is not entirely white is printed black. Anything in
the background that is not entirely black is printed white. If you
formatted your data with colors but print on a black and white
printer, select this option. If you use a color printer but want faster
printing, selecting this option may reduce the printing time.
Fit To Page(s)
Pages Wide
You can change the figure of pages wide. This figure does not
normally have to be changed. The default figure is 1. Pages wide
can range from 1 to 100.
Pages High
You can change the figure of pages high. This figure does not
normally have to be changed. The default figure is 19. Pages high
can range from 1 to 100.
Note: Pages Wide and Pages High are used together with Fit To
Pages to define how many papers can maximum be used
when you scale the data to the page(s). If the data requires
width but not height, then Pages Wide = 19 and Pages High =
1. On the other hand, if the data requires height but not width,
then Pages Wide = 1 and Pages High = 19.
Reduces or enlarges the printed sheet. You can reduce the printed
sheet to 10% of its normal size or enlarge it up to 400%. The
default value is 100%.
Defines the selected cells as the portion of the worksheet that you want
to print.
The print area given separately for every sheet (including the Measure1,
Steps, RunStatus and Measure1 Curves sheets) is stored from run to
Use this command to print the currently selected area. Select the area
by using the mouse.
Controls the printer selection, page orientation and the paper size and
• Options/Properties. The contents of this dialog box depends on the
Windows version and the printer employed. Use this dialog box to
specify the option properties, e.g. the darkness and fineness of the
graphics and text, and whether or not to convert TrueType fonts to
graphics when printing.
• Paper
Landscape Print
Use this command to change the font, style, size, color and effects
(strikeout, underline) of the text in the selected cells.
• Font. Lists all available font types. Select the font you want or enter
the name of the font in the box above the list of font types.
• Font style. Lists the available font styles. Select the font style you
want or enter the font style in the box above the list of font styles.
• Size. Lists the available sizes for the font selected in the Font box.
Select a font size or enter the size you want in the box above the list
of sizes.
• Horizontal
Aligns text to the left, numbers to the right and centers logical and
error values. This is the default alignment.
Repeats the contents of the selected cell until the cell is full. If the
blank cells to the right also have the Fill alignment, they are filled as
Aligns wrapped text (see the Word Wrap paragraph below) within a
cell to the right and left. You must have more than one line of
wrapped text to see the justification.
• Vertical
Searches the selected area or the entire worksheet for a specified (Find)
reference address and replaces it with the Replace with Reference
Address type.
3.2.7 Sheet New Sheet...
Use this command to create a new worksheet and specify the name of
the sheet.
Displays the Open dialog box where you can open an existing file. You
can have several worksheets open simultaneously, but you view them
• File Name. Displays the default file specification *.VTS and a list of
the *.VTS files in the current directory. Type or select the filename
you want to open. This list box lists the files with the extension you
select from the List Files of Type list box.
• Directories. Lists the current directory and any subdirectories which
contain files. Double-click the directories and subdirectories to move
through the list.
• List Files of Type. Lists the available file formats. Select the file
format you want to open.
Saves the active sheet. This command replaces the previous version of
the sheet with the current version. The sheet is still displayed in the
Note: When the Measure sheet is saved in *.txt and *.xls file formats,
it will contain hidden measurement times and plate layout
The sheet remains open. You can also use this command to save files so
they can be read in other applications.
• File Name. Saves the worksheet in the current directory unless you
type a full path for the worksheet or select a different directory from
the directory listing. Type a name for the worksheet or accept the
proposed name.
Note: DO NOT use any names more than 8 characters long. Ascent
Software does not support long names.
• Directories. Lists the current directory and any subdirectories.
Double-click the directories and subdirectories to move through the
Note: The Advanced Copy is, however, not locked, as opposed to the
Measure sheet where the values in the sheet cannot be
tampered with.
All values, colors and cell names are copied to the new sheet. The
currently active sheet is always the source sheet of the Advanced Copy
command and the name of the target sheet is requested in the dialog.
Note: The Advanced Copy sheet can be made active by linking the
source data to the Advanced Copy. The Advanced Copy sheet
is not updated automatically when changes regarding plate
layout, area definition etc are carried out.
If you press the YES button, you cannot undo this command.
Most sheets (except e.g. Advanced Copy, New, RunStatus and Steps)
have properties which can be changed in the Properties dialog. Each
sheet type has its own type of properties (see example below).
Most sheet types include the Source sheet information and the
possibility to change the View of the sheet.
The Function dialog allows you to create formulas easily. By using the
Function dialog the formatting is made exact and the possibilities of
typing errors occurring is eliminated. Just select the function group and
The user can, if accustomed to it, key in the equations into the cell
without using the Function dialog.
Select cells from the Measure sheet by using the mouse (number 1,
number 2 and number 3). Place the cursor in the argument field where
you want to enter the selection. Type the argument or select the area by
using the mouse. By clicking the Function Definition dialog the selected
area is updated (number 1 etc fields).
Note: Place the cursor in field number 4. Then select the function
button (at the end of line number 4) from the Function
Definition dialog. Select Statistical/AVERAGE and press the
Next button.
When the Finish button is pressed, the entered formula is inserted into
the Target location.
Note: In the worksheet, first select the data you want to plot,
including the cells containing any category or series of names
that you want to use on the chart and select Graph from the
You can edit the metafile object (e.g. cut, copy, paste, clear, insert,
You can e.g. copy and paste the metafile object by using the right
mouse button and selecting the operation outside the Graph. Clicking
the right mouse button inside the Graph borders produces a different
pop-up menu.
If you want to delete the metafile object, first exit the Graph, activate the
metafile object and then select Clear from the pop-up menu that
appears after clicking the right mouse button. Otherwise relevant values
are cleared. Organize...
Organize... (Process menu)
Organizes the measurement results. This allows the user to create charts
and handle data more easily.
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet.
• Source sheet name. Select the sheet containing the data you want
to organize.
If matrix is used, formulas need to be entered into the cells of the matrix,
e.g. AVERAGE (B16:B100).
Note: The user’s own formulas might disappear from the sheets
created automatically by the software when the session is
rerun. If you want to maintain the formulas, it is recommended
that you use the Sheet → Advanced Copy function.
The Multipoint feature is designed for large wells, i.e. microplates with
less than 96 wells, whereby more than one measurement point per well
can be measured.
Multipoint feature reduces the data to one value per well. This is
necessary since further data reduction cannot be performed if there is
more than one measurement value per well.
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet. Source
Only one result per well is calculated from all the measurement points of
the well. The user can select how the measurement points will be
calculated. The different calculation types comprise: Average, Minimum,
Maximum, Maximum - Minimum, and Standard deviation.
The blank well(s) is (are) subtracted automatically from the source sheet
and the result is displayed in this sheet. If a blank has been defined in
the plate layout, the blank is automatically subtracted in this sheet. If
several blanks are involved, the mean of the blanks is subtracted.
The mean blank value will also be displayed in Curve-Fit and Cut-off
sheets. If no blank value is available, the text N/A will be displayed
instead of the mean blank value.
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet. Precalculation...
Precalculation... (Process menu)
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet.
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet. Source
• Source sheet name. Select the sheet that contains the measurement
• Assay name. Specifies the assay that contains the desired data.
Creates a Ratio/Inhibition sheet. The user can select either Ratio (i.e.
B/B0%) or Inhibition (i.e. 100% - B/B0%). The user selects the source for
B0 from the layout well types and names. The mean value of the sample
selected (if replicates do exist), will be used in further calculations. The
user can also select the maximum value of the specified type through
the Use maximum value selection.
Creates a Curve Fit sheet, calculates the curve fitting and the
concentration of the samples.
• The Curve Fit requires that calibrators have either been defined
in the plate layout or that calibrators have been loaded from a
The colors of the names of the specimen in the Curve Fit sheet (Layout
map matrix, Source data matrix, and Calculated concentrations matrix)
are the same as the defined colors of the different well types, i.e.
calibrators, controls, blanks, and samples (see Section Setup|Colors in
the Procedure Desktop part of the manual).
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet.
Calibrator source. Specifies the source sheet for the calibrators and the
assay name of the specific, selected Assay in that sheet.
• Sheet name. Specifies the name of the source sheet for the
• Assay name. Specifies the assay name for the calibrator source.
Sample source. Specifies the source sheet for the samples and the
assay name.
• Assay name. Specifies the assay name for the sample source.
Note: In some cases the warning message “Not enough data” can be
seen in the Modify fit and graph dialog. The user can,
however, create the Curve Fit sheet by pressing the OK button.
The Curve Fit → Modify fit and graph window can be closed here.
Fit type
Select the type of curve fit algorithm (Linear regression (LLS), Linear
regression (SVD), Quadratic polynomial, Cubic polynomial, Quartic
polynomial, Point to point, Cubic spline, Log-Logit, Four parameter
logistic, Sigmoid logistic).
In the equations above y equals the measured signal and x equals the
concentration. a, b, c, d, and e are the coefficients specific to each
degree of the fit function.
Coefficients of the functions are solved with the least squares algorithm
using singular value decomposition (SVD).
Roots of the polynomial, i.e. “the results”, are calculated with an iterative
Laquerre’s method. If more than one root is found in the calibration
area, the method returns a warning.
You can also select a method that is commonly used by spreadsheet
programs; a straight forward linear least squares (LLS) method. This
method might produce slightly different values for the coefficients a and
b, but neither of these two methods (SVD or LLS) can be considered
absolutely better than the other.
• y = a + bx for Linear Regression (LLS) and the minimum number of
calibrators is 2.
Cubic spline
This method is a smoothed point to point method where the adjacent
calibration points are connected together using cubic polynomials
(yi = ai + bixi + cixi2 + dixi3) and optimizing the connecting points as
smoothly as possible to avoid sharp angles. The results are calculated
by searching first the correct interval and then using a bi-section method
to find the answer from the corresponding equation. The minimum
number of calibrators for this fit type is 2.
Data Transformation trailing occurs prior to fit calculation.
Transformation of statistical data means in brief a change of scale used
to improve the validity of statistical analyses. The default is Linear-Linear
for concentration and measurement linear. The type of Data
Transformation can represent either concentration linear, concentration
logarithm (LOG 10), measurement linear or measurement logarithm.
Logarithmic transformation is employed when data dynamics is
considerable. This facilitates mathematical adaptions, i.e. curve fitting.
Note: The Classification tab is filled in the same way in the Curve Fit
and the Cut-Off functions. Cut-Off...
Cut-Off... (Process menu)
In the Properties dialog you can give the parameters for the sheet.
The colors of the names of the specimen in the Cut-Off sheets are the
same as the defined colors of the different well types, i.e. calibrators,
controls, blanks and samples (see Section Setup|Colors in the
Procedure Desktop part of the manual).
Displays the available data sheets from which the source sheet can be
Control source. Specifies the source sheet and the assay name for the
control source.
• Sheet name. Specifies the name of the source sheet for the controls.
• Assay name. Specifies the assay name for the control source.
• Sheet name. Specifies the name of the source sheet for the sample
• Assay name. Specifies the assay name for the sample source. Classification
• Categories. Add text strings that will be displayed for the Cut-Off
result categories in the interpretation matrix and interpretation list. View
The user can select the items shown on the screen and printout in the
View tab. The report consists of everything that has been carried out.
The Cut-Off sheet can be used as a report sheet and in the View tab
different layout options can be selected.
3.2.10 Help
You can launch the Help application by selecting Help → Help Contents
from the main menu.
• Back. Takes you back to the previous view in your view history.
You can access the help content in three different ways by selecting one
of the following tabs:
Key Description
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-1
4.1.2 Dialogs and text lines
Key Description
CTRL+an arrow key Moves one word right or left in a text box.
Key Description
ENTER When in the edit mode, it accepts the current entry. When a
range is selected, it accepts the current entry and moves
the active cell vertically to the next cell in the selection.
SHIFT+ENTER When in the edit mode, it accepts the current entry. When a
range is selected, it accepts the current entry and moves
the active cell vertically to the previous cell in the selection.
TAB When in the edit mode, it accepts the current entry. When a
range is selected, it accepts the current entry and moves
the active cell horizontally to the next cell in the selection.
SHIFT+TAB When in the edit mode, it accepts the current entry. When a
range is selected, it accepts the current entry and moves
the active cell horizontally to the previous cell in the
F9 Recalculates a worksheet.
The following table lists the movement keys that allow you to move the
active cell within a worksheet and display different sections of the
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-3
Key Description
CTRL End Goes to the last row and column that contains data.
Key Description
4.2 Calculations
+ or - (unary)
* or /
+ or -
#and# #or#
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-5
4.2.2 A-Z worksheet function reference
This chapter provides a complete alphabetical reference to the
worksheet functions. Refer to Built-In Worksheet Functions for additional
information on how to use the worksheet functions. ACOS
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-7 ACOSH ADDRESS AND
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-9 ASIN ASINH ATAN2
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-11 ATANH AVERAGE
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-13 CHAR CHOOSE CLEAN
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-15 CODE COLUMN COS COSH
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-17 COUNT COUNTA DATE
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-19 DATEVALUE DAY
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-21 EVEN EXACT FACT
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-23 FALSE FIND
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-25 FLOOR HLOOKUP
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-27 HOUR IF
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-29 INDIRECT INT ISERR
Ascent Software
Ascent Software
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-35 LEN LN LOG10
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-37 LOOKUP MATCH
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-39
is matched. When using this comparison
method, the values in the lookup_range have
to be in ascending order (e.g. ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...,
A through Z, False, True).
When the comparison is 0, the first value that
is equal to the lookup_value is matched. When
using this comparison method, the values in
the lookup_range can be in any order.
When the comparison is -1, the smallest value
that is greater than or equal to the
lookup_value is matched. When using this
comparison method, the values in the
lookup_range have to be in descending order
(e.g. True, False, Z through A, ...2, 1, 0, -1, -
Remarks When the comparison method 0 is used and
the lookup_value is text, the lookup_value can
contain wild card characters. The wild card
characters are * (an asterisk), which matches
any sequence of characters and ? (a question
mark), which matches any single character. MID
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-41
character to return from the text.
If the start_position is 1, the first character in
the text is returned.
If the start_position is greater than the number
of characters in the text, an empty string ("") is
If the start_position is less than 1, the
#VALUE! is returned.
The num_chars is the number of characters to
return. If the num_chars is negative, the
#VALUE! is returned.
Remarks If the start_position plus the number of
characters in the num_chars exceed the length
of the text, the characters from the
start_position to the end of the text are
Examples MID(“Labsystems COMBIPLATE ”, 12, 10)
returns “COMBIPLATE”
MID(“Dispenser 2 speed (1..100%):”, 11,
1) returns 2 MIN MINUTE
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-43 MOD MONTH NA
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-45 NOT NOW OFFSET
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-47
negative number represents the columns to
the left of the starting cell. If the columns
places the upper left cell of the offset range
outside the spreadsheet boundary, the #REF!
is returned.
The height is a positive number representing
the number of rows to include in the offset
range. Omitting this argument assumes a
single row .
The width is a positive number representing
the number of columns to include in the offset
range. Omitting this argument assumes a
single column.
Remarks The OFFSET does not change the current
selection on the worksheet. Because it returns
a reference, the OFFSET can be used in any
function that requires or uses a cell or range
reference as an argument.
See Also COLUMN, INDIRECT and ROW functions
Examples OFFSET(B1, 3, 2, 1, 1) returns the
contents of cell D4.
SUM(OFFSET(A1, 2, 4, 3, 2)) equals the
sum of the range E3:F5. PI
Ascent Software
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-51
The num_chars is the number of characters
one wishes to replace. If this argument is
negative, the #VALUE! is returned.
The repl_text is the replacement text string.
See Also MID, SEARCH and TRIM functions
Examples REPLACE(“For the year: 1993”, 18,
1, “4”) returns “For the year: 1994” REPT ROUND
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-53
Examples ROUND(123.456, 2) returns 123.46
ROUND(9899.435, -2) returns 9900 ROW ROWS
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-55 SECOND SIGN SINH
Ascent Software
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-59
Examples SUBSTITUTE(“User Name: Customer”,
“Customer”, “John Doe”) returns “User
Name: John Doe” SUM T
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-61 TAN TANH TIME
Ascent Software
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-65
Remarks The TRUNC removes the fractional part of a
number to the specified precision without
rounding the number.
Examples TRUNC(123.456, 2) returns 123.45
TRUNC(9899.435, -2) returns 9800 TYPE VALUE
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-67 VAR VARP
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-69
column of the search_range, the largest value
that is less than the search_item is used.
When the search_item is less than the
smallest value in the first column of the
search_range, the #REF! is returned.
functions WEEKDAY
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-71
4.3 Chart reference
In most cases, each column in the data grid translates into one series on
the chart. However, the Program supports a number of chart types that
require two or more columns of data to chart a series. These chart types
include XY, polar, bubble, hi-lo and gantt charts.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-73
4.3.3 Chart types Area charts
Use area charts to emphasize the relative importance of values over a
period of time. An area chart focuses on the magnitude of change rather
than the rate of change. Each filled area on the chart represents a series
and is identified by a different color or pattern. Values are plotted on the
vertical (Y) axis and categories are plotted on the horizontal (X) axis. You
can also chart one or more series against the secondary Y axis instead
of against the primary axis.
In 2-D charts values are grouped on the vertical (Y) axis and bars are
grouped by category along the horizontal (X) axis. On 3-D charts the
values are plotted on the vertical (Y) axis, the categories are grouped
along the horizontal (X) axis and the depth (Z) axis shows the series.
On 2-D line charts the values are plotted along the vertical (Y) axis and
the categories are displayed on the horizontal (X) axis. On 3-D charts the
values are plotted on the vertical (Y) axis, the categories are grouped
along the horizontal (X) axis and the depth (Z) axis shows the series.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-75 XY charts
Use XY charts to plot two groups of numbers as one series of XY
coordinates. Each series on the chart requires two columns of data in
the data grid. The first column holds the X coordinate and the second
column the Y coordinate. The column label in the first column in each
series is used to identify the series in the legend. Additionally, any
formatting applied to the first column is used to display the series on the
chart. Any formatting applied to the second column is ignored. You can
use markers or lines or both to draw the XY points.
The data in the data grid must be organized appropriately for each
variation of the hi-lo chart.
A hi-lo chart requires two columns for each data series: the first column
is used for the high point and the second is used for the low point.
A hi-lo-close chart requires three columns for each data series: the first
column is used for the high point, the second for the low point, and the
third for the closing point.
The column label in the first column in each series identifies the series in
the legend. Additionally, any formatting applied to the first column is
used to display the series on the chart. Any formatting applied to the
remaining columns that make up the series is ignored.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-77
4.3.4 Selecting chart elements
You can click the left mouse button once on a chart element in order to
select it. The following table provides information on how to select each
chart element.
2-D wall and 3-D Any part of the base Selection handles appear
wall or base or wall other than a around the wall on a 2-D
grid line. chart, and the base and wall
on a 3-D chart.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-79
4.3.5 Formatting chart elements
You can format any element of a chart by changing the settings in a
dialog box. Dialog boxes can be displayed by making a selection from a
menu or by double-clicking the appropriate chart element.
The following table describes the purpose of each item in the floating
Series/Data Point Format Data Controls the type and location of the
Label Point Label label on an individual data point,
formats the font and layout of the
label text and formats the label
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-81
Item Dialog box Purpose
Load Load Chart Loads an existing chart file into the current
chart control. The chart that you load
replaces the chart already in the control.
If you use the menu to display the Format Axis, Format Axis Title,
Format Axis Label, Format Series, Format Series Label, Format Data
Point or Format Data Point Label dialog boxes, you are prompted to
identify the specific axis, series or data point that you want to modify.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-83
To format Double-click Dialog box Tab
3-D Base or Wall Anywhere on the base Format Plot Base & Walls
or wall other than a
grid line.
Data Point Label The data point label. Format Data Options or Text if
Point Label series defaults
have been
Click on your Ascent Software icon with the right mouse button, select
Properties → Shortcut and add the /R command flag as illustrated
below, e.g. C:\Ascento\APPFWG1.EXE /DC /R.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-85
When you start Ascent Software, you will see on top of the Ascent
window a text similar to the following:
Note: You should not run Ascent Software in REMOTE mode and
manually at the same time, since this may cause some
unexpected situations and a possible crash. To avoid this you
should have at least two icons, one for normal use and one for
remote use.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-87
DO NOT forget to type the .extensions.
Using Explorer locate your (c:\remote\) remote.cmd file and copy (select
the file and while pressing the Ctrl key drag and drop ) this file into your
Ascent (c:\ascento) directory.
As soon as you have copied the file, Ascent Software recognizes the file,
opens the file and starts to run the defined session (remote.sec).
Once the run is completed in this example, a response file named
“response.txt” is generated in the defined directory (c:\ascento). The file
can look like this:
Instrument_Type=Fluoroskan Ascent FL 1.8
Date_Time_Started=30.12.1997 13:6:20
Date_Time_Ended=30.12.1997 13:6:45
ROW1= 1.365290 1239231 2.390992 1239237 12.775000
ROW2= 1.247860 1239470 2.038040 1239464 10.887500
ROW3= 1.314892 1239577 3.107760 1239583 11.355630
ROW4= 1.214340 1239816 1.801290 1239810 10.971920
ROW5= 1.509920 1239924 4.712982 1239930 19.167600
ROW6= 1.556931 1240163 6.065250 1240157 23.241800
ROW7= 1.629191 1240270 6.431550 1240276 23.153000
ROW8= 1.763220 1240509 6.358040 1240503 22.923640
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-89
When the remote.cmd file has been detected and read by Ascent
Software, the file is deleted from the directory. Now it is possible to
write (copy) another file in this directory inquiring e.g. for the state of
Ascent Software (STATE), continue after a Pause step (CONTINUE),
launch a new plate with the same (or different) session (START) etc.
Finally you can exit Ascent Software by sending a KILL command file.
You can also save individual sheets from the Results Desktop. This is
handy when you have predefined report sheets. Then the command file
can look like this:
Session: c:\ascento\remote.sec
Started at: 30.12.1997 14:19
Filter pair Ex=485 Em=538
1 2 3 4 5 6
A 1.309 2.373 12.881 48.405 150.513 25.494
B 1.28 2.017 10.864 45.796 143.511 24.079
C 1.322 3.137 11.272 43.611 139.964 22.321
D 1.218 1.791 11.02 43.365 141.633 21.709
E 1.515 4.7 19.24 75.308 223.062 107.191
F 1.554 6.124 23.027 82.877 231.391 116.059
G 1.668 6.495 23.194 78.094 230.964 20.708
H 1.749 6.242 22.933 79.244 230.82 21.16
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-91
Pause step
If you need to drive the plate out during a session and access the plate
through some other automated process, use the Pause step. During the
Pause step the plate is driven out and it can be manipulated. When the
system is ready to continue the session, write a REMOTE.CMD file with
the CONTINUE command.
@echo off
if exist response.txt del response.txt
choice /C:yn /Ty,5 Continue ?
if errorlevel 2 goto end
copy session.1 remote.cm_
rename remote.cm_ remote.cmd
choice /C:yn /Ty,5 Continue ?
if errorlevel 2 goto end
if not exist response.txt goto wait1
find /C "[ERROR]" response.txt
if not errorlevel 1 goto error
del response.txt
copy session.2 remote.cm_
rename remote.cm_ remote.cmd
choice /C:yn /Ty,5 Continue ?
if errorlevel 2 goto end
if not exist response.txt goto wait2
find /C "[ERROR]" response.txt
if not errorlevel 1 goto error
del response.txt
goto start
echo Error in response.txt file
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-93
4.5 Computer control commands
4.5.2 Protocol
All data is transferred in case-sensitive ASCII lines. The end character of
the command and response lines is <CR> and <LF> or all possible
combinations thereof (CR, LF, CR LF, LF CR). The maximum length of the
command or response line is 200 characters.
The last line of the response contains the header part of the original
command, end field characters “END”, status characters and the end
characters <CR><LF>. Some of the commands have wait features,
which define if the last response line is acquired after the command is
executed or after the execution is started.
4.5.5 Buffering
The PC and the instrument are able to receive more than one command
line at a time. Receiver buffer overflows are handled using XON/XOFF
handshaking. The maximum number of received characters is 2 Kbytes.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-95
4.6 Warning and error messages
Usually the meaning of warning and error messages are self-explanatory
and any required correction is obvious. However, if the meaning of the
message is unclear, we recommend you to repeat the past action. If the
same message is generated once more, study the service manual or
contact your local dealer.
This chapter lists warning and error messages that the instrument or
Ascent Software generates.
4.6.3 Sheet
Message Reason Actions
• Invalid formula The command you Check the list separator in
syntax. have entered is the Windows
incorrect. environment. Refer to A-Z
Worksheet Function
Reference in the
Reference part of the
manual. Refer to Section
Before Installation in the
Overview part of the
• Zero concentration The fit type is 4PL or Change the fit type,
not allowed. Try the conc. transformation or the
0.0001 instead. transformation is log concentration.
and the concentration
• The same Different calibrators Change the calibrator
concentration is not have the same concentration.
allowed in different concentration.
• Curve fit variable The hidden sheet Create a new curve fit
missing. specific data is sheet.
corrupted or missing.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-97
Message Reason Actions
• Delete sheet: Cannot The Measure sheet is
delete. locked and cannot be
• Error in sheet Sheet creation did not Change the sheet
generation. succeed. properties.
• No layout found from The layout cannot be Create a layout in the
the source sheet found in the source layout editor.
chain. sheet. Run the session.
• No source sheet The sheet given in the Set the existing sheet to
available. properties does not the source sheet.
• No source sheet The sheet properties Set the source sheet
name available. do not contain the name in the sheet
source sheet name at properties.
• No space for a new 1. Out of memory. Refer to Windows Help.
sheet. 2. The sheet cannot be Try changing the name of
created. the sheet.
• Not a valid filename. The name is not a Change the name.
valid name.
• Plate dimensions The hidden sheet Create a new source
missing. specific data is sheet.
corrupted or missing.
• Plate layout start The hidden sheet Create a new source
coordinate missing. specific data is sheet.
corrupted or missing.
• Sheet already exists. A sheet with the given Try different sheet names.
name exists. Give the sheet an unique
• Sheet variable The hidden sheet Modify the sheet
missing. specific data is properties.
corrupted or missing.
• Source sheet sizes The plate size in Create new source sheets.
are not the same. source sheets one and
two are different.
• The selected well The selected well type Check the well type.
type not found. is not found from the
plate layout.
• The typed well name The typed well name Double check the typing.
not found. is not found from the
plate layout.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-99
4.6.5 User input/output
Message Reason Actions
• Input not in the valid The user input is not Try to rewrite the input
list. recognized by the correctly. Usually the
program. cursor is flashing in an
unsatisfactory field.
• Invalid characters in The user input is not Try to rewrite the input
the input. recognized by the correctly. Usually the
program. cursor is flashing in an
unsatisfactory field.
• The password length The password has less Try to use another
must be 5 to 10 than 5 or more than 10 password.
characters. characters.
• Passwords not The passwords were Try again.
identical. not typed identically.
• The value should be The user input is not Try to rewrite the input
in the range recognized by the correctly. Usually the
“NUMBER”, program. cursor is flashing in an
“NUMBER”, ... unsatisfactory field.
• The value should be The user input is not Try to rewrite the input
in the range recognized by the correctly. Usually the
“NUMBER” to program. cursor is flashing in an
“NUMBER”. unsatisfactory field.
4.6.6 Steplist
Message Reason Actions
• Wrong temperature The reader does not Remove the Step or
in step: have the heater change the target
“STEPNAME”. The installed. temperature.
heater unit is not
• Duplicate step name: There are two steps Change the name of
“STEPNAME”. that have identical either step.
• Executable steps not There is only a General Add steps (for example, a
found. step within the Measure step) to the
Steplist. Steplist.
4.6.7 Miscellaneous
Message Reason Actions
• The input does not The user input is not Try to type the input value
conform to a picture. correct for this field. according to the default
value by using the same
type of characters.
• The instrument The user has pressed
operation was the Abort button.
• Unlisted error: An unusual error has Contact your local
“NUMBER”. occurred in the Labsystems
instrument. representative.
• Unlisted warning: An unusual problem Contact your local
“NUMBER”. has occurred in the Labsystems
instrument. representative.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-101
4.6.8 Reader type related
Message Reason Actions
• Wrong measurement The Reader is not able Use only measurement
method. to carry out this methods that can be
method, i.e. the performed by the Reader.
Reader is not correctly
• Cannot load a There is a version Use only sessions that are
“SESSIONNAME” conflict between made with the current
session. Ascent Software and Reader and the current
the stored Session. software version.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-103
Message Reason Actions
• Cannot measure in The acceleration ramp This error should never
continuous mode. starts or the appear if the instrument is
deceleration ramp used in the standalone
ends outside the Y mode or through the
position limits. Ascent PC software.
• RAM error. The RAM memory Contact service if the
failed the startup test. error persists.
• XP/Y measurement The number of This error should never
count error. columns or rows to appear if the instrument is
measure is not within used in the standalone
the allowed limits. mode or through the
Ascent PC software.
• Too high ground During startup the A/D Contact service if the
signal noise level. converter is tested by error persists.
connecting the input
to signal ground. This
should produce a
near-zero signal with
little noise. If the noise
is too high, this error is
• Gain steps 1, 10 During startup the Contact service if the
not within two gain steps of error persists.
tolerance. the A/D converter
are fitted together
by applying a
correction factor for
the x10 gain. If this
factor is not within
the limits, this error
is reported.
• EEPROM The checksum byte Contact service if the
checksum error. of the EEPROM is error persists.
Parameters are lost.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-105
Message Reason Actions
• Missing filter/optics During autocalibration If the filter is not missing
error. a suitable lamp and the error persists,
voltage for each filter contact service.
is adjusted. If the
resulting voltage is
very low, it is very
likely that the filter is
missing. This error is
reported if this missing
filter is selected.
• Lamp not ready. After the lag time has Increase the lag time. This
expired, the lamp is error should never appear
not yet ready for in the standalone mode.
measurement. This
may occur if the lamp
was off and a Measure
command is executed
before the lamp has
been on for 5 seconds.
The lag time must also
be nonzero, but less or
equal to 5 seconds for
this warning to appear.
The measurement will
not start until the lamp
has been on for 5
• Invalid filter(s) in The selected / typed Try another filter.
step: “STEPNAME”. filter is not available.
• The plate is too high The type of plate is too Change the type of plate.
for the Multiskan high for this
Ascent. The instrument.
maximum height is
15 mm.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-107
Message Reason Actions
• Cannot shake with The combination of Decrease the shaking
the given shake the shaking speed or the shaking
parameters. parameters results in diameter.
too high a radial
• Plate position Attempt to shake the Only shake when the plate
undefined. plate when the plate is is in.
• Plate X/Y stepper out The actual and the If the error persists,
of position tolerance. expected plate contact service.
positions differ too
much at the home
sensor of the stepper.
• Plate X/Y stepper The plate did not If the error persists,
timeout. arrive at the home contact service.
sensor within the
expected time.
• Emission filter out of The actual and the If the error persists,
position tolerance. expected filter wheel contact service.
positions differ too
much at the home
• Emission filter The filter wheel did not If the error persists,
timeout. arrive at the home contact service.
sensor within the
expected time.
• Excitation filter out of The actual and the If the error persists,
position tolerance. expected filter wheel contact service.
positions differ too
much at the home
• Excitation filter The filter wheel did not If the error persists,
timeout. arrive at the home contact service.
sensor within the
expected time.
• Filter pair not An attempt to measure Validate the filter pair
validated. with a filter pair that before using it.
has not been
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-109
Message Reason Actions
• Too high offset in The A/D converter Contact service.
temperature offset of the
measurement. temperature
measuring electronics
is too high to
guarantee the
specified temperature
• Too high stepper Attempt to set a too If the allowed stepper
offset. high stepper offset. offset range is not large
enough, there is a
mechanical error. Contact
• Temperature set Attempt to set an Use temperature set
value out of range. incubation values within the allowed
temperature that is out range.
of range.
• Instrument gain During startup the Contact service.
levels adjustment gains 1, 10, 100 and
failed. 1000 are fitted
together. If this
process fails, the error
is reported.
• Dispenser init failed. The dispenser failed to If the error persists,
carry out the contact service.
• Invalid dispenser The dispenser If the error persists,
command. received an unknown contact service.
• Invalid dispenser An invalid dispenser If the error persists,
command operand. command parameter. contact service.
• Invalid dispenser The order of the If the error persists,
command sequence. commands to the contact service.
dispenser is invalid.
• Dispenser EEPROM The dispenser If the error persists,
failure. firmware checksum contact service.
does not match the
calculated checksum.
• Dispenser not The dispenser cannot If the error persists,
initialized. execute commands contact service.
before it is initialized.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-111
Message Reason Actions
• Instrument During startup the If the error persists,
background signal background signal is contact service.
noise level too high. checked. If there is too
much noise in it, this
error is reported.
• Lamp failure. There is no signal Change the lamp.
through the reference
channel. This is
detected during
• Too high reference The reference channel Revalidate the filter pair.
channel drift. gain is adjusted during If the error persists,
validation and contact service.
autocalibration. The
validation gain is
saved and if the
resulting gain during
autocalibration differs
too much from the
saved gain, this error
is reported.
• Too high PMT drift. The first Revalidate the filter pair.
autocalibration of a If the error persists,
filter pair adjusts the contact service.
PMT voltage to obtain
the same reading from
the reference chip as
was measured during
validation. If the
resulting voltage
differs too much from
the one used in
validation, this error is
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-113
Message Reason Actions
• Cannot dispense into The type of plate is too Change the plate type or
a plate over 21 mm high for dispensing. remove all the Dispense
high. steps from the Session.
• Dispensing is not The type of plate is too Change the plate type or
allowed with plates low for dispensing. remove all the Dispense
less than 13.5 mm steps from the Session.
• The integration time The reader cannot Change the integration
is too long in step have that long an time or some other
“STEPNAME”. integration time with parameters.
Longer than 10000 the current
ms is allowed only in parameters.
measurements and
when executed by
one well.
• The instrument does The reader is not able Use only measurement
not support to carry out methods that can be
luminometric luminometric measured by the reader.
methods. measurements.
• Please confirm that Luminometric Ensure that the light
the light guard is measurements need a guard is installed.
installed. light guard to avoid
high background
• Please confirm that The type of plate is so Ensure that the light
the light guard has high that the light guard is removed before
been removed. guard cannot be used. any measurements are
carried out.
• The instrument cover The cover of the If carrying out a
is open. instrument is open luminometric
during measurement. measurement, ensure that
Reported in the instrument cover is
luminometric closed.
measurements only.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-115
Message Reason Actions
• Chopper position The detected chopper Check that connector X6
error. drum home position on the reader PCB is
did not match the properly inserted.
calculated chopper Check that the chopper
position. The chopper wheel rotates freely when
drum is not rotating the instrument power is
properly. off.
If the error persists,
contact service.
• Filter wheel not in The filter wheel has Insert the filter wheel.
position. been removed.
• Filter wheel timeout. The filter wheel home Check that the filter wheel
position was not rotates freely when the
detected within the instrument power is off.
allowed time. Either If the error persists,
the wheel is not contact service.
rotating or the position
sensor is faulty.
• Filter wheel position The detected filter Check that the filter wheel
error. wheel home position rotates freely when the
did not match the instrument power is off.
calculated filter If the error persists,
position. The filter contact service.
wheel is not rotating
• Too high gain The gain difference of Check that the optics is
deviation between adjusted gains not soiled and clean it, if
measurement between the necessary.
channels. measuring channels is Check that there is no
too high. The reader leakage of light from
may still seem to outside the instrument
operate correctly but into the measuring
there is a risk of chamber.
incorrect Try with another filter
measurement results. wheel.
If the error persists,
contact service.
• Invalid profile point Well agglutination data Contact service.
number. of a profile point
outside the range
1...26 was requested.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-117
Message Reason Actions
• Track timeout. The track stepper Check that the plate
home position was not carriage moves freely
detected within the when the instrument
allowed time. Either power is off.
the track stepper is not If the error persists,
rotating or the position contact service.
sensor is faulty.
• Track position error. The detected track Check that the plate
stepper home position carriage moves freely
did not match the when the instrument
calculated position. power is off.
The track stepper is If the error persists,
not rotating properly contact service.
or the drive belt slips.
• Invalid strip number. A command was Contact service.
received which
referenced a strip
outside the range
• Invalid shake mode. Onset of shake in a Contact service.
mode not supported
was requested.
• Invalid shake speed. A shake speed outside Contact service.
the range 300...1500
rpm was requested.
• Invalid well number. The well reference in a Contact service.
command was outside
the range 1...96.
• Invalid temperature A temperature outside Contact service.
set value. the range 14...40°C
was requested.
• The reader cover is The reader cover is Close the green
open. not closed during instrument cover. A faint
measurement. click from a microswitch
should be audible when
the cover is closed. If the
error persists, contact
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-119
Message Reason Actions
• Dispenser pump The dispenser pump Check that the pump rotor
timeout. home position was not rotates freely when the
detected within the instrument power is off
allowed time. Either and the tubing is in rest
the pump is not position.
rotating or the position If the error persists,
sensor is faulty. contact service.
• Position error of The detected Check that the tips
dispenser tips. dispenser tips home stepper motor rotates
position did not match freely when the
the calculated instrument power is off.
position. The tips drive If the error persists,
motor is not rotating contact service.
• Timeout of dispenser The dispenser tips Check that the tips
tips. home position was not stepper motor rotates
detected within the freely when the
allowed time. Either instrument power is off.
the tips motor is not If the error persists,
rotating or the position contact service.
sensor is faulty.
• Invalid dispensing The dispenser cannot Contact service.
volume. dispense the required
• Invalid strip number A command was Contact service.
for dispensing. received which
referenced a strip
outside the range
• Invalid dispenser A temperature outside Contact service.
temperature value. the range 14...40°C
was requested.
• Internal timeout of The reader did not If the error persists,
reader while respond to a contact service.
dispensing. command from the
• The reader reported The reader reported Contact service.
an error while an error in the
dispensing. dispenser during
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-121
4.7 File types used in Ascent
Files produced by
each session file
Miscellaneous files
4.8.1 General
Ascent Software is a Windows program operated with menus, notebook
tabs and quick buttons. The Ascent program is started from the icon
which is created at the installation.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-123
4.8.2 Menu Bar
The Menu Bar, which is located below the title bar along the top of the
desktop window, contains textual selections to the functions of the user
To hide or display the Tool Bar, choose Tool Bar from the View menu
(ALT, V, T).
Click Action
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-125
Click Action
To hide or display the status bar, choose Status Bar from the View
menu (ALT, V, S).
Status information
Example Description
4.8.6 Tab
Desktop tabs are located to the right of the active desktop. The desktop
tab selects the active desktop of the program. When the desktop is
changed, the menu and status bars are also changed.
At the top or bottom of the Procedure Desktop you will find the
Parameters, Area definition, Layout and the RunStatus tabviews. With
these tabs you can change the page of the desktop. (View → Tabs Bar
On Top)
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-127
4.8.7 Steplist
Located to the left of the Procedure Desktop. Shows the steps selected
to the Steplist. The right mouse button also allows the selection of steps
from the Steplist, when the mouse pointer is on the Steplist area.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-129
bandwidth 1. For bandpass filters, it is the full width of the pass
band measured at one-half the peak transmittance,
expressed in nanometers and microns. 2. Range of
frequencies. 3. Measure of the amount of data that
can be transmitted along a cable or channel or other
medium. 4. Measure of the range of frequencies that a
monitor or CRT will accept and display.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-131
checksum Program which checks that data (retrieved from
(or check total) memory) is correct, summing it and comparing the
sum with a stored value.
click and drag To click and drag involves holding a button down
while moving the mouse; this technique is often used
first to select (click) and then to move (drag) an object
on the screen.
CR carriage return
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-133
cut To mark a piece of text or graphical information in
some way, read it into a temporary storage location
and delete it from the original document. The
information may then be inserted into a new location.
It is often called a move or cut and paste by analogy
with scissors and glue techniques.
dpi (d.p.i.) dots per inch. Standard method used to describe the
resolution capabilities of a dot-matrix or laser printer
or scanner that is expressed as the number of dots
that a device can print or display per linear inch.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-135
drop-down list List of options for an entry that appears when you
box move the cursor to the entry field.
floating menu The menu that appears when you press the right
mouse button. The position of the menu is the current
cursor position.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-137
grid (mesh) The result of subdividing a region in time and/or space
into smaller subregions. A rectangular region in the
x,y-plane can thus be divided into smaller rectangles
by lines parallel to the x- and y-axes. The points of
intersection of the lines are called the grid (or mesh)
points. A discretization method replaces differential
equations defined in a region by a finite set of
equations, which define approximations to the exact
solution at the grid points. The finite-difference and
finite-element methods are important methods of this
general type.
LF line feed
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-139
library There are various different libraries, i.e. program
library, link library, DLL, optical disk library, tape
library and session library. A program or software
library is a collection of programs and packages that
are made available for common use within some
environment; individual items need not be related. A
typical library might contain compilers, utility
programs, packages for mathematical operations etc.
Usually it is only necessary to reference the library
program to cause it to be automatically incorporated
in a user’s program.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-141
notebook A computer about the size of a piece of A4 paper
(computer) (about 20 by 30 cm) and a few cm thick with a hinge
along the long side. Notebooks can have all the
processing power and features of desktop computers.
To increase their flexibility the pointing device is often
a trackerball embedded in the keyboard rather than a
mouse, which requires a hard flat surface to operate
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-143
parity In brief, parity is an error-checking procedure in which
the number of 1’s must always be the same - either
even or odd - for each group of bits transmitted
without error.
pop-up menu A menu that appears on the display when the user
changes the state of a button or makes a selection
from a menu bar. The menu item is selected by
pointing to the desired entry before changing the
button state back to the original state.
pull-down A menu that is pulled down from the menu bar and
menu that remains available as long as the user holds it
open. Compare drop-down menu.
push button A general term for the buttons on the menu bar, the
scroll bars, the toolbars, in the dialog boxes etc (e.g.
Option buttons, Command buttons) that are normally
equipped with a title or picture and cause an action
when pressed.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-145
read-only file A file that can be read or copied, but not erased or
modified. The protection is maintained by the
operating system and in multiuser systems can be
made to depend upon the category of the user. A file
might be writeable by its owner, read-only to the
owner’s colleagues and inaccessible to everyone else.
scroll box In a scroll bar, the small box that shows the position
of information currently in the window or list box
relative to the contents of the entire window.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-147
serial port An input/output socket on a computer or other device
that is used for serial input/output, often making use
of the RS232C standard. The physical port may have a
25- or 9-pin subminiature D connector or an RJ45
connector (which looks like a telephone connector).
From the software, a serial port is usually treated as a
device rather than a file.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-149
string 1. A flexible one-dimensional array, i.e. a flexible
vector, of symbols where the lower bound of the
vector is fixed at unity but the upper bound, i.e. the
string length, may vary. 2. A type of input to a
graphics system consisting of a sequence of
characters. The usual input device is a keyboard.
tab Short for tabulate, i.e. to lay out data and for
tabulation character, a control character used when
laying out data to control the movement of a print or
display mechanism. The tab key may initiate the
tabulation function or may be used for other control
title bar The horizontal bar (at the top of a window) that
contains the title of the window or dialog box. On
many windows, the title bar also contains the Control
menu box and Maximize and Minimize buttons.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-151
transformation Transformation of statistics data means a change of
scale used to improve the validity of statistical
analyses. For data in which small values have smaller
variance than large values a logarithmic or square root
transformation is often recommended. For data in the
form of proportions, a transformation from the scale
(0,1) to an infinite scale is advisable before performing
analysis of variance or regression analysis. Several
transformations exist for proportions, such as the
logistic or log-odds-ratio that is used in the analysis of
generalized linear models. Appropriate
transformations may be suggested by studying
residuals in a regression analysis.
Ascent Software
User's Guide 4-153
zoom in / out A possibility to see information either more closely
and detailed (zoom in) by enlarging it or more remote
and less accurately (zoom out) by diminishing it.