JSE Building Guidelines
JSE Building Guidelines
JSE Building Guidelines
Jordan Springs
(Eastern Precinct)
Your guide to building
a new home
The guide to Building Your New Home spells Step 2: Complying development code
out the requirements for new homes at
Jordan Springs. Complying Development Code is able to be used
at Jordan Springs. You have the opportunity to use
It aims to simplify and streamline the building a Private Certifier for your approval if your home
process. meets the Complying Development Code. If your
Ultimately these guidelines aim to protect your home does not meet the Complying Development
investment by ensuring a consistent standard of Code you are required to obtain development
homes are constructed within the community. consent from Penrith City Council.
The process to achieve design and siting approval Private Certifier
at Jordan Springs can easily be achieved by • Lodge plans with your nominated Private Certifier
following these simple steps: including design plans stamped by Lendlease.
• Receive Complying Development Code
Step 1: Jordan Springs design approval Certificate (CDC).
• Review the Building and Siting Guidelines Council
alongside your Building Envelope Plan • Lodge Development Application using
ensuring that you are aware of all the Development Control Plan (DCP) Policy with
requirements for your block. Penrith City Council including design plans
• Work with your builder and/or architect to stamped by Lendlease.
select the design of your home and landscape. • Receive DA Approval.
• Obtain advice from Lendlease. • Lodge application for Construction Certificate
• Lodge your house plans with Lendlease for with either Council or Private Certifier.
design and siting approval. Your builder can
do this on your behalf, assessment will take
Step 3: Construction
up to 10 working days. • Complete dwelling construction.
• If you are required to make some changes • Obtain an Occupation Certificate provided by
discuss these with your builder and/or Council or Private Certifier.
architect and re-lodge your plans with • Complete landscaping and fencing.
Lendlease, including the relevant changes. • Submit copy of your Final Occupation Certificate
The Jordan Springs Design Co-ordinator has to the Lendlease Design Co-ordinator for a
the ability to review and stamp plans based Compliance Bond Review. Compliance Bond will
on merit. be returned once all conditions have been satisfied.
Design controls
The front of your home
rear setback
15% for lots under 500sqm and 30m
and single storey only.
20% for lots over 500sqm or over 30m
deep or double storey.
Driveways are to be 3m wide for a single garage
and 5m for a double garage. Any driveway
treatment such as stenciled concrete or paving is
to end at the front lot boundary. From the front lot
boundary to the kerb, plain concrete is to be used
to Penrith City Council requirements. Footpaths
0.9m or 1.2m
are to remain continuous along the street and are 0.9m
Minimum side
setback 0.9m
not to be interrupted by driveways. side setback
(or 1.2m for
single storey if
a maintenance
EAVES easement
is present)
Eaves are to be a minimum of 450mm excluding
Zero boundary - 10m or 15mm pending CDC/DCP approval
Garage setback
or gabled roofs and minimum 10 degrees for a skillion
minimum 1m
behind main
roof. Flat roofs are to be concealed behind a parapet. building line Articulated
entry path
and covered
General front fencing is not mandatory unless 0.6m Vehicle crossover
specified on your Building Envelope Plan, and Minimum
side setback
from kerb to
boundary to be
0.6m plain concrete to
should be no higher than 1.2m. PCC specification
Design controls
Typical front façade
Design controls
Corner lot - secondary frontage (side street)
3 7
Design controls
The side of your home
Design controls
The back of your home
Example of a parkfront home addressing open space. Example of pergola structure within building envelope.
Application form
1. Lot number/address
2. Owner details
4. Home designer
Signed: Date: / /
Jordan Springs - Landscape Plan Checklist
A landscape plan is to be provided at 1:100 @ A3 by a qualified landscape designer/architect/horticulturist.
The plan is to be fully documented with survey details including contours, lot dimensions, kerb, layback, vehicle crossover,
retaining walls, surface materials, planting, easements, clothes line, water tank, air-conditioning units and fencing details.
Clothes lines, water tanks and air-conditioning units are to be concealed from the street.
The landscape plan is to show any existing street trees and note that “All existing street trees and verge planting
are to be protected during construction”.
A minimum of 70% of the planting is to be Australian natives or water wise planting, and must be clearly indicated in a
planting schedule with ‘*’ or similar and the percentage of this planting is to be noted e.g. 70% Australian native, 30% exotic.
The landscape plan must have a plant schedule including botanical names, common names, pot sizes, heights and widths.
One tree of mature height between 4m - 8m must be provided in the front yard and back yard of the lot.
One of the trees is to be an Australian native species.
A 300mm -500mm planting strip is required for the length of the following three locations; - between driveway and entry path,
between driveway and side boundary, along the front boundary (including any part of the secondary street frontage without fencing).
A separate entry path is required to the front door. This entry path is to be independant of the driveway, and a maximum of 1.8m wide.
The entry path can be curved or straight.
A minimum of 50% of the lots ‘total landscaped area’ is to be soft or premable surface. Artificial turf is not to be used in front gardens, on
council verge or where visible from the street.
Driveways are to be 3m wide for a single garage and 3 - 5m for a double garage. Driveways within the boundary from the front of the
garage to the front boundary are to be treated with either stencilled, coloured concrete or pavers. Plain concrete, driveway tracks,
turfed or loose pebble/gravel driveways are not permitted.
Plain concrete is to be used from the front boundary to the kerb in accordance with Penrith City Council requirements and must be
perpendicular to the kerb with parallel sides. Footpaths are to remain continuous along the street and are not to be interrupted by driveways.
Garden sheds are to be maximum of 10m2 and a minimum of 900mm from any boundary and are to be concealed from public view.
Service locations need to be considered.
Retaining walls visible from the street should be constructed of; textured or coloured masonry, bricks, blocks or concrete including
rendering. This rule also applies to any retaining walls in excess of 900mm.
Internal fencing along rear and side boundaries is to be 1.8m high Lysaght ‘Smartascreen’ in Grey Ridge or equivalent unless otherwise
specified in your building and siting guidelines for your lot. All internal fencing, return fencing to the dwelling and side gates are to be
set back a minimum of 7.5m or 2m behind the adjacent façade whichever is further back from the street.
Any return fencing to the dwelling or side gates over 2.8m long must be either screened by dense height planting
or fencing upgraded to slat style fencing or equivalent.
Secondary corner fencing is permitted for a maximum of 50% of the lot length (measured from the longest side).
Minimal additional fencing lengths may be considered if justified.
Corner Lot Frontage Homes on corner lots shall provide a secondary building frontage of 10m minimum. This is to include a broken roof line
and building line and suitable glazing. The secondary frontage should be setback 1.5m from the secondary side boundary facing the street,
unless otherwise stated on the Building Envelope Plan.
In addition to the checklist, the landscape plan is to comply wholly with the Jordan Springs Building and Siting Guidelines
included in your contract.
Contact phone:
Owner: _____________________________________ ________________________
Street Address:
Information Required for Approval • That you have carried out the site
management requirements
All submissions must be submitted via • Works have been completed within time
the “Lendlease Builder Agent Hub” at frame outlined in your contract
• That the landscaping and fencing has been
The approval package consists of PDF copies of: completed in accordance with the landscape
• The site plan; a survey is required to be plans approved by Lendlease
completed and details included in the site plan • That no dumping of rubbish or spoil on
• House plans, elevations and sections; adjoining lots or other areas outside your site
• Schedule of external materials and colours has occurred during the construction process.
(original samples may be requested);
• Landscape plan completed by a Timing
qualified landscape designer, architect • Construction of your house, driveway and
or horticulturist; and fencing is to be completed within 24 months
• Basix Certificate. of settlement.
• In order to achieve this timing it is
Compliance Bond recommended that an application for
A $2500 compliance bond is required to be paid design approval be submitted to the Design
at the time of settlement as noted in your contract. Co-ordinator no later than 6 months after
Conditions for the release of the compliance bond are: settlement to ensure that construction is
• That no variations have occurred to the exterior complete within the 24 month time frame.
of the home as approved by the Jordan Springs • Landscaping of your front and secondary
Design Co-ordinator. That any damage to the frontage garden is to be completed within
surrounding public areas including streets, 3 months of the occupation of your home.
street trees, footpaths, nature strips, services
and adjoining land caused by the construction
of your home have been rectified.
Attachment B
Construction information
Attachment C
Other relevant planning considerations
The development control strategy for Jordan • Dwellings should also be designed to avoid
Springs (otherwise know as the Western Precinct overshadowing of adjacent properties and to
Development Control Strategy) contains a number protect sunlight access to any habitable room
of guidelines that may influence how you design or private outdoor living space of adjacent
your new home at Jordan Springs. A summary of buildings to less than 4 hours between 9am
these controls are listed below. and 3pm at the winter solstice (21 June).
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best places
For over 50 years, Lendlease has been dedicated
to creating the best communities in Australia.
Aspirational addresses that foster a true sense
of belonging, where people feel connected and
genuinely welcomed.
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