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Soo Jin Lee

Soo Jin Lee is a licensed marriage and family therapist, executive director of Yellow Chair Collective, and co-founder of Entwine Community. Soo Jin's work focuses on providing healing for Asian American identities through understanding intergenerational trauma, racial trauma, and immigration stories. She has a special interest in destigmatizing the cultural implications of mental health and bridging the gap of knowledge in the mental health field about the unique struggles of Asian American mental health. For more information about Soo JIn Lee’s work and resources on Asian American mental health, visit www.yellowchaircollective.com and @yellowchaircollective on Instagram & Facebook.

Living in the Shadows

Living in the shadows as an undocumented Asian American carries a mental and emotional weight. Guest writer Soo Jin Lee shares her story about moving from shame and anxiety toward belonging and worth.

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