Globalization, describes the process by which

regional economies, societies, and cultures

have become integrated

through a global network of political ideas

through communication, transportation,

and trade.


�-� A Developing Evil - The Malignant Historical Force behind the Great Reset


�-� Adi�s G20... �Hola BRICS+...!


�-� Algo est� Cambiando en el Mundo

�-� An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order - The Origins of World War III

�-� Are Globalists Evil or Just Misunderstood?


�-� Arrivederci G20 - Benvenuti BRICS+

�-� ASEAN Economic Community - Why, For What, and By Whom

�-� Beware of Global Strategies of Tension

�-� Bilderberg - Where Big Business and Big Government Plot Globalism


�-� Bill Gates improvvisamente abbandona la "Storia del Disastro Climatico" mentre le popolazioni Respingono...

�-� Bill Gates suddenly Abandons 'Climate Doom Narrative' as populations Push Back against Globalism

�-� BP-British Petroleum - The Unfinished Crimes and Plunder of Anglo-American Imperialism


�-� 'Breve Historia del Futuro' - Un Gran Ensayo de Jacques Attali

�-� China is Asserting itself as the Driving Force Behind Globalization

�-� China is Globalist


�-� C�mo Identificar a un Criminal Globalista

�-� 'Coronavirus' Exposes the Cracks in Globalization


�-� Coronavirus y Globalizacion

�-� Coup d'�tat - The Historical Framework of Globalization

�-� CPI - Corruption Perception Index 2009

�-� CPI - Corruption Perception Index 2020 - Global Highlights


�-��Cu�les son los Intereses de los Pa�ses Latinoamericanos del G20?


�-� Cuatro Bombas de Relojer�a Globales a Punto de Estallar y de las Que Pocos han Escuchado


�-� Desarrollo - Un Proyecto Fallido

�-� Destroy The Globalists - One Fat-Cat Corporation at a Time


�-� Die Globalisten zerst�ren - Einen fetten Konzern nach dem anderen


�-� El Arzobispo Vigan� revela los Perversos Planes del Globalismo en una impactante Entrevista


�-� El Contra-Imperio - Mundializaci�n y Cibern�tica


�-� El Control Global de La Comida - Main File


�-� El Control Global de Los Medios de Comunicaci�n - Main File


�-� El Final de La Globalizaci�n


�-� El Gobierno Global est� Preparando un 'R�gimen Fiscal Global'


�-� El Golpe de Estado Mundial


�-� El Mega A�o Electoral 2024 en el que la Mitad de la Poblaci�n Mundial ir� a las Urnas


�-� El Moribundo Sue�o de la Globalizaci�n


�-� El Negocio del Oro-Azul - Privatizaci�n Global del Agua - Main File


�-� El Nuevo Orden Mundial - Breve Introducci�n para Dormidos


�-� El Presente - Dominio a Trav�s de D�lares y Petr�leo

�-� Empire's Double Edged Sword - Global Military + NGOs - Tearing Down SovereignNations & Replacing...


�-� Est� Confirmado - �Los Tiranos Aman a China!... �Pero por qu�

�-� Exporting Apartheid to Sub-Saharan Africa - The Legacy of Nelson Mandela


�-� Fabricando Disidencia - Globalistas y Elites Controlan Movimientos Populares


�-�Fin de la Globalizaci�n? - El Futuro que le espera al Comercio Mundial


�-� Fundaci�n Soros teme que Trump gane en 2024 e "Impida" el Globalismo

�-� G8 - 2013 Debates - "Before Our Very Eyes"

�-� Global Cities for Global Corporations

�-� Global Food Control - Main File

�-� Globalists are Now Openly Demanding New World Order Centralization

�-� Globalists Seek to Sanitize Internet


�-� Globalizaci�n - Un Juego de Tronos


�-� Globalizaci�n y La Uni�n Europea - Main File


�-��Globalizaci�n y Militarizaci�n - La Causa Ra�z de la Guerra a Nivel Mundial contra la Humanidad

�-�"Globalization" and Secret Societies Exposed

�-� Globalization and The European Union - Main File

�-� Globalization and The Who's Who of the New Ruling Elite

�-� Globalization is Losing its Lustre - India's Modi tells Davos Summit

�-� Globalization's Few Winners and Many Losers

�-� Globalization's 'Game of Thrones'

�-� Globalization was Supposed to Align the World's Values - Instead, they're Diverging

�-� Global Justice or World Domination

�-� Global Militarism - Main File

�-� Global Religion - La Religion Global - Main File

�-� Global Tax Scam Shifts From Climate Change To Poverty

�-� Global Upraising - Main File

�-� Goodbye G20 - Hello BRICS+

�-� Guess What Else Climate Change Hurts? - Globalization...


�-� Historia del "Nuevo Orden Mundial"

�-� How Automation and Globalization has Killed the Middle-Class

�-� How the EU can take on Dirty Money - The Darker Side of Globalization

�-� How the Globalism Con-Game Leads to a 'New World Order'

�-� How to Identify a Globalist Criminal

�-� How to Understand Globalization


�-� I Leader del Mondo chiedono pi� Globalizzazione per 'Risolvere' la 'Pandemia' Globale


�-� Il Moribondo Sogno della Globalizzazione


�-� In Che Modo i Giochetti Disonesti del Globalismo Conducono al "Nuovo Ordine Mondiale

�-� In Stunning Reversal IMF Blames Globalization for Spreading Inequality - It Causes Market Crashes

�-� Introduction of Global Taxation Just One Step Away

�-� Is the Global Taxman Coming?

�-� It Begins - Activists Launch Movement to Make Taxation Voluntary


�-� Juego Final - Plan de Esclavitud Global - Endgame - The Blueprint For Global Enslavement


�-� La Alianza Del Siglo XXI Para La Dominaci�n Global - Neocolonialismo Del Siglo XXI - Uni�n Europea...


�-� La Asociaci�n Trans-Pac�fico - TPP - Main File


�-� La Cina � Globalista


�-� La Globalizaci�n de los Pocos Ganadores y Muchos Perdedores


�-� La Globalizacion de Microsoft - Entrevista de Corporate Watch con Noam Chomsky


�-� La Globalizaci�n es Fascismo - �Organicemos un Nuevo Bretton Woods!


�-� La Globalizaci�n Tiene Poco de Libre Mercado


�-� La Ley de la Selva es Muy Superior a la Ideolog�a del Globalismo


�-� La Privatizaci�n es la Estrategia Atlantista para Atacar a Rusia


�-� Las 5 Industrias como Herramientas de la Propaganda


�-� Las 20 Bases Religiosas de los Se�ores del Dinero


�-� La Visi�n Planetaria ha Sido Pervertida - Un Desaf�o a los Actuales Denunciadores del Nuevo Orden Mundial


�-� Macron ha Unido a la Gente de Francia en contra del Globalismo

�-� Manufacturing Dissent - The Anti-Globalization Movement is Funded by The Corporate Elites

�-� Mapped Economic Freedom around the World in 2021

�-� Massacre in Peruvian Amazon Over U.S. Free Trade Agreement

�-� Monsanto - The Toxic Face of Globalization


�-� Multipolarismo y Globalismo - Dos Cosmovisiones Geopol�ticas y Sus Respectivos Or�genes Espirituales


�-� Multipolarit� e Globalizzazione - Due Visioni Geopolitiche del Mondo e le loro Origini Spirituali

�-� National Socialism and The Globalization of Education

�-� Nation of 65 Million Gets Lesson on Globalist Agenda - Thailand Local Media Mogul Gives 2 Hour Talk...

�-� Neoliberal Globalization - Is There an Alternative to Plundering The Earth?

�-� Of Ostriches and Rebels on The Hard Road to World Order

�-� Our Global Neighborhood - Report of The Commission on Global Governance 1995

�-� Our Global Neighborhood - Report of the Commission on Global Governance - A Summary Analysis

�-� Pax Europa - The United States of Europe and the Merovingian Master Plan

�-� Planetary Regime - The Globalists' Blueprint in Their Own Words

�-� Populist Revolt Spreading Across the West


�-� Presentaci�n de La Moneda Mundial en La Cumbre del G-8

�-� Privatization is the Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia

�-� Regionalism is Only Path to New World Order - By the Global Elite

�-� Rejection of Globalism - Hungary and Italy Pass Laws to Protect Citizens from Insect use in Food

�-� Seizing Everything - The Theft of the Global Commons

�-� Self-Sufficiency - A Universal Solution to The Globalist Problem - The Globalists' Worst Nightmare

�-� Some Implications of the World Company - A Bilderberg Document

�-� South American Union Will Also Have Common Currency

�-� The Age of Civil Unrest

�-� The Blue-Gold Business �- Globalization of Water Privatization - Main File

�-� The Controlled Global Education - La Educacion Global Controlada - Main File

�-� The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism and Open Borders

�-� The Dying Dream of Globalization

�-� The G20 Fractures - Tensions in Hamburg

�-� The Global Banking System - Main File

�-� The Global Coup d'Etat

�-� The Global Economic Reset Has Begun

�-� The Global Education - La Educacion Global - Main File

�-� The Globalist Rule of Law

�-� The Globalists

�-� The Global Media Control - Main File

�-� The Globalization of GMOs - How Genetic Engineering is Destroying The Developing World

�-� The Globalization Strategy - America and Europe in the Crucible

�-� The Global Union

�-� The Goal is Government of All the World

�-� The History of the 'End of Poverty' has just Begun

�-� The Kissinger Continuum - The Unauthorized History of the WEF's 'Young Global Leaders Program'

�-� The Middle East and Then The World - Globalist Blitzkrieg Signals Largest Geopolitical Reordering Since...

�-� The Muslim Brotherhood - The Globalists' Secret Weapon

�-� The North America Union - Main File

�-� The Rise and Fall of the Beast - Confronting One World Order (OWO) Globalism

�-� The Rise of Global Governance

�-� The TPP, the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski, Monsanto, Rockefeller

�-� The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Why it's Nothing but A Corporate Takeover

�-� 'The Washington Post' told America of Globalist Plan to be Implemented by 2025

�-� Timeline to Global Governance

�-� To "Counter" Populism, Start by Taking Globalization's Discontents Seriously

�-� Total Dominion Over Earth's Weather and Natural Resources - NWO Cabal


�-� Voces Contra la Globalizaci�n - Otro Mundo Es Posible


�-� Voces - Jean Ziegler

�-� We Can Now See The True Cost of Globalization - The Worldwide Public Realizes There Is Something...

�-� Who's Who of The Elite

�-� World Leaders Call for More Globalization to 'Solve' Global 'Pandemic'


�-� Ya Estaba Escrito - 'Breve Historia del Futuro'

Additional Information

�-� A Deeper Understanding of Technocracy

�-� Alex Collier - On Reptilians - ETs and The Global Connection

�-� Alternative Economics

�-� A Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger - Main File

�-� Are Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia and World Wide?

�-� Blue Beam - The Uncovert Project - Main File

�-� Cheap Wars


�-� Comprendere pi� Profondamente la Tecnocrazia

�-� COVID has exposed North America as a 'Failed State'

�-� Crisis and Opportunity - Realizing the Hopes of a Hemisphere - by Secretary Colin L. Powell


�-� De La Servidumbre Moderna

�-� Depopulation of Planet Earth - Main File


�-� EEUU, Canad� y M�xico Militarizan el NAFTA - Investigaciones del Proyecto Censurado 2009


�-� El Colapsante Estilo de Vida Occidental - La Mayor Amenaza Al Estilo de Vida Occidental Es El Estilo...


�-� El Desenlace - Sepa Porqu� Usted Est� Parado Sobre La Tercera Guerra Mundial


�-� El Fin de La Democracia Programada


�-� El Gran Rearme Planetario


�-� El Mapa del Mundo Paralelo - Conozca Pa�ses que no Existen para la ONU


�-� El Mundo Anglosaj�n - Camino de La Tiran�a


�-� El "Nuevo Modelo" - Selecci�n Natural - Los Millonarios y El "Estado de Calamidad P�blica"


�-� El Peligro Acechante - �A Qu� Teme Washington en Am�rica Latina? - La P�rdida del Control y Lo Que Viene


�-�"El Rescate Financiero es la Mayor Inmoralidad de la Historia de la Humanidad" dijo Manfred Max-Neef


�-� El TLC y La Globalizaci�n en Acci�n en Centro America - Alerta America Latina!


�-� EndGame - JuegoFinal - Main File


�-� Entre Dos Aguas - China y EE.UU. se Disputan su Influencia Sobre Am�rica Latina

�-� Expanding The Afghan War - The West's Insatiable Appetite for Global Military Domination

�-� Federal Register - Executive Order 12333

�-� Feudalism and the "Algorithmic Economy" - Using AI and Algorithms to Return to Feudal Economic Models


�-� Fortaleza Am�ricas

�-� Fortress Americas

�-� From Elephants to Electronics - The Ancient Phenomenon of Modern Globalization

�-� Global 2000 - Depopulation Program

�-� Global 2000 Revisited

�-� Globalist Think Tank Seeks "North American Consciousness" - Panelists See America as The "Greatest...

�-� Globalization and Colin L. Powell - Powell Describes Challenges and Opportunities in Marshall Visitor...

�-� Global Warfare USA - The World is The Pentagon's Oyster - US Military Operations in All Major Regions of...

�-� God, Globalization, and Manipulative Extraterrestrials - Prophetic Insights


�-� Guerra, Drogas y Pol�tica - Elementos del Mundo Bipolar - Conferencia de Noam Chomsky en M�xico


�-� Guerra y Mentira - El Control Pol�tico y Militar De Nuestras Sociedades

�-� Hey, Tibet�s Been Part of China for 700 Years Plus!

�-� How the Free Trade Agenda Is Knocking Down America

�-� How To Run The World - Mega-Diplomacy - The New World Order


�-� Il Mondo Anglosassone - Il Cammino della Tirannia

�-� Incrementalism - Breaking Free From World Powers Who Gradually Destroy Our Health


�-� La Carta de La Tierra y La Nueva Era


�-� La Guerra Invisible


�-� La Guerra Que Chile Necesita


�-� La Mappa del Mondo Parallelo - Per farvi Conoscere Paesi che per l'ONU Non Esistono


�-� La OTAN - Feudalismo Contempor�neo


�-� Las Ra�ces Religiosas del Superpoder Estadounidense


�-� Maquiavelo en Am�rica Latina - Mentes Colonizadas: �La Estupidez es Lo M�s Dif�cil de Combatir?

�-� Militarized NAFTA - Security and Prosperity Partnership

�-� Moscow's High Stakes Energy Geopolitics

�-� Nationalist Capitalism - An Alternative to Globalization?

�-� New World Disorder - Emerging Division Between East and West Threatens to Plunge the Globe into Chaos

�-� Noam Chomsky - Contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial - Main File


�-� Notas Sobre el NAFTA - Amos de la Humanidad

�-� Only Globalization Will 'Save' The Future - National Intelligence Council Report

�-� On Modern Servitude


�-� Perfil Estrat�gico de Ch�vez - Ni Tan Revolucionario ni Tan Demonio - La Suma De Los Factores


�-� Piratas, Corsarios y Filibusteros del Siglo XXI


�-� Ponerolog�a Pol�tica - Una Ciencia Sobre la Naturaleza del Mal Adaptada a Prop�sitos Pol�ticos

�-� Ponerology - The Science of Evil - Main File

�-� Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century

�-� Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America - Rise of 4th Reich

�-� The Big Picture Behind North American Integration - Elites Plan For Regional Rule Under One-World...

�-� The Collapsing Western Way of Life - The Greatest Threat to The Western Way of Life is The Western...

�-� The Earth Charter and The Ark of The Gaia Covenant

�-� The Ecuadorian Coup - Its Larger Meaning

�-� The End of The Nation States of Europe

�-�"The Energy Non-Crisis"

�-� The Energy Non-Crisis - The Granada Forum

�-� The Global Crisis and The Ultimate Secret of The Empire

�-� The Golden Snitch - How The Globalists Stole The Greek Election

�-� The Grab for Greenland

�-� The Grand Chessboard - US Geostrategy for Eurasia

�-� The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and The New World Order

�-� The Making of World Wars

�-� The New China Syndrome - Meat, Milk and Motors

�-� The Rise of The Fourth Reich in America - Project Camelot Interviews Jim Marrs

�-� The Ultimate Delusion - The United Nations - Main File

�-� The Vulnerability of Elites - Geopolitical Risk in 2013

�-� The World�s Tiniest Countries and the Eccentrics Who Rule Them

�-� Throwing Wokeness and Globalism into History's Garbage Bin

�-� Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World - Renewing Transatlantic Partnership

�-� Towards an Alternative to Globalization


�-� Una Comprensi�n m�s Profunda de la Tecnocracia

�-�"Unavoidable" Dystopian Future for World's Biggest Cities - Pentagon Video Warns


�-� Un Partido Mundial

�-� Usurping Sovereignty - The Trilateral Commission

�-� Washington's Future - A History

�-� Who Will Rule The 21st Century?

�-� Would Our Government Really Start a War to Try to Stimulate the Economy?

�-� Y el Octavo D�a..., Dios Privatiz�...

�-� Zbigniew Brzezinski and The Trilateral Commission - Main File

�-� Zeitgeist - Main File

Global Corporatocracy

�-� Agenda 21 and The Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy - An Introduction

�-� Backdoor Talks on Trans-Pacific Trade Deal Aim to Globalize Corporatocracy

�-� Confessions of An Economic Hit Man - Concise Summary

�-� Crunch Time for the Global Corporatocracy

�-� Pact for the Future - A Planetary Technocracy to Manage Global Crises on behalf of the Global Corporatocracy

�-� Rockefeller Internationalism - Main File

�-� The Connection Between Big Food/Big Pharma and Nutrition Policy

�-� The Four Business Gangs That Run The U.S

�-� The Trans-Pacific Partnership - TPP - Main File

�-� The World's Biggest Trade Agreement (RCEP) won't allow Corporations to Sue Governments

�-� TTIP - Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

�-� Why are Americans So Easy to Manipulate and Control?

Secession of Countries

�-� As Globalists Centralize, Secession Fever Grows Worldwide


�-� Renunciar al Sistema - La Nueva Tendencia Laboral en Francia y el Mundo


�-� Rinunciare al Sistema - La Nuova Tendenza del Lavoro in Francia e nel Mondo

�-� Secession Movements Intensify - Separatism in Europe

�-� The Future of Countries

The Shock Doctrine


�-� Ingenieros del Shock - Investigaci�n y Desarrollo


�-� La Doctrina del Shock - El Auge del Capitalismo del Desastre - por Naomi Klein


�-� La Primera Prueba del Shock - Dolores de Parto

�-� Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine"


�-� Una Introducci�n a La Doctrina del Shock


�-� La Doctrina del Shock

�-� The Shock Doctrine

Books-Treatises and Reports

�-� Brave New World - by Aldous Huxley

�-� Brave New World Revisited - by Aldous Huxley

�-� El Libro Negro de Las Marcas - El Lado Oscuro de las Empresas Globales - por Klaus Werner y H. Weiss

�-� Global Trends 2015 - A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts - National Intelligence...

�-� Global Trends 2020 - Mapping The Global Future - National Intelligence Council

�-� Global Trends 2025 - A Transformed World - National Intelligence Council

�-� Global Trends 2030 - Alternative Worlds - National Intelligence Council

�-� Global Tyranny... Step by Step - The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order - by William F. Jasper

�-� Iran Time For A New Approach - by Zbigniew Brzezinski

�-� The European Union Collective - Enemy of Its Member States - by Christopher Story

�-� The Geostrategic Triad - Living with China, Europe and Russia - by Zbigniew Brzezinski

�-� The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives - by Zbigniew Brzezinski

�-� The Police State Road Map - by Michael Nield

�-� The Shock Doctrine - The Rise of Disaste - by Naomi Klein

�-� The Third Wave - by Alvin Toffler

�-� World Wealth Report 2007

�-� World Wealth Report 2008

�-� World Wealth Report 2009


�-� Amazonia for Sale - The Awaj�n People and Their Struggle to Protect Their Ancestral Territory

�-� America Destroyed by Design

�-� An Unholy Alliance - Dealing With The Demon

�-� Apartheid Did Not Die


�-� As� Funciona El Mundo

�-� Conspiracy of Religion


�-� Destrozando La Democracia - Hacking Democracy

�-� Dick Cheney and David Rockefeller on The Council of Americas - 2002

�-� Do You Hear The People Sing


�-� El Contrato Social del Siglo XXI


�-� El Fin de La Democracia


�-� El Sistema Criminal detr�s del Globalismo, Bill Gates y Elon Musk

�-� Endgame - Blueprint for Global Enslavement - with Alex Jones - Subtitulos en Espa�ol

�-� Global Awakening - The 9/11 Chronicles


�-� Globalizaci�n y Globalismo - Una Gran Diferencia - Miklos Lukacs en Radio RCN

�-� Globalization is Good - Johan Norberg on Globalization

�-� Globalization - New Rulers of The World


�-� La Cuarta Guerra Mundial - The Fourth World War


�-� La Guerra Contra La Democracia


�-�"La Pesadilla de Darwin"


�-� La Servidumbre Moderna - Documental Alternativo


�-� La Teor�a de Los Seis Grados - Sincronicidad y La Estructura de Redes


�-� La Verdad Jam�s Contada - Zeitgeist

�-� Lucis Trust - U.N. Tool for One World Religion

�-� Mozambique - Life after Death

�-� On Modern Servitude - Shattered Times

�-� Privatizando El Mundo

�-� The End of Poverty

�-� The Globalization Tapes - Indonesia Plantation Workers

�-� Tibet WAS, IS, and ALWAYS WILL BE a Part of China

�-� U.S. Quest for Global Dominance - Superpower - The Film


�-� Voces Contra la Globalizaci�n - Otro Mundo es Posible

�-� War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 (9/11)

�-� Warning To The World

Related Reports

�-� Asia - The Reemerge of a Giant - Main File

�-� Brotherhoods and Secret Societies - Main File

�-� Lucis (Lucifer) Trust - Main File

�-� Rockefeller Internationalism - Main File

�-� Technocracy - Main File

�-� The Bilderberg Group - Main File

�-� The BRICS - Main File

�-� The Council On Foreign Relations - Main File

�-� The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - Main File

�-� The Trilateral Commission - Main File