by Alex Newman
04 June 2014

from TheNewAmerican Website


Over the weekend at the Bilderberg summit in the Danish capital, dozens of the world�s most important Big Business and mega-bank CEOs were meeting behind closed doors (and massive amounts of taxpayer-funded security) with a collection of powerful Big Government leaders.

High-level operatives for,

...and most of the other important "Bigs" were represented, too.

All of the attendees share at least one common element though: a radical devotion to globalism.�In public, Bilderberg summit organizers seek to portray the gathering as a mere off-the-record discussion forum.

A press release from Bilderberg released ahead of this year�s summit, for example, claimed the purpose was merely,

"to foster dialogue between Europe and North America."

How a secrecy-obsessed, paranoid, closed-off meeting would foster any sort of "dialogue" between hundreds of millions of people on opposite sides of the Atlantic was not clear.

What role a member of the Communist Party of China�s Central Committee would play in such dialogue also was not explained.

Still, "nothing to see here," Bilderberg implausibly insists.

"There is no desired outcome, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued," the official May 26 statement also claimed.

Numerous attendees, though, have suggested and even openly admitted in public statements over the years that much more than a mere "private talk" is in fact going on at the controversial summit.

For example, in 2010, former NATO boss and two-time Bilderberg attendee Willy Claes said in a radio interview that reports of speeches given at the summit are compiled.

"The participants are then obviously considered to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they affect," Claes added, which analysts said was essentially an admission that Bilderberg attendees are secretly plotting your future behind closed doors.�

The year before Claes� admission, then-Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon - a former European Union commissar and current Belgian minister of state - told the online EU observer that the summits "helped create" the controversial Euro currency imposed on 17 formerly sovereign European nations.

Much evidence also suggests that the summits played a major role in foisting the EU super-state on the peoples of Europe against their will - a process that continues despite the lack of public support.��

More recently, despite protestations to the contrary, a Bilderberg attendee and the leader of the Socialist International-aligned Dutch Labor Party Diederik Samsom admitted on camera this year that he was at the summit in his official capacity as parliamentary leader.

Asked if he was there in an informal capacity, he responded:

"Well, I�m formal, because being a politician, you�re 24/7, so there�s no way of exiting my role."

The Bilderberg website says,

"Participants take part in the conference as individuals in their own right,"

...but the comments by the Dutch lawmaker and "sustainability" zealot Diederik Samsom suggest otherwise.��

More than 15 years ago, meanwhile, far-left Bilderberg attendee Will Hutton - a former British newspaper editor, rabid pro-EU extremist, and vehement opponent of American conservatism - also hinted at the influence of the gathering.

"[Bilderberg] is one of the key meetings of the year," he wrote in 1998. "The consensus established is the backdrop against which policy is made worldwide."

The admission could not get much clearer than that.

Aside from guiding policy, a great deal of anecdotal evidence suggests Bilderberg plays a major role in selecting the policymakers who will foist the schemes on an unsuspecting public.

  • In 1991, for example, a virtually unknown governor from Arkansas attended. Shortly after that, he became President Clinton.

  • Obama, too, went to Bilderberg before becoming president.

  • This year, the little-known mayor of Atlanta was at the summit, sparking speculation about whether he was being groomed or vetted for higher office.��

It is not just American politicians whose careers seem to get a major boost from attending the summits, either.

Tony Blair, for example, attended Bilderberg as an opposition member of Parliament. He then became prime minister shortly afterwards. Numerous other British prime ministers have also attended.

Other countries in Europe have faced similar occurrences, such as Bilderberg bigwig and Goldman Sachs operative Mario Monti being installed as the unelected prime minister of Italy in 2011.�

At the European level - where voters and the peoples of Europe have virtually no say - the same phenomenon has been observed. In 2005, the state-funded BBC noted,

"All the recent presidents of the European Commission attended Bilderberg meetings before they were appointed."

EU overlords, of course, are not elected. In 2009, meanwhile, former Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy - a virtual nobody unknown throughout the bloc - was mysteriously installed as EU "president" days after attending the confab.

He promptly announced that "global governance" was advancing.�

Indeed, what unites the seemingly disparate globalists appears to be mainly their fanatical devotion to globalism - the transfer of political power away from nations and people to unaccountable supranational regimes.

Based on their public statements, it appears that virtually every attendee at Bilderberg is and has been a proponent of global and regional governance rather than national independence.�

In 2001, former British chancellor of the exchequer and Bilderberg bigwig Denis Healey even told the U.K. Guardian that it was a little "exaggerated, but not wholly unfair" to say that the outfit�s overall goal was to impose a global government on humanity.

"Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless," he claimed.

"So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

By "community," globalists really mean government - after all, the European Union was a "community" before the full-blown super-state was openly announced.

Today, after decades of brazenly deceiving the peoples of Europe, EU bosses hardly bother to conceal their intentions anymore, boldly announcing that a federal super-state is coming whether the public wants it or not.�

The United Nations, too, is increasingly resembling a global government.� �

Of course, more than a few prominent Bilderberg attendees over the decades have openly stated their goals, often referring to the sought-after planetary regime as the "New World Order."

...and many other top globalists and Bilderberg operatives have used the term regularly in public.

While Bilderberg claims people with "diverse" views are invited, there can be no question that such "diversity" does not include proponents of national independence and sovereignty.�

On its official website, Bilderberg openly outlines the extreme globalist views of its attendees.

"In the context of a globalized world, it is hard to think of any issue in either Europe or North America that could be tackled unilaterally," it claims.

Speaking to the BBC in 2005, former Bilderberg chair Davignon also noted that at the summit, "automatically around the table you have internationalists" - people who seek to further empower anti-sovereignty schemes ranging from United Nations outfits and the EU to the ongoing "trans-Atlantic integration" plot.��

In the United States, conservatives are generally hostile to Big Government, while liberals are generally hostile to Big Business. When Big Business and Big Government join forces to benefit each other at public expense, the result is often tragic, as history has shown.

On a global scale, though, the potential for disaster is far more serious - and that is the real threat represented by Bilderberg and its roster of globalist attendees.