- Combating climate change
- Promoting the integration of young people by supporting universities
- Strengthening connectivity
- Taking collective action for public health in the pacific
Combating climate change
Promoting the integration of young people by supporting universities
Strengthening connectivity
Taking collective action for public health in the pacific
The Republic of Vanuatu is an archipelago of over 80 islands. Its size and geographical distribution make it particularly vulnerable to the climate risks and natural disasters that threaten Pacific island nations (tropical storms, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis...).
Vanuatu was one of the four Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in Oceania until the end of 2020. As a small, remote, spread-out economy, with a GDP of around $956 million and an external debt estimated at 46.1% of GDP in 2021, the country offers few opportunities for sustainable growth. 65% of its 314,000 inhabitants live in rural areas.
Economically and socially, the country's recovery was in sight, driven by the recovery of the tourism and agricultural sectors, but the consequences of tropical storms, combined with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, plunged the country into a particularly difficult situation.
AFD has been a long-standing partner of Vanuatu since 1961 and was initially involved in investments in the aviation sector, in support of regional planning and the archipelago's economic and tourism development, and in the healthcare, education, and water sectors.
AFD's operations in Vanuatu are now focused on three key areas to help reduce vulnerability: climate, youth, and connectivity. It is involved in the following ways:
- through regional projects, in response to the challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity, and fostering joint solutions between the Pacific island states, including the French territories, as part of a regional cooperation approach,
- via bilateral projects to promote youth and regional connectivity (aviation and digital sectors).
AFD's operations in Vanuatu come under the Pacific Ocean Regional Office.