
Ukraine must cope not only with the ongoing war of aggression afflicting the country and with the emergencies that result; it must also plan for the future.
To help the country tackle the multiple challenges it faces, AFD opened a regional office in the capital, Kiev, in the summer of 2024. Through its quick impact projects and long-term action, AFD aims to address the needs expressed by Ukraine, giving priority to cities and regions, in conjunction with local authorities and civil society.
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L'AFD ouvre un bureau à Kiev - Ukraine
AFD and Ukraine: Supporting the reconstruction and European future of Ukraine

Building the resilience of cities and regions

Building the resilience of cities and regions

Building the resilience of cities and regions

Building on its expertise and French know-how in the urban sector, and at the same time promoting partnerships between French and Ukrainian local authorities, AFD Group’s action will make it a priority to support the restoration of essential services and reconstruction. It will also work to improve living conditions for people through urban services and housing, while focusing on sustainable practices.

Supporting civil society

Supporting civil society

Supporting civil society

Civil society actors work on a daily basis to help the most vulnerable people cope with the effects of the war and strengthen social cohesion. They also play an important role in improving the transparency and accountability of public action. AFD Group intends to support these actors and thus make the greatest contribution possible to Ukraine’s efforts for economic, social and environmental reconstruction.

Promoting multisector technical cooperation

Promoting multisector technical cooperation

Promoting multisector technical cooperation

Expertise France has a longstanding presence in Ukraine. This involves bilateral technical cooperation programs with French administrations and institutions, the implementation of about 15 European twinning operations, and ongoing operations in the justice and health sectors. In the context of Russia’s war of aggression and Ukraine’s candidature for EU membership, Expertise France is stepping up its activities in the sectors of local governance and decentralization; innovation and support for the private sector; economic and financial governance; and defense and security.

Contributing to private sector recovery

Contributing to private sector recovery

Contributing to private sector recovery

The Ukrainian private sector is instrumental in the country’s economic resistance and its long-term ability to ensure the prosperity of its population. AFD group, via its subsidiary Proparco, which is dedicated to the private sector, plans to support private actors in their desire to develop a real economic partnership with EU members. AFD Group intends to support private players in their commitment to develop a real economic partnership with European countries. 

million in loans available over the period 2024-2027
million in grants available over the period 2024-2027
national projects and 3 regional projects ongoing in 2024 for a total amount of more than €45 million across 6 sectors

In response to the emergency situation caused by the war, AFD is taking action in Ukraine with a priority focus on supporting operations at the local level to address the needs expressed by the country. Beyond the conflict, AFD aims to help Ukraine cope with the challenges of reconstruction and prepare for a future turned towards Europe.
AFD Group already operates in Ukraine, including through Expertise France, which has been implementing technical assistance programs in the country for more than ten years.

Proparco is continuing its dialogue with private sector players and is looking at potential areas of operation in the current context. The recent opening of AFD’s office in Kiev enables the Group deploy all its subsidiaries and financial and technical instruments in support of Ukraine.

Preparing for the future also means assisting the country on its path towards EU accession, given that Ukraine has started negotiations on its membership. This process involves seeking convergence with Europe’s environmental, social and economic ambitions.
Both accession and sustainable development are thus based on the same perspective, as is the quest for lasting peace. That quest is after all, what culminated in the creation of the European Union more than 70 years ago.