Latin America

In Latin America, AFD focuses on projects which combat climate change and inequalities. It has committed 17 billion euros in the region since 2009. It is now the region’s leading bilateral donor.
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AFD and Latin America
Latin America, view on Medellin, Colombia

Andes Regional Office

Andes Regional Office, AFD Group

Andes Regional Office

The Andean countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) share not only a common history but also the same language and part of the Amazon rainforest, which is directly connected to the Andes Mountains. AFD Group is working with the Andean region towards a fair transition, promoting environmental and social progress through two pillars: support for environmental and climate justice and support for social justice.

Find out more about the Andes Regional Office

Brazil-Southern Cone Regional Office

Brazil-Southern Cone Regional Office, AFD Group

Brazil-Southern Cone Regional Office

Climate change, rapid urbanization, and loss of biodiversity - Brazil and Argentina share common characteristics and therefore have to face similar challenges. In the Brazil-Southern Cone region, AFD Group aims to reconcile the fight against climate change with sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against inequality. Given the size of these countries, we intervene in the territories working with their development banks and businesses.

Find out more about the Brazil-Southern Cone Regional Office 

billion euros committed by AFD Group in 2023
of projects have a positive impact on the climate
of projects support gender equality

Latin America is the most urbanized continent in the world. Consequently, issues related to sustainable cities, which combine urban development, social cohesion and environmental protection, are central to the action of national governments and local authorities. The climate challenge has been added to the programs which are already being implemented.

AFD operates in Latin America under a mandate for “green and inclusive growth”. This means that we assist our partners along a path of economic development which benefits vulnerable populations and is compatible with the protection of the environment and natural resources.

Our activity in the region is based on strong historical, linguistic and cultural ties, and leads to a regular political dialogue, as well as a number of technical and academic exchanges. We have close relations with local authorities and local development banks (national and regional).

We are today active in the entire region, with FFEM (French Facility for Global Environment), PROPARCO (our private sector financing arm) and the NGOs we finance.

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