Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) is one of the poorest countries in the world. Following the crisis from 2013 to 2015, the improvement in the political context is an opportunity for CAR to take the path of national reconciliation. AFD is assisting it for good governance and better economic management.
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Bambari street, Centrafrican Republic, CAR
AFD and CAR: improving governance and combating extreme poverty
Bambari street, Centrafrican Republic, CAR

Reducing territorial inequalities

child, water, agriculture, Bambar, CAR, Centrafrican Republic

Reducing territorial inequalities

The Central African Government is going to undertake development actions in secondary cities, with support from its local partners who will help it define the needs and priorities. This approach will show that the State is taking action for populations in traditionally more neglected areas who sometimes feel they have been abandoned by the central authorities. 

Promoting access to basic services

Disparities in access to essential services between urban and rural areas hinder the balanced development of the country. AFD supports basic education and vocational training. We also support the State’s decentralized services and technical services for water and electricity supply.

Improving infrastructure coverage 

There is a need to build or rebuild community infrastructure in order to anticipate the return of displaced populations in crisis-affected areas. AFD finances electrical and road infrastructure, market facilities and local urban services (drinking water, sanitation, street lighting) and access roads (rural roads) to open up the most remote areas. 

Supporting dialogue and cohesion between farmers and herders

AFD supports the peaceful coexistence of agricultural and pastoral activities, in relation to the return of displaced persons and refugees from neighboring Cameroon or Chad in outlying areas. These operations are based on dialogue and aim to secure transhumance corridors and the provision of services for sedentary populations and herders.

Supporting institutions at the central and local levels

cattle vaccination, NGO, Bambari, CAR, Centrafican Republic

Supporting institutions at the central and local levels

The distress of populations faced with the weak governance of their central administrations (no provision of public services, policies for the predation and capture of resources) was at the heart of the crisis. In this context, AFD supports actors who legitimately govern territories, close to the realities in the field and populations. Our objective: renew the social contract between the State and the population by focusing on strengthening governance and redeploying the administration, particularly at local level.

Strengthening public service institutions 

In addition to support to actors at central level, AFD assists the State’s devolved or decentralized technical services in carrying out their functions of producing services for populations. We operate through both intangible support (training, organization of teams and work, information management) and tangible support (construction or rehabilitation of infrastructure, equipment).

Supporting civil society as an actor of change

AFD supports civil society organizations in order to promote change and enhance the accountability and transparency of public action.

Reducing economic vulnerabilities of populations

women, agriculture, CAR, Centrafrican Republic

Reducing economic vulnerabilities of populations

Nationwide, young women and men are seeking opportunities for a better future. The 36% fall in GDP caused by the crisis has weakened an economic system which was already very weak and incapable of providing activities and jobs to most of the population. AFD contributes to providing greater socioeconomic opportunities, particularly for youth.

Strengthening youth employability and integration 

It is necessary to set up basic post-education training services and develop vocational training in order to improve the Central African Republic’s human capital. AFD implements its activities in high-potential and job-creating productive sectors, with the aim of creating opportunities for the beneficiaries of training. Our actions also focus on provision by working with companies: apprenticeship, intermediation between supply and demand on the labor market, public employment services and support for project initiators and young entrepreneurs.

Supporting subsistence farming

In the sector of agricultural, market gardening and food production activities, our support focuses on training and advice, access to inputs, irrigation, storage, as well as the development and marketing of agricultural products. In this respect, we seek coordination with actions to improve access: rehabilitation or creation of roads and rural roads.

Strengthening local governance and the emergence of an accessible financial sector 

AFD aims to strengthen the organization of chambers of commerce and agriculture. We improve economic governance by facilitating the development of financial services. We support microfinance institutions which contribute to increasing the range of financing for small businesses and microenterprises. 

89m euros committed between 2008 and 2016
46 projects financed in 10 years
8 ongoing NGO projects

The Central African Republic (CAR) is one of the poorest countries in the world. The crisis experienced by the country between 2013 and 2015 led to a collapse of the economy and public services and put people in a particularly difficult humanitarian situation. A large amount of infrastructure and companies were destroyed and the administration, particularly the framework for public finance management, was paralyzed.

The improvement in the political context is an opportunity for CAR to take the path of national reconciliation, good governance and improved economic management. Despite its wealth of agricultural, forest and energy natural resources, CAR is a fragile State and faces a number of challenges: make rural areas participate more in the national economy, strengthen the governance of institutions at the central and local levels, and provide people with better socioeconomic opportunities in order to combat extreme poverty.

Taken together, these national priorities give form to a vision: that of a balanced territory in which people believe in the State and have prospects for the future. 

AFD has been a partner of the country since 2008 and is today helping CAR exit the crisis via grants to finance operations targeting the main weaknesses affecting the country (and loans allocated by PROPARCO, which supports the private sector).

AFD's CAR office is directly attached to the Central Africa regional office in Douala.

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