AFD’s financial information

Investors' Page

AFD funds itself mainly on capital markets. As a frequent issuer, AFD issues several public transactions every year and answers to specific queries from investors.
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AFD investor area
AFD has a dual status, being both a French public body, known as an EPIC (“Etablissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial”) and a finance company (“Société de Financement”), which is regulated by the national banking authority (ACPR). AFD benefits from the same financial rating as the French state and has a EUR 60bn EMTN program, and a EUR 2bn NeuCP program for short-term issues. AFD also frequently issues sustainable bonds. Finally, AFD commits to communicating detailed, rigorous and transparent information to investors.


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Financial Reports

Universal Registration Documents

Annual financial statements 

Semestrial Reports

Issuance programs & final terms

EMTN Programs


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NeuCP and NeuMTN Programs

Final terms

Press releases

SDG bonds

Corporate social responsibility

Since 2005, AFD has been developing and implementing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, in both its internal operations and its financing. For the 2018–2022 period, AFD Group has adopted a new social responsibility policy that comprehensively covers all of its direct and indirect impacts.

Essential documents