Motivation (Psychology)
Recent papers in Motivation (Psychology)
1. Approcci teorici e implicazioni pedagogiche
2. Una competenza da costruire: la voce degli studenti
2. Una competenza da costruire: la voce degli studenti
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
Effective goal pursuit is integral to organizational success. Because of this, a large number of models have been developed that describe the process of goal pursuit in whole or part. However, these models often have little overlap with... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
In his later years, Maslow divided self-actualizers into two levels, the ordinary self-actualizers and the self-transcenders. This marks his movement into transpersonal psychology and his interest in LSD, particularly the work of... more
У підручнику представлено такі мої підрозділи: Вчинковий смисл психологічних феноменів: феномени ситуативні Вчинковий смисл психологічних феноменів: феномени дії та післядії Феноменологія вчинку. Вчинок буденності Феноменологія вчинку.... more
This downloadable PDF is designed to give to students or others being trained as counselors. There is a compehensive list of essential knowledge and skills for counselors focused on engagement with challenging clients with substance use... more
Progress toward understanding human behavior has been hindered by disciplinebound theories, dividing our efforts. Fortunately, these separate endeavors are converging and can be effectively integrated. Focusing on the fundamental features... more
All counselors need to be prepared to appropriately address client setbacks in with engagement in view. The following is a guide for counselors when addressing setbacks with challenging clients, with a view toward maintaining rapport and... more
Beyond Behaviourism: using a multidisciplinary approach to develop the motivation of young adolescents.
The following is published on the website but is also being made available on for review. It is designed for groups as an in-depth look at self esteem from a realistic perspective, with substance... more
This is an insight and self-awareness building exercise specific to self-esteem and self-image. In this exercise everyone in the group will consider different descriptive words and then discuss how they feel personally about these word... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
BHS: Ovim radom ponuđen je prikaz relevantnih psiholoških studija, koje su za cilj imale ispitati neki od aspekata matematičkog obrazovanja. Prikazanim istraživanjima utvrđeno je da inteligencija značajno doprinosi matematičkim... more
In der Geburtsbegleitung können Hebammen wertvolle Ressourcen nutzen, wenn sie die verschiedenen Dimensionen der Kommunikation erkennen und einzusetzen wissen: Zwischen Mutter und Kind findet ganz ohne Zutun ein ganzkörperlicher Austausch... more
Russ Kane, Siobhain (Vonnie) Crosbie,
Dave Sleet, Dr. Asa Don Brown
Dave Sleet, Dr. Asa Don Brown
Learning is closely linked to individual motivation. The capabilities themselves are no longer sufficient for an adult to learn, however with a low motivation, even so well-developed abilities do not come to the core. In this paper, we... more
The objective of the present study was to examine how Atheist, Christian, and Muslim elite athletes motivate themselves before competitions. Using a semi-structured format qualitative design, seventeen elite male volleyball players were... more
Perfectionism in sports has been shown to be associated with burnout in athletes. Whether perfectionism predicts longitudinal changes in athlete burnout, however, is still unclear. Using a two-wave cross-lagged panel design, the present... more
Grundlagen gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen im 21. Jahrhundert - Neue Erklärungsansätze zum Verständnis eines komplexen Zeitalters Die Welt wandelt sich in rasender Geschwindigkeit. Alles dreht sich, wirkt aus den Fugen geraten. Eine... more
Perfectionists have shown increased negative affect after failure compared to nonperfectionists. However, little is known about how perfectionists react to repeated failure. This study investigated the effects of two forms of... more
We build on identity-based motivation theory to integrate research on in-person and virtual learning environments to articulate which features of virtual learning environments are likely to support or impede learning and identity... more
Leadership has been defined in various ways with some scholars strongly suggesting that it is a calling or something driven by a trait [1], which is expressed through personal values, integrity and certain qualities [2-5]. Leadership in... more
Optimal control models of biological movements introduce external task factors to specify the pace of movements. Here, we present the dual to the principle of optimality based on a conserved quantity, called “drive”, that represents the... more
Most contemporary text books of neurology and of psychology pay little attention to the function of the cerebellum beyond noting it to be an organ of motor control. A historical overview of research on cerebellar function is presented,... more
Undergoing an admission process (an initiation) can induce exaggerated feelings about a group, but there is little research about the role of rewards. This study replicated Aronson and Mills’ (1959) experiment. Seventy participants... more
Quality of goal engagement and alternative goal suppression were investigated in this research. Integrating the dualistic model of passion with goal-systems theory , we hypothesized that obsessive passion-associated with recurrent... more
Why do inmates participate in educational activities? Is it for the main reasons that individuals belonging to general population do, or do the reasons differ significantly? The present study sought to determine the motives that drive... more
Siguiendo los principios del modelo asesoramiento colaborativo (Sánchez, 2000) se presenta un programa de intervención desarrollado en una escuela secundaria de Neuquén. El objetivo era implementar un modo de trabajo que facilitase la... more
Psychologists today generally agree that your level of self-esteem, or how much you like yourself and consider yourself to be a valuable and worthwhile person, lies at the core of your personality. Your level of self-esteem determines:... more
Background Although higher psychological well-being has been linked with a range of positive biological processes and health outcomes, the prospective association between psychological well-being and physical activity among older adults... more
Many secondary music students graduate from school and stop being actively involved in making music in the community. This is frustrating for music educators who have watched their journey of musical development and then discover it came... more
Dancing is a popular form of physical exercise and studies have show that dancing can decrease anxiety, increase self-esteem, and improve psychological wellbeing. The aim of the current study was to explore the motivational basis of... more
Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other side refuses to cooperate. What then? Asaf Shani teaches powerful techniques to make it worthwhile for the other side to negotiate during confrontational situations. These are not... more
Perfectionism is a prevalent characteristic in athletes. Yet some researchers have argued that perfectionism in sports is maladaptive because it undermines athletes’ performance and stifles athletic development. This argument, however,... more
As part of a coach's informal learning process, previous athletic experience is a foundational element of an athlete's future coaching career, determining the perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors the coach will use in their interactions... more
Personalisation is a critical factor in superior customer experience and retention. It is also observed to be a cause of user frustration. This paper challenges the assumption that accurate content personalisation always positively... more
Cette étude évalue l’effet modérateur du sentiment de compétence et du sexe des élèves dans la relation entre le climat motivationnel et l’adoption de buts de maîtrise en éducation physique. Des élèves (640) d’écoles secondaires... more
at the end of the article Παράγοντες παρακίνησης εργαζομένων και κίνητρα απόδοσης ως εργαλεία αποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης Μελέτη σε επαγγελματίες ψυχικής υγείας ΣΚΟΠΟΣ Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν ο προσδιορισμός των σημαντικών... more