Employee Motivation
Recent papers in Employee Motivation
The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees’ performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality... more
l’implication est une condition de motivation, c’est un état psychologique de la personne, un état d’esprit alors qu’elle est souvent considérée comme une attention afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie de travail, elle est aussi un... more
The study sought to ascertain the impact of non-monetary incentives on employee productivity and the general employee performance. The study sought to investigate and measure the impact of non-monetary incentives as a tool to improve... more
The importance of job satisfaction as an antecedent to employees’ productivity and firm outcomes cannot be overrated in the world of business, especially in the service industry. This paper adds to the understanding of job satisfaction... more
Anagnostopoulos, I.T. 2020. Employee’s motivation in Primary Local Government (municipality). Case study: Municipality of Florina. [Unpublished Masters Thesis] University of Western Macedonia (in Greek).... more
Learning is closely linked to individual motivation. The capabilities themselves are no longer sufficient for an adult to learn, however with a low motivation, even so well-developed abilities do not come to the core. In this paper, we... more
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) aspirations by companies have been identified as a motivating factor for active employee participation in CSR implementation. However, a failure to practise what one preaches can backfire and lead to... more
software engineers at work place. Results are based on 306 responses. Results are relatively different from previous studies as most of the previous work is done in western countries. These differences are analyzed in the light of... more
Bu araştırmanın odak noktası kamu ve özel sektör çalışanlarının işyerlerindeki mobbing (psikolojik taciz) algı düzeylerini tespit etmek; görev yaptıkları kamu ve özel kurumlardaki motivasyonları üzerine etkilerinin olup olmadığını yaş,... more
This paper develops a conceptual model of the circulation of corporate control - the instability in formal authority at the top of large corporations. According to the model, CEO selection is both a political contest for the top executive... more
The study was aimed at examining ways leadership can be used as a motivational tool for improved job related outcomes using a cross section of employees from the Ghanaian rural banking sector. It tapped into the perceptions of employees... more
Traditionally, internships are viewed as a supervised work practice and experiential learning where student have the opportunity to apply the previously learnt theories from school in real-life situations. Several studies have been... more
Zarządzanie to osiąganie celów przy pomocy innych ludzi [2, s. 22]. Ta jedna z wielu i prawdopodobnie jedna z krótszych definicji zarządzania ukazuje, jak ważną, jeśli nie kluczową rolę odgrywa zarządzanie ludźmi w zarządzaniu w ogóle. Z... more
The importance of job satisfaction as an antecedent to employees’ productivity and firm outcomes cannot be overrated in the world of business, especially in the service industry. This paper adds to the understanding of job satisfaction... more
When employees find satisfaction and fulfillment in the work they do, their energy and dedication is firmed up and performance rises to exceptional levels which translates into greater profits for the organization. While focusing on... more
The purpose of this paper is to consider the influence, scope, limitations, barriers, and challenges imposed on employment by the existing condition brought on by coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) health crisis, along with the potential... more
Based on the principles of the human capital theory, this study investigates the role of the quality management system (QMS) in higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing successful employability attributes among graduates.... more
Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other side refuses to cooperate. What then? Asaf Shani teaches powerful techniques to make it worthwhile for the other side to negotiate during confrontational situations. These are not... more
The promotion of extended working life has created a period of uncertainty between the ending of work and the beginning of retirement. This period of the life course is now 'open-ended' in respect of whether older workers decide to remain... more
at the end of the article Παράγοντες παρακίνησης εργαζομένων και κίνητρα απόδοσης ως εργαλεία αποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης Μελέτη σε επαγγελματίες ψυχικής υγείας ΣΚΟΠΟΣ Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν ο προσδιορισμός των σημαντικών... more
Jelen cikk célja egy, a menedzsment és marketing elmélete és gyakorlata terén viszonylag fiatal, az elméleti irodalomban Ambler és Barrow által az 1990-es években megalkotott, és először 1996-ban publikált employer brand, illetve employer... more
Employee State Insurance (ESI) Scheme is a huge social security for the employees in the organization. ESI is completely different from insurance that is provided for general public. It supports full medical care and reasonable economic... more
This study examines the factorial structure of a new instrument to measure engagement, the hypothesized 'opposite' of burnout in a sample of university students (N = 314) and employees (N = 619). In addition, the factorial structure of... more
Lesgeven zonder cijfers Karst van der Velde Screenshot uit Super Mario Bros (1985).
Purpose-The ongoing pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has severely influenced lives and livelihoods. As service organizations either face hibernation or continuity of their business operations, the impact of social distancing measures... more
Using selected manufacturing firms in Aba, Abia State, we investigated the effects of motivation on workers' performance in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to compare our primary research findings with the findings in the extant... more
Purpose-This article explores how employees can perceive and be impacted by the fakeness of their company slogans. Design/methodology/approach-This conceptual study draws on the established literature on company slogans, employee... more
The aim of this paper is to illuminate the role of the socioeconomic , cultural and religious context in shaping corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of banks in Bangladesh. The authors utilize content analysis of annual... more
The article deals with issues of decision making with regard to motivation of employees and managers. In an introductive and theoretical part, attention is devoted to analysing opinions on motivation, motivating, and decision making. The... more
Organizational politics is becoming a nightmare for the employers, especially in developing countries, because of its devastating effects on the achievement of organizational objectives. The culture specific reasons of the development of... more
Employees or human resources are the strength of an organization without which the organization can't achieve its goals and aspirations. Therefore, to achieve its goals, organizations need to retain their skilled employees in that field.... more
The manufacturing industry is still a significant economic sector and organizations try to make it attractive enough for their workforce, e.g. by motivating organizational culture. The aim of the paper is to present the results of a... more
Speci®c determinants of intrinsic work motivation, burnout and turnover intentions: a study among nurses This study of 156 Dutch general hospital nurses tested a theoretically derived model of speci®c relationships between work stressors... more
Burnout researchers have proposed that the conceptual opposites of emotional exhaustion and cynicism (the core dimensions of burnout) are vigor and dedication (the core dimensions of engagement), respectively . We tested this proposition... more
Employee engagement is an important component of every organisation. The paper focused on studying various elements of employee engagement such as employee voice, employee influence together with management power and competency within the... more
We enquired 216 young people about their career orientation who live in Bekes county. We examined the student’s habit of choices of career, capabilities, needs of study. We knew their requirements of higher education and potential... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the turnover intentions of female employees working in the marketing department in the retail sector as an aisle salesperson. The Expectation Theory was applied as a frame for understanding the... more
In order to successfully construct a company, it requires assistance from multiple factors of production such as, land, labor, capital and knowledge. A company must have its own employees designated to particular segments of a company and... more
This research paper investigates the impact of informal and formal recognition on motivation and performance, by taking into account the feedback of front-line supervisors of SMEs at Dhaka city. The regression analysis results show that... more