Health Psychology
Recent papers in Health Psychology
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact ageism may have on providing healthcare to elderly people. The article investigates the consequences of ageism in medical settings, where the elderly are particularly vulnerable to... more
"ABSTRACT Objective: My objective was to investigate the experiences of women diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Method: I did a qualitative study based on interview data. Fourteen women with metastatic breast cancer were... more
Įžanga. Didėjantis pacientų įtraukimas į savo sveikatos priežiūrą ir jos vertinimą yra svarbus šiuolaikinės sveikatos paslaugų plėtros ir jos kokybės aspektas (1-5). Laikomasi požiūrio, kad pirminės sveikatos priežiūros kokybė apima tiek... more
Exercise has the potential to decrease negative side effects, lower societal medical costs, and increase quality of life. Exposure to physical exercise increased participation and led the way for a variety of pilot testing movement-based... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
This milestone text provides a comprehensive and state-of-the art overview of perfectionism theory, research, and treatment from the past 25 years, with contributions from the leading researchers in the field. The book examines new... more
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) has gained widespread popularity and acceptance, yet little is known about its effectiveness as a basis for health behavior intervention. A systematic review was conducted in order to evaluate the... more
Street-level bureaucrats implementing public policies have a certain degree of autonomy – or discretion – in their work. Following Lipsky, discretion has received wide attention in the policy implementation literature. However, scholars... more
In this paper, we compare and contrast the theories of Structuralism, which was structuralism developed out of early attempts to establish psychology as a separate discipline from philosophy and biology, and Functionalism, which was... more
This paper discusses the introduction of behaviorism as a major contribution to the world of psychology by comparing and contrasting the contributions and perspectives of three of psychology’s “premiere figures” - Ivan Pavlov, John... more
Trata-se na nova versão do IHS-Del-Prette, atualizada em sua estrutura fatorial, ampliação de faixa etária e base normativa. Maiores detalhes sobre essa nova versão em... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
The purpose of the study was to investigate the psycho-social factors such as self-esteem, stress, and family support that affect the depression in pregnant women. Methods: The participants were 149 pregnant women who were seen at the... more
The challenge for this task force was to outline potential contributions of psychology to address the cancer problem, the second major cause of death and disability in the United States. The first section of this report provides general... more
The authors used structural equation modeling to examine associations among perceptions of negative affect, social support, and quality of sleep in a sample of caregivers (n ϭ 175) and noncaregiver control participants (n ϭ 169). The... more
This study investigated primary and secondary stressors of distress in rheumatoid arthritis patients and partners, analysing data of 61 couples. Patients' disability was found to be a primary stressor of their distress. In addition, it... more
Global Theme: Psychological Well Being; The concerns and Development
Reports of stress and negative emotion may be important predictors of health outcomes. However, whether discrete emotions or stress measures are more useful, whether they contribute independently to outcome, and whether these variables... more
There is really no such thing as a neutral communication. People being who they are with varying health-related goals and priorities react to healthcare communications differently. Understanding and planning for the factors that shape... more
The extent and predictors of weight change were assessed among sustained nonsmoking special intervention participants in the Lung Health Study. The intervention included a 12-session group program and 2-mg nicotine gum. At 12 months,... more
BACKGROUND Recommendations suggest that all patients with diabetes who use insulin should home test their blood glucose. Recommendations for those not using insulin remain contradictory. These recommendations are in part based upon the... more
Enacted and perceived HIV-stigma was examined among substance using young people living with HIV (YPLH) in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City (N = 147). Almost all YPLH (89%) reported perceived stigma and 31% report enacted... more
Understanding how hostility may affect health risk is predicated on articulating its core physiological, psychological and social features. . Developments in the measurement of hostility. In: Friedman, H.S. (Ed.), Hostility, Coping and... more
Objective. The identification of the determinants of physical activity (PA) among older adults is an important avenue of research. To date, although the health action process approach (HAPA) has proven to be a valid framework for the... more
This study examined constructs drawn from social-cognitive theory and selfdetermination theory rE. L. in relation to dietary self-care and life satisfaction among 638 individuals with diabetes. A motivational model of diabetes dietary... more
To examine the motivational process through which increases in aerobic capacity and decreases in total body fat are achieved during high-intensity intermittent training (HIT) and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT)... more
As we have broadened our vision of health, the full meaning of water to the human race has begun to reveal itself. In the most concrete terms, our dependency on water is indisputable. In its 1948 Constitution, the World Health... more
Resumen Recientemente, el interés por el estudio de la relación entre el sueño y el sistema inmunológico, ha incrementado. El Síndrome de Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño (SAOS), es un trastorno caracterizado por episodios repetidos de cese de... more
Community members often evaluate health conditions more negatively than do the patients who have them. The authors investigated whether experience with a health condition reduces this discrepancy by surveying colostomy patients by mail (n... more
The majority of studies on the effects of a diagnosis of learning disability in the family have employed traditional ‘loss’ and ‘stress reaction’ paradigms. In contrast to this approach, the current analysis employed a form of discourse... more
En la actualidad, resulta cada vez más relevante estudiar el concepto de Bienestar desde una perspectiva multidimensional, que considere no sólo variables macrosociales, sino también aquellas inherentes a los individuos, como es el... more
Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio que tuvo como objetivo determinar el impacto de un programa para modificar el estilo de vida en los niveles de presión arterial y la calidad de vida de personas con diagnóstico de... more
The use of 'traditional' medicine, or a combination of biomedical treatment and 'traditional' medicine, is a common phenomenon all over Indonesia. In today’s Indonesian healthcare system 'traditional' and alternative medicine coexist with... more
Little attention has been paid to mental health knowledge based of populace in Sierra Leone. The effect of trauma, personal exposures to Ebola virus disease (EVD) and culture myths how it impacts to mental health knowledge/ behaviours in... more
The United Methodist Church has a theological statement in the Book of Resolutions 2012 on ministries in mental health that opens: We believe that faithful Christians are called to be in ministry to individuals and their families... more
A medical anthropological observation of the current gap in the Australian Indigenous Health Care system; Nguiu a small mining town that is located on Bathurst Island in the Northern Territory, there resides a dual occupancy of white... more
Caffeine (3.3 mg/kg) was tested against a placebo in 20 male medical students during periods of low (no exams) versus high (final exams) work stress. On each of 8 test days, heart rate and blood pressure were measured at baseline and over... more
This qualitative study combines methods from grounded theory and ethnography, exploring members' experience of a mental health day service walking group, with regards psychological benefits of the physical activity, the outdoor... more
Guided by H. theory of behavior and the transtheoretical model, the study purpose was to examine differences in psychosocial variables and external conditions by stage of mammography adoption. Sampled from a statewide population,... more
Background : From the health perspective one of the most important problems in contemporary society is decreasing appropriate physical activity among individuals. Moderate physical activity reduces the risk of mortality and morbidity from... more
This paper presents a finalized proposal for the “Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) Wellness Triage,” an on-site health and wellness program requested by school board of a low-income school district in an area of high urban community... more
A powerpoint session for a CPD session or introductory session for masters students on health behaviour change