Antisemitism (Prejudice)
Recent papers in Antisemitism (Prejudice)
This book shows how scholarly studies of prejudice, identity formation, and genocide studies can shed light on global examples of religious hatred. The book is divided into four parts, focusing respectively on: theories of prejudice and... more
The Jewish peoples have endured thousands of years of discrimination and subjugation, yet during this new millennium, Jews and antisemitism are conspicuously absent from university ethnic studies classroom discourse in the United States.... more
This is a draft section of a chapter in my forthcoming Ph.D., in which I explore the anti-Semitic theories and theological views of 19th-century German preacher and politician Adolf Stoecker. I examine Stoecker's influence on Nazism, and... more
The vast majority of Holocaust victims and survivors were Ashkenazim. Their main language was Yiddish. Yiddish is very close to German, the main difference being that the former is written in Hebrew letters, while the latter in Latin... more
In 1900, the German Empire was extremely shaken by a violent crime. To the east of the country , in the province of West Prussia in the town of Chojnice (Ger. Konitz), a junior high school student, Ernst Winter, was murdered. The... more
The article asserts that modern antisemitism is intrinsically linked to hatred towards the city. It is shown that antiurbanism isn`t just a phenomenon of the past but still exist in antisemitic propaganda.
Dalla metà degli anni Venti il regime fascista avviò il più grande esperimento di pedagogia politica di massa mai tentato nella storia italiana: forgiare una collettività organizzata di cittadini-sudditi, imbevuti sin dalla più tenera età... more
ABSTRACT This article explores the meanings of imagined, secret and hidden wealth that followers of conspiracy theory account for on different sides of the moral compass, as bad and good. Conspiracy theory, a strand of intellectual... more
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
Im Jahr 2017 äußerte sich die antirassistische muslimische Aktivistin Linda Sarsour zum Antisemitismus in den USA wie folgt: "While anti-Semitism is something that impacts Jewish Americans, it's different than anti-black racism or... more
Cette thèse parle d’Hommes, d’art et de société. Elle traite de l’histoire d’un banquier Juif ashkénaze né à Bonn en 1804 et de ses descendants. À travers l’étude de douze demeures et de leurs collections, elle raconte l’histoire d’une... more
Focusing on many previously untranslated articles in popular national magazines and newspapers, as well as works by prominent racial theorists, this chapter traces how outrage was systematically fomented against Jews in Nazi-era Germany,... more
Neo-antisemitism is a twenty-first century global ideology, with its own thinkers, organizers, spokespersons, state sponsors and millions of adherents. We are at the beginning of a long intellectual and ideological struggle… It is about... more
Кресін О.В. «Історія Малоросії» Миколи Маркевича: історична праця та політичний трактат // Studia politologica Ucraino-Polona. Т. 7. 2017. С. 271 – 286. М. Маркевич був людиною свого часу. Як історик він з методологічної точки зору навіть... more
Book review. Monographs "Anthropology and ethnology during World War II. The activities of Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit in the light of new source materials" edited by Małgorzata Maj. (Full text... more
Nel giugno 1938, alcuni mesi prima della Notte dei cristalli e un anno prima dell'inizio della Shoah, Oscar Levy - medico e intellettuale ebreo tedesco in esilio a Parigi - scrive una lunga lettera aperta al Cancelliere del Reich, nota... more
Nachdem die traditionelle Linke lange Zeit versucht hat, das Problem des Antisemitismus in den eigenen Reihen zu leugnen, kommt seit einigen Jahren eine neue Variante der Abwehr dazu: die Scheinauseinandersetzung. Ein Beispiel dafür ist... more
Past research on the link between anti-Semitism and criticism of the Israeli government has revealed a partial correlation between the two. However, among the political arguments that have inspired such research, one has gone unaddressed:... more
mondiale et de la permanence obligée de Maritain aux États-Unis, un « exil » qui 1 Je reprends ici les résultats d'une recherche plus vaste, que l'on peut lire maintenant dans Daniele Lorenzini, Jacques Maritain e i diritti umani. Fra... more
Masters of the World. On the Origins of Jewish Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy theories about the Jews endlessly flourish around us. Usually, they have been studied in connection with the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a... more
Published by The Viking Society for Northern Research. Available from the following vendors: Bookfinder: Foyles: Waterstones: As well as the distributor:... more
Rosa Luxemburg weist darauf hin, dass in der aufgehetzten Stimmung ein "Teil der linken Presse" eine vermeintlich "sachliche und ernsthafte" Diskussion "zur jüdischen Frage" führen möchte. Als gänzlich neu beschreibt Luxemburg, dass sich... more
A call for papers is now open for the forthcoming issue of JCA. Please submit your manuscript to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019. All submissions are subjected to a blind peer review... more
The popular, stereotype perception of Russian anti-Semitism is marred by a number of misconceptions. It is generally believed that it originated among the peasants, partly as a result of religious bigotry and partly as a reaction against... more
Thomas Haury führt den "Antizionismus" in den "sozialistischen" Staaten vornehmlich auf Stalin zurück, allerdings habe er sich "kongenial" in die SED-Lesart des Marxismus-Leninismus eingefügt. Doch so erschreckend die Übernahme... more
Ist Antisemitismus eine Form des Rassismus oder handelt es sich um zwei völlig verschiedene Phänomene? Und gibt es Analogien zur Islamfeindlichkeit oder ist dieser Vergleich abwegig? Der Aufsatz zeichnet die international geführte... more
Roman Shukhevych conducted his first political assassination in 1926 at age 19. In 1934, he was jailed for his role in killing Poland’s Interior Minister. By 1940, he was attending a Nazi military intelligence (Abwehr) academy in... more
By 1945, Friedrich Nietzsche had fallen into disrepute in the Western democracies, for he had been a popular and influential author among European Nazis and fascists. 1 Soon after 1945, however, began the Great Rehabilitation, an effort... more
Seitdem Alexander Nitzberg vor sieben Jahren eine neue Übersetzung von Michail Bulgakows Klassiker Der Meister und Margarita vorgelegt und dem deutschen Publikum den russischen Meister in einem völlig neuen Ton präsentiert hat,... more
Seca, fome e peste. Esta era a situação pela qual passava Lisboa naquela Páscoa de 1506. O rei, como era costume em tais casos, havia saído da cidade, e atrás dele grande parte dos nobres e dos membros da alta burguesia. Enquanto isso,... more
Michael Leoni, a leading singer in late eighteenth-century London, became famous for his role in Richard Brinsley Sheridan's anti-Jewish opera The Duenna. He was discovered, however, at the Jewish synagogue, where his singing enthralled... more
Pese a las numerosas opiniones divergentes que en los últimos años han intentado romper con la asociación lineal, quebrando la tosca cadena Herder/Hegel/Wagner/Bismarck/Nietzsche/Hitler, en los contextos donde se historiza el surgimiento... more
En 1240, le duc de Bretagne expulse tous les juifs du duché. Cet épisode peu connu signe la fin de la présence d’une communauté juive en Bretagne au Moyen Âge. Elle s’explique par la conjugaison du fanatisme religieux et la volonté... more