Urban History
Recent papers in Urban History
The paper attempts to outline the urban visions and architectural ideas and vocabulary behind the formation of the large urban conglomeration in Japan, South Korea and China, and how the seeds of Western planning theories and... more
Promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon of colonization and its connection with environmental knowledge and technology, this article proposes a reframing of research agendas to take into account the municipal character of... more
From the foundation of the Order of St John in 11th century Syria as a community of lay brethren intent on providing shelter, care and assistance to pilgrims visiting the Holy Land, the destiny of the Hospitaller Knights was irremediably... more
Early modern Amsterdam was an ultra-modern city, laid out conforming to the triple demand of functionality, beauty and profit; a city that takes a unique place in European urban history because of its location, design, and impressive... more
The Gold Coast is Australia’s most rapidly changing city – regularly compared to Miami and Las Vegas for its embrace of bad taste and the good life; and with Dubai for its sudden moments of high-rise assuredness and seeming lack of... more
Renier Acorre est un marchand et changeur florentin devenu seigneur dans la Brie, receveur de Champagne et panetier à la cour des Capétiens. Son cartulaire privé (Paris, BNF, ms. fr. 8593) est bien connu parce qu'il représente l'un des... more
Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim... more
In the second half of the 16th century, Girolamo Righettino, a brilliant draughtsman and theologian (a member of the Order of the Canons Lateran), produced city views with ornamental frames characterised by their rich allegorical... more
Every year magazines, within the design community and from without, publish top ten (or bottom ten) lists of cities to live in. Invariably, they’re bracketed as the “best” or the “worst.” For the former, Metropolis magazine based its... more
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
The Pacific War permanently transformed the political ecology of excrement in the Greater Tokyo area. Since the Edo period (1603–1868), a network of commercial night soil collectors had operated in the city, emptying its latrines for use... more
This descriptive-analytical study attempted to investigate the quality of life in urban areas of Iran. Sonqor City of Kermanshah Province was selected as a case. Field and documentary data collection methods were used. To collect the... more
This volume brings together research on retailing and shopping and their embeddedness in urban space, themes that have attracted wide interest in recent decades. Addressing these themes over an era that bridges the early modern and... more
Charlotte Jelidi est historienne de l'art, chercheure post-doctorante à l'Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain à Tunis où elle dirige le programme intitulé : « Contribution par l'archive, au renouveau de l'histoire coloniale.... more
The article presents the development of Planty Dietlowskie (named after the professor of Jagiellonian University, Józef Dietl) on the part of the old Vistula River that was reclaimed. Th e Vistula cut-off formed a natural frontier... more
This fascinating volume examines the impact that rapid urbanization has had upon diets and food systems throughout Western Europe over the past two centuries. Bringing together studies from across the continent, it stresses the... more
این کتاب پژوهشی در باب تاریخ معماری و شهرسازی تهران در زمان ناصرالدین شاه قاجار است. در اواخر سدۀ سیزدهم هجری، گسترش تهران و شکلگیری محلههای مسکونی جدید در دارالخلافۀ ناصری فرصتی تازه به بانیان معماری و عاملان شهرسازی داد تا نیازها و... more
"A obra que o leitor tem entre mãos pretende ser uma recolha completa de todos os trabalhos escritos de Armindo de Sousa, publicados além dos seus livros ou capítulos de livros. Porque este historiador já partiu de entre nós há cerca de... more
Este libro describe el trabajo realizado en el sitio arqueológico que se ubica detrás de la Casa de Gobierno, en donde funcionó entre los años 1857 y 1894 la Aduana Nueva, más conocida como Aduana Taylor, la cual constituyó el primer... more
"當代的中國大陸已成為全球的消費大國,各個大城市裡名牌店林立。然而早在三、四百年前江南的大城市裡,已經可以看到休閑消費的繁榮現象。休閑消費如何改變了城市的空間?店舖為因應消費需求如何改造其空間配置?休閑的空間如何擴大與分化?私人性質的休閑空間為何走向公共化?男性與女性在消費空間上有何差異?本書嘗試將「空間」的觀念帶入到消費研究的領域,探討明清城市內休閑消費活動如何改變了空間結構,進而分析現象背後所反映的社會關係與權力糾結。... more
Paesaggi urbani del Piemonte sud-occidentale xiii-xv secolo a cura di Rinaldo Comba, Andrea Longhi, Riccardo Rao Società per gli Studi Storici, Archeologici ed Artistici della Provincia di Cuneo Cuneo 2015 Il volume raccoglie una parte... more
The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its third issue in 2022, the theme of which will be Economy, the Connecting Force in Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages The deadline for the submission of abstracts:... more
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
This dissertation examines Istanbul as a geographical and historical totality and focuses on four different and integral parts of this totality: its Ottoman past, its dalliances with modern planning attempts, the city’s death throes in... more
During the 1990s, a long historical cycle of Bucharest came to an end. From the mid-19th century on, industry became an important economic and cultural presence in Bucharest's landscape. During the last 10-15 years it began to contract.... more
The concept of authenticity, as defined in international circles between the 1960s and the 1994 Nara Conference on Heritage, has been one of the main instruments used to define policies aiming at heritage protection during the last few... more
Alice Davis Hitchcock Award for 1992, Society of Architectural Historians. Most Outstanding Book in Architecture and Urban Planning, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers, Inc., 1991.... more
Smith, Michael E., and José Lobo, 2016 Comment on Jennings and Earle, "Urbanization, State Formation, and Cooperation: A Reappraisal". Current Anthropology 57(5):485-486.
"Cos’era Udine agli occhi di un cividalese del Quattrocento, se non una ‘neonata’ irriverente? Partendo da questa domanda provocatoria, il saggio delinea lo sviluppo e la storia di Cividale durante il Medioevo da un’angolatura diversa:... more
This paper engages with the involvement of Jewish Diaspora organizations, and the ramifications of their role with regard to both the rebuilding plan of the burnt zone created by the big fire that devastated Salonika in August 1917 , and... more
Halil İbrahim Düzenli, “İstanbul Türbeleri”, Antik Çağ’dan XXI. Yüzyıla Büyük İstanbul Tarihi, c. 8, Coşkun Yılmaz (ed.), M. Akif Aydın (proje yön.), TDV İSAM & İBB Kültür AŞ. Yay, İstanbul, 2015, 428-449.