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Andante ticket

Andante is a public transport ticketing system used in and around Porto, Portugal. It started operation in November 2002 at Metro do Porto stations and is now a cross-network ticket used on the Porto Metro, selected bus and train routes and the Funicular dos Guindais cable railway.

Two types of card are currently in use:

  • Occasional or Azul (blue): This card is a rechargeable ticket intended for occasional riders, and contains a small, flexible memory card within the laminated ticket. The card has an estimated life-span of about one year.
  • Season or Gold: Similar to a credit card in shape and material, it has a memory chip on the surface. Gold tickets also feature the holder's name and laser-scanned photograph. It has a life-time of several years.
  • Occasional tickets can be bought at the terminals in stations. Ticket machines can recharge both kinds of ticket, although Gold tickets can only be purchased in Lojas Andante (Andante Shops). Tickets can also be recharged at MultiBanco ATMs. When purchasing tickets, passengers must select how many zones the card will allow travel within. The minimum Z2 (2 zone) ticket allows travel for 1 hour after validation, with allowed travel time increasing for each valid zone purchased.


    • How to buy metro card/ticket in porto #porto #portugal #andante #metrocard #travel #indianineurope

      published: 27 Aug 2022
    • Andante ticket Top # 11 Facts

      Andante ticket Top # 11 Facts

      published: 29 Oct 2015
    • How to Buy Adante Metro card in Porto🇵🇹 || Porto Metro card #portugal #porto #viagem #travel

      published: 12 Jun 2022
    • Como Recarragar o Andante de Transporte Público em Porto - Portugal 📍 Ticket de Transporte Mensal!

      published: 01 Mar 2023
    • Como funciona el Transporte público de Porto⛔| Andante, Portugal🇵🇹

      Evita multas en el metro de Porto, descubre el tips que te traigo en este video! 💰Desde cuánto cuesta subir a un Bus hasta como validar tu tarjeta Andante. Te muestro la importancia y lo que necesitas saber para moverte en Oporto ❌ Sin multas ¡No te pierdas esta guía completa sobre el transporte público en Oporto! 🇵🇹 -𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝗲𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿 : Descarga la app ANDA para pagar tu transporte por todo el mes sin preocuparte de las zonas o multas y pagalo el siguiente mes✅ 𝙑𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙙𝙤: https://youtu.be/kurU1fBg0WM?si=_5ep6lzxDZhkm-Ge 👇Comenta si te ha servido este video👀 REDES SOCIALES https://www.instagram.com/jhesch.pt?igsh=MXhmaGQ3Z3NoM3pwYQ== https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067969872505 https://www.tiktok.com/@jhesch.pt?_t=8lKqp8Xuctc&_r=1 💻 EDICIÓN & MARKETI...

      published: 25 Oct 2023
    • Porto Metro Explained | Buying Tickets, How to Ride, and All the Basics

      Public transportation can be tricky, especially if you're new to a city. This can be whether you move or are just visiting. Today Josh and Kalie from ExpatsEverywhere show you how the Porto metro in Portugal works. They have to ride it to head out to NorteShopping and hopefully find everything they are looking for at that mall. In this episode, they explain the lines, the zones, how to get your ticket, how to know which direction to go, and so much more. Not only do they explain it but they also show you how they do it. Don't be scared! Take a ride with them and learn the basics so you can be prepared. Andante Azul (Individual Trips) Metro Prices by Zone | Maximum Duration of the Trip (11.26.2021) Z2 €1.20 | 1 hr Z3 €1.60 | 1 hr Z4 €2.00 | 1 hr 15 min Z5 €2.40 | 1 hr 30 min Z6 €2.80 | 1 ...

      published: 27 Nov 2021
    • andante card in porto Portugal 🇵🇹 || how to buy andente card in Portugal 🇵🇹 ||

      andante card in porto Portugal 🇵🇹 #andante #andantecard #tain #matro #matroinportugal #travl #traveltiktok

      published: 24 Oct 2023
    • Como comprar passe Andante para Metro Porto, Portugal.

      como comprar e recarregar seu passe Andante ao chegar em Porto Portugal. chegamos no aeroporto e nao sabemos como comprar o bilhere para o metro. É facil, é só escolher a zona que queres ir e seguir este passo a passo.

      published: 15 Sep 2022
    • Como carregar o andante - How to buy The ticket in Metro do Porto in Portugal

      published: 07 Apr 2019
    • [🇵🇹포르투갈 포르투] andante 안단테 교통권 구입 / 포르투 교통권 / 안단테 카드

      [🇵🇹포르투갈 포르투] andante 안단테 교통권 구입 / 포르투 교통권 / 안단테 카드 #유럽여행 #포르투갈여행 #포르투여행 #안단테카드 #포르투교통권

      published: 27 Feb 2023
    How to buy metro card/ticket in porto #porto #portugal #andante #metrocard #travel #indianineurope

    How to buy metro card/ticket in porto #porto #portugal #andante #metrocard #travel #indianineurope

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:45
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Aug 2022
    • views: 10460
    Andante ticket Top # 11 Facts

    Andante ticket Top # 11 Facts

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:29
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Oct 2015
    • views: 1703
    Andante ticket Top # 11 Facts
    How to Buy Adante Metro card in Porto🇵🇹 || Porto Metro card #portugal #porto #viagem #travel

    How to Buy Adante Metro card in Porto🇵🇹 || Porto Metro card #portugal #porto #viagem #travel

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:10
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Jun 2022
    • views: 4370
    Como Recarragar o Andante de Transporte Público em Porto - Portugal 📍 Ticket de Transporte Mensal!

    Como Recarragar o Andante de Transporte Público em Porto - Portugal 📍 Ticket de Transporte Mensal!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:01
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Mar 2023
    • views: 1515
    Como funciona el Transporte público de Porto⛔| Andante, Portugal🇵🇹

    Como funciona el Transporte público de Porto⛔| Andante, Portugal🇵🇹

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:27
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Oct 2023
    • views: 2503
    Evita multas en el metro de Porto, descubre el tips que te traigo en este video! 💰Desde cuánto cuesta subir a un Bus hasta como validar tu tarjeta Andante. Te muestro la importancia y lo que necesitas saber para moverte en Oporto ❌ Sin multas ¡No te pierdas esta guía completa sobre el transporte público en Oporto! 🇵🇹 -𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝗲𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗿 : Descarga la app ANDA para pagar tu transporte por todo el mes sin preocuparte de las zonas o multas y pagalo el siguiente mes✅ 𝙑𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙙𝙤: https://youtu.be/kurU1fBg0WM?si=_5ep6lzxDZhkm-Ge 👇Comenta si te ha servido este video👀 REDES SOCIALES https://www.instagram.com/jhesch.pt?igsh=MXhmaGQ3Z3NoM3pwYQ== https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067969872505 https://www.tiktok.com/@jhesch.pt?_t=8lKqp8Xuctc&_r=1 💻 EDICIÓN & MARKETING : https://www.instagram.com/iampaolanet?igsh=MWl5MzRrZTdnbTVycQ== ‼️ Cosas que seguro no sabias del transporte en Oporto🚉 1. Los autocarros de la linea STCP son eléctricos no usan gasolina. 2. Los autocarros no se detienen donde sea, solo en las paradas de la linea 3. Debes presionar el Boton de ´´Stop´´ para que se detenga en la proxima parada porque sino no se detendrá. 4. Linea Rosa: actualmente esta en construccion una nueva linea de metro en oporto, dice estar lista para el 2024 5. Los fines de semana los horarios de los buses cambian 6. Hay fiscalizadores de metro y bus que pueden multarte si no pagas, o si no validas tu tarteja #transportedeportugal #latinosenportugal #andante #vivirenportugal #oporto #oportoportugal #visitaroporto
    Porto Metro Explained | Buying Tickets, How to Ride, and All the Basics

    Porto Metro Explained | Buying Tickets, How to Ride, and All the Basics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:40
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Nov 2021
    • views: 34714
    Public transportation can be tricky, especially if you're new to a city. This can be whether you move or are just visiting. Today Josh and Kalie from ExpatsEverywhere show you how the Porto metro in Portugal works. They have to ride it to head out to NorteShopping and hopefully find everything they are looking for at that mall. In this episode, they explain the lines, the zones, how to get your ticket, how to know which direction to go, and so much more. Not only do they explain it but they also show you how they do it. Don't be scared! Take a ride with them and learn the basics so you can be prepared. Andante Azul (Individual Trips) Metro Prices by Zone | Maximum Duration of the Trip (11.26.2021) Z2 €1.20 | 1 hr Z3 €1.60 | 1 hr Z4 €2.00 | 1 hr 15 min Z5 €2.40 | 1 hr 30 min Z6 €2.80 | 1 hr 45 min Z7 €3.20 | 2 hr Z8 €3.60 | 2 hr 15 min Z9 €4.00 | 2 hr 30 min Z10 €4.40 | 2 hr 45 min Z11 €4.80 | 3 hr Z12 €5.20 | 3 hr 15 min https://en.metrodoporto.pt/pages/397 "Tourist Pass" Andante Tour 1 valid for 24 hours €7 Andante Tour 3 valid for 72 hours €15 Andante Gold Z3 €30 Metropolitano €40 What Zone Do I Need? Journey Planner Page | https://en.metrodoporto.pt/pages/391 Link to Porto Metro FAQ Page | https://en.metrodoporto.pt/pages/394 NorteShopping | https://www.norteshopping.pt/en/home-2/ * ABOUT US * Josh and Kalie left the US for a life abroad in 2009 and haven't looked back. They have lived in Spain, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and are currently in Portugal. Yes, they realize they only moved to countries starting with the letter "S" until they spoiled that streak with their move to Portugal. Follow ExpatsEverywhere as we aim to get information to you through expat interviews, city breakdowns, expat life, travel, vlogs, and more. * D7 VISA FOR PORTUGAL * We have a course to help DIY the D7 visa for Portugal. The course includes step-by-step videos, checklists, resources, recommendations, discounts, and more. It breaks down the timeline and when and how to do things, plus gives action items to keep you on task but not be overwhelmed. Check it out here: https://expatseverywhere.thinkific.com * USEFUL RESOURCES * Below are a list of other services that we use/recommend for living abroad. If you have any questions about them, feel free to email us. Some links we provide we might make a commission and you might receive a discount or promotional offer. We always try to make a deal with companies we like to create a win/win for us and YOU! * TRANSFER CASH * Wise (formally TransferWise) | Banking/Transfer Partner (affiliate link) Get free transfer fees (conditions apply) https://transferwise.prf.hn/click/camref:1011lfsFy/ar:channelwide/destination:https%3A%2F%2Ftransferwise.com%2Fc%2Fexpatseverywhere * WATCH YOUR SHOWS * SurfShark | VPN Partner (affiliate link) Get 40% off subscription at https://get.surfshark.net/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff_id=5969 * YOU NEED THESE FOR YOUR D7 * Need your NIF and/or bank account for Portugal? Use Bordr: https://bordr.io/ When you go through the process, there will be a "coupon" spot. If you use the code "expatseverywhere" then you will receive €10 off for each. * INSURANCE ABROAD * Need insurance? Use Insured Nomads or William Russell! Insured Nomads: https://www.insurednomads.com/?ref=expatseverywhere William Russell: https://refer.william-russell.com/l/ExpatsEvery/ *LEARN A LANGUAGE* Ling is a fun way to learn and practice a language. Use our special link: http://partners.ling-app.com/186564/12126 Want something more intense? Join the journey with Portuguese with Carla: https://journey.portuguesewithcarla.com/offer-collab/?ref=7 * FORWARD YOUR MAIL * Wanting to get your mail forwarded to you while abroad? Use Anytime Mailbox! Be sure to use this specific link when you sign up: https://www.anytimemailbox.com/?affkey=utwzdor9 * TAXES * Are you an expat who wants help with your taxes? Use our link here for Taxes for Expats and get $25 off: https://www.taxesforexpats.com/ref/239 * GET IN TOUCH * Questions? E-mail us at info@expatseverywhere.com Want more? Go to http://www.expatseverywhere.com Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expatseverywhere Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expatseverywhere Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/expert_expat Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/expatseverywhere #ExpatsEverywhere * EXTRA HELP * Looking for an expat consultant? Check out Expat Empire (https://expatempire.com/) and get 10% off when you tell them that ExpatsEverywhere referred you!
    andante card in porto Portugal 🇵🇹 || how to buy andente card in Portugal 🇵🇹 ||

    andante card in porto Portugal 🇵🇹 || how to buy andente card in Portugal 🇵🇹 ||

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:38
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Oct 2023
    • views: 157
    andante card in porto Portugal 🇵🇹 #andante #andantecard #tain #matro #matroinportugal #travl #traveltiktok
    Como comprar passe Andante para Metro Porto, Portugal.

    Como comprar passe Andante para Metro Porto, Portugal.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:48
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2022
    • views: 2259
    como comprar e recarregar seu passe Andante ao chegar em Porto Portugal. chegamos no aeroporto e nao sabemos como comprar o bilhere para o metro. É facil, é só escolher a zona que queres ir e seguir este passo a passo.
    Como carregar o andante  - How to buy The ticket in Metro do Porto in Portugal

    Como carregar o andante - How to buy The ticket in Metro do Porto in Portugal

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    • Duration: 1:04
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Apr 2019
    • views: 3448
    [🇵🇹포르투갈 포르투] andante 안단테 교통권 구입 / 포르투 교통권 / 안단테 카드

    [🇵🇹포르투갈 포르투] andante 안단테 교통권 구입 / 포르투 교통권 / 안단테 카드

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    • Duration: 0:42
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Feb 2023
    • views: 551
    [🇵🇹포르투갈 포르투] andante 안단테 교통권 구입 / 포르투 교통권 / 안단테 카드 #유럽여행 #포르투갈여행 #포르투여행 #안단테카드 #포르투교통권
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    Andante ticket

    Andante is a public transport ticketing system used in and around Porto, Portugal. It started operation in November 2002 at Metro do Porto stations and is now a cross-network ticket used on the Porto Metro, selected bus and train routes and the Funicular dos Guindais cable railway.

    Two types of card are currently in use:

  • Occasional or Azul (blue): This card is a rechargeable ticket intended for occasional riders, and contains a small, flexible memory card within the laminated ticket. The card has an estimated life-span of about one year.
  • Season or Gold: Similar to a credit card in shape and material, it has a memory chip on the surface. Gold tickets also feature the holder's name and laser-scanned photograph. It has a life-time of several years.
  • Occasional tickets can be bought at the terminals in stations. Ticket machines can recharge both kinds of ticket, although Gold tickets can only be purchased in Lojas Andante (Andante Shops). Tickets can also be recharged at MultiBanco ATMs. When purchasing tickets, passengers must select how many zones the card will allow travel within. The minimum Z2 (2 zone) ticket allows travel for 1 hour after validation, with allowed travel time increasing for each valid zone purchased.

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