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� by Lynn Quiring, RPh, CCN, NMD 2008 from Scribd Website � � �
� � � "Electromagnetic pollution may be the most significant form of pollution human activity has produced this century, all the more dangerous because it is invisible and insensible." � � � This powerful and striking statement was made by prominent physician Andrew Weil, MD, best-selling author of eight books, a Harvard Medical School graduate, and internationally recognized expert on medicinal herbs and integrative medicine. �
you read the rest of this report you'll understand why his statement
is both accurate and valid. �
� The radiation was a continual round-the-clock bombardment as the Russians were using this technology in an attempt to listen in on conversations within the US compound. Soon the American embassy staff became ill. � The US ambassador to Russia developed leukemia and was forced to return to the United States. �
His replacement also developed leukemia and he,
too, was replaced. Staff members were continually ill and
additionally complained of memory loss, brain fog, loss of focus and
insomnia during their stay in the embassy. � However, this same technology is being promoted today as safe and convenient. �
Convenient it may be
but safe it is not. �
� These waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation, or EMR. When the cell phone is turned on it locates itself by broadcasting a series of signals to the cell phone carrier's closest cell phone tower. The carrier then relays that information to the nearest mobile telephone switching office. When making a call the phone sends its data to the carrier's nearest tower, to the switching office and then to the switching office in the area code of the number being called. � Once the connection is made the cell phone's transmitter packages your voice or text data onto a second radio wave that is created for the purpose of transmitting the information. This second wave is called the Information-Carrying Radio Wave, or ICRW. When the call is received by the recipient's switching office a connection is made through the nearest tower that connects the call with your phone. �
Through a
processor in the phone the digital information signal is converted
into an analog signal so a voice can be heard. All this occurs in an
average time of four to eight seconds. � The transmitter will then send the encoded wave, with your information or voice, to the antenna and the antenna will then send the signal. The function of the antenna is to propel these radio waves out into space so that a receiver in a nearby cell tower will pick them up. �
This makes the
antenna the most dangerous part of the phone. �
� This 360-degree radius around the tower is called a "cell" and this is what the term "cell" in cell phone means. When a cell phone is in a "cell" one usually enjoys good reception. But when the cell phone is not in a "cell" area reception is poor. So for a cell phone company to provide complete coverage cell phone towers and antenna towers must be positioned all across the countryside so that the "cells" overlap one another. � One can begin to see what a huge infrastructure needs to be created to provide complete cell phone coverage. That's why cell phone towers and antenna towers are so prevalent. �
And that's why these antennas are
installed in so many places like fire stations, schools, churches
and rooftops everywhere. � �
� Cell phone radiation is one form of electromagnetic radiation. All electromagnetic radiation falls within a spectrum that can range from extremely low frequency radiation, or ELFs, on the low end, to microwaves, X-Rays and gamma rays at the upper end. For example, electrical power lines and wiring in our homes operate in the 60 Hertz frequency which is found at the low end of the spectrum. � AM radio operates at one megahertz while most cell phones operate in the range of 800 to 2200 megahertz. These frequencies are substantially higher than 60 Hertz. At the high end of the energy spectrum we find X-Rays that operate at more than one million megahertz. This kind of radiation energy is also known as "ionizing" radiation since these radio waves are so powerful that they can break chemical bonds in the body and cause genetic damage. �
Radiation at the low end of the spectrum is known as
"non-ionizing" radiation and radiation of this kind is generated by
such devices as cell phones, cell phone towers, wireless routers, WiFi, etc. This form of radiation is too weak to break chemical
bonds and is one reason why many falsely believe that cell phone
radiation is harmless. � Radiation moving this fast could only be recognized if it were driven by a very strong source of power. If the power driving a radio wave is of sufficient strength the wave could cause damage through the heating of biological tissue. Since cell phones aren't strong enough to heat biological tissue the mechanism by which cell phone radiation causes harm occurs in a different manner. �
This mechanism will be explained
in a different section of this report. �
� This can occur over a high power transmission line or through wiring in the home or office. Whenever electricity passes through a wire two fields of force are created. One is an electrical field and the other is a magnetic field. In the United States electrical current reverses direction 60 times each second and thus is called alternating current, or AC. � The cycles of current are measured in a unit called Hertz (Hz) so named for the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. � Hertz is simply defined as the number of cycles per second. Electrical current in the U.S. operates at 60 Hz while electricity in most other parts of the world operates at 50 Hz. Most electric power in the U.S. is of an extremely low frequency, i.e., under 3000 Hz. � As frequencies increase, the distance between one wave and the next becomes shorter and shorter. Consequently, there is a greater amount of energy generated in the field. Shorter wavelengths mean greater energy. Electrical fields can be shielded rather easily by using metallic barriers. However, magnetic fields, such as those in the 60 Hz range, will easily penetrate through most any barrier and become very difficult, if not impossible, to shield. � It's important to understand the term Hertz (Hz) since it is used commonly to express the frequencies of appliances and devices like cell phones and microwave ovens. Megahertz (MHz) is one million hertz and gigahertz (GHz) is one billion hertz or one billion cycles per second. Most cell phones operate in the frequency range of 800 to 2200 megahertz. To make a comparison, the human heart being dependent upon electrical function, beats in a frequency of 2 Hz, or two cycles per second. �
Most electrical activity of the human body operates in the hertz
range. � As an example, the earth has a natural magnetic field that has been measured to be about 0.5 gauss. � Since humans have been exposed to the earth's natural magnetic field from the beginning of their existence this natural magnetic field is not harmful to the human body. However, power lines, electrical appliances, electrical wiring, cell phones, etc. all give off magnetic fields that are not natural to mankind. The intensity of these fields is expressed through the term milligauss. � Abnormalities in embryos can be produced from magnetic fields as little as one milligauss.(11) � Studies have shown a 500% increase in the risk of childhood leukemia, lymphomas and brain tumors in children exposed to power lines generating an electromagnetic field of only four milligauss.(12) Most scientists believe we should be exposed to no more than 1 mG. �
Small handheld meters called
gaussmeters can be
purchased inexpensively to measure the electromagnetic field in the
home and office. However, the gaussmeter only measures the intensity
of the magnetic field. It does not measure the wireless signal or
information-carrying radio wave. �
� Fewer bars indicate a weaker signal. A weaker signal means the cell phone will generate more power to maintain the connection. In fact, for each bar lost due to poor signal strength the cell phone will increase its power by 1000% to maintain the connection. � More power means greater exposure to the radiation for the caller. � Ideally, always try to talk outdoors in an open space. This allows an easier connection from your cell phone to the nearest cell phone tower. The easier the connection the less power is needed to stay connected. Also, avoid making cell phone calls from cars, buses, trains, subways or airplanes. �
These enclosures make the
connection more difficult and also tend to concentrate the radiation
within the enclosure. �
� This signal is a form of radiation, often called cell phone radiation. Cell phone radiation is one type of electromagnetic radiation, or EMR. Other types of EMR include radio frequencies (RF), microwaves (MW) and electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs. � There are other additional forms of radiation but these are the most common. This form of radiation is not the same as nuclear radiation or radiation from X-Rays. � Those forms of radiation are referred to as ionizing radiation because they contain enough energy to break chemical bonds in the body. The form of radiation to which we are referring is found in the very low-frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum and is generated from items such as televisions, AM and FM radio, radar, microwave communication devices, electrical wiring, power transmission lines and, of course, cell phones. � All electric and electronic devices produce some varying amounts of electromagnetic radiation, that is, they create both an electric and a magnetic field. There is overwhelming evidence of significant biological consequences from being exposed to these forms of radiation, including that from cell phones. � One of the problems is that cell phone radiation can't be seen. It's invisible. And for most people, it can't be sensed or felt either. �
We can't see, feel or hear the
thousands upon thousands of EMR frequencies that are continuously
bombarding every cell in our body 24 hours a day. This explosion of
wireless technology is drowning us in a sea of electropollution and
cell phone radiation. �
The United
States, Canada, Western Europe and China emit so much EMR that it is
even detectable by satellites in outer space.
As the information from the ICRW contacts the
vibrational receptors on the cell membrane the ICRW is recognized as
a foreign invader and begins disrupting cell communication and
function. � Because nutrients can't get inside the cell membrane the cell suffers from a lack of nourishment. � Conversely, the toxins and free radicals that build up inside the cell as a part of our body's normal metabolic processes can't exit the cell properly. This build up of toxins and free radicals inside the cell damages and destroys mitochondria. The mitochondria are the organelles inside the cell that produce energy for the body in the form of ATP. When energy is not generated the cell cannot detoxify nor will it have energy to communicate with other cells. �
Consequently, the vital cell-to-cell
communication process is lost. When this communication is lost a
basic physiological process is disrupted. Messages between cells
aren't sent, needed hormones and neurotransmitters are not secreted
and the immune system can't respond appropriately. �
illustrate the effect of this disruption think of the consequences
to a group of cells that function to keep the blood-brain barrier
closed. Those cells could no longer perform that task and leakage of
the blood-brain barrier would occur. Indeed, leakage of the
blood-brain barrier has been one of many findings in research. (13)
� Micronuclei are fragments of DNA that break off but still have the ability to form a cell membrane and replicate. Micronuclei are precursors to cancer formation and do not present a problem as long as they remain inside the cell. But when the damaged cells undergo their normal programmed cell death, called apoptosis, the contents of the cell, including micronuclei, are released. � Normally, the immune system, through the release of macrophages would rid the body of these improperly formed cells. But because the communication system has been disrupted the message to the immune system doesn't arrive. � Now these micronuclei sit in a nutrient-rich environment and are free to clone. �
And this
is how the tumor begins. �
� If these invisible EMR waves can move easily through the concrete walls of buildings, as we know they do, they will easily pass through the soft tissue of your body. Think about it. You can make a cell phone call from the basement of a building in New York City and easily connect to someone in a building in Los Angeles, CA. � That signal moves through many barriers and obstructions as it connects from one tower to the next. � And as this microwave signal moves invisibly through us the ICRW that is attached to it wrecks havoc on our biochemistry. Consequently, our society is becoming sicker and sicker. � In fact, numerous studies have linked long-term EMR exposure to increased risk for many, many conditions. � Here are a few:
The list of symptoms and conditions being linked to cell phone
radiation and wireless technology is lengthy and this short list
represents only a few of the conditions now linked to cell phone
radiation and EMR. �
When women
were exposed to elevated levels of EMR overnight in the laboratory
serum estrogen levels increased. Studies have shown that elevated
estrogen levels are a risk for cancer development. Also,
testosterone levels in men were reduced following exposure to EMR.
Reduced testosterone levels have been linked to prostate and
testicular cancers. �
Dr. Graham believes
that electromagnetic radiation may fit the description of an
endocrine disruptor better than many of the known environmental
hormone mimickers. He feels this occurs because EMR appears to cause
its effects by acting on and through hormones as opposed to acting
as a hormone as mimickers do. � The amount of electromagnetic radiation used to produce this effect was only 12 milligauss. This amount of EMR is generated when commonly used appliances like hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, can openers, computers, microwave ovens, desk lamps, and electric clocks are in use in the home. Imagine the implications of this finding. �
Women who were taking a drug to help prevent recurrence of breast
cancer may have had their medication rendered useless by the
exposure to EMR from common household appliances! �
� Melatonin regulates the sleep cycle and is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It is produced about 90 minutes after falling asleep. Consequently, melatonin levels rise at night and remain low during the day. Melatonin has many useful effects but the most common is that of regulating the sleep cycle. � When cell phone radiation, or other EMR, inhibits this important hormone the sleep cycle is compromised.
Common sense would say so. � Men's risk of prostate cancer also increased. How does this occur? � Light raises cortisol levels. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal gland which is activated by light. Light furthermore inhibits production of melatonin by the pineal gland in the brain. So the combination of increased cortisol, which suppresses our immune system, and decreased melatonin, which suppresses tumor development leads to conditions favorable for the potential development of cancer. �
Melatonin is also a known regulator
estrogen. So when melatonin isn't produced in adequate amounts
one of the body's natural mechanisms to suppress estrogen is removed
and estrogen dominance results. � As we can see melatonin is important for many reasons. �
Any disruptive influence, like electromagnetic radiation,
that would suppress or limit the body's ability to produce melatonin
could have serious health implications for each of us. �
Findings showed that the cells' signaling system was disrupted,
impeding or preventing cell-to-cell communication. Thus, cells were
not able to communicate effectively with each other and this
affected their ability to respond to environmental challenges and
threats. �
Additionally, other studies have shown that reduced levels of
melatonin from electromagnetic radiation suppression have caused a
number of other malignancies including prostate cancer, melanoma,
and ovarian cancer. �
Such occupations included electricians, power line
workers, phone installation workers, electrical engineers and those
working near mainframe computers. This increased risk has been
directly linked to the suppression of melatonin by EMR. �
As much as a six-fold increase in male breast
cancer has been found among men who work in the utilities
industries, in switching stations and as telephone lineman. (45)
� Men who use a cell phone more than four hours a day had significantly worse sperm counts and the quality of sperm was substantially diminished.(46) � Doctors believe this damage may be caused by radiation emitted by cell phones. Men who used a cell phone more than four hours a day had sperm counts that were 25 percent lower than men who never used a cell phone. (47) �
Additionally, sperm quality was adversely affected. The swimming
ability of the sperm was reduced markedly. Furthermore, a 50 percent
drop in the number of properly formed sperm was noted. (48)
count, motility, viability and appearance all were significantly
affected. �
Neither should anyone
work on a laptop computer while resting it on the lap. �
� This filtering membrane keeps toxins and damaging proteins that might be found in the blood from coming in contact with sensitive brain tissue. Research has shown that talking on a cell phone for as little as two minutes will disable the blood-brain barrier. (49) � In studies done by neurologist Dr. Leif Salford it was found that toxins and harmful proteins can pass out of the blood and into the brain while the cell phone is switched on. � It is noteworthy that diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's are linked to unwanted proteins being found in the brain. �
� Additionally, University of Toronto investigators found that the impaired effects of a cell phone call made while driving will persist up to 15 minutes after completing the call. (50) The effect was the same whether the driver used a hands-free headset or not. �
Many countries are now moving to join England, Spain, Israel,
Switzerland, and Brazil in restricting or banning cell phone use by
� When the body experiences a stress event the "flight or fight" response is triggered. Certain stress hormones are released from the adrenal glands, the first of which is adrenaline. Most of us are familiar with the effects of adrenaline: rapid heart rate, increased energy level, increased blood pressure, muscle contraction, rapid breathing, etc. These effects are not harmful if they only occur for a short period of time. � But what about a stress response that continually releases adrenaline such as that occurring from constant exposure to cell phone radiation? Obviously, this would not be healthy over a long period of time. � The second chemical released in the stress response by the adrenal gland is a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is the body's natural form of cortisone. It is necessary for many maintenance functions of everyday life. When our bodies are chronically stressed increased amounts of cortisol are released. � Consequently, high amounts of cortisol suppress the immune system, blood sugar levels rise and insomnia can occur. Finally, after long-term continual stress responses the adrenal glands become tired and fatigued. Consequently, the ability to respond to stress situations appropriately becomes compromised. �
Irritability, fatigue,
anger, road rage, high blood pressure, loss of blood sugar control,
decreased thyroid function and weight gain are a few of the many
symptoms that can result from this condition. �
� A German study, published in The Lancet, reported that blood pressure was elevated in a group of volunteers when cell phones were randomly turned on and off without the participants knowledge. (51) � Miscarriages have also been linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure. �
In one of the many studies that have been conducted in
this area one thousand pregnant women were shown to have a 180%
increased risk for miscarriage when exposed to intermittent magnetic
fields as low as 16 milligauss. (52)
� There are so many cell phones users surrounding each of us who are making calls on their cell phones that we are constantly being exposed as those cell phones connect with the cell phone towers and other callers. Plus, there are now wireless networks everywhere. And it's worse than second-hand smoke because these radio waves are invisible. � You may not own a cell phone or use one very often. But there is always someone around you using a cell phone or wireless network. And those cell phones and wireless networks are emitting signals, or radiation, to maintain their connection. So the signals are everywhere and each and every one of us is caught in the crossfire. �
There simply is no way to escape it. �
� How was this allowed? � Normally, any consumer device that emits radiation would be required to go through specific safety testing to determine if there would be any risk to the population. � But based on information from the cell phone industry the cell phone became exempt from any such testing. The information provided by the cell phone industry to the government at that time stated that the only harm that could come from this type of radiation had to do with the heating effect on biological tissues. � Because cell phones operated at such a very low power it was not possible for them to heat biological tissue. � Therefore, the government excluded cell phones from the requirement of doing any pre-market safety testing. The microwave oven was used as the example in the cell phone industry's claim. The microwave oven produces microwaves, i.e. radiation, that oscillate at a very high frequency. These microwaves are also driven by a very high source of power. � When a food item is placed in a microwave oven it causes the water molecules in the food to move very rapidly. This increased activity produces friction that, in turn, produces heat. When this occurs long enough food will cook. It's a fairly simple process. Obviously, exposing the human body to those microwaves wouldn't be wise since the heating effect would eventually heat and destroy human tissue. � So to make the microwave radiation used by cell phones safe the cell phone manufacturers simply lowered the power used to drive those frequencies. Since the power used by cell phones was so much lower than a microwave oven the heating effect did not take place. � Therefore, the cell phone was presumed to be safe. The rationale was that if only a small amount of power was used and it wasn't strong enough to heat human tissue then no damage would occur. No heat, no harm. And that was the assumption that was used by the federal government to allow cell phones to be sold and manufactured. � Current standards for safe radiation exposure are based solely on this heating, or thermal effect. No testing was ever done to evaluate whether or not the frequencies themselves might be harmful. This was left to chance discovery. It is a giant experiment that every cell phone user is participating in today. �
We now know that the
mechanism causing damage is not a thermal or heating effect issue
but is something more subtle and even more damaging. �
� During the show Mr. Reynard unleashed a bombshell that ignited one of the most shocking controversies in television history. � He stated that he was filing a lawsuit against the cell phone companies and was alleging that his wife, Susan, had died from a brain tumor caused by repeated use of a cell phone. This allegation caused cellular stocks to quickly tumble. Congressional inquiries were triggered and the cell phone industry scrambled to save its image. � In an effort to reassure the public and the government the cell phone industry agreed to conduct long-term research studies to prove that cell phones were safe. Following public hearings the Senate took issue with both the cell phone industry and with the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA was the agency of responsibility for granting approval of cell phones. To settle the allegations and bring proof to the issue the cell phone industry volunteered to conduct long-term research to prove cell phone safety. �
However, they offered to do so only if the FDA agreed
not to regulate them until the research was completed. And so the
process began. � The protocol required that every study conducted to be duplicated in at least two laboratories. Research protocols were peer reviewed before being initiated. Furthermore, preliminary data were peer reviewed before interpretation and final reports and data were peer reviewed at the conclusion of the process. � Every effort was made to ensure the study was above reproach and that the results of the study were credible and not biased due to industry funding.
� The following summary is quoted directly from that report:
In other words, the research found genetic damage, leakage of the blood-brain barrier, cellular dysfunction and a tripling in the risk of rare neuroepithelial tumors and rare brain tumors in people using cell phones versus those who did not use cell phones. �
In fact, the
tumors even correlated to the side of the head where the subjects
reported using the phone most often. �
book, titled
Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age can
be found at most book stores. The shocking part of this whole
process is that in spite of the concrete peer-reviewed findings
produced by this research the cell phone industry chose not to go
public with the information. �
He went on to say,
Translation: Cell phone radiation bombards you whether you are making calls yourself or not. � You can be driving in your car, eating in a restaurant, watching a game or attending a concert and you'll be irradiated from someone else's cell phone calls whether you know it or not. There is no escape. It's not just the caller's brain that gets irradiated; it's everyone around the caller, too. �
information comes straight from one of Motorola's top former
research scientists. �
� It is a complex measurement of how much radiation passes through tissue during a specified time period. In other words, it measures the level of absorption of EMR by the body. When biological tissues absorb EMR it can lead to the distortion of cellular function. � Up until 1993 no one had ever observed that there were any heating effects occurring at SAR levels below 40 watts per kilogram. Cell phones operate at a power of about 0.6 watts and yield a SAR value of less than 2 watts per kilogram which appears to be a safe level. Again, this was the rationale used when the government exempted cell phones from any pre-market testing and any form of regulation. �
As long as SARs were this low and no
heating effect took place it was assumed that no harm could be done
to biological tissue by a cell phone. We now know this to be an
erroneous assumption. � But SAR only measures the intensity of the electromagnetic field. Keep in mind that SAR does not measure the pulsating or oscillatory action of the wave. For example, the wave frequency or pulse could be low enough to mimic the electrical activity of the brain itself and thereby cause damage but the cell phone could still have a low SAR value. So knowing the SAR would be of little value in this case. � SARs may have a useful application for microwave ovens but they simply are not adequate for cell phones, as the heating effect doesn't occur until SARs reach 20 to 25 watts per kilogram. It is also important to understand that SARs in no way address the mechanism of damage being caused by the Information-Carrying Radio Wave. �
The SAR value for your specific
phone can be found by visiting the FCC website or by visiting
� Since the near-field plume of radiation from a cell phone emanates out a distance of six to seven inches from the cell phone's antenna it becomes necessary to either,
In evaluating the effectiveness of headsets we must keep in the mind the two mechanisms of harm that are created by cell phones.
Both of these mechanisms cause harm to the body. � Using a headset will certainly reduce the exposure to the near-field plume. But the headset does nothing to reduce the damage being caused by the information-carrying radio wave. Neither does the speakerphone function. � Furthermore, not all headsets are safe to use. Many wired headsets actually attract radiation to the head by acting as an antenna, i.e., the wires of headsets can actually draw surrounding radiation in the immediate area to the head. � In fact, it has been reported that wired headsets can increase the radiation exposure to the head by 300 times! (53) � Air-tube headsets do help in this regard but they still do nothing to address the harm being caused by the information-carrying radio wave. If you must use a headset use an air-tube headset. At least this way you address one of the harm mechanisms by avoiding the "antenna effect" created by wired headsets. Just remember though, headsets don't protect against the information-carrying radio wave. �
They can't be
relied upon for complete protection. �
� Here's why. � Bluetooth technology is wireless technology in which a wired connection has been replaced with a receiver and transmitter and this connection communicates on a 2.4 gigahertz frequency. This is the same frequency used by a microwave oven. However, the power used to send these frequencies is very low. In fact, the signal strength is only about 1 milliwatt of power, whereas a cell phone can operate on a signal of up to three watts. (54) � So the lower power used by Bluetooth technology limits range to around 30 feet. But here's the problem. When the earpiece is worn on the head it is on continually. And although the power is less the radiation exposure is constant even when no conversation is occurring. At least with a cell phone you lay the phone down when the conversation is concluded. Not so with a Bluetooth earpiece. �
Secondly, this is a wireless connection.
From what has been said about how cell phone radiation harms us we
know that when we talk or send information over a Bluetooth
connection of any kind we're being exposed to the
information-carrying radio wave. And it is this wave that does the
damage. So, Bluetooth devices are not any safer than non-wireless
devices and, in fact, can be more dangerous due to the continual
exposure of radiation to the head.
These are questions that remain unanswered. �
� Here's why. A cordless phone utilizes a base station for its operation. This base station acts like a mini-cell phone tower sitting in the home or office. The base station continuously emits a pulsing microwave at full power as long as it's plugged in to an electrical outlet. It does this so that it can maintain a signal with the handset(s). � This means that everyone in the home or office is exposed to the continual broadcasting of microwaves whether the phone is in use or not. Newer cordless phones now use newer technology called DECT technology, which stands for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. The signal from a DECT phone broadcasts at a 2.4 or 5.8 gigahertz transmission continuously. � This continuous transmission of frequencies on DECT phones is what makes them different from older models. And since many cordless phones are often placed near the bedside on a nightstand individuals sleeping near them are constantly being exposed to a pulsing electromagnetic wave that has an electrical field strength of about 6.5 volts per meter (56) � What's the significance of this? � A New Zealand study reported a significant increase in both chronic fatigue and sleep problems in residents living near an AM and FM radio tower (57). The highest field strength taken from the tower was 2.66 volts/meter, which was significantly less than that of the DECT cordless phone. � Another study from Schwarzenburg, Switzerland reported that 55% of residents living near a short-wave radio transmitter reported symptoms of disturbed sleep and 35% reported full insomnia. (58) � The researches were able to turn the transmitter on and off on different nights. Symptoms were greatly reduced when the transmitters were off. The German Federal Radiation Protection Agency stated that a cordless DECT phone is often the strongest single source of radiation in a private home. � The Freiberger Appeal of October 2002, a document signed by over 130 medical practitioners from the German environmental medicine medical organization called IGUMED, has called for a ban on DECT phones in preschools, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and public buildings.
� Some scientists are saying this is an unnecessary exposure to radiation. The radiation generated from some baby monitors can reach up to six volts per meter which is twice as strong as radiation found within 100 meters of cell phone towers. (59) � The British consumer group Powerwatch has urged parents to stop using DECT baby monitors.
� As more and more of these are installed to increase coverage and to power new applications the ocean of electropollution to which we are exposed will only continue to thicken. Cell towers and antennas are popping up everywhere. In the United States there are now more than 1,947,000 towers and antennas currently online. � Towers are the structures on which antennas are placed and multiple antennas may be attached to a single tower. The antenna is the actual emitter of the radio signal. Antennas are placed not only on towers but also on fires stations, churches, schools, cemeteries, and even in our national parks. � Did you know there's a cell tower near Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park? And to make them esthetically pleasing to the environment antenna towers are often disguised. �
It's not
uncommon to see cell phone towers in the southwest
that look like
palm trees, for example. These towers and antennas are often hidden,
too, in places like church steeples or placed on rooftops where they
can't be seen. Can't sleep well in a hotel at night? There may be an
antenna tower hidden on the roof. � In other words, the pattern spreads itself 360 degrees around the tower in a circle. This "circle" around the tower is called a "cell" and this is where the term "cell" in cell phone gets its name. When under the umbrella of the "cell" good reception is maintained. When out of this cell area the reception is poor. �
phone towers, then, are positioned throughout the countryside in
such a way that these "cells" overlap one another so that, ideally,
one is never out of coverage anywhere.
� All test subjects indicated they felt unwell while radiated and some reported being seriously ill. According to the scientists doing the study, this is the first worldwide proof of significant changes of the electrical currents in the brain, as measured by EEG, by a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 meters. �
Subjects reported
symptoms such as buzzing in the head, tinnitus, palpitations of the
heart, lightheadedness, anxiety, shortness of breath, nervousness,
agitation, headache, heat sensation and depression. �
� Cell phone companies pay organizations handsomely to install cell tower equipment on these properties. This eliminates the need for the cell phone company to lease or purchase land or buildings to erect their own towers. They can simply rent existing structures from someone else. This "rent money" can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars a month. �
school district or church couldn't use a few extra dollars to
benefit a tight budget? But does the income outweigh the potential
risk? The studies say absolutely not.
� � Children Have Higher Rates of Leukemia Near Broadcast Towers
� So if cell phone companies install antennas on the rooftops of our schools,
Many studies show a definite correlation.
Another study conducted on inhabitants living near or under a cell phone base station antenna produced the following prevalence of complaints:
Cell Phone Towers Will Affect Animals Cell phone towers affect animals, too. �
A veterinary school in
Hanover, Germany, reports that dairy cows kept in close proximity to
a cell phone tower for two years had a substantial reduction in milk
production in addition to other health problems including abnormal
behavior patterns. (63) �
� The Federal Communications Act of 1996 was a landmark bill that mandated rapid development of wireless infrastructure across the country. Section 704 of this act made it virtually impossible for communities to stop the construction of cell phone towers in their areas in spite of threats to public health and the environment. � This law forbids local governments from stepping in and stopping the construction of cell phone towers based on health concerns or environmental concerns. It is unfortunate that our leaders have been pressured by cell phone lobbyists to pass legislation where communities and local governments no longer have control over what is best for their community. We have relegated complete control of this matter over to the cell phone companies. �
The government even allowed the cell phone industry to help write
the law.
� The union's Health and Safety Department completed their review of the available science in April 2005. They concluded that there is sufficient evidence to oppose any installation of cell phone antennas on fire stations. This conclusion was supported by a position paper citing 49 references and 40 citations. �
Some of the effects experienced by
fire fighters due to this exposure included vertigo, lack of focus,
severe headaches, sleep deprivation, depression, slowed reaction
times and tremors. (64) �
Find out by visiting the website www.antennasearch.com. �
Type in your address and you'll get a listing
and a map of all the towers and antennas within a short radius of
your address. You'll be surprised to learn how prevalent these
towers and antennas are and how many are sitting right in your back
yard. For example, in one square mile of downtown Manhattan there
are about 2500 antennas. � It gets its information from a satellite that knows where we are and where we want to go. It then beams the instructions down and off we go without a second thought that we are being irradiated by the radio signal of this convenience. � Remember the information-carrying radio wave (ICRW) discussed earlier? It's being created here, too. And let's don't forget all military projects. I think you get the picture. � The amount of electropollution we're subjected to on a daily basis is staggering and is growing by the day.
� Here's why. � A child's head is smaller yet contains more fluid than that of an adult. This increased amount of water acts as conductor of the radiation. Furthermore, the skull bones in the head of a child don't fully harden until about 22 years of age. So the skull bones of a child's head are softer and thinner. Softer bones mean greater penetration of radiation into the head. Greater penetration means more damage. �
And remember, there is an
accumulation of this radiation as children grow. �
� Her pictures are frightening. � �
Figure 1 � Children obviously have smaller body masses. �
When exposed to the
same amount of radiation as an adult the harmful effects of the
radiation will be greater. Children have a smaller body mass, softer
skull bones and more fluid in the head. All allow more damage to
� � Heavy Absorption of Cell Phone Radiation into the Head
� This is especially concerning as we watch children and teenagers using cell phones on a continual basis. Children today will be exposed to this type of radiation for a much longer period over their lifetime than their parents. �
Thus, the exposure risk is
much greater. � Disney and Sprint Market Cell Phones to Children
� They see children as the next big cell phone "market." For example, Disney and Sprint recently joined in a $2 billion deal to market cell phones to kids between eight and 12 years of age. � Other companies have followed suit promoting similar programs. Teddyfone Ltd. in the United Kingdom has launched a cell phone that looks like a teddy bear. Their target market is children six to eight years old. The American counterpart to this phone is called the Firefly. �
Of course there's a
Barbie� phone available now, too. � Our Children Will Be Affected Most
Sir William Stewart, Chairman of
the UK Health Protection Agency, issued this statement at a press
conference in 2005. He went on to say that no child under the age of
nine should use a cell phone, and anyone under sixteen should use
one only for emergency calls. �
Tumors can take 15 to 20 years to develop and by then
it's often too late to treat. We must ask ourselves if we want our
children to participate in this giant experiment. Certainly,
protection, prevention and limiting exposure is a must until science
can confirm the danger or confer safety on these products of
convenience. �
The lives of our children could depend on it. �
In the
fall of 2005 five of those cases were reviewed by the Supreme Court
as the cell phone industry asked for the cases to be dismissed. The
Supreme Court however ruled that there was enough evidence for the
cases to move forward. Those cases are currently in the active
process of working their way through the legal system. In addition,
there are numerous active individual cases that have been filed
where brain cancer development has allegedly occurred due to cell
phone use. �
No doubt this will set an important precedent in
cases to follow. �
� This has forced the cell phone industry to become self-insured. The implication here is that the cell phone industry does not have any insurance to cover losses incurred in any litigation processes. � Once their money runs out no more money would be available to pay a judgment. When Lloyds of London refuses to insure they don't turn hefty premiums down for no reason. �
they felt the risk was too great. � Verizon's New Contracts
� The customer also agrees not to participate in any class action lawsuit. Suggestion: take the time to read the fine print of your carrier's contract. �
Think twice before signing it.
� Scientific studies continue to be published that say otherwise. So why doesn't the cell phone industry just purchase available safety technology that would make the cell phone safe to use? � If that happened it would be an admission of guilt or an admission that there may be a health problem with cell phone usage. The addition of such technology would underscore their guilt and they would immediately lose all lawsuits, past and present. �
So the
cell phone companies have no choice now but to deny any problems
exist. �
� However, it is best summed up with this quote taken directly from the FDA website:
Here is why the government won't say much publicly about cell phone safety. � Cell phones are big business. Telecommunication technology stocks comprise a huge percentage of our financial markets. Any mention of a safety problem would cause a catastrophic plunge in the stock market. Secondly, cell phone minutes are the second largest consumer product revenue producer for the federal government. � Only gasoline generates more revenue from consumers. Imagine what would happen if the FDA or FCC issued a statement that there just might be a safety issue with cell phones. The sell-off of these stocks would be huge. The stock market would tumble. The government would lose an important source of revenue and our economy would be crippled. Such an announcement would be disastrous. �
So the
government will be very reluctant to issue any statement of warning
or suggestion that cell phones may pose a hazard. �
However, it may benefit us to take a quick look back at history
and learn a lesson.
The X-Ray time line:
The Asbestos time line:
There is no question that EMR and cell phone radiation is a potential carcinogen. � The evidence to support the toxicity and carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation is overwhelming. Current safety standards are archaic and do not address the issues created by current technology in use today. � As seen from these timelines it took many, many decades and untold casualties before those carcinogens were ever properly addressed. Cell phone radiation is a much bigger toxin than tobacco, X-Rays or asbestos due to the sheer numbers of people that use cell phones and wireless technology. Consequently, the numbers of people now being affected is enormous. � There isn't enough time for us to wait for our government or industry to come to the realization that a problem exists. We know that they will be reluctant to make such an admission. Reasonable precautions must be taken now. The evidence is before us. Research studies tell us there is a problem. We can't wait until industry and government are forced to admit it. �
We did that with tobacco, X-Rays
and asbestos.
� Since wireless technology is here to stay the problem of protection must be approached in two ways.
Here are some things that can be done right now. �
By eating healthy and exercising the biofield and immune system will be strengthened. This will minimize the damaging effects of EMR and cell phone radiation exposure. �
Healthy eating and proper hydration
will also allow for quicker repair of damage already done. �
If you are not sure of what type of device to use or what type of
technology works I would be happy to share my information and
opinions with you from the research and reading I have done on
available technology. � Thank you for your interest in learning more about this growing problem in our society. Educate and protect those close to you. And please join me in informing those in your circle of influence. �
Your questions and comments are welcomed and you are free
to contact me.
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