U.S. Senator : �War On Syria Was An Unlawful War
Of Aggression�
By Syrianfreepress
November 21, 2015 "Information
Clearing House" - "Syrianfreepress"
President Bashar
al-Assad on Tuesday received a letter from U.S. Senator for the
State of Virginia Richard Black in which he said:
�I was pleased
by the Russians� intervention against the armies invading Syria.
With their support, the Syrian Army has made dramatic strides
against the terrorists�.
�I was delighted
by Syria�s resounding victory over ISIS at the Kuwairis
Airfield. My compliments to those who heroically rescued 1,000
brave Syrian soldiers from certain death. I am convinced that
many such victories lie ahead�,
Black added.
The Senator asserted
that the war on Syria was not caused by domestic unrest, saying:
�It was an unlawful war of aggression by
foreign powers determined to force a puppet regime on Syria.
General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe,
revealed that by 2001, Western powers had developed plans to
overthrow Syria. Yet after fifteen years, of military
subversion, NATO, Saudi Arabia and Qatar still cannot identify a
single leader who enjoys popular support among the Syrian
�Foreign powers have no right to overturn
legitimate elections and impose their will on the Syrian people.
Syrians alone must determine their destiny, free of foreign
intervention. I am disappointed that the UN has turned a blind
eye to the unlawful interference in Syria�s internal affairs�,
he added.
He went on to note that
�Before the war began, Syria had the greatest
religious freedom and women�s equality of any Arab people. Many
Americans are surprised to learn that the Syrian Constitution
provides for free elections, religious freedom, women�s rights,
and the Rule of Law. Before criticizing Syria, the U.S. might
first insist that our allies � Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE
and Kuwait � grant similar freedoms to their own people�.
Black voiced
disappointment that the United States
answered the Russian assistance for Syria by sending anti-tank TOW
missiles to terrorists, which would only prolong said, criticizing
the folly of arming �good
terrorists� and withholding weapons from
�bad terrorists�,
adding that the irresponsible deployment of TOW missiles threatens
aviation around the world, as ant-tank weapons have long range and
can target and destroy passenger planes that are taking off.
He said that as a
Senator for Virginia, he feels worry
because such missiles can find their way to remote areas near
airports like Reagan National Airport and Dallas International
Airport, adding that he relayed these concerns to the American
Black went on to note
that �Jaish al-Fateh� terrorist organizations,
which he referred to by �Army of Conquest,� the literal translation
of its name, has received more American military support, pointing
out that this terrorist organization includes Jabhat al-Nusra which
has sworn allegiance to Al Qaeda, which means that the United States
is arming the same terrorist organization responsible for killing
3,000 Americans in 9/11, considering this to be a betrayal of those
The Senator went on to
say that it is becoming clear to people
that the terrorists in Syria are receiving military support from
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, who are allies of the U.S., and
that Turkey is the most loyal backer of ISIS as it represents the
main channel for the flow of jihadists, weapons, and trade, adding
that Turkey also hasn�t offered anything significant to the
performance of the proposed alliance against ISIS despite being a
member of it.
He said that Turkey and
Saudi Arabia seek to impose a religious dictatorship
on the Syrian people, and if they succeed in that then Christians
and other minorities would be murdered or sold into slavery, and
many good-hearted Sunni and Shia Muslims will also fall victim along
with them.
But the Senator noted
that world opinion is turning against terrorism and their
supporters, adding
�The cruel treatment of captured Syrian
soldiers by armed groups is appalling. Many Americans find the
behavior of these so-called �moderates� morally abhorrent�.
�I bled, fighting to defend this nation�s
honor. I will oppose American support for terrorists, like the
Army of Conquest and ISIS that threaten Syria. Many Virginians
join in praying that the Syrian Arab Army and its allies will
triumph over the forces of evil, and that peace will soon return
to Syria�,
he said, concluding the
letter by adding
�Thank you for protecting the lives of
Christians and of all good people of Syria�.
SANA, Hazem Sabbagh
Submitted by SyrianPatriots
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