
Elly ✨🌱


22 | 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 | AuDHD

Has this been done yet


[Image ID: A re-captioning of the "Second Breakfast" scene from Lord of the Rings. Pippin asks, "What about Pride Month?" Aragorn turns back, saying "You've already had Pride Month" <Picture of the progress flag> Pippin replies, "We've had one, yes, but what about Second Pride Month?" <Picture of the disability pride flag> /End ID]


Hey you know that thing you're good at? That thing you think makes you valuable? The way you are, or the thing you do, etc?

You can be and deserve to be and will be loved and cherished even without it.

You're not worthwhile because you help, or you are good at making your art, or your skills at your job. You're worthwhile inherently, as a person, even without all that.

And I want you to internalize that because otherwise there might come a day where you can't do The Thing You Think Makes You Valuable. You'll get sick and can't draw, you'll burn out and can't do your job, you'll be emotionally unable to do your regular helpfulness for whatever reason, and you'll start to feel like you have no worth anymore.

But that's not true. You have worth, you deserve comfort and companionship and happiness, and that's not a conditional thing. You deserve that, even if you can't be Useful and Productive and all that shit.

It's an easy trap to fall into to justify yourself as "well, at least I help/make art/work hard" and have that be entirely too much of your self-esteem. Being proud of your work is fine. Being proud of yourself solely through your productivity is not, because you're making it conditional. And conditional on something that can change for reasons completely outside your control!

You gotta stop thinking about it like you gotta justify the space you take up on the planet. It's great if all those things make you happy: just make sure they're not the only things that make you feel like you are justifying your existence, or you'll crater if they get taken away.

You are lovable and likable and you have value as a person and a member of society, even if you never can be productive again. You are enough.


I hate being told "you need to work on your forgetfulness/memory issues"...

hate being told "stop hiding behind your disability"

hate being told "you can do so much more if you push yourself"

when the disability does disabling.

sometimes, I just can't remember or I can't do things, and that's ok, it doesn't make me useless or stupid and I wish my family specifically my mother treated me better about this stuff. I'm tired.

hey, to those that relate to this post:

you are not useless because you forgot things or can't physically do things/don't know how to do them. we live in an extremely ableist society and we are expected to do everything from the start. you matter and I matter too. disability rights include those who have a hard time managing task or can't do things at all and need extra help.


back from the hospital

only reason im telling you this is because on the wristband they gave me they had a pronouns section but instead of just putting down my pronouns there was a barcode you could scan

its just a very funny visual. probably real as fuck for some of you


The term and concept of "rent lowering gunshots" has seeped into my mental vocabulary, and I've welcomed it there. Something I'm up to is gross and weird? Good, keeps the rent low. Keeps judgy people out. Post weird shit on your blog, do weird shit to your hair, be as fucky as your heart ever wants to be. If you're not the one making the profit, make yourself unprofitable. The aposematism of brightly coloured creatures is there to warn predators, not friends.

You have no moral obligation to make yourself palatable for those who would consume you.

You have no moral obligation to make yourself palatable for those who would consume you.

— homunculus-argument on Tumblr


Cover illustration for a sticker book I'm planning to sell, absolutely love this dude 💛🪦


this site really hates people with ocd

“reblog this or you don’t support minorities!” “if you don’t reblog this then all of your followers should hate you!” “if you have a bad thought then you actually think that way and you’re a horrible person!” “you can only like ‘good’ things and if you like something ‘bad’ then you’re awful!” i am going to throttle you with my bare hands


Happy Pride Month everyone! Remember 4 months ago when the CEO of this platform harassed and chased a trans woman off this website just for posting her transition timeline, then chased her to other social media platforms to continue harassing her, and threatened to call the FBI if she continued disputing the multiple dubious terminations of her blogs that did not violate tumblr's terms of service in any way? And despite tumblr staff insisting that the CEO was acting against their interests, the broad transmisogyny evident in the site's culture and moderation policy has still not been adequately addressed?

Remember that staff is continuing to nuke the blogs of trans women even after all of this. Remember this post when they call this site the queerest place on the internet again this month


I made a zine!? ✨

Here's a page sneak peek of my first ever zine! This page had me laughing whilst I was drawing over the drake meme, I love it. The experience of creating this was wonderful, and for the first time in a while I felt like I was finally making something that was meaningful and fun. Zines are a whole other experience, im probably overhyping them but making my own little booklet unlocked something in my trinket brain that I didn't know I needed.

YOU CAN LITERALLY MAKE A ZINE ABOUT ANYTHING!? Once I got over constricting myself to making something "worth reading" I unlocked a whole new arsenal of possibilities. As a mixed media artist, this is an absolute TREAT.

I recommend the book 📚 "MAKE A ZINE" by Joe Biel. It delves into the history of zine making and explores the creative process of creating your own. It's a cute pocket guide and helped inspire me to make what you see here!


Made some eyes so you can give your mundane things personalityyyy 👀✨

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