Demanding perfection from potential companions doesn't make people think that you are perfect and in high demand. It helps them understand why you have no companions.
Just living the dream. Specifically the one where nothing works the way it's supposed to and you don't understand why you're suddenly doing things wrong in ways that should be physically impossible.
Any idea why Tumblr would randomly decide to start posting things from my drafts without my permission, and how do I make it stop doing that?
Hey, random writing tip: Instead of having something be a ridiculously unlikely coincidence, you can make the thing happen due to who this particular character is as a person. Instead of getting stuck on "there's no logical reason to why that would happen", try to bend it into a case of "something like this would never happen to anybody but this specific fucker." Something that makes your reader chuckle and roll their eyes, going "well of course you would."
Why would the timid shy nerd be at a huge sketchy downtown black market bazaar? Well, she's got this beetle colony she's raising that needs a very specific kind of leaf for nest material, and there only place to get it is this one guy at the bazaar that sells that stuff. Why would the most femininely flamboyant guy ever known just happen to have downright encyclopedic knowledge about professional boxing? Well, there was this one time when he was down bad for this guy who was an aspiring professional boxer...
I know it sounds stupidly obvious when written out like this, but when you're up close to your writing, it's hard to see the forest for the trees. Some time ago I finished reading a book, where the whole plot hinges on character A, who is 100% certain that character B is dead, personally getting up and coming down from the top rooms of a castle, to the gates, at 3 am, to come look at some drunk who claims to be this guy who died 17 years ago. Why would A do that, if he's sure that B is dead?
Because he's a Warrior Guy from a culture of Loyalty And Honour, and hearing that someone's got the audacity to go about claiming to be his long-lost brother in battle, there is no other option than to immediately personally go down there to beat the ever-loving shit out of this guy. Who then turns out to actually be character B, after all.
I hate GIMP and I hate googling. I don't know how to google "how do I make it stop doing that thing it wasn't doing before and has never done before and I want to make it stop doing that now."
I want my pen to remain in the settings that I set it at. I want it to stop randomly jumping into different settings. Just keep it the way I set it. I don't want the brush size constantly set to 51 and the brush line quality turned off when I want to keep it set at 11 and brush line quality on and set at 150-300, wherever I last left it.
Where is the "stop fucking with my setting and never restart fucking with them"-setting??
I'm with you on your anger but also needed a distraction from my current issues so I googled it for you
have you tried unsetting these lock buttons:
Yes, they do not appear to do anything, and it also doesn't help the colours randomly flickering between black and white, and the brush stroke quality I-don't-know-what-that's-called-in-english thing from turning off at irregular intervals when I least expect it.
I spent way more work on this than should be reasonable:
Is it a new issue or something that has been there for a while but just now reached boiling point? (nevermind re-read the original)
Are you using mouse/keyboard or a tablet+pen?
I'm using a tablet+pen. The problem appeared in a blink when I set my tablet down to rest on my laptop's keyboard (which I have done a thousand times before and this has never ever ever ever EVER happened before), and GIMP blinked and decided to make everything be fucked up forever for good.
hey I found information about how to fix your preferences for this. what probably happened was that either your default preferences were changed or option was accidently changed away from save at end of session.
you want Edit>Preferences>Input devices>Save input device settings on exit in the menu
I hope this fixes your problem it seems like the right type of thing to cause the problem
Hearing songs coming from TikTok, I'm glad to see that country music is going back to its roots and becoming good again.
I swear I called it
I said over a year ago that country is coming back and would be popular again then queer country songs started trending and Beyoncé made her album and now we’re here and I love it it’s amazing
Also for the record, the good country has always existed it just hasn’t been mainstream. I’ve got some great country songs on my playlist from throughout the 2000s. Go look up Progressive country
Some recommendations for country from the last 20 years/now, it’s not all progressive country but it’s all good and I might add more later
Mickey Newbury, David Grisam, JD Crowe and the new south, Katie Pruitt, Gwen Levy and the breakdown, 16 horsepower
Yeah I wasn't trying to claim there hasn't been any good, real country music during this span of time, just that it hasn't been widespread in the public eye, and it hasn't been what people first think of when they hear the words "country music". The mainstream poser country is moving out of the way, and the good ol' "yeah he shot a man dead on the street like a dog but was he wrong?" songs are coming back to the limelight.
Hearing songs coming from TikTok, I'm glad to see that country music is going back to its roots and becoming good again.
Fuckass conspiracy theory time:
The man that the biblical Judas was based on was a time traveller seeking to prevent the birth of Christianity as a religion, and the bloody and violent consequences it would have on world history, but too many random domino pieces beyond one person's control were already in place and Something Like That Happening was inevitable, and all he managed to do was to shove us into the timeline where time travel does not get invented.
Honestly it would be the funniest possibility if the guy they arrested had nothing to do with the shooting, he just set himself up for this because he wanted attention.
Apparently if you're frying meat on a frying pan and you've got too much oil in there, you can just take a slice of bread, tear it into a few pieces, and fry them too. Texture is nothing like regular toast, but this is some gourmet shit.
I have no plans to age gracefully. My fashion, fitness, and skin care goals are to keep myself in good enough shape that at the age of 40, I can look like a really, really, really fucked up 20-year-old.
I like how pinnipeds have exactly and only two types of vocalisation:
- Adorable literal baby squeaking and snuffling, triggers cute aggression.
- Absolute fucking eldrich sounds from the dark depths or maybe Hell, triggers fight or flight.
Me overwatering my neglected plants after a long dry spell, like heyy lmao sorry about that lol welcome to the rainforest
please live
Also I figured out how to base it! Initially I figured I'll just make it freestanding, but then I found that I have a gingerbread cookie box lid that's perfect size for a base for it:
I then figured out that I'm just going to add all kinds of junkyard scraps, trash metal and other kinds of junk all around him on it:
And then, last night, the missing final touch was revealed to me in a dream: Greenery! Plants! The trash is being overgrown by wildflowers! Scrapling is admiring a butterfly!