

@carrotstache / carrotstache.tumblr.com

They/Them || Occasionally draws, rat appreciator || Instagram Twitter Art Tag

[talking about my favorite characters] okay so THESE two come in a bonded pair and if i think about them too hard i start taking poison damage


"Hey, what do you want for Ch-"

I don't know, as soon as you started the question, I somehow momentarily was struck with such a lack of desire for any material goods that there's now a school of thought in Buddhism who reveres my ADHD riddled brain as a potential speedrun to enlightment.


Also re: the fact it’s normal to have a period of time where you have no friends: sometimes this means no “real” friends aka still have people you know from work, school, family, neighbors, acquaintances, etc etc you interact with but are not close with and couldn’t go to for anything on any deeper level. But sometimes it actually does mean no friends. No social interaction, nobody to call, no other option, don’t talk to anyone for days, don’t know who would find out if you died. The thing is there really is coming back from both of those situations ofc it takes a good deal of work and can feel like pulling teeth to put yourself out there but god it pays off. You can always start over from scratch, and it’s true most people are just as lonely as you are


Kind of feels awesome for people to actually understand what you were saying with your art. Like. Man. I'm happy

Me when I make beautiful art with my beautiful friend and everyone is talking to Their friends and inspiring each other and making new friends and making art together. And playing toys. And. Hi how are you


truly some people have no genre savviness whatsoever. A girl came back from the dead the other day and fresh out of the grave she laughed and laughed and lay down on the grass nearby to watch the sky, dirt still under her nails. I asked her if she’s sad about anything and she asked me why she should be. I asked her if she’s perhaps worried she’s a shadow of who she used to be and she said that if she is a shadow she is a joyous one, and anyway whoever she was she is her, now, and that’s enough. I inquired about revenge, about unfinished business, about what had filled her with the incessant need to claw her way out from beneath but she just said she’s here to live. I told her about ghosts, about zombies, tried to explain to her how her options lie between horror and tragedy but she just said if those are the stories meant for her then she’ll make another one. I said “isn’t it terribly lonely how in your triumph over death nobody was here to greet you?” and she just looked at me funny and said “what do you mean? The whole world was here, waiting”. Some people, I tell you.


"everybody hates me" factoid actually just a statistical error. The average person doesn't hate you, especially not your friends. You, a person who sits in your room experiencing self loathing every day, are an outlier adn should not have been counted.


This is sweet but I really thought it was going to end with someone named “Haters Horge” who spends every second in a cave halfway across the world just loathing you for no reason and they were the statistical outlier

Don't be your own Haters Horge


oh..you reblogged my friends post that i reblogged. thats quaint… but you should know i am his in essence his disciple, and philosophical peer, and him mine.. so yeah


I remember when I first watched this show, I played this part at least 5 times

Narrator: “Water. Unlike other cats, long-haired Persians need regular baths to keep their luxurious coats healthy and fluffy. Reginald doesn’t care if he has a prize-winning coat. He just wants the ordeal to be over.”

Reginald: *meows in distress*

Narrator: Unfortunately for Reggie, there’s one last step. He’s about to learn that getting wet is nothing – compared to getting dry.”



my characters after they get ‘dragged through the mud’ then get a break for 1 second


eight episodes is not a full season of television

Everyone cares about labour rights until it affects their entertainment.

do you think studios budget for shorter and fewer seasons because they're concerned about. labour rights


sounds like the ending of my hero academia is really bad. but if you analyze the details closely you can actually see that the beginning is bad too, and all of the middle parts

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