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"Schutta? Well, that's just charming. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's bad kriffing language."
Keeve Trennis[1]

Throughout the galaxy, individuals used phrases, interjections, slang, insults and expletives to express themselves, including the following:


0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Top of pageNotes and references


  • Absofragginglutely: A more emphatic way to say "absolutely," using the slang term "fragging."[2] Similar to the offensive adjective "absof
  • ckinglutely."[3]
  • Ada: An affectionate term for father used on Tangenine.[4]
  • Aiwha-bait: Used by clone troopers to refer to Kaminoans.[5] Similar to the real-world idiom "shark bait."[6]
  • Alert all commands: An order used on Imperial starships as a general alert.[7]
  • Ama: An affectionate term for mother used on Tangenine.[4]
  • Anchorite: Someone who lives in seclusion.[8] Real-world noun.[9]
  • Apostate: Someone who has strayed from the Way of the Mandalore and been cast out of the Children of the Watch,[10][11] or someone who has forsaken the ways of the Jedi.[12] Real-world noun for someone who has abandoned their religion or left a political party.[13]
  • Applying a jackboot to the throat: Used by Doctor Aphra to refer to Darth Vader's part in the Empire's war with the Rebel Alliance.[14] Similar to the real-world phrase "have one's foot on someone's neck," meaning to have power over someone else; to have another person at your mercy.[15]
  • Arr: Word used by the pirate droid SM-33 to express triumph.[16] A fictional interjection often used in humorous representations of pirates.[17]
  • Arse/ass: Used to refer to a being's posterior, such as L3-37 telling Han Solo to "get his presumptuous ass out of [her] seat,"[18] and as an intensifier, such as Poe Dameron referring to the Crait outpost as having a "big-ass door."[19] Quinn pronounced the word as "arse" instead.[20] Real-world noun/intensifier.
  • As clueless as a happabore on spice: Having no clue.[21]
  • As dead as a dicario: Used to stress that someone is dead.[22] Similar to the real-world idiom "dead as a dodo."[23]
  • As dead as a dradan: Used to stress that someone is dead.[24] Similar to the real-world idiom "dead as a dodo."[23]
  • As happy as a happabore: Very happy.[22] Similar to the real-world idiom "(as) happy as a clam/lark."[25][26]
  • Astral: A term expressed to describe something great, like lightsabers; according to Porter Engle.[27]



  • Caraya's soul: A verbalization of disbelief.[86]
  • Catch a packet: A bomber crew term for getting hit by enemy fire.[40]
  • Chink in your armor: A fault in someone's character that makes it easy to harm them.[104] "Chink in someone's armor" is a real-world idiom.[105]
  • Chipbrain: An insult to a droid.[106] Similar to the real-world insult "birdbrain."[81]
  • Chobb's knob!: An exclamation of surprise used by Bith.[107]
  • Choobies: A slang term for testicles.[108] Also a metaphor for courage and confidence.[109] Similar to the rude real-world word "balls."
  • Chopped convor liver: A person who feels they are being given less attention or consideration than someone else, e.g. "Do I look like chopped convor liver?"[110] Similar to the real-world phrase "chopped liver."[111]
  • Chrome dome: Used by Finn to insult Captain Phasma, referring to her chromium armor.[19]
  • Chuba!: A Huttese term for "You!" or "Hey you!"[73]
  • Chump: A stupid person.[36][112] Old-fashioned real-world noun.[113]
  • Civvies: Term for civilian clothing.[114] Real-world word.[115]
  • Clanker: Slang term used to refer to B1-series battle droids,[2] whose joints and metal bodies "clanked" as they moved.[116] The term was occasionally used to denote other droids as well.[117][118]
  • Clown: An insult.[119] Real-world word for someone one disapproves of and has no respect for.[120]
  • Clutch: A bomber crew term for a TIE squadron.[40]
  • Cold, hard credits: Money in the form of tangible credit chips.[121][122] Similar to the real-world noun "cold, hard cash."[123]
  • Cold Nose: A bomber crew term for sensors down.[40]
  • Cool as a dead star: Calm, composed, and in control of one's emotions.[124] Similar to the real-world idiom "cool as a cucumber."[125]
  • Coreward: A direction of travel through the galaxy, meaning towards the galactic core.[126]
  • Credit for your thoughts: Phrase meaning "What's on your mind?" or "Tell me what you're thinking."[127] Similar to the real-world phrase "a penny for your thoughts."[128]
  • Creds: A colloquial term for credits.[129]
  • Crik or crikk: A swear word.[130][131] Phonetically similar to the real-world noun "frick," a euphemism for the swear word "f*ck."[132]
  • Crikking: Derogatory modifier of "crik," used to emphasize a statement, i.e. "crikking awesome."[131] Phonetically similar to the vulgar real-world intensifier "fricking," a euphemism for the swear word "f*cking."[133]
  • Crikk-licking: Lavishing excessive praise or flattery upon someone, typically to achieve a personal gain or advantage.[134] Similar to the rude real-world slang word "ass-licking."
  • Crink: An expletive, used in the phrase "crink it."[135] Phonetically similar to the real-world noun "frick," a euphemism for the swear word "f*ck."[132]
  • Crinking: Derogatory modifier of "crink."[136] Phonetically similar to the vulgar real-world intensifier "fricking," a euphemism for the swear word "f*cking."[133]
  • Cruiser-crusher: Ahsoka Tano used this term for the warship Malevolence.[137]
  • Cruk-hole: An unpleasant place, e.g. "getting off this cruk-hole in one piece."[21] Similar to the real-world offensive noun "shithole."[138]
  • Cur: Used by Supreme Leader Snoke to describe General Armitage Hux.[19] Real-world term for someone who is seen as insignificant or lacking courage.[139]


  • Damaged goods: Term for someone who has an unresolved conflict of emotions after a traumatic event, and is no longer deemed to be fit for purpose.[140] Real-world noun.[141]
  • Damn: Expletive sometimes used to express anger or frustration.[7] It could also be used as a positive modifier, e.g., "Damn good."[51] Derogatory modifier damned.[55] Real-world swear words.
  • Damn him to the Nightlands: Expression of contempt used by the Twi'lek Lourna Dee about Marchion Ro.[142] Similar to the real-world phrase "damn you to hell."[143]
  • Dank farrik: An exclamatory expression, possibly an expletive, used to express anger and frustration,[74][144][145] as well as astonishment.[146] It was sometimes shortened to just dank.[147][106]
  • Dank sleemo: An insult.[148]
  • Decs: A colloquial term for credits.[149]
  • The death hawks circle a wounded prey: Meaning that someone is likely to die soon.[71]
  • Deuce: See Impstar-deuce.[150]
  • A dime a dozen: To be common and of little value. Used by Obi-Wan Kenobi when talking about R2 units,[151] and Alfris Sotin when talking about bounty hunters.[152] Real-world American English idiom.[153]
  • Dirtball: A dismissive term for a planet one did not like or felt was beneath them.[82]
  • Doggy: Pet term for a Corellian hound.[154] Real-world noun.
  • Doledote scrabjack: An insult.[155]
  • Dolt: A stupid person.[156] Real-world noun.[157]
  • Don't count your chutniks just yet: Meaning that it is unwise to rely on something positive occurring before one have verified it has actually happened.[60] Similar to the real-world idiom "don't count your chickens before they hatch."[158]
  • Dosh: An expletive used to express anger.[124]
  • Doshing: A derogatory modifier, as in "Take your doshin' hands off."[124] Similar to the real world vulgar slang word "fucking."
  • Dosh off: To make someone angry.[159] Similar to the real-world phrase "piss off."
  • Dough: Synonym for money.[160] Real-world noun.[161]
  • Do you kiss your maker with that vocoder?: Said to a droid using inappropriate language.[59] Similar to the real-world idiom "(Do) you kiss your mother with that mouth?"[162]
  • Drat: Exclamation used by Cad Bane to express annoyance.[29] Real-world British English exclamation.[163]
  • Dream on: Used to tell someone that what they hope for is probably not going to happen.[55] Real-world phrase.[164]
  • Droid poppers: Republic Military slang for Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades.[165]
  • Droid work: A term used within the First Order to refer to menial tasks such as laundry or scrubbing which could easily be performed by droids, but were sometimes given to soldiers who had failed in their training assignments.[38]
  • Druk: An exclamation of frustration, used by Keeve Trennis when Myarga Anjiliac Atirue arrived on Sedri Minor,[166] and when she struggled during her Padawan Trial.[167] Also used as a synonym for nonsense, e.g. "the druk that flows from that mouth of yours."[168] Phonetically similar to the real-world vulgar swear word "fuck," although "druk" as a synonym for nonsense is similar to the real-world term "shit."
  • Drukhole: Derivative of druk, referring to an unpleasant place, e.g. "stinkin' drukhole of a bar."[106] Similar to the real-world offensive noun "shithole."[138]
  • Drydak: A stupid person.[169]
  • Dry run: Term used by First Order forces to describe a failed mission as practice before attacking again.[170] Real-world term for an occasion when you practise a specific activity or performance.[171]
  • Dupe: A TIE fighter pilot slang term for a TIE/sa bomber.[172]



  • Fangs out: A TIE fighter pilot idiom meaning "eager for a dogfight."[172]
  • Fark: Expletive, to be used in phrases like "What the fark is that?"[184] Phonetically similar to the real-world swear word "fuck."
  • Featherhead: Sana Starros used this derogatory term to address the Shani Deva Lompop.[54]
  • Feed the sarlacc: To use the toilet.[185]
  • Feel you coming at me from lightyears away: To perceive that an individual is in close vicinity; used by Zeen Mrala about her great love, Lula Talisola.[119] Similar to the real-world idiom "see (one) coming (from) a mile away," meaning to view someone as easily duped.[186]
  • Fexsnatcher: An insult used by Sian Holt to refer to Keefar Branto[187]
  • FIDO: Clone trooper slang, short for "forget it, drive on."[65]
  • Fierfek: An exclamation sometimes used by soldiers in the Guavian Death Gang.[188]
  • Fires of Ardos: An expletive.[167]
  • Fit as a F'nonc: Completely fine.[189] Similar to the real-world idiom "be (as) fit as a fiddle," meaning to be very healthy and strong.[190]
  • Flyboy: This was a slang term for a hot-shot pilot, such as Han Solo[31] and Poe Dameron.[19]
  • Flying the same vector: A bomber crew term for thinking the same way.[40]
  • Find the head of the dragon: A phrase that Leia Organa used to refer to locating the source of the First Order.[86]
  • For Arcan's sake: Used to express frustration.[169][191] Similar to the real-world idiom "for Christ's/goodness' sake."
  • Force-botherer: Used by Tey Sirrek to refer to the Jedi Knight Vildar Mac.[55]
  • The Force works in mysterious ways: Phrase used to admit one's ignorance.[192] Similar to the real-world phrase "God works in mysterious ways," which is used to acknowledge an individual's lack of control over a situation, particularly when something strange or unexpected transpires, while also considering the possibility of a positive development.[193]
  • For kriff's sake: Used to express frustration.[194] Since it's believed that "kriff" is the Star Wars version of the swear word "fuck,"[195] "for kriff's sake" would be similar to "for fuck's sake."
  • For krike's sake: Used by Phaedra to express frustration.[130] Phonetically similar to the real-world slang term "for Christ's sake."
  • For stars' sake: Used to express frustration.[59] Similar to the real-world idiom "for Christ's/goodness' sake."
  • For storm's sake: Used to express frustration.[55] Similar to the real-world idiom "for Christ's/goodness' sake."
  • For the love of the light: Used to intensify an angry statement.[196] Similar to the real-world idiom "for the love of God."[197]
  • For void's sake: Used to express frustration.[198] Similar to the real-world idiom "for Christ's/goodness' sake."
  • Fort: A bomber crew term for a bomber.[40]
  • Foundling: Another term used in Mandalorian culture for children who were adopted by the warriors of Mandalore.[199]
  • Frag, derivatives fragging, frag-head and frag it: This was a slang term that Temmin Wexley and Jom Barell used to express disappointment or rage.[2] Similar to the real swear-words "fuck" and its derivatives "fucking" and "fuckhead."
  • Fratz: Exclamation of frustration.[200]
  • From the bottom of my fluid sac: Phrase used by Pa'lowicks to emphasize sincerity,[29] similar to the real-world phrase "from the bottom of your heart."[201]
  • Frost: A general-purpose expletive among native workers on Mokivj.[182]
  • Fruit-face, or fruitface: An insult.[22][106] Similar to the real-world slang word "fruitcake," referring to a crazy or unusual person. Also an offensive term for a person with a mental disorder.[202]
  • Full of bantha crap: Han Solo described Lando Calrissian as being "full of bantha crap."[18] Similar to the real world idiom "full of crap."[203]
  • Full of druk: Used by Doctor Aphra about a Path engine replica that did not live up to Beol De'Rruyet's claims.[204] Similar to the real-world phrase "full of shit."
  • Furball: Han Solo described an Ewok as a furball.[44] Lourna Dee used the word about the Wookiee Kelnacca.[134]
  • Fur grub: Insult used by Khu Fornot about Yuzzums.[43]
  • Futz around: To waste time.[39] Real-world phrase.[205]
  • Fuzzball: Han Solo mockingly referred to the Wookiee Chewbacca as a fuzzball.[7]
  • Fyrnock: Insult used by Losha Tarkon.[206]



  • Hairball: Lourna Dee used this word to refer to the Wookiee Kelnacca.[134]
  • Hammerhead: An Ithorian.[229]
  • Harpy: Insult applied by Ahsoka Tano to Asajj Ventress.[5] Tano called Ventress a "hairless harpy" during one of their confrontations.[230] Real-world insult.[231]
  • Have a fathier in the race: To have a stake in something.[232] Similar to the real-world idiom "have a horse in the race."[233]
  • Have bigger burra fish to fry: To have more important or more interesting things to do or attend to.[110] Extension of the real-world term "have bigger fish to fry."[234]
  • Have someone's feathers: The feathered Shani Deva Lompop used this idiom when her niece Sana Starros was about to ride a rancor, saying "Just don't get eaten. Your grandmother will have my feathers."[56] Similar to the real-world idiom "have someone's hide," meaning to punish someone severely.[235]
  • Having kittens... by the litter: This was a slang phrase for someone who was seriously worried or panicking.[216] An extension of the real-world British English idiom "have kittens."[236]
  • Headtail: Slang term for a Twi'lek.[59]
  • Heavy weather: Something that is troublesome or serious.[216]
  • Hell: General expletive.[237] Real-world swear word.
  • Hell hole: A very unpleasant place.[104] "Hellhole" is a real-world noun.[238]
  • Helluva: Contraction of "hell of a."[2] Real-world world contraction.
  • Hit the rack: Used by Din Djarin to say that he was going to sleep on his bunk.[239] Real-world military jargon.[240]
  • Hold your equinoids: Non-canon phrase to tell someone to wait, slow down.[241] Similar to the real-world idiom "hold your horses."[242]
  • Holotank commander: A naval insult.[243]
  • Holy happabore: Exclamation used to express surprise,[244] similar to the real-world term "holy catfish/cow/cricket/mackerel."[245]
  • Holy kriff: Used to express shock.[142] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "holy kriff" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "holy fuck."
  • Holy mother of meteors: Exclamation of alarm.[179] Similar to the real-world interjection "holy mother of God."[246]
  • Hop: A mission, in TIE fighter pilot[172] and bomber crew slang.[40]
  • Hothead: Used to refer to a First Order flametrooper by Resistance fighters.[89] The real-world noun refers to someone who is quick to temper and acts impulsively without taking time to weigh the consequences.[247]
  • Hold fast: A term used by Republic Military officers to tell soldiers to keep a position secured.[170]
  • Hoojib: A term of affection used by Manaroo to address Dengar.[30]
  • How the hells: Intensifier of the question "how," used to emphasize surprise.[30] Version of the real-world phrase "how the hell."
  • Hutt spawn: An insult.[248] Similar to the real-world noun "hellspawn."[249]
  • Hydrosnake: An insult.[250]


  • I am one with the Force and the Force is with me: Mantra used by people like Chirrut Îmwe,[251] Luke Skywalker,[183] Ahsoka Tano[252] and Warba Calip.[253]
  • I have spoken: A phrase from Ugnaught culture, used to indicate when an individual has made up their mind or made a declaration of some form.[74]
  • I'll see you in Hell, or see you in Hell: Goodbye implying that one is about to die.[7][59][254] Real-world phrase.[255]
  • I'll see you on the other side: Phrase used to bid someone farewell, implying that one is about to die.[256] "See you on the other side" is a real-world phrase used to say goodbye, especially in situations where the possibility of meeting again is quite low.[257]
  • Illumination: A collective term that referred to a group of Jedi.[258]
  • Illuminator: A bomber crew term for the lead bomber that spotlights the target.[40]
  • Imp: Slang term for "Imperial."[103]
  • Impstar: TIE pilot slang term for an Imperial Star Destroyer.[172]
  • Impstar-deuce: A slang term for an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer[150]
  • In a puffer pig's eye: In no way, under no circumstances.[66] Similar to the real-world American English slang term "in a pig's eye."[259]
  • In big doo-doo: Gungan term for being in a lot of trouble.[73] Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "in deep shit."[260]
  • In deep poodoo: Referred to being in a lot of trouble.[130][261] Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "in deep shit."[260]
  • In Malachor: This term was used to express that one felt emphatically about something; e.g., "There is no way in Malachor that I'm going to lead this pitiful squad."[262] Similar to the real-world idiom "in Hell," e.g. "There is no way in hell I'm going!"[263]
  • Insect: A contemptible person.[106] Real-world insult.[264]
  • In the black: TIE pilot expression meaning "operating in space."[172]
  • In the blue: TIE pilot expression meaning "operating in planetary atmosphere."[172]
  • In the name of…!: This could be used as an exclamation of shock.[265] Similar to the real-world idiom "in the name of God/Heaven."[266]
  • In the name of Ajax: Used by some droids to emphasize a command, e.g. "In the name of Ajax! Stop!"[206] Similar to the real-world idiom "in the name of God/Heaven."[266]
  • IP: A bomber crew acronym for Initial Point of bombing run.[40]
  • It's every Lepi for himself: Used by the Lepi Jaxxon T. Tumperakki to characterize a scenario in which individuals do not help one another and must look out for themselves.[84] A version of the real-world idiom "it's every man for himself."[267]



  • Karabast: A Lasat expletive of frustration. Garazeb Orrelios was fond of using it.[275]
  • Kark: Expletive,[276] with a number of derivatives: "karked,"[277] "karking,"[187] "kark it,"[278] "what the kark"[187] and "where the kark."[276] "Sure as kark" could be used for emphasis, e.g. "there sure as kark ain't no Red Ghost."[279] "Kark" could also refer to insults, e.g. "You don't get to say kark about Sana's and my relationship."[280] The word is similar to the real-world vulgar expletive "fuck," which has the same kind of derivatives, while kark as a synonym for insults is similar to the real-world word "shit."
  • Karkbucket: An insult, e.g. "Eat it, karkbuckets!"[175] Similar to the vulgar noun "f*ckbucket."[281]
  • Kark star: Exclamation used to express annoyance.[282][169]
  • Kark up: To mishandle something.[71] Similar to the real-world vulgar slang phrase "fuck up."
  • Killbox: Used to describe a situation where a company of clone troopers were led into a trap.[283] "Kill box" is a real-world military term.[284]
  • K'lor'slug: An insult.[248]
  • Krayt spit: According to Eli Vanto, it meant "nonsense, especially nonsense that the speaker knows is nonsense."[34] Similar to the rude real-world noun "bullshit."
  • Kriff: A swear word.[268] Believed to be the Star Wars version of "fuck."[195]
  • Kriffed: Version of "kriff"; meaning that something is broken or in a bad situation, e.g. "this place is royally kriffed, and we are getting kriffed right along with it."[258] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "kriffed" would be the Star Wars version of "fucked."
  • Kriffer: A contemptible person.[258] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "kriffer" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "fucker."
  • Kriffing: Version of "kriff," used to emphasize a statement. When Beck Ollet described a referee as being "crooked as a kriffing Hutt," he was ordered off the grav-ball field with the threat of suspension otherwise.[82] It is believed that Timothy Zahn created the word by reversing the "f" and the "k" from the term "fricking," which is a synonym of real-world swear-word "fucking."[195]
  • Kriffin' hells: Exclamation of great surprise, used by Jango Fett.[285] Since "kriffing" is believed to be the Star Wars version of the swear-word "fucking,"[195] the exclamation would be similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "fucking hell."
  • Kriff it: Expletive used for showing anger.[227][286] Version "kriff it all."[287] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "kriff it (all)" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "fuck it (all)."
  • Kriff off: A rude way of dismissing someone.[288] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "kriff off" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "fuck off."
  • The kriff out of: Used for emphasis, e.g. "maul of the kriff out of," meaning to maul someone severely.[39] Similar to the real-world idiom "the hell out of."[289]
  • Kriff this: Expression of disdain and rejection of something.[214] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "kriff this" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "fuck this."
  • Kriff up: To mishandle a situation; to act foolishly.[290] Since it is believed that the word "kriffing" is the Star Wars version of "fucking,"[195] "kriff up" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "fuck up."
  • Krik: Intensifier similar to "hell," e.g. "As soon as we land, I want you the krik off my ship," said by an RX-Series pilot droid to R2-D2.[291] Phonetically similar to the real-world noun "frick," a euphemisms for the swear word "f*ck."[132]
  • Krinnan: An insult.[21]
  • Krit: Expletive.[283]
  • Kung: Huttese for "scum," e.g., "U kulle rah doe kankee kung," meaning "You are my kind of scum."[44]


  • Lab scrabber: An insult once used by a clone trooper to Omega.[292]
  • Laserbrain or laser brain: Leia Organa employed this as an insult towards Han Solo, stating "I don't know where you get your delusions, laserbrain."[7] Similarly, "laser brain" was used by Lourna Dee to refer to a stupid person.[293] Similar to the real-world noun "birdbrain."[81]
  • Laser fodder: Soldiers regarded as expendable in battle.[101] Similar to the real-world noun "cannon fodder."[294]
  • Leatherneck: An insult once used by a stormtrooper commander towards Jho the Ithorian.[295]
  • Let sleeping rancors lie: To leave a situation as it is, disturbing it might cause trouble.[296] Similar to the real-world idiom "let sleeping dogs lie."[297]
  • Let us become spears: A Duros ritual phrase.[96]
  • Lifelong: Used on Noomis Riga to designate a native inhabitant, as opposed to an ootmian.[298]
  • Like hell: Used to strongly disagree with someone.[237] Real-world idiom.
  • Like shooting rancors in a cage: Described something easy, but likely to have dangerous consequences.[299] Similar to the real-world phrase "like shooting fish in a barrell," meaning "extremely easy."[300]
  • Like taking clams from a Gungan: Describes something that is very easy to do.[301] Similar to the real-world idiom "like taking candy from a baby."[302]
  • Linderling: Noun used by Melna to refer to Fern and KB; "Really? You're a couple of linderlings from the lost planet of eternal treasure?"[149]
  • A load of bantha druk: Something that is not true; nonsense.[303] The phrase itself is similar to the real-world idiom "a load of crap, nonsense, rubbish, etc,"[304] while "bantha druk" is similar to the real-world term "bullshit."
  • A load of vervikk spore: Something that is not true; nonsense.[69] Similar to the real-world idiom "a load of crap, nonsense, rubbish, etc."[304]
  • Long live the Empire: Salute of honor used by the Galactic Empire during the Imperial Era[305] and New Republic Era.[306]
  • Long live the New Republic: Salute used in the New Republic by former members of the Galactic Empire during the New Republic Era,[307] similar to the Imperial salute "long live the Empire."[306]
  • Look what the tooka dragged in: Used to call attention to someone who has just entered an area.[159] Similar to the real-world idiom "look what the cat dragged in."[308]
  • Loth-cat got your tongue?: An expression mocking someone for not having anything to say.[309] Similar to the real-world idiom "has the cat got your tongue?"[310]
  • Lullaby: A Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service term for a suicide pill.[311]



  • NavInt: Short for the Imperial Naval Intelligence Agency.[323]
  • Nerf herder: An insult once used by Princess Leia Organa. It referred to the animal by the same name.[7] The corresponding adjective was nerf-herding, e.g. "you nerf-herding mercs!"[279]
  • Nerf herd your pessimism: To be pessimistic.[206]
  • Nerf scat: Nonsense.[279] Similar to the real-world rude word "bullshit."
  • Nerf spore: An insult.[324]
  • Nerko: An insult.[325]
  • Nerve Burner: This insult suggested one was unstable.[7]
  • Neurowashed: Forcibly indoctrinated to believe something; used about droids.[18] Similar to the real-world term "brainwashed."
  • The nine eggs broken to make the Nine-Egg Stew: Meaning that it is difficult to accomplish something important without causing any negative consequences.[326] Similar to the real-world saying "you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."[327]
  • No decor: A bomber crew term for speaking freely without worrying about rank.[40]
  • Not the brightest lightsaber in the galaxy: Unintelligent,[299] similar to the real world idiom "not the sharpest knife in the drawer."[328]
  • Not the brightest star in the sky: Unintelligent,[124] similar to the real world idiom "not the sharpest knife in the drawer."[328]
  • Not the brightest star in the system: Unintelligent,[210] similar to the real world idiom "not the sharpest knife in the drawer."[328]
  • Not give two bantha ticks (about something): To not care in the slightest (about something or someone).[329] Similar to the real-world idiom "not give two hoots about something."[330]
  • Number-squinter: Slang that Rancher Lakphro used to refer to bureaucrats who counted his yubals for tax purposes.[331]



  • Pain in the choobies: Someone that is very annoying.[340] Similar to the real-world offensive idiom "pain in the ass/butt."[341]
  • A pain in the trunk: Something that is very annoying; used by the elephantine youngling Neel.[121] Similar to the real-world idiom "a pain in the neck."[342]
  • Painted: A bomber crew term for being scanned by sensors.[40]
  • The path: The Way of the Mandalore.[10]
  • Peedunky: This Huttese insult was roughly equivalent to "punk."[73]
  • Pet: In the Imperial Academy, a slang term for favored student.[343] Also used as an insult applied by Asajj Ventress to Ahsoka Tano, comparing her to a literal pet animal.[230] Real-world term referring to someone who you favor more than others, providing them with preferential treatment.[344]
  • Pfassk: An adaptable expletive, e.g. "what the pfassk is going on?"[124] or "thank pfassk."[345] Phonetically similar to the real world swear word "fuck" and its derivative "what the fuck."
  • Pfassk it: Expression of frustration.[346] Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "fuck it."
  • Pickle my processors: Used by the droid CR-8R to express surprise.[347]
  • Piece of druk: Something of poor quality.[142] Similar to the real-world offensive noun "piece of shit."[215]
  • Piece of bantha dung: An insult.[130] Similar to the real-world offensive noun "piece of shit."[215]
  • A piece of Rhyscate: Something that is very easy to do.[209] Pun on the real-world idiom "a piece of cake."[348]
  • Pig: A derogatory term used to describe a slovenly individual.[349] Real-world term.
  • Pile of rancor poodoo: A despicable person.[350] Similar to the real-world vulgar slang phrase "piece of shit."[215]
  • Piston-head: A derogatory phrase was sometimes used to describe IG-86 sentinel droids.[351]
  • Plan B: A term was used by both pilots and Jedi and referring to backup plans. When Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were caught in a ray shield trap on the Invisible Hand, Kenobi asked Skywalker if he had a Plan B.[265] Real-world noun.
  • Planetfall: A term to describe the act of landing on a planet.[19] Adapted from the real-world noun "landfall."[352]
  • The plant that stays hidden in the soil never bears delicious fruit: Proverb quoted by Torban Buck, meaning that taking a risk is necessary to obtain a beneficial outcome.[353] Has the same meaning as the real-world proverb "nothing ventured, nothing gained."[354]
  • Plasteel pig: Alternate name for stormtroopers thought up by Ezra Bridger.[83]
  • Pleb: A derogatory term used by Gregor.[355] Real-world insulting word for an ordinary person.[356]
  • Plenty more mynocks in the exogorth: A saying meaning that there is plenty of more to be found.[42] Similar to the real-world idiom "there is plenty more fish in the sea," often used to console someone whose romantic relationship has ended.[357]
  • Pointer: A bomber crew term for an X-wing starfighter.[40]
  • Poodoo: A Huttese term meaning "fodder," a coarse type of food for livestock.[44] Used as a swear word;[73] as a term for nonsense;[286] something of low quality, e.g. "Buy new droid. This one poodoo.";[11] or someone[358] or something that a person disliked,[286] or a contemptible person.[359] The term and its uses are similar to the real-world vulgar word "shit."
  • Poodoo runs downhill: Referring to having to deal with a problem that someone of higher rank created.[107] Similar to the real-world proverb "shit rolls downhill."[360]
  • Popper: Clone trooper slang for a grenade.[65]
  • Povvo: Insult used by Noegaud about Niko.[156] Real-world British English slang for a poor person.[361]
  • Pronto-ronto: Promptly, quickly.[350] Extension of the real-world adverb "pronto."[362]
  • Puffball: Word used by Tern Koyatta to refer to Yuzzums.[43]
  • Pure pazaak: Nothing but complete luck.[227] Similar to the real-world phrase "pure luck."[363]
  • Purfmurker: An insult that Lando Calrissian directed at a pair of Imperial pilots.[364]


  • Quacta calling the Stifling slimy: A term for someone who criticized someone else for a fault that they had themselves,[145][192] similar to the real-world idiom "the pot calling the kettle black."[269]



  • Saber boy: Used by Tey Sirrek to address the Jedi Knight Vildar Mac.[55]
  • Saber-for-hire: A person working as a mercenary, who carries a lightsaber.[208][334] Similar to the real-world noun "gun for hire."[381]
  • Saber's grace: Exclamation of surprise or dismay.[134] Similar to the real-world idiom "goodness gracious."
  • Saber-twirler: Nickname for a Jedi, used by Keeve Trennis.[22]
  • Sack of bantha fodder: A despicable person.[382] Similar to the real-world noun "dirtbag,"[383] and the vulgar slang phrase "piece of shit."[215]
  • Safe as kitlings: Completely safe.[384] Similar to the real-world British English idiom "safe as houses."[385]
  • Sagrona: A traditional Chandrilan toast, met by a return toast of "sagrona teema."[386]
  • Sands: A general-purpose exclamation of display on Canto Bight, referencing the sands of the planet's desert.[387]
  • Scale-brain: An insult, used about a Trandoshan.[21] Similar to the real-world noun "birdbrain."[81]
  • Scaredy-sark: An insult used by the Mustafarian Giggek in referral to his friend, Tuttel, whom he thought was cowardly.[388] Similar to the real-world child's expression "scaredy-cat."[389]
  • Scat: Nonsense,[43][390] e.g. "They're buying this karkin' scat?"[390] Real-world noun referring to animal faeces,[391] and a pun on the real-world vulgar noun "shit," which is used as a synonym for nonsense.
  • Scattered to the four winds: Scattered in different places far away from each other.[10] Real-world idiom.[392]
  • Schutta: A swear word/insult.[1]
  • Scob: An expletive used to denounce someone or something. Used by Dewi Pamular.[393]
  • Scrag: An exclamation of fear[394] or frustration.[395]
  • Scruffy-looking: This insult regarding one's appearance was once used by Leia Organa against Han Solo.[7]
  • Scrumrat: Children that were taken in by the White Worms.[396]
  • Scud-sucker: An insult.[24]
  • Scug off: Make someone mad,[307] similar to the real-world rude slang term "piss someone off."
  • Scughole: Slang term for a despicable person. Boba Fett said to Krrsantan, "Take it from an ex-bounty hunter, don't work for scugholes. It's not worth it."[397] Similar to the real-world vulgar slang term "asshole.
  • Scum: This general-purpose insult referred to anyone considered undesirable.[7][44] Real-world noun.
  • Scum-seeker: A person who endeavors to find the most disreputable individuals.[134]
  • Scumslug: An insult.[106]
  • Scuttlebutt: Talk or stories about someone that may not be true; gossip.[140] Real-world noun.[398]
  • Sea slug: Derogatory term used by Hype Fazon to refer to his fellow pilots.[315]
  • See a man about an akk: An idiom used as an excuse for leaving without giving the real reason.[399] Similar to the real-world British English idiom "see a man about a dog."[400]
  • See something with your own photoreceptors: Droid version of "see something with your own eyes."[401]
  • See something with your own eyes: To see something yourself, especially if it is something that you would not otherwize believe.[401] Real-world idiom.[402]
  • Sentiment doesn't pay the debt when you've just robbed the banker: Saying used by Thea Starros.[54]
  • Seppies: Slang term for Separatists, in use during the time of the Clone Wars.[170]
  • Seps: Slang term for Separatists, in use during the time of the Galactic Empire.[403]
  • Shiraya's word!: An expression used to express shock or surprise on Naboo.[404]
  • Seven celestial star maps!: Exclamation used by Savina Besatrix Malagán to express shock.[104]
  • Sewer-sucker: An insult.[24]
  • Shiny: Clone trooper slang for a rookie.[65]
  • Shit: A derogatory expletive referring to feces, also acts as an exclamation of disgust, anger, or annoyance.[405][406] Real-world offensive noun/exclamation.
  • Shocker: A bomber crew term for an ion cannon.[40]
  • Shlang about: Doing nothing.[39]
  • Show your gills: To show up somewhere; used about Anst Wozo, an Inleshat.[106] Similar to the real-world idiom "show your face," meaning to show up unexpectedly in a place where you are not supposed to be due to committing some wrongdoing.[407]
  • Shukking: An expletive. Keeve Trennis uses this when she describes Kalo Sulman as a "shukking bully,"[408] as did Jaxxon T. Tumperakki when referring to his "shukking boots."[84] Phonetically similar to the real-world expletive "fucking."
  • Shut me down!: An exclamation of surprise used by droids like C-3PO.[51]
  • Shut the Hell up: Rude way of telling someone to stop talking.[55] Real-world slang.
  • A sight for malfunctioning optics: A droid way of expressing pleasure to see someone,[409] similar to the real world idiom "a sight for sore eyes."[410]
  • Sight for short circuits: Another droid way of expressing pleasure at seeing someone,[411] similar to the real world idiom "a sight for sore eyes."[410]
  • Silly billy: Non-canon word for a silly person.[241] Real-world idiom.[412]
  • Since before you were spawned: Meaning that something has been happening for a long time.[22] Similar to the real-world phrase "since before you were born."[413]
  • Singing like a Yuzzum: Confessing to something.[414]
  • Sithspawn: An exclamation.[399] Also used as an insult.[183]
  • Sithspit: Insult used to express displeasure or anger at something or someone, such as "If those Sithspit keep buzzing over the place, I'll lose all of my business!," said by 8D-J8;[415] or "You backstabbing Sithspit!"[148] It could also be used to express that something was untrue, such as "What a load of Sith spit," said by Gora.[416] The second use of the world is similar to the real-world vulgar noun "bullshit."
  • Sithspitting: Derogatory modifier.[417]
  • Sitrep: TIE pilot slang term for "situation report."[172]
  • Sitting duck: An open target that can easily picked off.[73] Real-world noun.[418]
  • Sitting mynock: An open target that can easily picked off.[419] Similar to the real-world noun "sitting duck."[418]
  • Sitting pelikki: See sitting mynock.[420]
  • Skank in the scud pie: An expression referring to a complication or unforeseen difficulty, used by Peli Motto[239] and Carasynthia Dune.[145] Similar to the real-world idiom "fly in the ointment."[421]
  • A skud in a krill pond: Something that is hard to find.[10] Similar to the real-world idiom "a needle in a haystack."[91]
  • Skug: A common Zygerrian insult.[422] Also used by Lord Khamdek to address Dengar.[423]
  • Skughead: An insult.[424] Similar to the real-world vulgar slang word "dickhead,"[425] and phonetically similar to the offensive slang word "f*ckhead."[426]
  • Skull: A Z-95 Headhunter, in TIE pilot slang.[172]
  • Sleemo: Huttese insult, pronounced slay-mo, and literally translating as "slimeball."[73] "Slimeball" is a real-world noun for an unpleasant person.[427]
  • Slime sap: Derogatory term used by Mama the Hutt.[29] Similar to the real-world insult "slimeball.[427]
  • Slug: Insult used by Dengar, aimed at his fellow swoop racers.[423] Also an offensive term for a member of the Hutt species.[168]
  • Slugball: Insult used by Jaxxon T. Tumperakki about Renza the Hutt.[84] Similar to the real-world insult "slimeball.[427]
  • Smear of bantha dung: An insult.[42] Similar to the real-world offensive noun "piece of shit."[215]
  • Snake: Derogatory word for a treacherous person, used by Rey about Kylo Ren, and Rose Tico about DJ.[19] Real-world noun.[428]
  • Snogwash: An expletive used for disbelief in a statement made by someone else.[318] A pun on the real-world noun "hogwash."[429]
  • Snot: A contemptible person.[430] Real-world noun.[431]
  • Sod it: This was an expression of frustration.[432] Real-world British English exclamation.[433]
  • Some things credits cannot buy: Meaning that there are certain aspects of true happiness that cannot be obtained solely through wealth.[127] Version of the real-world cliché "there are some things money can't buy."[434]
  • Sonnuva gundark: Insult used by Losha Tarkon.[435] Similar to the real-world insult "sonofabitch."[436]
  • Son of a—: Exclamation used by Doctor Aphra.[14][314] Also used as an insult by Dengar.[437] Similar to the real-world exclamation/insult "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a bantha: An insult once directed at Han Solo by Sana Starros.[438] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a bogling: An insult or exclamation of shock or excitement used by Greez Dritus in reference to Cal Kestis.[439] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a grok: An insult.[30] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a growzer: An expression of frustration that Lakphro used to refer to bureaucrats who count his yubals.[331] Similar to the real-world exclamation "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a Hutt: An insult.[440] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a Jawa: An insult jokingly directed at Kedpin Shoklop by Anglang Lehet.[441] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a mudbrawler: An expression of frustration used by Velko Jahen.[60] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a mudscuffer: This expression was used by Cara Dune to express her troubles with un-jamming her blaster.[145] Similar to the real-world exclamation "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Son of a nerf: Dengar used this insult to refer to Boba Fett.[442] Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."[436]
  • Sorcerer: Admiral Motti once referred to Darth Vader using this term in reference to his Force abilities, telling him not to try to frighten him and the others on the Death Star with his "sorcerer's ways."[31] It was also used to refer to Jedi by the Mandalorian known as the Armorer.[443]
  • Spaced: This was a slang phrase amongst travelers of the galaxy meaning "dead" or "killed." A common saying in the early days of the Galactic Empire was that it was "better to be spaced than based on Belderone."[403]
  • Spacer: Slang referring someone who spent a large part of their life in space.[444]
  • Space baby: A person who was born and grew up on a space station or starship.[445]
  • Spice: A type of dangerous narcotic mined in the Spice mines of Kessel. Wookiees died en masse as slaves of the Galactic Empire mining this drug.[85]
  • Spice-head: A spice addict.[106] Similar to the real-world noun "dopehead."[446]
  • Spinward: A direction of travel through the galaxy, meaning the direction the galaxy is rotating in.[126]
  • Splash: To shoot down, in TIE pilot slang.[172]
  • Sprog: A bomber crew term for an inexperienced crewer.[40]
  • Stang: This slang term of frustration was once employed by Beck Ollet during a grav-ball match in reference to the opposing team's wing striker.[82]
  • Squealers: A word to describe new Imperial officers.[114]
  • Stars: A general-purpose exclamation that could be used to express either frustration or excitement.[359][54]
  • Stars above!: Exclamation of surprise.[447]
  • Stars be praised: Used to say that you are pleased something has happened and thank the stars for it.[134] Similar to the real-world exclamation "God/Heaven be praised."
  • Stars' end!: An expression of disbelieving delight,[448] or shock.[24]
  • Stars preserve me: Used to express distaste.[229] Similar to the real-world idiom "God/heaven help me."[449]
  • Stars save me: Used to express distaste.[450] Similar to the real-world idiom "God/heaven help me."[449]
  • A stick in someone's eye: To be an annoyance to someone.[451] Similar to the real-world idiom "a thorn in someone's side."[452]
  • Sticks: A bomber crew term for groups of bombs.[40]
  • Stifftroopers stormbloopers: Alternate name for stormtroopers thought up by Ezra Bridger.[83]
  • Stir up a stinger nest : Cause a difficult situation.[453] Similar to the real-world idiom "stir up a hornet's nest."[454]
  • Stitched: TIE fighter slang term from "hit by enemy fire."[172]
  • The straw that broke the bantha's back: The final event in a string of unfortunate occurrences that can lead someone to become very upset.[84] Similar to the real-world idiom "the straw that breaks/broke the camel's back."[455]
  • Stuck up: This term was used to describe someone with a conceited or arrogant attitude.[456] Real-world adjective.[457]
  • Stubborn as a barnacle: Very stubborn.[458] Similar to the real-world phrase "stubborn as a mule."[459]
  • Suicide sled: A starfighter with weak shields or no shields at all, in TIE pilot slang.[172]
  • Sun bonnet: A slang term for clone trooper helmets.[237]
  • Surf-sucker: An insult.[106] Similar to the real-world noun "egg-sucker."[460]
  • Surik's Blade!: An exclamation of surprise used by Jedi Master Sskeer[461] and Jedi archivist OrbaLin.[462]
  • Svaper: Frid Kelio once referred to the athletic director Janus Fhurek as a "dirty svaper."[82]
  • Swear on every single star: To make a solemn pledge.[119] An extension of the real-world idiom "swear on (someone or something)."[463]
  • Sweating like a gumpta on Mustafar: An expression used to describe someone sweating heavily.[464] Similar to the real-world idiom "sweat like a pig."[465]
  • Sweetener in one's tea: Something that improves the overall situation.[466] Similar to the real-world idiom "like sugar in tea."[467]
  • Sweet tails: Used by Tey Sirrek to address the Twi'lek Matthea Cathley, referring to her head-tails.[55]
  • Switch off!: This droid exclamation was the equivalent of "shut up!"[7]


  • Tailhead: A derogatory term referring to members of the Twi'lek species.[468]
  • Take off the dejarik board: Analogy for removing someone from the situation, similar to the way a dejarik player would remove a game piece from the game board, i.e. "Jabba's guard dog has been taken off the dejarik board."[214] Similar to the real-world idiom "take off the board."[469]
  • Tall, dark and able-to-kill me: Used by Doctor Aphra to refer to Darth Vader.[14] A parody of the real-world phrase "tall, dark and handsome," a cliché used to describe the archetypal attributes of an attractive man, often embodied in the protagonists of romance books and movies.[470]
  • Tall, dark and beardy: Used by Tey Sirrek to refer to Vildar Mac.[55] A pun on the real-world phrase "tall, dark and handsome," a cliché used to describe the archetypal attributes of an attractive man, often embodied in the protagonists of romance books and movies.[470]
  • Target practice: Alternate name for stormtroopers thought up by Ezra Bridger.[83]
  • Thank kriff: An expression of relief.[471] Since it is believed that kriff is the Star Wars version of the swear word "f*ck,"[195] the meaning of "thank kriff" is similar to the real-world vulgar interjection "thank f*ck."[472]
  • Thank pfassk: An expression of relief.[345] Phonetically similar to the real-world vulgar interjection "thank f*ck."[472]
  • Thank the Empire: Expression of relief.[179] Similar to the real-world idiom "thank God/goodness."
  • Thank the light: Expression of relief.[280][473] Similar to the real-world idiom "thank God/goodness."
  • Thank the Maker!: C-3PO often used this phrase to express relief, similar to how a sentient being might thank a deity.[31] Similar to the real-world idiom "thank God."[474]
  • Thank the stars: An expression of relief.[432][462] Real-world interjection.[475]
  • Thank the Warren Mother!: A Sullustan expression of relief,[476] similar to the real-world idiom "thank God."[474]
  • There'll be hell to pay: Used to emphasize that there will be serious trouble.[31] Real world idiom.[477]
  • There's more than one way to skin a womp rat: Meaning that there is more than one way to achieve an aim.[478] Similar to the real world saying "there's more than one way to skin a cat."[479]
  • This Is the Way: This Mandalorian phrase embodies what it means to be a 'Child of the Watch' and it includes a code of traditions and ideals they all must uphold. They don't take off their helmets in front of others, ever, and if they do, they must atone for the sin by bathing in the Living Waters within the Mines of Mandalore.[10]
  • Tibanna slug: An insult.[148]
  • Time to fold: To withdraw in defeat; referring to the way a person might withdraw one's hand in a game of cards.[209]
  • Tin bin: A term for droids.[480]
  • Too many admirals, not enough ensigns: A saying used to claim that too many people want to be the leader, and not enough people are willing to follow to do the detail work.[432] Similar to the real world idiom "too many chiefs and not enough Indians."[481]
  • Tooka cat that ate the bulabird: A person who appears self-satisfied or smug.[110] Similar to the real-world idiom "like the cat that ate the canary."[482]
  • A tooka got your tongue?: Used to encourage someone who is being unusually quiet, to speak out.[483] Similar to the real-world idiom "has the cat got your tongue?."[484]
  • The tooka's out of the bag: Meaning that a secret has become known.[485] Similar to the real-world phrase "let the cat out of the bag."[486]
  • Topsider: Slang for someone who is privileged to live at Coruscant's upper levels, as opposed to the poorer lower levels of the Coruscant Underworld.[487]
  • Triple dark: Used by the residents of the Colossus to describe a major thunderstorm.[488]
  • Turd eater: An offensive term rendered in Aurebesh as graffiti on the outside of the proctor's office at At Attin Middle School Gamma.[121] Similar to the real-world rude slang interjection "eat shit."[489]
  • Tweezer: Slang for BX-series droid commandos.[237]
  • Twist the vibroknife: To say something that inflicts even more pain on someone who is already suffering.[84] Similar to the real-world idiom "twist the knife."[490]


  • Utinni: An exclamation made by various Jawas that was roughly the equivalent of "come here!"[31]


  • Vac-head: A TIE fighter pilot who flies "in the black" for the Imperial Navy.[172]
  • Varactyl vomit: An insult.[227] Similar to the real-world insult "piece of shit."[215]
  • Varp: A term used to express frustration;[167][24] or surprise, as in "What the varp is that?"[131] It could also be used to describe something unpleasant, e.g. "this varp-heap of a planet,"[462] or as an intensifier, e.g. "get the varp out."[491] Similar to the real-world swear word "hell."
  • Varp farmer: An insult.[84]
  • Vatstu: A Neimoidian expletive.[49]
  • Veermok in the room: An obvious problem or difficult issue that no one wants to discuss.[492] Similar to the real-world phrase "elephant in the room."[47]
  • Veermok spore: Dengar used this insult to refer to Beilert Valance.[442]
  • Very Important Official: A person who is accorded special privileges due to their position.[108]
  • Victory kid: One of hundreds of millions or billions of children born after the fall of the Galactic Empire.[86]
  • Void: An expression of frustration.[493]
  • Void below: Used to express shock.[494][495]
  • Void-blasted: Something that causes frustration, i.e. "stop that void-blasted hammerhead."[229]
  • Void-forsaken: Something that offers nothing of enjoyment, i.e. "void-forsaken Child of the Storm."[167] Similar to the real-world phrase "godforsaken."[496]
  • Void help me: Used to stress the seriousness of a situation.[497] Similar to the real-world idiom "God/heaven help me."[449]
  • Void's teeth: Exclamation of shock.[498]


  • Walking carpet: Leia Organa once applied this insulting term to Chewbacca in reference to his shaggy coat of fur.[31]
  • Wannabes: A bomber crew term for First Order personnel.[40]
  • Wastoid: A derogatory term.[499] Real-world slang.[500]
  • The Way: The Way of the Mandalore.[10]
  • Well, I'll be!: Exclamation used to express astonishment.[262] Real-world expression.[501]
  • Wet dog: Luke Skywalker once used this term to describe the scent of the planet Kupoh.[107]
  • Whatever the kriff: A way of saying "whatever."[502] Since "kriffing" is believed to be the Star Wars version of the real-word swear-word "fucking,"[195] "whatever the kriff" would be similar to the real-world "whatever the fuck."
  • What in all the fragging hells: Exclamation used to emphasize extreme surprise or anger.[503] Similar to the real-world rude slang phrase "what in the f*cking hell…"
  • What in all the hells…?: Exclamation used to emphasize surprise or shock.[504] Similar to the real-world exclamation "what in the hell?"[505]
  • What in all the Typhonic Nebula: Used to express shock or surprise.[506] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • …what in all the worlds: Non-canon phrase used to add emphasis to a question, e.g. "You're the only one who can really explain what in all the worlds has happened to you, Kouru."[507] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in stars' name: Used to emphasize surprise.[24] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in God's name."
  • What in the blazes…: Used to express shock or surprise.[51][84] Real-world exclamation.[508]
  • What in the burning seas of Dac: Mon Calamari expression used to express shock or surprise.[451] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the crimson radiance…: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[130] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the Depths: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[67][453] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the depths of the Chaos: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[67] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the galaxy: Expression used to express shock or surprise, e.g. "What in the universe are you doing here?."[291] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the name…: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[453] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the name of God/heaven."[509]
  • What in the name of Chobb: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[510] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the name of God/heaven."[509]
  • What in the stars…: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[511] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the three suns…: Expression used to express shock or surprise.[512] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in the universe: Expression was used to express shock or surprise, e.g. "What in the universe was that?."[8] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…"
  • What in varp's name: Derivative of the term "varp," used to express surprise, e.g. "What in varp's name was that?"[142] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in God's name."
  • What in void's name…: Used to emphasize anger, e.g. "What in void's name were you thinking?"[334] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in God's name."
  • What the…: General purpose expression[51] taken from the real-world.
  • What the crik: Exclamation used to express surprise.[99] Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "what the f*ck."
  • What the foito: A Zeltron swear used by Lorica Demaris.[513] Similar to real-world exclamations like "what the hell/heck/devil" etc.[514]
  • What the hell: Phrase used to express anger.[31][237] Real-world exclamation.
  • What the hey: Expression used to express surprise.[36] Real-world American English exclamation.[515]
  • What the kriffing hells: Exclamation used by Dengar.[358] Since "kriffing" is believed to be the Star Wars version of the swear-word "fucking,"[195] the exclamation would be similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "what the fucking hell."
  • What the Sith: A general purpose exclamation used by the Alderaanian Jora Astane.[349] Similar to the real-world exclamations like "what the hell/heck/devil" etc.[514]
  • What the pfassk: Derivative of the expletive "pfassk."[516] Phonetically similar to the real-world exclamation "what the fuck."
  • What/why the varp…: Derivative of the term "varp," used to express surprise, e.g. "What the varp is that?"[131] or "Why the varp are you smiling?"[517] Similar to the real-world exclamation "what/why the hell."
  • What/where the kark: Derivatives of the expletive "kark."[187][276] Similar to the real-world exclamation "what/where the fuck."
  • What/why the kriff: Used to express disbelief[55][286] or surprise, e.g. "What the kriff is that?"[106] Since "kriffing" is believed to be the Star Wars version of the swear-word "fucking,"[195] "what/why the kriff" would be similar to the real-world exclamation "what/why the fuck."
  • Whisker cub: Common Chiss slang for a coward. A common use is when referring to something "running like a whisker cub."[453]
  • When plebos fly out of my hump: Phrase used by Mama the Hutt to indicate that something would never happen.[29] Similar to the real-world phrase "when pigs fly."[518]
  • Where in the worlds: Used as an intensifier.[106] Almost identical to the real-world phrase "where in the world."
  • Who in the heavenly void: Used to emphasize shock or surprise, i.e. "Who in the heavenly void is that?!"[196] Similar to the real-world phrase "who in the world…"
  • Who in the name of the Great Prairie Winds…: An interrogative used by a shopkeeper when Merei Spanjaf told him she was sent by Bandis Yong.[309] Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the name of God/heaven."[509]
  • Who the crikk: Used as an intensifier.[134] Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "who the f*ck."
  • Who the druk: Used as an intensifier.[519] Phonetically similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "who the f*ck."
  • Wild bantha chase: A futile errand, one which might be a distraction to important business.[265][520][521] Similar to the real-world phrase "wild-goose chase."[522]
  • Wild caranak chase: See wild bantha chase.[323]
  • Wild-convor chase: See wild bantha chase.[523]
  • Wild-gundark chase: See wild bantha chase.[130]
  • Wild-mynock chase: See wild bantha chase.[524]
  • Wiseass: Insult used by Migs Mayfeld towards the Mandalorian after the latter belittled his marksmanship.[48] Real-world British English noun.[525]
  • Wise guy: Used by Yana Ro to address Tey Sirrek.[55] Real-world noun for an individual who continuously attempts to appear smarter than the rest of the people around them, in an irritating way.[526]
  • Wishbone: A bomber crew term for a Y-wing fighter.[40]
  • Witch: Derogatory term for females, which could also be applied to one who cast actual magick.[309][527] Real-world term.
  • Wizard: Adjective meaning outstanding,[73] or noun used to refer to someone believed to have supernatural powers.[31] As an adjective, the term was coined by Padawan Ram Jomaram around 231 BBY.[528] Real-world word for a man who practices sorcery; and informal adjective (mainly British English) meaning "superb, outstanding."[529]
  • Womp hop: A term expressed to describe a short distance, like a hop of a womp rat.[192] Similar to the real-world phrase "be a short hop."[530]
  • Womp rat: The Mandalorian called Grogu a womp rat when he jokingly asked him if he was ready to lie low on Sorgan for a few months.[199] Peli Motto also called the Mandalorian a womp rat after he threatened her droids.[531]
  • Wouldn't hurt a bifflefly: Meaning that someone is gentle and would never hurt anyone.[447] A pun on the real-world idiom "wouldn't hurt a fly."[532]
  • Worst Order: A play on the name of the First Order, to insult them.[170]
  • Wrench-jockey: A term used for a repair droid.[299]


  • Yahoo!: Battle cry used by Han Solo.[31] Real-world exclamation.[533]
  • Yeah yeah yeah: Used to express frustration with what the previous speaker had said, i.e. "I (...) recognize the handsome feline Jedi fellow to address the yeah yeah yeah!"[196] Real-world phrase.[534]
  • Yokel: An uneducated or unsophisticated person.[535] Real-world noun.[536]
  • You can't fix stupid: Used by Jessa Spanjaf regarding poor data protection and security practices that she attributed to herself.[309] Real-world slang term.[537]
  • Youngling: Another term for child, often used by the Jedi.[73][51][265]
  • Your funeral: Phrase meaning that if an individual suffers poor results as a consequence of their actions, the fault is theirs alone, not yours.[228] Shortened version of the real-world phrase "that's/it's your funeral!"[538]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 The High Republic (2021) 7
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Aftermath
  3. absofuckinglutely on Dictionary.com: "one-hundred percent; without exception; without doubt or reservation" (backup link archived on July 7, 2024)
  4. 4.0 4.1 SWInsider "Inbrief" — Star Wars Insider 161
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know
  6. shark bait on The Free Dictionary: "1. slang A person swimming or surfing alone in the ocean." (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
  8. 8.0 8.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Overlords"
  9. anchorite on Merriam-Webster: "a person who lives in seclusion usually for religious reasons" (backup link archived on March 8, 2023)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian"
  11. 11.0 11.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 17: The Apostate"
  12. The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 1
  13. apostate on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone who has given up their religion or left a political party" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Darth Vader (2015) 3
  15. have (one's) foot on (someone's) neck on The Free Dictionary: "To be in a position of control or power over someone else; to have another person in a vulnerable position." (backup link archived on May 25, 2023)
  16. 16.0 16.1 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "You Have a Lot to Learn About Pirates"
  17. arr on Oxford English Dictionary: "In humorous representations of the speech of pirates: expressing approval, triumph, warning, etc." (backup link archived on December 26, 2024)
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Solo: A Star Wars Story
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi
  20. Star Wars Visions logo Star Wars: Visions — "Screecher's Reach"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 The High Republic (2023) 5
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 The High Republic (2023) 8
  23. 23.0 23.1 (as) dead as a dodo on Merriam-Webster: "used to stress that someone or something is dead" (backup link archived on June 28, 2023)
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 "The Creature from the Trash Compactor" — Tales from the Death Star
  25. (as) happy as a clam on Merriam-Webster: "very happy" (backup link archived on March 31, 2023)
  26. happy as a lark on The Free Dictionary: "(as) happy as a lark Very happy; contented." (backup link archived on August 7, 2023)
  27. The High Republic — The Blade 1
  28. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bounty"
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hunt for Ziro"
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Bounty Hunters 35
  31. 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 31.11 31.12 31.13 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens
  33. Rey's Survival Guide
  34. 34.0 34.1 Thrawn
  35. 35.0 35.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Clone Cadets"
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Darth Vader (2020) 35
  37. bajillion on Collins English Dictionary: "an extremely large but unspecified number, quantity, or amount" (backup link archived on June 15, 2023)
  38. 38.0 38.1 Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 "Born in the Storm" — From a Certain Point of View
  40. 40.00 40.01 40.02 40.03 40.04 40.05 40.06 40.07 40.08 40.09 40.10 40.11 40.12 40.13 40.14 40.15 40.16 40.17 40.18 40.19 40.20 40.21 40.22 40.23 40.24 40.25 40.26 The Last Jedi: Bomber Command
  41. "Reirin" — From a Certain Point of View
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Doctor Aphra (2016) 15
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 Ewoks (2024) 4
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
  45. Star Wars (2020) 40
  46. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 22: Guns for Hire"
  47. 47.0 47.1 elephant in the room on Cambridge Dictionary: "If you say there is an elephant in the room, you mean that there is an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about." (backup link archived on March 27, 2023)
  48. 48.0 48.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 6: The Prisoner"
  49. 49.0 49.1 Brotherhood
  50. beat the shit out of on Collins English Dictionary: "to give a severe beating to" (backup link archived on June 3, 2023)
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 51.5 51.6 51.7 51.8 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  52. 52.0 52.1 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "Very Interesting, As an Astrogation Problem"
  53. before you can say Jack Robinson on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom old-fashioned informal used to say that something happens very quickly" (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 Sana Starros 4
  55. 55.00 55.01 55.02 55.03 55.04 55.05 55.06 55.07 55.08 55.09 55.10 55.11 55.12 The High Republic (2022) 10
  56. 56.0 56.1 Sana Starros 3
  57. Battle of Jakku — Last Stand 2
  58. 58.0 58.1 to kingdom come on The Free Dictionary: "1. To heaven or the afterlife. Used especially after the verbs "blow" or "blast." The phrase is taken from the Lord's Prayer. (...) He ordered his troops to blast the rebels to kingdom come." (backup link archived on January 18, 2024)
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 The High Republic (2023) 3
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 The High Republic (2023) 1
  61. blow to pieces on Merriam-Webster: "to damage or destroy (something) with an explosion" (backup link archived on November 10, 2023)
  62. bless my soul! on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom old-fashioned (also bless me!); (also well I'm blessed!) an expression of surprise" (backup link archived on December 8, 2024)
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin"
  64. Bless your heart on The Free Dictionary: "The phrase has multiple meanings. It can be used as a sincere expression of sympathy or genuine concern. It can be used as a precursor to an insult to soften the blow. It is also sometimes used to mean "you are dumb or otherwise impaired, but you can't help it" by individuals who wish to "be sweet" and do not wish to "act ugly"." (backup link archived on December 19, 2024)
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 65.3 Rise of the Separatists
  66. 66.0 66.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 21: The Pirate"
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 67.3 Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
  68. redskin on Cambridge Dictionary: "noun [ C ] old-fashioned offensive an extremely offensive word for a Native American" (backup link archived on May 3, 2022)
  69. 69.0 69.1 Bounty Hunters 34
  70. stick-in-the-mud on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone who is old-fashioned and too serious and avoids enjoyable activities" (backup link archived on December 9, 2022)
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 Return of the Jedi – Max Rebo 1
  72. 72.0 72.1 bucket of bolts on The Free Dictionary: "a machine, such as a car or a motorcycle, that is old, run-down, or worn-out." (backup link archived on March 17, 2024)
  73. 73.00 73.01 73.02 73.03 73.04 73.05 73.06 73.07 73.08 73.09 73.10 73.11 73.12 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian"
  75. Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy
  76. brainless on Cambridge Dictionary: "stupid" (backup link archived on May 3, 2022)
  77. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The New Trooper"
  78. Doctor Aphra (2016) 28
  79. Star Wars: The Galactic Explorer's Guide
  80. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hostage Crisis"
  81. 81.0 81.1 81.2 81.3 81.4 81.5 birdbrain on Cambridge Dictionary: "a stupid person" (backup link archived on June 27, 2023)
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 82.3 82.4 Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy
  83. 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 83.4 Rebel Journal by Ezra Bridger
  84. 84.0 84.1 84.2 84.3 84.4 84.5 84.6 84.7 84.8 84.9 "Fake It Till You Make It" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  85. 85.0 85.1 85.2 Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 86.4 Before the Awakening
  87. Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition
  88. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Legacy of Terror"
  89. 89.0 89.1 89.2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
  90. Doctor Aphra (2016) 22
  91. 91.0 91.1 a needle in a haystack on Cambridge Dictionary: "something that is impossible or extremely difficult to find, especially because the area you have to search is too large" (backup link archived on April 20, 2023)
  92. Jedi Knights 1
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 93.3 93.4 93.5 93.6 93.7 93.8 93.9 by God on The Free Dictionary: "4. An exclamation of shock or surprise. By God, you startled me! I didn't even hear you come in. 5. An exclamation of satisfaction or enjoyment. By God, that has to be one of the tastiest burgers I've had in years!" (backup link archived on July 2, 2023)
  94. "Brothers and Sisters" — The High Republic Adventures Phase III Annual
  95. "Peace and Unity" — The High Republic (2022) 1
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 The High Republic: Light of the Jedi
  97. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Brothers of the Broken Horn"
  98. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Dangerous Business"
  99. 99.0 99.1 99.2 The High Republic (2023) 4
  100. 100.0 100.1 "The Adventures of Churo the Hutt and the Heart of Eroudac" — The High Republic Adventures Phase III Annual
  101. 101.0 101.1 The High Republic Adventures (2023) 11
  102. Star Wars (2020) 45
  103. 103.0 103.1 Star Wars Rebels: The Rebellion Begins
  104. 104.0 104.1 104.2 The High Republic Adventures (2022) 4
  105. chink in someone's armour on Cambridge Dictionary: "a fault in someone's character or an argument that may cause problems for them" (backup link archived on December 5, 2022)
  106. 106.00 106.01 106.02 106.03 106.04 106.05 106.06 106.07 106.08 106.09 106.10 The High Republic (2022) 3
  107. 107.0 107.1 107.2 Heir to the Jedi
  108. 108.0 108.1 Lost Stars
  109. Bloodline
  110. 110.0 110.1 110.2 Pirate's Price
  111. chopped liver on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone or something that is not at all important or deserving of respect" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  112. Darth Vader (2020) 36
  113. chump on Cambridge Dictionary: "noun [ C ] old-fashioned informal a silly or stupid person:" (backup link archived on )
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 Alphabet Squadron
  115. civvies on Cambridge Dictionary: "ordinary clothes that are not part of a uniform" (backup link archived on May 3, 2022)
  116. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Voyage of Temptation"
  117. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Forgotten Droid"
  118. Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
  119. 119.0 119.1 119.2 119.3 The High Republic Adventures (2023) 1
  120. clown on Collins English Dictionary: "If you describe someone as a clown, you disapprove of them and have no respect for them." (backup link archived on May 1, 2021)
  121. 121.0 121.1 121.2 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "This Could Be a Real Adventure"
  122. SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "The Real Good Guys"
  123. cold cash on Cambridge Dictionary: "(also cold, hard cash); (also hard cash) • MONEY • money available to spend, especially money in the form of coins and notes" (backup link archived on December 13, 2024)
  124. 124.0 124.1 124.2 124.3 124.4 Join the Resistance
  125. (as) cool as a cucumber on Cambridge Dictionary: "very calm or very calmly, especially when this is surprising" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  126. 126.0 126.1 126.2 Star Wars: The Rebel Files
  127. 127.0 127.1 Inquisitors 4
  128. (a) penny for your thoughts on Cambridge Dictionary: "said when you want to know what another person is thinking, usually because they have been quiet for a while" (backup link archived on December 10, 2022)
  129. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Idiot's Array"
  130. 130.0 130.1 130.2 130.3 130.4 130.5 Han Solo & Chewbacca 10
  131. 131.0 131.1 131.2 131.3 The High Republic (2021) 1
  132. 132.0 132.1 132.2 frick on Dictionary.com: "a euphemism for the word f*ck." (backup link archived on January 5, 2025)
  133. 133.0 133.1 fricking on The Free Dictionary: "adj slang (intensifier): surrounded by fricking idiots. [C20: euphemism for f*cking]" (backup link archived on January 5, 2025)
  134. 134.0 134.1 134.2 134.3 134.4 134.5 134.6 134.7 134.8 The High Republic – Fear of the Jedi 1
  135. Bounty Hunters 1
  136. Galaxy's Edge 2
  137. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Rising Malevolence"
  138. 138.0 138.1 shithole on Cambridge Dictionary: "a very unpleasant place, especially one that is very dirty or poor" (backup link archived on March 17, 2024)
  139. cur on Cambridge Dictionary: "a person who is thought to be worth nothing or cowardly (= not brave)" (backup link archived on December 23, 2020)
  140. 140.0 140.1 Kanan 7
  141. damaged goods on Collins English Dictionary: "You can refer to a person whose reputation has been seriously harmed as damaged goods. (...) A person who has been harmed psychologically by their experiences is sometimes referred to as damaged goods." (backup link archived on June 17, 2023)
  142. 142.0 142.1 142.2 142.3 The High Republic: Tempest Runner script
  143. Australian slang, words, and phrases on The Institute of Australian Culture (January 10, 2012): "go to buggery = Go to hell. Whilst “buggery” does not specifically mean “hell”, in this context it serves the same function as “hell” (as used in the common phrase “Go to hell”). Similar to the phrase “Damn you to hell”." (backup link archived on September 10, 2024)
  144. 144.0 144.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 9: The Marshal"
  145. 145.0 145.1 145.2 145.3 145.4 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 16: The Rescue"
  146. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 14: The Tragedy"
  147. The High Republic (2022) 8
  148. 148.0 148.1 148.2 Bounty Hunters 40
  149. 149.0 149.1 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier" (Spelling confirmed by subtitles from Disney+)
  150. 150.0 150.1 Shattered Empire 3
  151. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Downfall of a Droid"
  152. Return of the Jedi – The Rebellion 1
  153. be a dime a dozen on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom US (UK be two/ten a penny) to be common and/or of very little value" (backup link archived on June 3, 2023)
  154. The High Republic Adventures (2022) 5
  155. The High Republic Adventures – Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone 3
  156. 156.0 156.1 "Power" — Darth Vader – Black, White & Red 2
  157. dolt on Cambridge Dictionary: "a stupid person" (backup link archived on March 22, 2023)
  158. don't count your chickens before they hatch on Cambridge Dictionary: "you should not make plans that depend on something good happening before you know that it has actually happened" (backup link archived on November 10, 2023)
  159. 159.0 159.1 Bounty Hunters 14
  160. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Faster"
  161. dough on Cambridge Dictionary: "money" (backup link archived on May 6, 2021)
  162. (Do) you kiss your mother with that mouth? on The Free Dictionary: "Said to someone using expletives or other inappropriate language." (backup link archived on January 24, 2022)
  163. drat on Collins English Dictionary: "drat in British English (...) an exclamation of annoyance" (backup link archived on April 28, 2021)
  164. dream on on Cambridge Dictionary: "used to tell someone that what they are hoping for is not likely to happen or to be true" (backup link archived on March 21, 2023)
  165. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Duel of the Droids"
  166. The High Republic (2021) 4
  167. 167.0 167.1 167.2 167.3 167.4 The High Republic (2023) 2
  168. 168.0 168.1 The High Republic: The Rising Storm
  169. 169.0 169.1 169.2 The High Republic (2022) 2
  170. 170.0 170.1 170.2 170.3 Star Wars Battlefront II
  171. dry run on Cambridge Dictionary: "an occasion when you practise a particular activity or performance" (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  172. 172.00 172.01 172.02 172.03 172.04 172.05 172.06 172.07 172.08 172.09 172.10 172.11 172.12 172.13 172.14 172.15 SWInsider "Last Call at the Zero Angle" — Star Wars Insider 156
  173. Leia, Princess of Alderaan
  174. (as) easy as falling off a log on Merriam-Webster: "very easy" (backup link archived on October 3, 2024)
  175. 175.0 175.1 "Heart to Heart" — The High Republic Adventures Phase III Annual
  176. eat it on The Free Dictionary: "1. rude slang An interjection by a speaker who is annoyed or frustrated with someone else." (backup link archived on January 29, 2025)
  177. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi?
  178. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine"
  179. 179.0 179.1 179.2 "We Shall Double Our Efforts" — Tales from the Death Star
  180. Vader - Dark Visions 3
  181. God help someone on Cambridge Dictionary: "(also heaven help someone) used to give force to a statement of the danger or seriousness of a situation or action" (backup link archived on September 6, 2023)
  182. 182.0 182.1 182.2 Thrawn: Alliances
  183. 183.0 183.1 183.2 Shadow of the Sith
  184. Doctor Aphra (2020) 2
  185. Doctor Aphra (2016) 1
  186. see (one) coming (from) a mile away on The Free Dictionary: "To view one as being particularly gullible and easy to deceive, swindle, or exploit." (backup link archived on October 11, 2022)
  187. 187.0 187.1 187.2 187.3 The High Republic: Trail of Shadows 1
  188. Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge
  189. Hyperspace Stories 9
  190. be (as) fit as a fiddle on Cambridge Dictionary: "to be very healthy and strong" (backup link archived on July 13, 2023)
  191. Star Wars (2020) 44
  192. 192.0 192.1 192.2 The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor"
  193. God works in mysterious ways on The Free Dictionary: "A phrase acknowledging one's lack of control over a situation, especially if something strange or unexpected has happened, along with the hope that some good may come from it." (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  194. Bounty Hunters 19
  195. 195.00 195.01 195.02 195.03 195.04 195.05 195.06 195.07 195.08 195.09 195.10 195.11 195.12 195.13 195.14 StarWars The Official Abel G. Peña Thread (Halagad Approved) on the StarWars.com Message Boards (October 13, 2006) at 6:19 PM: "I think Tim Zahn just reversed the k and f on the popular F-bomb substitute "frikkin."" (original site is defunct)
  196. 196.0 196.1 196.2 The High Republic Adventures (2023) 9
  197. for the love of God on Merriam-Webster: "used to give added force to an angry statement" (backup link archived on January 6, 2025)
  198. Doctor Aphra (2016) 34
  199. 199.0 199.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
  200. Darth Vader (2020) 37
  201. from the bottom of your heart on Cambridge Dictionary: "very sincerely" (backup link archived on October 1, 2023)
  202. fruitcake on Cambridge Dictionary: "an offensive word for a person who has a mental illness (...) slang a crazy or unusual person" (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  203. full of crap on Merriam-Webster: "not to be believed : saying things that are not true" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  204. Doctor Aphra (2020) 8
  205. futz on Macmillian Dictionary: "futz around to spend a lot of time doing something without achieving much" (backup link archived on June 17, 2023)
  206. 206.0 206.1 206.2 Bounty Hunters 39
  207. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shadow of Malevolence"
  208. 208.0 208.1 208.2 The High Republic Adventures – Dispatches from the Occlusion Zone 4
  209. 209.0 209.1 209.2 209.3 209.4 Jango Fett 1
  210. 210.0 210.1 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Rendezvous Point"
  211. get one's ass handed to one on WordSense Dictionary: "To suffer an extraordinarily devastating defeat." (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  212. 212.0 212.1 212.2 get your knickers in a twist on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom UK informal humorous to become confused, worried, or annoyed about something" (backup link archived on June 25, 2023)
  213. Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape
  214. 214.0 214.1 214.2 214.3 Bounty Hunters 42
  215. 215.0 215.1 215.2 215.3 215.4 215.5 215.6 piece of shit on The Free Dictionary: "1. rude slang A derisive term for something that one considers utterly worthless or inferior. (...) 2. rude slang A derisive term for someone whom one considers contemptible or deplorable." (backup link archived on January 5, 2025)
  216. 216.0 216.1 216.2 Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice
  217. Star Wars (2015) 1
  218. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Kaz's Curse"
  219. dorkface on WordSense Dictionary (April 27, 2023): "(slang, derogatory) A silly or stupid person; dork." (backup link archived on )
  220. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Blue Shadow Virus"
  221. go to shit on The Free Dictionary: "rude slang To deteriorate or go awry." (backup link archived on June 25, 2023)
  222. 222.0 222.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 17: The Apostate"
  223. go south on Cambridge Dictionary: "to become much worse" (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  224. "Of MSE-6 and Men" — From a Certain Point of View
  225. 225.0 225.1 225.2 SkeletonCrew-FinalLogo Star Wars: Skeleton Crew — "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier"
  226. gremlin on Cambridge Dictionary: "an imaginary little creature that gets inside things, especially machines, and makes them stop working" (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  227. 227.0 227.1 227.2 227.3 Jango Fett 2
  228. 228.0 228.1 Age of Republic - Jango Fett 1
  229. 229.0 229.1 229.2 The High Republic (2023) 9
  230. 230.0 230.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cloak of Darkness"
  231. harpy on Cambridge Dictionary: "a cruel, unpleasant woman who shouts a lot" (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  232. The High Republic: Path of Vengeance
  233. have a horse in the race on Cambridge Dictionary: "to be personally involved in or affected by something" (backup link archived on December 8, 2024)
  234. go south on Cambridge Dictionary: "to become much worse" (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  235. have (one's) hide on The Free Dictionary: "have someone's hide Fig. to punish someone severely." (backup link archived on September 25, 2021)
  236. have kittens on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom UK informal (US have a cow) to be very worried, upset, or angry about something" (backup link archived on November 1, 2020)
  237. 237.0 237.1 237.2 237.3 237.4 237.5 237.6 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Rookies"
  238. hellhole on Cambridge Dictionary: "an extremely unpleasant place" (backup link archived on May 4, 2023)
  239. 239.0 239.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 10: The Passenger"
  240. Hit the rack on LyricsTranslate: "Go to bed. The act of actually getting into bed. The rack was a mideviel [sic] form of torture. It was used to stretch a person by means of a crank while lying down. The expression 'hit the rack' is military jargon." (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  241. 241.0 241.1 Star Wars Visions logo Star Wars: Visions — "I Am Your Mother"
  242. hold your horses on Cambridge Dictionary: "used to tell someone to stop and consider carefully their decision or opinion about something" (backup link archived on November 3, 2022)
  243. "The Levers of Power" — The Rise of the Empire
  244. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Tales from Wild Space: A Tauntaun Tail" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 22
  245. Phrases related to: holy cow on Phrases.com: "holy cow An exclamation of surprise or astonishment. (...) holy cricket In shock, terrified, etc. (...) holy mackerel An expression of surprise. (...) holy catfish Expression of terror, awe, surprise, astonishment, etc." (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  246. (Holy) Mother of God on The Free Dictionary: "An exclamation of alarm, amazement, or exasperation. (Could be considered blasphemous to some.)" (backup link archived on June 23, 2023)
  247. hothead on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone who gets angry too quickly and reacts without thinking carefully first" (backup link archived on May 3, 2022)
  248. 248.0 248.1 248.2 Bounty Hunters 36
  249. hellspawn on WordSense Dictionary: "1. fantasy - A creature or creatures from Hell. 2. by extension - Any monster; a vicious fiend or villain." (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  250. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Into the Breach"
  251. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  252. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shattered"
  253. Star Wars (2015) 71
  254. The Acolyte logo Celebration The Acolyte — "The Acolyte"
  255. (I'll) see you in hell! on The Free Dictionary: "A curse laid upon someone, especially when parting." (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  256. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Fugitive"
  257. see you on the other side on LanGeek Dictionary: "used to say goodbye, often when the chance of seeing each other again is very slim" (backup link archived on January 6, 2025)
  258. 258.0 258.1 258.2 The High Republic: The Fallen Star
  259. in a pig's eye on Collins English Dictionary: "in American English Slang never; under no circumstances" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  260. 260.0 260.1 in the shit/in deep shit on Collins English Dictionary: "If someone is in the shit or in deep shit, they are in a lot of trouble." (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  261. Star Wars: The Secrets of the Bounty Hunters
  262. 262.0 262.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Missing in Action"
  263. in hell on Merriam-Webster: "used to make a statement or question more forceful There is no way in hell I'm going!" (backup link archived on June 20, 2023)
  264. insect on Merriam-Webster: "2 : a trivial or contemptible person" (backup link archived on March 17, 2024)
  265. 265.0 265.1 265.2 265.3 265.4 265.5 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  266. 266.0 266.1 in the name of God on The Free Dictionary: "in the name of God (...) A phrase of exasperation used to emphasize a question or statement. (...) in the name of heaven A phrase of exasperation used to emphasize a question." (backup link archived on July 1, 2023)
  267. it's every man for himself on Cambridge Dictionary: "something that you say that means that everyone in a particular situation is trying to do what is best for themselves and no one is trying to help anyone else" (backup link archived on March 17, 2024)
  268. 268.0 268.1 Last Shot
  269. 269.0 269.1 the pot calling the kettle black on Cambridge Dictionary: "something you say that means people should not criticize someone else for a fault that they have themselves" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  270. The High Republic Adventures — The Monster of Temple Peak 1
  271. StarWars-DatabankII Jedi T-6 Shuttle in the Databank (backup link)
  272. StarWars ARC-170 starfighter in the Encyclopedia (original site is defunct)
  273. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
  274. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree on Cambridge Dictionary: "a child usually has a similar character or similar qualities to his or her parents" (backup link archived on December 5, 2020)
  275. StarWars "Spark of Rebellion" Trivia Gallery on StarWars.com: "Zeb's go-to Lasat exclamation in moments of crisis is "Karabast!" He'll use this extensively throughout the series." (backup link) (Slide 15)
  276. 276.0 276.1 276.2 The High Republic: Trail of Shadows 2
  277. Doctor Aphra (2020) 30
  278. Star Wars (2015) 70
  279. 279.0 279.1 279.2 Ewoks (2024) 1
  280. 280.0 280.1 Doctor Aphra (2020) 33
  281. f*ckbucket on WordSense: "(slang, vulgar, derogatory) A worthless or objectionable person or thing." (backup link archived on January 29, 2025)
  282. The High Republic Adventures (2022) 1
  283. 283.0 283.1 Yoda 8
  284. kill box on Military Factory: "A three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control and facilitates rapid attacks." (backup link archived on January 5, 2023)
  285. Jango Fett 4
  286. 286.0 286.1 286.2 286.3 Bounty Hunters 24
  287. Darth Vader (2020) 23
  288. "There Is Always Another" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  289. the hell out of on Merriam-Webster: "used for emphasis after words such as scare, frighten, and beat" (backup link archived on January 18, 2024)
  290. The High Republic (2021) 8
  291. 291.0 291.1 Dark Droids: D-Squad 1
  292. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Aftermath"
  293. The High Republic (2023) 7
  294. cannon fodder on Cambridge Dictionary: "If you describe soldiers as cannon fodder, you mean that they are not considered important by their officers and are sent into war without their leaders worrying if they die." (backup link archived on January 4, 2022)
  295. SWInsider "Rebel Bluff" — Star Wars Insider 158
  296. Darth Maul – Black, White & Red 3
  297. let sleeping dogs lie on Cambridge Dictionary: "said to warn someone that they should not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about" (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  298. "Kernels and Husks" — From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi
  299. 299.0 299.1 299.2 Star Wars: Commander
  300. barrel on Oxford Learner's Dictionary: "be like shooting fish in a barrel (informal) used to emphasize how easy it is to do something" (backup link archived on April 22, 2023)
  301. Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure
  302. be like taking candy from a baby on Cambridge Dictionary: "'to be very easy" (backup link archived on May 7, 2021)
  303. The High Republic: Convergence
  304. 304.0 304.1 a load of crap, nonsense, rubbish, etc. on Cambridge Dictionary: "something that is not true, or something of very bad quality" (backup link archived on May 18, 2023)
  305. Andor logo new Andor — "Nobody's Listening!"
  306. 306.0 306.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 11: The Heiress"
  307. 307.0 307.1 307.2 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 19: The Convert"
  308. Look what the cat dragged in! on The Free Dictionary: "look what the cat('s) dragged in A mild and usually playful insult used to announce someone's arrival and suggest that the person has a messy or otherwise disheveled physical appearance." (backup link archived on August 15, 2023)
  309. 309.0 309.1 309.2 309.3 309.4 Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks
  310. has the cat got your tongue? on Cambridge Dictionary: "something you say to someone when you are annoyed because they will not speak" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  311. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  312. Star Wars Visions logo Star Wars: Visions — "The Bandits of Golak"
  313. mate on Cambridge Dictionary: "[ as form of address ] UK informal used as a friendly way of talking to someone, especially a man" (backup link archived on March 7, 2023)
  314. 314.0 314.1 314.2 Doctor Aphra (2020) 32
  315. 315.0 315.1 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Live Fire"
  316. Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization
  317. A greeting used in the morning, especially toward someone who seems tired or grouchy. on The Free Dictionary (backup link archived on May 31, 2023)
  318. 318.0 318.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Point of No Return"
  319. 319.0 319.1 (Holy) Mother of God on The Free Dictionary: "An exclamation of alarm, amazement, or exasperation. (Could be considered blasphemous to some.)" (backup link archived on June 23, 2023)
  320. Star Wars (2015) 2
  321. move one's ass on Merriam-Webster: "used as an impolite way to say someone needs to hurry up" (backup link archived on December 19, 2024)
  322. my ass! on Cambridge Dictionary: "a rude phrase used to emphasize that you do not believe or accept what someone has said" (backup link archived on March 25, 2024)
  323. 323.0 323.1 Battlefront II: Inferno Squad
  324. Jango Fett 3
  325. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Recruit"
  326. Dark Droids 5
  327. you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs on Cambridge Dictionary: "it is hard to achieve something important without causing unpleasant effects" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  328. 328.0 328.1 328.2 sharp on Oxford Learner's Dictionary: "Idioms not the sharpest knife in the drawer, not the sharpest tool in the shed (informal) (humorous) not intelligent" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  329. Poe Dameron: Flight Log
  330. not give a hoot on Collins English Dictionary: "not give a hoot or not give two hoots to not care about something or someone at all" (backup link archived on March 27, 2023)
  331. 331.0 331.1 Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good
  332. my, (oh, my) on Cambridge Dictionary: "used to express surprise or pleasure" (backup link archived on June 17, 2023)
  333. oh my on The Free Dictionary: "An expression of concern, surprise, or incredulity." (backup link archived on May 13, 2023)
  334. 334.0 334.1 334.2 The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire 4
  335. old bat on Oxford English Dictionary: "(British English, informal, offensive) an offensive word for an old person who you think is silly or annoying" (backup link archived on October 10, 2024)
  336. The High Republic Adventures – Echoes of Fear 2
  337. What is another word for old dog? on WordHippo: "An elderly person, especially one with a long-standing presence or experience" (backup link archived on August 10, 2023)
  338. to be a one-man show on Collins English Dictionary: "in British English to be reliant on one person alone" (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  339. outlander on Cambridge Dictionary: "a person who is not from your country or area" (backup link archived on June 17, 2023)
  340. Battle of Jakku — Last Stand 3
  341. a pain in the ass/butt on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom US offensive (UK pain in the arse/backside) someone or something that is very annoying" (backup link archived on February 16, 2023)
  342. a pain (in the neck) on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone or something that is very annoying" (backup link archived on December 4, 2024)
  343. Thrawn 1
  344. pet on Cambridge Dictionary: "pet noun [C] (PERSON) be someone's pet disapproving to be the person that someone in authority likes best and treats better than anyone else" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  345. 345.0 345.1 "The Witness" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  346. Bounty Hunters 13
  347. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "The Lost Stories, Part 1" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30
  348. a piece of cake on Cambridge Dictionary: "something that is very easy to do" (backup link archived on May 8, 2023)
  349. 349.0 349.1 Princess Leia 3
  350. 350.0 350.1 350.2 The Princess and the Scoundrel
  351. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Downfall of a Droid"
  352. landfall on Cambridge Dictionary: "the first land that is reached or seen at the end of a journey across the sea or through the air, or the fact of arriving there" (backup link archived on May 10, 2023)
  353. The High Republic Adventures: Galactic Bake-Off Spectacular
  354. nothing ventured, nothing gained on Cambridge Dictionary: "You have to take a risk in order to get something good." (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  355. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "War-Mantle"
  356. pleb on Oxford Learner's Dictionary: "an offensive word for an ordinary person, especially one who is poor or not well educated" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  357. there are plenty more fish in the sea on Cambridge Dictionary: "sed to tell someone whose relationship has ended that there are many other people that they could have a relationship with" (backup link archived on July 3, 2023)
  358. 358.0 358.1 Bounty Hunters 12
  359. 359.0 359.1 A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy
  360. shit rolls downhill on WordSense: "Proverb(colloquial, vulgar) Problems originating at the top of the chain of command or organizational hierarchy tend to become the responsibilities of those lower down." (backup link archived on )
  361. This high-school teacher mocks rich people who pay hundreds of dollars for designer dog collars and now has 1.5 million TikTok followers by Bhaimiya, Sawdah on Yahoo Autos: "Ali, who uses the handle "Shabaz Says" on social media, may have popped up on your TikTok feed, lying in bed, wearing colorful hoodies, and insulting viewers for being a "povvo" — British slang for someone who's poor." (backup link archived on March 28, 2023)
  362. pronto on Cambridge Dictionary: "quickly and without delay" (backup link archived on December 26, 2022)
  363. pure luck on idioms.thefreedictionary.com: "complete luck; nothing but plain luck" (backup link archived on January 6, 2025)
  364. Lando - Double or Nothing 1
  365. Bounty Hunters 8
  366. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Hidden Enemy"
  367. The Vow of Silver Dawn
  368. The High Republic: Tempest Runner
  369. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Bad Batch"
  370. Here's Where You Can Allegedly Encounter The Ghost Of Julius Caesar by Richard Milner on Grunge.com: "Actor Julian Noa, who voiced Clark Kent's editor Perry White, first deployed the phrase "Great Caesar's Ghost!" back in 1946 for a radio show reading of "Superman," as CBR explains. From that point, "Great Caesar's Ghost!" became the character Perry White's catchphrase, similar to other old-timey exclamations like "Great Scot!" or "Good Heavens!" Noa didn't make up the phrase "Great Caesar's Ghost!" though. It was already in popular circulation by then, meaning that it had been milling around in language and consciousness for some time before." (backup link archived on December 19, 2024)
  371. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Ambush"
  372. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Core Problem"
  373. Star Wars: Complete Vehicles
  374. roll the dice on The Free Dictionary: "2. By extension, to take some risk on the hope or chance of a fortunate outcome." (backup link archived on March 25, 2024)
  375. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord"
  376. rookie on Collins English Dictionary: "A rookie is someone who has just started doing a job and does not have much experience, especially someone who has just joined the army or police force." (backup link archived on May 26, 2023)
  377. Ahsoka
  378. give someone a run for his/her/their money on Cambridge Dictionary: "to not allow someone to win easily" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  379. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Droids in Distress"
  380. Star Wars (2020) 41
  381. gun for hire on The Free Dictionary: "a professional killer who uses a gun" (backup link archived on October 10, 2024)
  382. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Wynkahthu Job"
  383. dirtbag on Cambridge Dictionary: "an unpleasant person who has done something dishonest or unacceptable: He's a cheating, lying dirtbag! a person who is dirty and untidy: I saw him dressed like a dirtbag." (backup link archived on January 14, 2025)
  384. Mace Windu 2
  385. safe as houses on Collins English Dictionary: "If you say that something or someone is as safe as houses, you mean that they are completely safe. [British]" (backup link archived on March 13, 2024)
  386. Andor logo new Andor — "Narkina 5"
  387. "Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing" — Canto Bight
  388. Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader's Castle
  389. scaredy-cat on Cambridge Dictionary: "child's expression someone, especially a child, who is easily frightened" (backup link archived on June 24, 2023)
  390. 390.0 390.1 Ewoks (2024) 2
  391. scat on Merriam-Webster: "animal fecal droppings" (backup link archived on November 13, 2024)
  392. If a group of things or people are scattered to the four winds, they go or are sent to different places that are far away from each other on Cambridge Dictionary (backup link archived on May 3, 2022)
  393. Andor logo new Andor — "Daughter of Ferrix"
  394. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The General"
  395. VaderImmortalLogo Vader ImmortalEpisode I
  396. Most Wanted
  397. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa"
  398. scuttblebutt on Cambridge Dictionary: "news or information that may or may not be true" (backup link archived on May 3, 2022)
  399. 399.0 399.1 Dooku: Jedi Lost
  400. see a man about a dog on Cambridge Dictionary: "UK informal You might say you have to see a man about a dog when you do not want to say what you are really doing, especially when going to the toilet" (backup link archived on November 11, 2022)
  401. 401.0 401.1 "The Book of Ajax" — Dark Droids: D-Squad 1
  402. see something with your own eyes on Cambridge Dictionary: "to see something yourself, especially when it is something that you would not believe to exist or be true if you did not see it" (backup link archived on September 23, 2023)
  403. 403.0 403.1 Tarkin
  404. Princess Leia 2
  405. Queen's Peril
  406. Andor logo new Andor — "Reckoning"
  407. show your face on Cambridge Dictionary: "to appear somewhere when you are not expected to because you have done something bad" (backup link archived on March 7, 2023)
  408. The High Republic (2021) 3
  409. Darth Vader (2015) 14
  410. 410.0 410.1 a sight for sore eyes on Cambridge Dictionary: "a way of saying that you are very pleased to see someone or that you think someone is very attractive" (backup link archived on September 13, 2022)
  411. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Destroy Malevolence"
  412. silly billy on Cambridge Dictionary: "a silly person, especially a child" (backup link archived on May 19, 2023)
  413. since before you were born on Ludwig: "You can use this phrase to suggest that something (an event, an experience, a tradition, etc) has been happening for a long time." (backup link archived on July 18, 2024)
  414. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm"
  415. Galaxy's Edge 1
  416. Dooku: Jedi Lost script
  417. "Hard Shutdown" — Darth Vader – Black, White & Red 1
  418. 418.0 418.1 sitting duck on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone or something that is very easy for an enemy to shoot or attack" (backup link archived on March 8, 2022)
  419. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Relics of the Old Republic"
  420. Adventures in Wild Space: The Cold
  421. fly in the ointment on Cambridge Dictionary: "a single thing or person that is spoiling a situation that could have been very positive or enjoyable" (backup link archived on March 20, 2023)
  422. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Slaves of the Republic"
  423. 423.0 423.1 Bounty Hunters 23
  424. "The Wild Squadron" — Tales from the Death Star
  425. dickhead on Merriam-Wbster: "a stupid, contemptible, or annoying man" (backup link archived on May 25, 2024)
  426. f*ckhead on The Free Dictionary: "A person regarded as inept, foolish, or contemptible." (backup link archived on May 14, 2024)
  427. 427.0 427.1 427.2 slimeball on Oxford Learner's Dictionary: "an extremely unpleasant or horrible person" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  428. snake on Collins English Dictionary: "2. a treacherous or deceitful person" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  429. hogwash on Collins English Dictionary: "If you describe what someone says as hogwash, you think it is nonsense." (backup link archived on October 5, 2022)
  430. "You Owe Me a Ride" — From a Certain Point of View
  431. snot on The Britannica Dictionary: "2 [count] disapproving : a rude and annoying person" (backup link archived on October 4, 2022)
  432. 432.0 432.1 432.2 Aftermath: Life Debt
  433. sod it on Collins English Dictionary (February 15, 2021): "in British English a strong exclamation of annoyance" (backup link archived on April 28, 2021)
  434. there are some things money can't buy on The Free Dictionary: "cliché There are some aspects of real or long-term happiness, contentment, or self-fulfillment that do not come solely as a result of being wealthy or owning material goods." (backup link archived on October 2, 2024)
  435. Bounty Hunters 18
  436. 436.00 436.01 436.02 436.03 436.04 436.05 436.06 436.07 436.08 436.09 436.10 son of a bitch on Collins English Dictionary: "or sonofabitch (...) 1. a person or thing regarded with anger, contempt, etc. 2. an interjection used to express surprise, annoyance, etc." (backup link archived on August 15, 2023)
  437. "No Time for Poetry" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  438. Star Wars (2015) 5
  439. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
  440. "Wait for It" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  441. "Rules of the Game" — Canto Bight
  442. 442.0 442.1 Bounty Hunters 16
  443. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 8: Redemption"
  444. Star Wars Rebels: A New Hero
  445. Resistance Reborn
  446. dopehead on Merriam-Webster: "a drug addict : a person who frequently or habitually uses illicit drugs" (backup link archived on May 22, 2023)
  447. 447.0 447.1 Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "The Girl and Her Gargantua"
  448. Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
  449. 449.0 449.1 449.2 God help someone on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom (also heaven help someone) used to give force to a statement of the danger or seriousness of a situation or action:" (backup link archived on July 20, 2023)
  450. "What a Jedi Makes" — Stories of Jedi and Sith
  451. 451.0 451.1 Star Wars (2020) 37
  452. a thorn in someone's side on Collins English Dictionary: "someone or something that continually annoys or causes trouble for someone else" (backup link archived on August 10, 2023)
  453. 453.0 453.1 453.2 453.3 Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
  454. stir up a hornet's nest on Collins English Dictionary: "to do something which causes a lot of controversy or produces a situation which is extremely difficult to deal with" (backup link archived on April 20, 2023)
  455. the straw that breaks/broke the camel's back on Merriam-Webster: "the last in a series of bad things that happen to make someone very upset, angry, etc." (backup link archived on September 30, 2023)
  456. Lords of the Sith
  457. stuck up on Cambridge Dictionary: "too proud and considering yourself to be very important" (backup link archived on April 13, 2021)
  458. Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade
  459. stubborn as a mule on Collins English Dictionary: "determined to do what you want and unwilling to change your mind, often in a way that annoys other people" (backup link archived on March 7, 2023)
  460. egg-sucker on The Free Dictionary: "Someone who seeks out the approval, attention, or support of others, especially superiors, through abject subservience, flattery, or fawning." (backup link archived on January 6, 2025)
  461. The High Republic (2021) 2
  462. 462.0 462.1 462.2 The High Republic: The Rising Storm
  463. swear on (someone or something) on The Free Dictionary: "To make a very serious, solemn pledge or oath, especially that one is telling the truth. The person or thing following "on" is typically someone or something that one loves or respects." (backup link archived on January 6, 2025)
  464. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine"
  465. sweat like a pig on Macmillan Dictionary: "to sweat a lot" (original article now obsolete)
  466. Battle of Jakku — Republic Under Siege 2
  467. 27 Idioms For Tea With Meaning & Examples on Literary Techniques: "Like sugar in tea • Meaning: Something that enhances or improves the overall situation or experience." (backup link archived on December 4, 2024)
  468. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Innocents of Ryloth"
  469. TAKE OFF THE BOARD on Bangkok Post: "take off the board - to not include something; to take away from consideration" (backup link archived on December 19, 2024)
  470. 470.0 470.1 tall, dark, and handsome on The Free Dictionary: "cliché The stereotypical traits of an attractive man, as are often found in the heroes of romance novels and films." (backup link archived on May 9, 2023)
  471. The High Republic (2021) 15
  472. 472.0 472.1 thank f*ck on WordSense: "(vulgar) Used to express gratitude or relief" (backup link archived on December 19, 2024)
  473. War of the Bounty Hunters 4
  474. 474.0 474.1 thank God on Cambridge Dictionary: "something you say when you are happy because something bad did not happen:" (backup link archived on July 25, 2021)
  475. thank the stars on Cambridge Dictionary: "Interjection Used to express gratitude or relief that something is the case Adverb In a fortunate manner" (backup link archived on July 3, 2023)
  476. Adventures in Wild Space: The Snare
  477. there'll be hell to pay on Cambridge Dictionary: "something you say that means someone will be very angry if something happens" (backup link archived on November 2, 2020)
  478. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Mystery of a Thousand Moons"
  479. there's more than one way to skin a cat on Collins English Dictionary: "there are several ways to achieve something" (backup link archived on December 21, 2022)
  480. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Common Ground"
  481. too many chiefs and not enough Indians on Cambridge Dictionary: "too many managers and not enough people to do the work" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  482. like the cat that ate the canary on Cambridge Dictionary: "extremely happy or satisfied, or in a very happy or satisfied way" (backup link archived on April 18, 2023)
  483. The High Republic (2022) 1
  484. has the cat got your tongue? on Cambridge Dictionary: "something you say to someone when you are annoyed because they will not speak" (backup link archived on March 13, 2017)
  485. Bounty Hunters 30
  486. let the cat out of the bag on Cambridge Dictionary: "to allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to" (backup link archived on May 6, 2021)
  487. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Dangerous Debt"
  488. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Triple Dark"
  489. eat shit on The Free Dictionary: "1. rude slang An interjection expressing anger or contempt." (backup link archived on December 8, 2024)
  490. twist/turn the knife (in the wound) on Cambridge Dictionary: "to make someone who is annoyed, worried, or upset feel even worse" (backup link archived on March 17, 2024)
  491. The High Republic (2023) 3
  492. Queen's Shadow
  493. Doctor Aphra script
  494. Doctor Aphra (2020) 15
  495. Doctor Aphra (2020) 37
  496. godforsaken on Cambridge Dictionary: "A godforsaken place is not attractive and contains nothing interesting or pleasant" (backup link archived on December 22, 2023)
  497. Doctor Aphra Annual 2
  498. The High Republic Adventures – Saber for Hire 2
  499. Chewbacca (2015) 1
  500. wastoid on WordSense Dictionary: "1. (slang, derogatory) A person with a drug or alcohol addiction. (...) 2. (slang, derogatory) A person regarded with contempt; a loser. (...) 3. (slang, derogatory) An absent-minded or vacuous person." (backup link archived on May 27, 2022)
  501. (well,) I'll be! on The Free Dictionary: "An expression of surprise or astonishment, especially regarding some recent revelation." (backup link archived on May 26, 2023)
  502. The High Republic (2021) 6
  503. Poe Dameron 21
  504. Star Wars (2020) 46
  505. What in the hell? on The Free Dictionary: "An exclamation used to emphasize surprise, shock, anger, disgust, etc. In this phrase, "in the hell" is used as an intensifier." (backup link archived on December 10, 2024)
  506. "The Steadfast Soldier" — From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi
  507. Ronin: A Visions Novel
  508. in (the) blazes? on The Free Dictionary: "Used as an intensifier after a question word (who, what, where, when, why, and how) to express extreme confusion, surprise, or aggravation. Primarily heard in US." (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  509. 509.0 509.1 509.2 in the name of God on The Free Dictionary: "in the name of God A phrase of exasperation used to emphasize a question or statement. What in the name of God are you doing in here? (...) in the name of heaven A phrase of exasperation used to emphasize a question. What in the name of heaven are you doing in here?" (backup link archived on May 11, 2023)
  510. Andor logo new Andor — "Reckoning"
  511. The High Republic: Cataclysm
  512. SWInsider "Blade Squadron" — Star Wars Insider 149150
  513. Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran
  514. 514.0 514.1 What is another word for what the hell? on WordHippo: "what | the hell | what on earth | what the Devil | what the heck | what the deuce | what in the world | what in God's name | what the dickens | what in tarnation | what the hey | what the.." (backup link archived on May 26, 2022)
  515. what the hey on Cambridge Dictionary: "idiom US spoken used to ask a question when you are angry or surprised: Wait! What are you doing to me? What the hey? used to say that something does not matter: We're not going to make any money out of it, but what the hey." (backup link archived on June 15, 2023)
  516. Lando 3
  517. Bounty Hunters 25
  518. when pigs fly on Collins English Dictionary: "If you say `when pigs fly' after someone has said that something might happen, you are emphasizing that you think it is very unlikely." (backup link archived on May 7, 2021)
  519. Darth Vader (2020) 18
  520. Bounty Hunters 38
  521. The High Republic Adventures – Echoes of Fear 4
  522. wild goose chase on Collins English Dictionary: "If you are on a wild goose chase, you waste a lot of time searching for something that you have little chance of finding, because you have been given incorrect information." (backup link archived on September 16, 2022)
  523. Bounty Hunters 37
  524. Master & Apprentice
  525. wiseass on Cambridge Dictionary: "in British English NOUN informal a. a person who thinks he or she is being witty or clever" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  526. wise guy on Cambridge Dictionary: "someone who is always trying to seem more clever than anyone else in a way that is annoying" (backup link archived on May 25, 2023)
  527. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Nightsisters"
  528. The High Republic: Midnight Horizon
  529. wizard on Collins English Dictionary: "NOUN 1. a male witch or a man who practises or professes to practise magic or sorcery (...) ADJECTIVE 5. informal, mainly British superb; outstanding" (backup link archived on May 7, 2021)
  530. be a short hop on Cambridge Dictionary: "phrase informal to be a short distance, especially by plane" (backup link archived on December 9, 2024)
  531. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger"
  532. wouldn't hurt a fly on Cambridge Dictionary: "If you say that someone wouldn't hurt a fly, you mean they are gentle and would not do anything to injure or offend anyone." (backup link archived on August 14, 2023)
  533. yahoo on Collins English Dictionary: "1. EXCLAMATION People sometimes shout 'yahoo!' when they are very happy or excited about something." (backup link archived on May 12, 2023)
  534. yeah, yeah (,yeah) on The Free Dictionary: "informal A dismissive phrase commonly used to express impatience, frustration, or incredulity with what the previous speaker has said." (backup link archived on October 10, 2022)
  535. A New Dawn
  536. yokel on Collins English Dictionary: "If you refer to someone as a yokel, you think they are uneducated and stupid because they come from the countryside." (backup link archived on September 22, 2021)
  537. you can't fix stupid on The Free Dictionary: "slang Used to express one's frustration with or dismissal of someone that one believes is hopelessly stupid." (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)
  538. that's/it's your funeral! on Cambridge Dictionary: "something that you say that means that if someone suffers bad results from their actions, it will be that person's fault, not yours" (backup link archived on January 6, 2025)
  539. zero hour on Cambridge Dictionary: "the time at which something, especially some type of military activity, is planned to begin" (backup link archived on April 23, 2023)