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For other uses, see Sentinel.

"Assassin droids are incredibly dangerous. They're walking armories, complete with integrated concussion grenade launchers and flamethrowers."

The IG-86 sentinel droid,[12] also known as the IG-86 assassin droid or IG-86 sentry droid,[13] was a model of assassin droid manufactured by Holowan Mechanicals.[1]


"These must be the 'unique items' we were warned about. These assassin droids can be very unpredictable."
"They're switched off. They don't look so tough to me."
"Nothing looks tough to you. Take my word for it—they're deadly."
―Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano on the Vulture's Claw[7]

A pair of rusted, inactive Assassin Droids

Created to be a better form of battle droid,[14] IG-86s were part of the InterGalactic Banking Clan's Collections and Security Division[9] but were also popular with gangsters such as Ziro the Hutt.[10] Many IG-86 units owned by Ziro were adorned with a Black Sun marking, like their master. One of these was KRONOS-327.[15] They saw frequent use during the Clone Wars, during which they were used by both third parties[7] and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[9]

The Trandoshan junker Gha Nachkt had several IG-86 units onboard his ship, the Vulture's Claw. After Nachkt recovered the astromech droid R2-D2 from a battle, causing Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano to come aboard in search of him, they encountered and fought a pair of IG-86 sentinel droids.[7]

Cad Bane led a group that included three of these droids during his capture of the Senate Building. Anakin Skywalker, who was not carrying his lightsaber at the time, destroyed one of the droids by clubbing it with its own blaster rifle.[8] HELIOS-3D and HELIOS-3E assisted Bane on numerous missions.[16]

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