Aug. 26th, 2024

solarbird: (molly-content)

Okay, so I didn’t describe making the bagel dough rounds so they’re smooth and easy to make into nice even bagels in my very detailed bagel recipe. In fact, I’ve basically never shown it before at all, and people want to know. So let’s do that.

This happens after the first rise, when the dough has been allowed to sit for an hour and have a nice long nap, growing rapidly under a towel. You’ll want to have already divided the dough into eight equal-weight lumps, as per the written recipe above, and then you’re ready to make those lumps nice and smooth.

First, grab one of your dough lumps, and find the smoothest part of it. Put that side down into your palm.

Lots of photos, so have a read more for your reading list )
solarbird: (korra-on-the-air)

The National Federation of Republican Assemblies – a longstanding and historically mainstream Republican organisation that works to promote further-right Republican candidates – have issued a position paper asserting that Kamala Harris is not eligible to stand for President.

Aside from the obvious New Birther movement they are hoping to start, this is as raw a stream of racism as you’re likely to get without, oh, I don’t know, Trump boosting neo-Nazis on his Truth Social account, oh wait, he’s done that before and just did it again.

The NFRA cite several cases, three of which don’t say what they claim they say, and the rest predating the 13th and 14th Amendments, one of which is fucking Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), which ruled that people of African descent can’t ever be citizens, helped start the Civil War, and which was overturned by the aforementioned 13th and 14th Amendments.

To quote Wikipedia:

The decision is widely considered the worst in the Supreme Court’s history, being widely denounced for its overt racism, judicial activism, poor legal reasoning, and crucial role in the start of the American Civil War four years later.

This isn’t a lawsuit, it’s just their position paper. But it says far more about their positions than even they probably intended. In what is either some sort of farcical gesture towards “fairness,” or more likely “y’know what, fukkit,” they’ve also declared that Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley shouldn’t’ve been on ballots either. It’s a Whites Only club now.

If you have any ideas this is anything other than pure white supremacy, please disabuse yourself of them. Many people have talked about how much more naked and raw the racism and misogyny (the misogynor) will get in the run up to the election; this is another example.

70 days remain.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

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