This is pretty Inside Baseball posting, but:
How the hell does anyone use the WordPress block editor? I’m running Firefox (latest) on MacOS (latest), against WordPress (latest), which I’d think should be fine. But it’s unstable as hell, well into the realm of destroying work.
It’s biggest and worst trick is eating paragraphs – often ones I’m not even editing! – and replacing them with unrecoverable error rectangles saying the block has been corrupted. And again, these are sometimes blocks I’m editing, but often not, and sometimes they’re blocks three or four paragraphs away from my cursor.
Undo doesn’t fix it, naturally. It’s just a broken object and once in a while I have to copy out all my text and put it back into a new post. But that’s fairly rare.
Once in a while (very rarely) a destroyed paragraph comes back on its own! But sometimes trying to delete the block doesn’t work, and instead of deleting the block, it deletes another block nearby, typically the one above. Or at least that’s what it looks like; I can’t rule out it’s deleting the bad block and corrupting the next block above in the same action.
And I don’t mean this happens occasionally, I mean it happens every time I use the editor for more than a few paragraphs of text. You see what I post; my writing might be on the long side, but there’s nothing typographically complicated here. It’s mainly text with some light formatting and occasional pictures, and that’s it.
And yet I lose work to the Block Editor literally every day.
I think it’s getting worse, too. It’s always happened, but in the beginning it was a rare problem. Today it happened… I lost count. At least eight times. Maybe nine or ten, and that’s when I said no, fuck YOU and installed the plugin to bring back the older, fugly editor.
I kinda hate that, I mean, the old editor is pretty ugly.
But y’know what?
It doesn’t destroy my work.
Anybody got any ideas what might be up? I don’t run much in the way of plugins either.
Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.