A Pure Desire
Euden: I've gathered everyone like you asked, Zena. Go ahead.
Gala Zena: I have kept something from you all in regard to the Lambentree ritual.
Gala Zena: I have already performed the rite back in my own world.
Elisanne: And what came of it?
Gala Zena: I failed. The Other's fell power tainted the Lambentree, and the result was...horrific.
Gala Zena: I cannot say what might happen here should I attempt the rite again.
Elisanne: Which is why you have been training with such vigor, I assume.
Gala Zena: Yes. But I felt that if I told you about this, you wouldn't trust me to perform the rite.
Gala Zena: Which would remove my only opportunity to earn a true place among you.
Gala Zena: This was selfish of me, and I apologize. I understand now that I should have told you the complete truth straightaway.
Euden: Well, thank you for doing so now, Zena. ...Elly? What do you think.
Elisanne: I understand her concerns, but there's no telling what ill might come of NOT doing the rite, either.
Elisanne: And while there are records of the rite not being performed in the Auspex's absence, it has never been skipped while one exists.
Elisanne: If we fail to perform it now, I fear Zethia will go down in history as the first of her station to so neglect her duties.
Euden: She wanted to serve as the Auspex above all other things. To fail like that...
Elisanne: Considering all of those factors, I believe the conclusion is clear: We will continue entrusting the task to Zena.
Gala Zena: You are certain?
Notte: You just need to get control over the Other's power, yeah?
Cleo: You will have the entire Halidom's support in this. I shall begin by gathering those skilled in the manipulation of mana.
Elisanne: Zena, if you prove unable to control the Other's power by the day of the rite, I'm afraid we'll have to cancel it...
Gala Zena: I understand—and I won't let you down.
Euden: You're the only one who can save this world, Zena.
Gala Zena: And I shall. I swear to you all, I will perfect my control over the Other's power in time for the Lambentree rite!
Gala Zena: This should be...
Gala Zena: Ngh... AAAAAAAH!
Gala Zena: Another failure...
Cleo: Perhaps if you unleashed your mana in stages?
Cleo: When released all at once, the resistance from the Other's power is too great.
Gala Zena: Yes, I see. I will give it a try!
Notte: Seems like Zena's out of her funk.
Euden: And she's hanging out with people again, which is great to see.
Notte: Woooo!
Gala Zena: Phew...
Notte: Nice hustle out there, Zena! How you feeling?
Gala Zena: I've received advice from so many people lately and feel close to a breakthrough.
Euden: I'm glad to hear it.
Gala Zena: That would never have been the case were it not for you two.
Notte: Aw, shucks! We didn't do nothin'.
Gala Zena: But you did, at least to me— it was extremely special.
Gala Zena: I had given up; abandoned any hope of being dear to another, independent of my usefulness to them.
Gala Zena: I've been called a traitor in some worlds, a murderer in others. And somewhere along the way, I came to believe it.
Notte: Okay, these other-world people sound like huge jerkfaces! You were taken over by an ancient DEMON for the love'a cake!
Gala Zena: And it performed atrocities using this body; I can't blame them for feeling as they did.
Gala Zena: At first, I suffered. Then came despair, and after that, a grim acceptance that I would ever be the villain in any world unfortunate enough to host me.
Gala Zena: I thought the only reason you all treated me with such kindness was because you saw me as Zethia's replacement.
Gala Zena: Which is why I felt the only way to hold onto my place here was to make myself a useful pawn in whatever scheme you required of me.
Gala Zena: Looking back on it now, I am ashamed. Forgive me for assuming the worst of you.
Notte: Forgiven! And seriously, I like this new, chipper you a LOT more than the glum chum you were earlier. I think dropping that whole "I'm evil" idea works for you.
Gala Zena: Ha ha, I expect it does. I feel close to an answer now—I know it is within reach.
Gala Zena: The day of the rite draws close, and I will have it mastered, whatever it takes!
The day before the Lambentree rite...
Elisanne: How is Zena? Will she be ready?
Cleo: She's nearly there. ...Nearly.
Elisanne: Zena, will you be ready by tomorrow?
Gala Zena: *huff* *pant* I'm...so close.... But...there's no time...
Euden: Maybe it's best to call the rite off.
Gala Zena: No! If it isn't performed, calamity will befall the world!
Notte: Watching a friend tear herself apart over this feels pretty calamitous to me...
Notte: We all know how hard you tried, Zena. No one's gonna blame you if this thing can't be pulled off. I mean, stuff happens, ya know? We're still good.
Euden: And don't think for a moment that it threatens your place here among us.
Gala Zena: (It's true that I pushed myself in order to justify my worth here at first.)
Gala Zena: (But now...)
Gala Zena: (This isn't for my own sake anymore; it is for this world, and I want to do all I can.)
Gala Zena: (I want to protect this world!)
Zethia: (As the Auspex, I seek to protect this world through the power of prayer.)
Zethia: (This is Notte's world. Euden's world.)
Gala Zena: Ah...
Gala Zena: (This is the same feeling as back then; I feel I've remembered something vital to an Auspex I'd long since forgotten...)
Gala Zena: (The Auspex is a pure being, and her mana won't respond to a tainted heart.)
Gala Zena: (But now that I've reclaimed this pure desire, perhaps...)
Euden: Zena?
Gala Zena: Please give me one final chance.
Euden: Well, I certainly won't stop you, but...
Gala Zena: Then let me begin. ...HAAAAAAAH!
Gala Zena: More... Still more! Use your mana to quell the power of the Other!
Gala Zena: There! Now, just like that... release the mana's flow!
Notte: Holy freakin' casserole, she did it... ZENAAAA! YOU DID IIIIIT!
Gala Zena: I'm ready to attempt the rite! I can do this. For the world, for all of you, and for Zethia!
Gala Zena: This time, I will see my duties through!