Explore the many ways to collaborate, teach, and lead…

Classroom Presentations
Home-school, private groups, and elementary, middle and high school classes may request classroom presentations that help students engage in hands-on exploration, observation, and field-based learning. These presentations can be tailored to fit into what you are already teaching. We know that timing and resources can be a challenge and we are here to help! We can facilitate experiences that fit your time frame. Our Community Education Coordinator, Kayla Marie, is a Certified California Naturalist and has been an educator, both in libraries and in outdoor schools, for over 16+ years. We can get creative to meet the needs of your classroom and curriculum.

Field Trips
Home-school, private groups, and elementary, middle and high school classes may request field trips that take students outside to engage in hands-on exploration, observation, and field-based learning. These field trips can be tailored to fit into what you are already teaching. Many studies have shown that outdoor learning is tremendously beneficial for students, but we know it can be hard to incorporate these experiences on your own. We are here to help! We can facilitate experiences that fit your time frame. Options include outdoor learning lessons, nature journaling, games, activities, hikes, clean ups, restoration, and more. We can get creative!

Nature Themed Storytimes
Our Community Education Coordinator, Kayla Marie, is a Certified California Naturalist and has been leading storytimes for 16+ years with her guitar and ukulele. She combines these experiences into fun nature-themed story and music times for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners.

Youth Stewardship & Volunteer Opportunities
Environmental stewardship and youth education are important to us so we seek to provide opportunities for youth to volunteer. In addition to volunteering with our H.O.M.E. program, youth can participate in habitat and watershed restoration projects, community and park clean-ups, trail work, weed pulling, and more. In 2025, we hope to create a Community Garden club in which students will start and maintain a plot at Mt. Shasta’s Community Garden from seed to harvest. In addition, we plan to partner with local school sustainability clubs in the bioregion to execute environmental projects.

Contact Community Education Coordinator Kayla Marie at [email protected] if you are interested in any of these opportunities!